//------------------------------// // 4: The Wedding | Pt. 1 // Story: TwiPie One-Shots and Stories // by Fireninja2003 //------------------------------// Pinkie sighed contentedly as she and Twilight watched a romantic comedy together. She sneakily stole a glance at Twilight to see what she was doing and she saw Twilight gaze completely fixated on her. Pinkie blushed and turned fully to see why Twilight was looking at her that way. "Uh, not that I mind it, but why are you just staring at me?" Pinkie asked. Twilight just chuckled. "I'm sorry, but I just can't help but admire your beauty. I still don't know how I managed to land such a beautiful woman." At Twilight's statement Pinkie's blush deepened to the shade of an apple. She then leaned over and gave Twilight a loving peck on the lips, causing Twilight to blush herself. Pinkie only giggled and kissed Twilight deeper, pushing her lips onto Twilight's roughly. Twilight then moved forward and grabbed Pinkie pushing her down on the couch quickly but carefully, trying not to injure her fiance. Pinkie only let out a squel against Twilight's loving embrace. Pulling away from Pinkie panting, Twilight begins to kiss down Pinkie's neck before biting on a spot between her collarbone anf shoulder. "Oh Twi..." Pinkie calls out in a breathy moan of satisfaction. Upon hearing her name Twilight grins against Pinkie's flesh and continues her assault before both hear the click of the dorr opening. "Okay girls! Who's ready for the greatest bachelorette party ever..." Rainbow Dash begins as she storms into Pinkie and Twilight's apartment with bags of party supplies and junk food. Rainbow Dash completely trails off though as she she's the position her best friend's are in. All three then exchange awkward glances with heated blushes before the rest of the friend's barge through the door. At this Pinkie and Twilight quickly separate and Rainbow Dash finds an interesting spot on the ceiling. The rest of the girl's enter laughing about something totally unaware of what had just occured before they arrived. "...and then Big Mac never slept without a nightlight again." Applejack says as she walks in with pizza and drinks while laughing with the other girls. "Oh my. That story was quite scary. I don't know if I could've been half as brave as Big Mac. Roosters can be quite mean if you don't give them a bubble bath every day." Fluttershy says quietly while lugging in the gifts with Rarity. "Oh darling I have never laughed so hard before. I do hope that Big Mac can recover from such a traumtising experiance." Rarity replies still wiping tears from her eyes. The girls set down their loads and set their sights on the two lovebirs sitting side by side with each other on the couch. Both still with a faint blush from being caught by Rainbow Dash earlier. Their friends didn't notice however as they all quickly situated themselves around the engaged couple before they all began talking at once. ----------------------------------------------------------- Six and a half hours later all the girls are passed out except Twilight and Rainbow Dash who were finishing the movie they had all began two hours ago. Empty junk food wrappers and pizza boxes were strewn about carelessy in about the room. Both girls were sitting side by side, munching on the same popcorn. Roughly ten minutes later the movie ended and the credits were rolling. Twilight and Rainbow Dash stretched and got up. Twilight quickly began to pick up and Rainbow Dash excused herself to the bathroom. About fifteen minutes later Teilight began to get worried, what was taking dash so long? Quick to worry, Twilight started towards the bathroom before stopping upon hearing a strange sound. Was that crying? Looking back in the living room she saw that all the girl's were still passed out. Was Rainbow Dash crying? Treading carefully, Twilight tiptoed around the corner and peeked her head into the bathroom to see Rainbow Dash against the wall next to the toliet sobbing her eyes out. Instantly Twilight entered the bathroom causing Dash to look up at her with puffy eyes. Sniffling Rainbow Dash sighed deeply before speaking in a scrarchy voice. "Can I tell you something Twi?" Looking up at Twilight she pleaded with her with red, teary eyes. Nodding, Twilight responding in a caring tone. "Anything Dash, what's on your mind?" With another deep tearful sigh she looked Twilight dead in the eyes. "I'm pregnant." She says quietly. But thankfully Twilight heard her, she just didn't believe her immediately. After a few seconds Twilight's brain quickly realized the situation. With widened eyes she pondered the though deeply. Wasn't Dash and Flutters dating currently? Did they break up? How in the world had this happened to poor Dash? Finally choosing carefully which question to ask, Twilight looked at Dash with sincere eyes. "How did this happen Rainbow?" She asked slowly and gently so not to pressure Dash. Gulping down fresh tears Dash launched inot her story. "I was hanging with my fellow Wonderbolts at a club after a long day at work, when we all got drunk. Thunderlane offered to drive me home so I accepted trustingly. When we get to the car he comes unto me even though a tell him I'm with Fluttershy. And then he..." Pausing for a second Rainbow Dash looks at me with teary eyes full of dread and fear. Twilight gasps and immediately pulls Dash in close for a hug, which causes Rainbow Dash to begin sobbing again. She gently runs her hand up and down Rainbow Dash's heaving back. "I'm so sorry Dash. I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me sooner? We need to take Thunderlane to court. He needs to pay for his actions." Twilight says soothingly. With a hiccup, Rainbow Dash begins to talk again between sobs. "I-I just need t-t-to tell F-Fluttershy, and I-I'm scared." Rainbow cries out into my shoulder. For about another twenty minutes they just sit there on the bathroom floor, Twilight with her arms wrapped around a sobbing Rainbow Dash. Twilight just let's her cry, she does her best to comfort her before she feels Rainbow slowly stop sobbing. Looking down she sees Rainbow Dash fast asleep with tear-stained cheeks and a peaceful look. Twilight sighs heavily. Looking down the hall into the living room she sees all her friends sleeping peacefully including her fiance who was currently drooling on their throwpillows. Looking back down on Dash she thinks of the only option she has at this point. Scooping Rainbow Dash up into her arms, she carries her limp body into their guest room where she then lies her friend under the plush covers and wipes the tears from her cheeks. Walking out of the room she look back at her best friend sleeping peacefully in the bed. With a stone-like expression Twilight goes to her office, she has some calls to make.