Bedridden Bonbon

by DexThePony

Chapter 1

In Ponyville, all the little fillies and colts knew that SweetieDrop Shop was a place of joy. After all, not only did it have an assortment of candies to choose from, but the friendly Lyra Heartstrings would also be there. On weekdays, the mint unicorn would play on her lyre for the little foals to enjoy. But on weekends, she would often be off practicing somewhere else.

The reason why Lyra was there was because she was married to the shop's owner. Bonbon SweetieDrops was her name, and you could tell that it was her once you spotted her pink and blue curls.

Together, the couple warmed the hearts of many. It seemed that they were perfect for each other, and many would agree. Many would also agree that their daughter Tootsie Flute was one of the luckiest fillies. What more could a kid ask for than a free sample of delectable treats every evening or the sound of beautiful music every morning?

Indeed, Tootsie Flute was lucky.

As a result, the little family of three was one full of joy.

That is, until that fateful month of anxiousness arrived.


Lyra trotted nervously, waiting near the door to her room. It had been quite awhile since Nurse Redheart dropped by to check on her wife. The long minutes passing by had fed her fear.

"Calm down Lyra, calm down, remember what Bonbon told you whenever you got nervous. Only--Bonbon's not with me right now!", Lyra exclaimed to herself tearfully.

Seated across the door, Tootsie Flute looked at the cuckoo clock on the wall then at the paper bag on the table beside her. The pale blue filly was usually hyper and joyous, but seeing her Momma Lyra worried got to her. If the situation was so serious that Momma was nervous, then it was that serious. On the other side of the door, her Mommy Bonbon would be getting examined by the kindly white coated nurse pony.

What exactly was wrong, Tootsie Flute didn't know, which made her all the more scared.

Wanting to find a way to pass the time and calm herself down, Tootsie Flute decided to write to a friend. Getting out her paper and pencil, she thought about what exactly to put in the letter.

At first, she thought of writing to Dinky or Pinchy. But they were the same age as her, so they'd probably react the same way she would.

Then she thought of writing to her foalsitter Amethyst. But whenever she wasn't foalsitting, Amethyst was either busy in the jewelry store or in some other dimension with her dad.

It took a bunch of other names being mentally crossed out of her mind before little Tootsie found one to write to. Quite sure of herself, she proceeded to levitate the pencil and make it write down what she thought of.

"Dear Crackle Pop,
Mommy's getting her daily checkup. It usually didn't take too long, the nurse would just ask her questions then would give Momma a list before leaving. I'm really worried about Mommy, especially because Momma's nervous now. Before, Momma was able to keep her cool and still smiled the whole time. Now, she's going back and forth like your Mom during that one time she hit her head while trying to deliver something. Maybe you could ask your Dad what happens if it's like this? Everyone calls him Doctor, so he probably is one, which means he probably knows what's going on.
Your pen-friend,
Tootsie Flute"

With her magic, Tootsie Flute folded the letter then placed it in an envelope. Concentrating hard, she casted the teleportation spell her Momma Lyra taught her. Lyra had learned the spell during her time in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

It took two minutes of concentrating before the young filly managed to accomplish it. Soon, the letter would be teleported to Crackle's home in Cloudsdale.

The little unicorn smiled to herself, happy that she had a friend to confide in during times like these. Crackle had started out as a family friend, his mom was good foalhood friends with Tootsie's Moms. And his sister was Tootsie's best friend, Dinky. Tootsie Flute had grown close to him during the few months before summer and even more so once summer rolled around. Being a bit older than her, he had slightly more experience and advice when it came to things.

The door suddenly opened, and Nurse Redheart came out. "Lyra? A word with you please," she said while leaving the door half-opened.

"Well kid, why don't you go and check up on Mommy? I'll just have a little chat with the nice nurse," Lyra urged kindly while gently nudging her daughter.

"Okay Momma, I'll even see if she'll like my cookies!" Tootsie Flute said happily as she levitated her small paper bag into the room.

"Such a sweet filly. You and Bonbon did a fine job raising her," Nurse Redheart told Lyra while Tootsie went inside her mothers' room.


While Lyra talked with Nurse Redheart, Tootsie Flute went to Bonbon's side. The cream earth pony smiled as her daughter used her magic to pour water into the glass.

"There we go~!", Tootsie Flute said while levitating the pitcher down. Happily, she then levitated the glass to her mother.

"So, how was your day sweetie? Anything unusual happened?", Bonbon asked while getting the glass.

"Not really, I just practiced some funny magic with Dinky and Pinchy. But Pinch had to leave early 'cause her mom walked passed us and kept bumping into stuff," Tootsie recalled.

Bonbon put a hoof to her mouth in surprise, though she was slightly amused at the image of Berry Punch walking around dazed and drunk. That mare would usually pass out after one too many drinks.

"So it was just you and Dinky after?", Bonbon asked.

"Oh, no Mommy. Pinchy came back after awhile, she bumped into her stepmom on the way while guiding her main mom. So she was able to go back since her stepmom took care of things"

Tootsie Flute had opted for referring to Berry Punch as "main mom" whenever she was including Colgate in the same sentence as her. It started after the unicorn dentist married Pinchy's mother. The whole thing made Tootsie slightly jealous since it meant her friends were now cousins.

Well, step-cousins. But nonetheless, still cousins

"Dinky's getting curious about the drinks Pinchy's mom really likes. She kept bugging Pinchy about getting a taste. I don't know why Pinchy keeps saying no," Tootsie Flute said while sitting beside the bed. Normally, she would sit on the bed but she was worried about stressing her Mommy out if ever she accidentally sat on a leg. And the last thing her Mommy needed was stress, Nurse Redheart said so.

"Because it's not for foals, sweetie. Honestly, I still wonder why Berry Punch drinks when Ruby Pinch is around. It's a good thing your friend didn't get a taste because she was curious too," Bonbon said.

"Well, she actually got a taste once but she didn't like it and her stepmom caught her, so she's not allowed any," Tootsie responded.

"Well, I think we've been discussing too much about the drinking habits of your friend's mother. Tell me about the other parts of your day, dear",

Bonbon said after drinking from the glass.

"Oh! Oh! I saw Tornado Bolt doing loops in the sky! She was being guided by her dad, the pegasus with a blue mane," Tootsie Flute replied.

"How cute~" Bonbon said while putting the glass back on the side table.

All of a sudden, Tootsie became a bit sad. She sighed while resting her head on the bed, careful not to do so on her mother's leg by accident.

"Sweetie? What's wrong?" Bonbon asked. Tootsie looked up at her mother, her purple eyes also conveyed her sudden sadness.

"You'll be okay? Right Mommy?" Tootsie Flute said.

Bonbon gently stroked her daughter's head, "Of course Tootsie, I will be okay. Probably sooner than you think. Mommy just has to rest now but once I'm okay, then we can all have family bonding Fridays." she said with a smile.

"Yay, okay~!" Tootsie Flute said.

Bonbon could only giggle and watch as her daughter happily trotted out of the room.

Not too long after she did, Lyra came in, a happy sigh coming out of her mouth.

"Well, it looks like it won't be long until this can all be done with. Nurse Redheart said it helps if I stay by your side more often. So I'll take some day offs, Bonny." The mint unicorn said while she walked over to her side on the bed.

"I'm glad to hear that, dear. It's been getting quite lonely here~" Bonbon responded with a wink.

Getting the hint, Lyra climbed into bed then went close to her wife. Bonbon started going all over Lyra, placing kisses on her forehead then neck

"Are you sure it's okay to do this? I'm still worried about your condition and all." Lyra said, concerned as Bonbon kissed her neck.

"I'll be fine dear~" Bonbon replied.

"Okay then, if you say so~" Lyra said while using her magic to close the door.