//------------------------------// // Shiver // Story: How to Disappear Completely // by shortskirtsandexplosions //------------------------------// Lamplight caught three bodies... three people fussing and arguing in the parking lot. Someone was shouting into a phone... pacing... cursing... Flash felt his heart leap into his chest and turn cold. Nevertheless, he rounded the grocery store's corner in his car. His neck craned, peering out the window. One person stood apart from the rest. A woman. She held a trembling hand over her belly. A turn of the head—eyes in the moonlight—and she waved towards him. She approached the car. Flash felt a cold shiver up his spine. Nevertheless, he slowed the car. The window lowered. Stale night air. Crickets and scuffling shoes and the scent of gasoline. The woman stumbled towards the vehicle. Crying. Night folded around her, black and thick and whimpering.