Finding A New Home

by Rose112601

Oh my.....Celestia?

I woke up after a dreamless sleep and walked over to the stairs and looked up towards the door. I carfully listend for the wind,but I heard nothing. "Guys it's over! the storm is over!!!!" I screamed waking everyone up. "WHAT?!?! YES!!!!" Jessie screamed. Dylan ran up the stairs and threw open the doors and climbed out. Next went Ontwale then Jessie and finnaly me (Being the slowest runner.) with Abby right behind me. When I got out I stopped right next to Dylan. We were all speachless,the entire school had been destroyed and there were lifeless bodies evrey where. "Mom?!" I screamed spying my mother's dead body laying near by. I tried to run over to her but Dylan grabbed my arm and wouldn't let me go."LET ME GO!" I screamed at him tears streaming down my face. Ontwale helped him but they let me go when they saw their own parents, when Jessie saw her mom she cried we all did when we saw our parents and family members even a few of our friends. When we all stopped crying Ontwale said,"Okay let's just go into the woods or somthing where there'ss more shelter,I now a nice spot." I nodded and wipped away my tears,Jessie said sure and did the same. Dylan said,"Fine,but we have to stay together." "Why wouldn't we?" Jessie said with a DUH voice. I just rolled my eyes at her. We all walked through the ruins and rubble that used to be 'Mary Branch Elementrey School' I looked at the spots that used to be my classrooms,it wasn't even November yet it was only October twentythird, witch means that i'm still ten years old. had been going to this school since kindergarten and i'm in fith grade now so i HAD eight classrooms.(The extra two are because I had two classrooms in fourth grade and i'm still in fith grade because it's still the begining of the school year.One room for writing,reading,laguage arts and socile studies. the outher room for math and science.) We walked slowly to the woods that bordered the school, we all hesitated for a moment then walked in. Everyone was quiet even Abby had her head down and tail still. "A-Are you sure ya now where yer goin'?" I asked Ontwale with a worried look on my face. "Yeah......... well I think I do.......but..... think I know.......never mind....We're lost." Ontwale replied looking at the ground."It's okay you tried at least." I told him. He smiled and I hugged him. Dylan looked annoyed so i gave him a hug too and said,"colorful." Ten he said smiling,"BOOBIES!" We all cracked up. Dylan just looked proud of himself. Then we all said funny things and Jessie said all the funny things we made up about 'My Little Pony' she finshed by saying the manly man necklace and then she said the reason he didn't go to the Canterlot Wedding,"Ummm,AJ I'm afraid of Princess Luna." We all laughed so hard that i had to lean on tree to not fall over,but I did anyway! "Sister did you hear that? I think I heard my name!" We heard a voice say. Me and Jessie looked at eachother reconizing the voice. We motioned for the guys to follow us we run torwards the voice, Abby ran ahead of us and must have jumped on the person because we heard a loud scream. "ABBY!......Oh my C... CELESTIA?!" I said when i saw two humans each with a pair of wings and sparkleing and flowing hair. "L-LUNA?!" Jessie said equaly freaked and shocked and knowing her excited. "Yes, How do you know us?" Celestia asked with a confused look. Then Dylan said,"Hey cute chicks!" I grabbed the back of his shirt and told him and Ontwale who the two women were. They blushed so hard I thought their faces were going to blowup. "S-Sorry!" Dylan said still with a bright red face. Jessie and I giggled at him. "I'm sorry Dyl! I didn't mean to laugh!" I said hugging him. "It's okay I did look kinda stupid!" He said laughing at himself. Me and my friends smiled. "Oh sorry! ummm.... We saw you and RainbowDash,Twilight,Fluttershy,AppleJack,Pinkie Pie,Rarity" "And Big Macintosh!" I inturupted. "Yeah, On TV." Jessie finished. "We know about the TV. And......where are your parents?" Luna said. My eyes got watery and I ran into the trees and sat down and cried, Abby ran over to me and licked my face I giggled and wrapped my arms around her neck. "She'll be fine!" I heard Jessie say. "I'm SOOOOOO getting you for that JESSIE!" I yelled to her. Everyone started to laugh, Abby and I walked back out just in time to hear Jess,Dylan and Otwale say"COOOLLL! Let's go!" "What did you agree to,and i'm like 87% sure i'm gonna get something poured on my head!" I said giving them a halfsmile and tilting my head. " NO! We are going to...... EQUESTRIA!!!!!" Jessie screamed at me. "SHUT UP!" I yelled and we started to jump around all happy. " Calm down dears, it's time to go." Princess Celestia said in a voice like cool rainwater and sweet (amarican) honey. Me and Dylan held Princess Celestia's hand and Jessie and Ontwale held Princess Luna's we all looked at each other and smiled."Goodbye Texas." I whispered before we disapeared into a sparkleing tunnel that was cold but the warmth of your heart could keep you warm for a million hours.