Trapped in Equestria - The Spirit of Fire

by Tropic_Turd

Chapter 1 - The Arrival

Chapter 1 - The Arrival

Dark, damp and silent, this was the atmosphere of the magical shithole known as the Everfree Forest. The basic rule of thumb around here is that everything that is not you, is out there to kill you. The gloomy silence was broken by the opening of a rift in space and time on the forest canopy. Out of this rift fell a supply box and a large beige unicorn stallion that had a ahort dark grey mane and light brown eyes. He slammed into the forest floor with heavy thud

The large stallion groaned while he rubbed his head. It ached like hell . He quickly sat up when he heard a strange noise coming from the forest. Where the fuck am I? He thought to himself as he looked around.

He was all alone in the middle of the forest. He then felt something weird when he couldn’t feel a part of his front limbs. He held out both of his front legs into his face and saw that they were now hooves. It somehow felt wrong to him. Like those hooves weren’t meant to be hooves and used to be something else yet he couldn’t make up what they were.

It was then when an important question came into mind. Who the fuck am I? He asked himself. It sounded stupid but it wasn’t. He has no idea what he was, where he is and most importantly, who he really is.

His ears perked up when he heard howling in the distance. Wolves. His primal instincts kicked in and he tried to stand on his hind legs in an attempt to find shelter. He began to wobble awkwardly before falling backwards. He tried again, slowly this time. He managed to get up and stand awkwardly but it felt wrong, like he wasn’t supposed to stand up that way. He neighed in disappointment, and it was at that moment he realized. “I’m a horse!”

The stallion was so shocked he completely lost balance and fell backwards crashing into a crate behind him. “Ow fuck!” He shouted as he rolled over and rubbed his back.

“What the fuck was… that?” He stood on all four of his hooves as he looked at the partially shattered crate he crashed into. There was a note on top which he inspected.

Have fun with your new life Creuset. This box contains something you asked for to help you in your travels. Happy Trails!

-The Spirit of Friendship

“Hah! What kind of dumbass is named, Creuset,” The stallion said before throwing away the note. “I guess he’s a special one since he left all his shit in the middle of a fucking forest,”

Suddenly a flash of light appeared in front of the stallion and a scroll was thrown in his face. He picked up the scroll from the ground and dropped it because he had hooves. It took him a while but he eventually managed to open it with a stick he picked up using his mouth.

Your name is Creuset. Dumbass!

P.S. Your companion is arriving shortly, be nice to her.

-The Spirit of Friendship

Creuset sat down and tried to piece things together. So his name is Creuset and he was thrown in the middle of the forest by a person named The Spirit of Friendship and that this was his new life. But what about his old life, what was he back then and did he used to live at another world. And then there’s this companion.

Well fuck it! I guess I’ll just play along with this shit! He thought as he got up and opened the damaged crate. Inside were a set of large travel saddlebags, 7 MRE’s, 7 water bottles, a compass, flashlight, lighter, rope, grappling hook, a swiss knife, a tent for one, a med kit and a map of what seems to be the continent he was it. “Equestria,” He read the map’s label.

Creuset took the jacket and wore it, it was nice and comfy. While putting it on he noticed a strange tattoo printed on his ass. He took a closer look and saw a steel anvil with a tongue of fire in the back. “The hell is this!” He said as he poked it.

He then began packing all of his equipment in supplies in the saddlebag. It took him a lot of effort since he can barely pick up an object with his hooves. “Damn! If only I had a claw or something,” he grumbled.

While he was busy packing his stuff, he heard screaming in the distance. His heart raced after realizing they were screams of pain and agony. “Must be the wind, yes...” He reassured himself as he doubled his pace.

“It’s nothing Creuset, nothing here is out to eat you!” He laughed nervously while he zipped the saddlebags and put them on.

The screaming stopped for a while and Creuset stood up, ready to make a run for it if he needed too. The silence was broken by a howl. “Wolves!”

A chill ran down his spine after he heard yet another scream. This time it was a high pitched sound that most likely came from a female. Then cane silence once more.

Fuck this shit! I’m OUT. Creuset was about to run when he realized something. He’s in the middle of a huge forest. He looked left and right trying to find a safe looking path out of the forest’s small clearing. This place is a fucking deathtrap. His legs were already shaking in fear of the unknown entities that lurked in the shade of the forest.

Creuset eventually scrapped his idea of running since that’ll most likely lead him to more danger. Where do I go now? He asked himself. He then noticed the tree standing not far in front of him on the edge of the clearing. It was big, probably about thirty meters tall.

Creuset was sure that even in his past life he was never able to climb a single tree. But trying sounded a lot better than dying. He climbed awkwardly but fast using every ounce of strength he has, which was quite a lot considering his choice of perks. (See: Author’s Note - Chapter 1)

He laid down on a large sturdy looking branch and waited. Soon Creuset heard hoofsteps coming from the forest heading towards his direction. He felt his heart beat faster than it ever had.

“Help!” Creuset’s ears perked up when he heard a mare’s cry for help. He felt the urge to go down and help whoever it was but then he remembered the reason he climbed up the tree.

A female unicorn pony suddenly burst out of the bushes over by the opposite side of the clearing. She stopped and leaned on a tree to catch her breath.

The mysterious mare was wearing a white robe stained by dirt and tattered by the foliage she ran across and a pair of damaged glasses. Her mane that was a deep shade of lavender tied in a bun and her pure white coat was as unkempt as her clothing. And on top of that she was covered in scratches and bruises.

Creuset instantly felt sorry for her condition but he is unable to bring himself down since he is just as frightened as she was.

Another spine chilling howl came from the forest. It was a lot louder and deeper that the ones that came before. Creuset can see the terrified look on the mare’s eyes as she took a deep breath before running.

Not long after, the unthinkable happened. While the white mare was running through the clearing she tripped over a plank of wood she was unable to notice in her fatigued and frightened state. It was a part of the remains of Creuset’s supply crate. The mare landed on the ground with an audible thud.

Fuck,” Creuset mumbled as he lightly banged his head on the tree branch he was sitting on. Now she’s gonna die because of me! He felt his chest tighten with guilt. There must be something I could do.

The two of them froze when an earsplitting howl came from the side of the clearing where the mare emerged. Creuset focused his eyes and saw a large and imposing silhouette coming from within the shadows of the forest travelling at great speed.

Creuset looked in fear as a colossal three story tall wolf made out of timber emerged from the trees. He noticed that the giant wolf only had one functional eye as a lance was sticking out of its other eye. He then turned to the mare who was still on the ground. From the looks of it, she’d given up.

The poor mare began to weep, “I don’t wanna die!” Tears began to flow rapidly down her cheeks. Creuset felt even worse about himself now.

Dammit, Creuset! You gotta think of something now! Creuset thought as he looked away from the depressing sight of a mare about to get herself eaten by a giant wooden wolf who was slowly approaching its prey.

Creuset then felt the branch he was sitting on jerk downward with a cracking noise. “Oh no,” He whispered. The branch jerked again. “No… please no, plea-ahhhhh” He screamed as the branch broke off and fell.

The branch hit the ground with a heavy thud. Creuset rolled off the fallen branch and quickly stood up. He noticed that both the mare and the timber wolf were staring at him silently. “Ah fuck.”

The mare didn’t waste a second and ran towards the stranger standing before her. Creuset on the other hand just stood still in shock. I’m dead! He thought as he saw the wooden wolf move forward cautiously.

The mare ran and took cover behind Creuset. “Help me! Please!” She held back her tears.

Creuset looked down at the mare behind him. He was a lot smaller that he had originally thought now that he could see her up close. He was about almost twice as big as her.

The giant wolf roared and that was when Creuset’s instincts kicked in. He turned around much to the mare’s confusion. He picked up the mare with his front hooves and he ran with his hind legs. It looked awkward but it was fast.

The giant wolf decided to give chase.

“What are you doing?” The mare asked in a rather calm tone considering their situation.

“Running!” Creuset replied with a shout.

“This is not-” The mare sighed. She took a deep breath while her horn began to glow followed by a flash of light.

Creuset now found himself galloping on all fours. “What the?” He then noticed the added weight on his back. “Hey lady, where’d you learn to do that?” He asked. There was no reply. “Lady?”

“Keep running…” She murmered with a labored tone. Creuset felt her head slum on his back.

“Oh come on!” Creuset turned his head and looked at the unconscious mare. He noticed that the timber wolf was not far. He doubled his pace.

After a while, Creuset no longer heard the creature’s heavy footsteps. He looked back and saw nothing. He laid the sleeping mare on the foot of a large tree and sat down beside her taking a bottle of water from his bag and emptying half of it within a few seconds.

Water…” The mare said weakly as she awoke. “Please…” She stared at him with her dark blue eyes.

Creuset held her head and slowly poured a bit of water into her mouth. “More…” The mare demanded.

“Okay,” Creuset said as he resumed. “So… do you have a name?”

The mare pushed the bottle away from her mouth weakly. “Lavender…” The mare said as she sat up. “My name, is Lavender Oil. What’s your?”

Creuset closed the cap of the bottle before shoving it back in his saddlebag. “Creuset,” He answered.

“Thank you, Creuset,” Lavender said as she stood up. “You saved my life. But I should be going now, I need to find somepony.”

“Your welcome,” Creuset replied. “Anyway, who’s this pony you’re looking for.”

Lavender ignored that question. “Wait, where’s the timber wolf?”

“Timber what?” Creuset asked.

“The giant wooden wolf that was chasing us a while ago,” Lavender answered. “Where is it?”

“I don’t know?” Creuset answered.

The both froze when they heard a deep snarling sound coming from the other side of the tree.

“Creuset,” Lavender called the stallions attention.

“Yes?” Creuset gulped.

“You’re an idiot… do you know that?” Lavender said.

“Well, I’m kinda new to this world,” Creuset explained.

“Wait what?”

Run!” Creuset said as he swooped Lavender out of the ground and onto his back.

“What do you mean you’re new to this world!” Lavender asked as she looked at the giant timber wolf tear down the tree they were resting on with ease.

“I can explain that later!” Creuset said. “We gotta get this thing off us first.”

“I could do that… but don’t have enough mana for that kind of attack,” Lavender explained.

“You’re out of what?” Creuset asked.

“Mana! You know, the thing unicorns needed to cast spells!” Lavender answered.

“Cast what?”

“Spells. As in, magic spells!”

“Uh huh.”

Lavender suddenly remembered how Creuset picked her off the ground earlier. “Do you know how to use magic?”


Creuset’s answer was cut short when he tripped over a large root sticking out of the ground. He and Lavender both rolled a couple of feet before their momentum stopped.

“Ahh,” Lavender grunted while blood trickled from a small cut on her forehead. “Creuset!”

“I’m alright!” Creuset replied as he stood up and walked towards Lavender. “I tripped over that root over there. Are you-”

Creuset froze when he heard a familiar growling noise coming from behind. He looked at Lavender who was a few feet away from where he was. She looked at something behind him with a frightened expression. Creuset sighed. Guess I won’t be staying here long.

“Lavender… I want you to run,” Creuset ordered. “Run.”

“No, I can’t just-”

“Run,” Creuset interrupted her. He took a deep breath and turned around and faced the humungous beast. “I can buy you time.”

“Creuset… don’t do it,” Lavender pleaded.

“Hey tree boi!” Creuset smiled. “Why don’t you leaf us alone!” He laughed.

The timber wolf lunged at the laughing stallion.

“Creuset!” Lavender screamed while she closed her eyes. After a while she began to wonder why she’s not dead so she decided to have a look at what was happening. Lavender saw Creuset gritting his teeth as he stood on his hind leg and held the beasts mouth open with his front hooves.

“A little help will be nice!” Creuset grunted. Since when was I this strong? He asked himself. “You still there Lavender?”

Lavender just sat there with her mouth wide open in disbelief. The scene was exactly like a painting she saw not long ago in her home city. And then she saw the mark on his flank and remembered the mysterious spirit’s words.

Seek the black anvil engulfed in flame. This is the mark of the Spirit of Fire.

After failing to crush Creuset with its teeth, the timber wolf decided to take a different approach. He lifted, Creuset who was still latched on him, off of the ground. “You know what! Forget it, just run!” Creuset ordered.

Lavender stood up. “I can’t just run away now. Not when I finally found you?”

Creuset blanked out for a few seconds. He turned his head and looked straight into lavender’s eyes. “What?!”

The timber wolf began shaking its head left and right in an attempt to throw off the stallion holding its mouth wide open. Creuset lost his grip and went flying into the trunk of a tree.

Creuset felt a leg bone and several ribs crack with the impact. He sprawled on the ground and screamed in pain. “You motherfucker!” He shouted at the timber wolf who growled and prepared to charge at him. So this is how I die.

It seemed like all hope was lost. When suddenly, Lavender jumped in front of Creuset and let out a violently bright flash of light that temporarily blinded the wolf making it stager backwards.

Lavender turned to Creuset. “I don’t have the mana needed to kill it. But I know you do,” Her horn began to glow a bright shade of pink.

Creuset felt a warm glow envelop him. The pain suddenly subsided and he felt well again. “Lavender… what the hell was that,” He said as he moved his once fractured leg. “This is amazing. Lavender you’re-”

Lavender vomited on the ground. The mare then collapsed. “Lavender are you okay!?” Creuset asked in panic, catching Lavender with his hooves before she fell. “Lavender!?

Lavender coughed several time in quick succession. “Mana Fatigue,” She uttered in a weak and labored voice. “I’ll recover…” She said taking a deep breath. “But I need you to win.”

“How?!” Creuset asked in confusion.

Lavender then lost her consciousness once more.

“Oh come on!” Creuset shouted. “Really Lavender. Are you gonna do that to me every time we’re in trouble,” Lavender snored peacefully. “Fine! I’ll do it myself!” Creuset said as he threw Lavender onto the dirt.

The timber wolf managed to regain its composure and was ready to attack once again. Creuset approached and looked at the large and intimidation beast. But was not afraid, for he was too angry to be afraid.

“I’m gonna turn you into a pile of twigs and make a twigloo out of it!” Creuset taunted. The timber wolf attempted to crush him with a downward swipe of its large paw but Creuset managed to roll sidewards just in time. The timber wolf prepared to charge

Creuset suddenly remembered the magical spells Lavender casted moments ago. How do I cast a spell? He asked himself as he rolled sideward to avoid a charge. Maybe be if I-

He stopped his line of thought when he noticed that the timber wolf wasn’t charging towards him, but was after the unconscious mare instead. “Lavender!”

Time seemed to slow down as Creuset looked on in horror. The mare he was protecting was about to get eaten and he couldn’t do anything. Why? Because he was weak.

Rage and guilt envelop Creuset as if he was covered in fire. He felt a strange and warm energy flow along his body eventually converging at his horn. He then took a deep breath. “Get away from her!” He shouted as a large stream of fire shot out of his horn.

The large timber wolf was tipped over by the force of the spell. The massive beast growled in pain as the fire began to spread on its body. It managed to stand up once more and charged it Creuset in anger.

I can’t stop now! Creuset shot another stream of fire from his horn. It hit the wolf’s only good eye blinding it. The wolf yelped in pain. “Die!” He fired another spell further engulfing the timber wolf in flames.

Creuset prepared his fourth and final strike. “See you in hell!” He attempted to fire another hate fueled attack but nothing came out. Only wild sparks and nothing else came from his horn.

“What in the- Ahh fuck!” Creuset touched his horn only to have his burned by its heat. “Ow!” He said as he sucked his burned hoof.

The timber wolf on the other hand began to run rapidly in a vain attempt to extinguish the flame. It ran back into the forest and began spreading the fire to the surrounding trees.

Creuset watched as the surrounding forest was set ablaze. “Oh no,” Creuset ran towards Lavender. “This is bad; this is very bad!”

He sat down on the ground in front of Lavender and began to shake her violently. “Wake up!” He shouted. “Wake up dammit!” He began to slap her but it didn’t do anything.

Creuset suddenly remembered how hot his horn is. “I don’t wanna do this… but I have to,” He told the sleeping mare. He took her left forehoof and touched it lightly with his horn.

Lavender screeched in pain as she awoke. She sat up breathing heavily and coughing. “What happened?” She asked as she sucked her left forehoof.

“Mana fatigue,” Creuset answered. “Listen we gotta get outta here!”

Lavender ignored what he and instead looked at the burning forest behind him. “Creuset,” Lavender said.

“What?” He replied. “Listen we don-”

“Why is the forest on fire?” She asked.

“I played with fire,” Creuset answered. “One thing led to another and the timber wolf caught fire and ran into the forest. We really have to go now though.”

Lavender smiled with joy. “It really is you!”

Creuset finally lost his patience. “Okay, I don’t have time for this!” He stood up and ran. “I’m outta here!”

Lavender stood up and staggered for a moment before retaining her balance. “Wait!”

Creuset looked back. “Well talk about whatever the fuck you want later when we have time!” He shouted. “Now move your ass if you wanna live!”

The pair went on a mad dash through the burning forest. The steered left and right avoiding falling trees and burning bushed while they dodged the scorched braches that began to fall of the trees.

Unfortunately, one such branch fell behind Lavender and burned her hind legs causing her to trip, fall and cry out in pain. “Creuset!” She screamed. “Help!”

Creuset heard this and immediately rushed to help the fallen mare. He picked her up with ease using his hooves and carried her on his back as he continued galloping through the blazing forest.

He eventually saw something in a small clearing that could shelter them from the fire. It was a large and abandoned ruins of a castle. “Perfect,” he told himself.

He knocked down the doors and settled his companion on the floor as he inspected her wounds. It was bad, she had second degree burns in her hind legs and she looks like she’s in a lot of pain. “Can you still heal yourself?” He asked.

“I’m out of mana,” Lavender answered as she took deep breaths to handle the intense pain she felt in her legs. “I can’t do it.”

“How do you get mana?” Creuset asked.

“It’ll take a bit of time and rest,” She grunted.

“Hold on, I think I got something here that can help,” Creuset said as he took the med-kit from his saddlebag and opened it. He took out a small bottle of salve and a roll of bandages and began patching up Lavender’s injury.

“You feeling better yet?” He asked after he finished dressing up her burns.

“Yeah!” She sighed in relief. “It stings a bit, but its fine now. Do you have any more water?”

Creuset reached for his saddlebag and took out a bottle. “Here,” he handed the near empty water bottle to Lavender.

The mare drank all of the remaining water of the bottle. “Thanks,” She said as she laid down on the cold stone floor of the building and stared at the ceiling.

“Are there other ways to gain mana?” Creuset asked.

Lavender looked at Creuset. “There are two other ways. You can either use potions or you can find another unicorn who has mana and do a transfer,” Lavender stared at Creuset.

“What?” Creuset asked. “Is there something on my face?”

“No you idiot,” Lavender replied. “Can you give me some of your mana?”

“How am I gonna do that?” He asked.

“Mana transfer,” She answered. “There are two methods. The most commonly used and practical one is horn-to-horn transfer.”

“What’s the second method,” Creuset asked.

Lavender blushed a bit. “It’s too complex and impractical,” She said. “Besides it’s for married unicorns only.”

Creuset cocked an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean-” he then realized what she meant. “Oh,” he said as he blushed lightly. “Let’s do the horn-on-horn then.”

Lavender sat up. “Okay then, give me your front hooves,” she said as she reached out to him with her front hooves.

“Okay…” Creuset sat down and grabbed the mare’s hooves with his own. They’re soft. He blushed and looked away.

“Hey,” Lavender grabbed his attention. “Hoof, horn and eye contact are necessary for a proper transfer.”

Creuset stared at her bright blue eyes. “What now?” He asked.

“Lean forward so I can reach you,” Lavender ordered blushing slightly.

Creuset obliged and leaned forward as he was instructed.

Lavender leaned forward until she was only inches away from Creuset’s face. He saw that her face was now beet red in color. “Touch my horn with yours when you’re ready. And remember, don’t break eye contact.”

Creuset then proceeded to touch Lavender’s horn with his own. He felt a warm sensation at the tip of his horn. He felt the same thing with his eyes and hooves.

Don’t worry, that’s just the mana flowing.

What the! Who is that.

It’s me, Lavender.

How are you-

Our minds are partially connected.

Oh. How do I know when this will end?

Right about…

“Now!” Lavender said as she withdrew from the connection.

Creuset blinked a couple of times and stretched his neck joints. “That was… weird.”

Lavender casted a pain relieving spell on her hind legs. “Yeah, it’s also quite impractical as well.”

“What do you mean?” Creuset asked.

“You can only transfer a small amount of mana using this method,” Lavender explained. “They’re still improving it.”

“So that means?”

“I only have enough mana to remove the pain in my legs instead of completely healing them,” She replied.

“Okay,” Creuset said as he stood up to stretch his legs. “So how much mana does the second method give?”

Lavender blushed and was hesitant to answer. “It’s uh… substantially better.”

“Uh huh,” Creuset said as he scratched his chin. “Anyway, about the thing you were searching for?”

“Oh yes,” Lavender said. “Thank you for reminding me.”

“So… is it me, you’re searching for,” Creuset asked.

“I’m not sure yet,” Lavender said. “You have the same cutie mark, an anvil engulfed in flame. But the spirit was very vague so I’m not sure.”

“Spirit?” Creuset asked. “As in ‘The spirit of Friendship’?”

“Yes,” Lavender answered.

“And let me guess,” Creuset said. “You’re supposed to be the companion of the… pony you’re searching for?”

“Yes…” Lavender finally managed to put the pieces together. “So I guess it really is you. You’re the Spirit of Fire.”

“My name is Creuset.”

“My apologies. Thank you, Creuset,” Lavender said sincerely.

“What for?” Creuset asked.

Lavender looked at him in confusion. “You really are an idiot are you. You saved my life for like… five times already, you lent me some of your mana and you still don’t know why I’m thanking you!”

“Oh,” Creuset said. “You’re uh… welcome I guess.”

Smoke from the raging fire began to creep up on the structure. “Smoke’s moving in,” Creuset said as he looked back. “Come on, we need to get to a safer spot.”

Creuset attempted to pick her with his hooves but Lavender gestured him to stop. “No,” She said. “Creuset, try lifting me up with your magic.”

“How?” The confused stallion asked.

“Focus your magic into your horn and concentrate,” She explained. “When you’re ready, think as if you are lifting me off of the ground without touching me.”

Creuset nodded. “Okay,” He followed her instructions and he managed to telekinetically lift her off the ground. “Wow, this is so cool!”

“Very good. You learn fast,” Lavender smiled. “Now move me onto your back. Do it slowly now, I don’t want you flinging me over to a wall.”

Creuset did as he was told and managed to place the smaller unicorn onto his back.

“Now get us someplace secure,” Lavender said as she took her damaged glasses off and wiped them with her dirty robe. “We have a lot of things to discuss.”