//------------------------------// // Seppuku // Story: The end of suffering // by Sawtoothetherium //------------------------------// Polaris rushed into the cave and looked around thankful for his thestral vision. He saw princess Luna at the back of the cave facing away from him while sitting back on her haunches to free her front hooves. In her right hoof was a tanto knife, held out with the blade facing her. Polaris sped foreword and seized her armed hoof and threw the knife away just as she tried to bring it back into her gut. She looked up at him with teary eyes and a surprised look on her face, other than that she didn’t react. Polaris had read up on old traditions and rituals, he recognized what she had attempted. He grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eye, he could see much more of Luna than he had before. Anguish, that was the expression on her face, that was what he saw. “Princess,” He said nearly choking on his words, “Why would you try something like that?” She didn’t awnser, instead she stared at him. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he pulled her into an embrace and she began to sob into his shoulder. He didn’t know what was happening, he didn’t know how this happened and he didn’t care, he just felt Luna’s warmth and held her closer. She continued to weep into him, and he let her. “Luna,” He said tenderly, “I want to help you, but if I dont know what’s wrong I can’t. Please Luna, let me help you.” Luna shook in his embrace, she had never believed that a guard would care, she had always thought that they were in it for the money. But here one was, supporting her beyond what any guard was expected or even allowed to do. Still, despite the possible consequences, he was there, supporting her in a way that no one but Celestia and her brother had. He had even abandoned formalities and called her “Luna”, not “Princess” or “Princess Luna” or any of the other ways she was publicly addressed, just “Luna”. “Please Luna,” He said with a cracking voice, “Tell me what happened.” Luna somehow found her voice, “I-I can’t. I can’t handle the memories, not now.” “Luna, I may not know you very well, but I will always be here to help you.” Luna looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “Thank you.” “Anytime, just please, dont try anything like that again.” He said pulling her close again. Luna couldn’t respond, she had only ever been shown this kindness by her brother Antares and her sister. But here was a guard that didn’t even know her very well, breaking nearly every rule set for him just to be there with her. To say she was touched would be an understatement. Luna quickly fell asleep exhausted, and Polaris did the same. There they stayed until the dawn came and Luna lowered the moon, then lay there again, neither would be needed until nightfall. ***** For once Lunas dreams were peaceful, she felt Nightmare pushing against her mind but she couldn’t reach it. Something about the stallion she currently slept beside protected her, she didn’t know what, but she knew it was him. She cuddled closer to Polaris and he squeezed her tighter. What am I doing?! he asked himself, What am I getting myself into?! I’m sleeping with Princess Luna for pony’s sake! Surely this breaks protocol, federal law, martial duties and a heck of a lot of other rules. But still, she seems to need it. Am I doing this for the right reason? He looked at the sleeping moon princess under his wing, and smiled. He pulled her even closer than before, he didn’t care what the consequences were, she needed him and he would be there.