MLP Scions Unite!!

by Chrome Masquerade

Part 1 Chapter 4: Rainbow Dash: Reforged!

Okay, so i guess it's my turn, huh?

Right. Where to start?(1)

It started a bit before my birth, naturally. I was born to a couple that ran a black/glassmith business; the Blakes. My father handled the blacksmithing, making weapons, armor or other metallic things, while my mother handled glassblowing. She would make anything from glass globes to glass sculptures to glass... glasses.

Naturally, when my mother got to being, uh... in pig, my father broke out the high quality stuff to make ends meet, as it was no longer healthy for mom to be so close to the heat, for either of us.

About eight and 3/4 months later, she gave birth to me at a local hospital. It wasn't a high quality hospital or anything, but they managed to get me out safe-like.

Oddly, i was born laughing, and -oddly enough- with a hammer in one hand. A blacksmith's hammer with a lightning bolt engraved on either side. The doctors questioned what my mother had been eating to have THAT happen, but it was played up for laughs. Everyone had the feeling that it was a miracle. And how could you blame them?! But one thing they couldn't come up with at the timee was a name.

Oddly, a few days later, when my hair started coming in, it was in an array of colours. Hence mom gave me the name "Rainbow Dash" Blake, after my uncle, the strangely named Dash Blake..

Shortly after getting back, my mother resumed her gaffer's trade. and she started making amazing masterworks that people would pay through the nose for! One even got featured in a museum! The cash was flowing once more and our lives were happy.

When i saw my father with conscious thought for the first time (I was around two years old), I could tell that there was something... off about him. Maybe he was slightly too handsome or slightly too clean, despite his business, or the way that he would occaionally leave without a trace for a few days now and again. Something like that. But even at that age, i could tell that he wasn't normal.

When I came to being four years old, dad would get me started with working in the forge. He had me using my special hammer (which grew with me, for some reason.). At first, i didn't make anything really special; a few knick-knacks, nothing much. Give me a break, I was four. But as I got better, my pieces grew in quality.

One piece i was particularly proud of was made when I was seven: A pair of half moon blades that could come together and form a sharp-edged shield, of sorts. Dad liked it so much that it became our new emblem, much to my increased pride.

Most of what I made were display weapons, though. Like those "Kit Rae" things you'll see these days. Fakeblades, my father called them. Still, they sold better than hotcakes, and the ones I made were practically mastercraft level.

The years went by, both at school and at home. I found that I learned better when I was at a higher elevation, oddly enough. Even a few inches helped.

Otherwise, school was nothing special... until I started to come into my abilities at age 12. The first thing was an affinity for hands on projects, like in shop class or Creative Arts. Then I gained an affectation for mythology, especially Norse.

Dad was pleased with this and even tutored me in Norse mythology. I learned so much that my classmates didn't!

Then i started learning new languages, which I took to like a fish to water, first learning Spanish, then French, German, Japanese, Greek, and so on! By the time i graduated from middle school, i was on the honour roll!

It hurt when someone called me an egghead. Seriously.

Thus things went on. I learned that I also had a way with equine animals (especially horses), I found. Dad was actually elated, to the point that dad actually bought a pony for me. Though, it felt wrong riding her. Therefore i was quite surprised when one day i heard her "speak".

<<"You take such good care of me.">>

No, 'surprised' is an understatement!

"You can TALK?!"

<<"Always could. You've just learned how to listen.">>

That sparked an... interesting friendship, to say the least. We'd often spend hours talking to each other. It turns out that she had been handed off to several owners. But she was not easily tamed. So she'd been sold several times. She thought that she'd be sent to the glue factory eventually. Then dad came and bought her, hoping that I could tame her.

Needless to say, It worked.

Those were good times. But... too good to last.

When I was 18, a band of ogres, 'Jotun' (you could tell from the shapes in the walls and the gigantic footprints), ravaged my hometown when I was at school and dad was off oon one of his ventures. Homes were crushed. People were killed or taken hostage. Not least of which was my mother. Also, my friend was killed, half eaten.

When I got home and saw what had happened, I was devastated. I could feel a surge of hatred grow within me. I saw red for a moment. Eventually, I released a primal yell.


A bolt of lightning from the heavens struck me. I could feel my strength doubling, tripling! i felt llike i could lift a thousand pounds no sweat! Another call flowed out of me.

"By the Allfather. By the Allmaker. Sendeth to me that which is the Stormbreaker!"

Immediately, another bolt of lightning flashed and from the heavens came....


Yup. It was him. But in full armor and wielding a large hammer.

"You rang?"

My father... was Thor!