//------------------------------// // The Great and Powerful Trixie // Story: Equestria Girls : Tale of the Silver Pen // by nicojaller //------------------------------// I sit at my desk, the English class is going to start in a few minutes. I hurry and take a sheet of paper and I write quickly. '' I know we don't exactly know each other, but meet me outside after class, in front of the statue. I would have a few questions to ask you. I'm hoping to see you there. Silver Pen'' I stand up from my chair and make my way towards Trixie's. She's occupîed on her cellphone, probably texting or something. She doesn't notice me, I quickly and quietly depose the message on her desk and return to my place. I notice from the corner of my eyes some girls whispering to each other while giving me the stink eye. Yeah, I may have not won myself points with them, but I did what's necessary. I don't even know if she will come, it's not the end of the world if she doesn't, it would only make my life more complicated than it needs to be. I'd have to find another way to question her, but let's not get into the ''what if '' right now. Let's just assume that she is going to, either by curiosity or because she has nothing better to do, both are fine with me. The lesson went by pretty quickly, mostly grammar stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary, but the teacher was interesting enough for it not to be boring. I took the notes of what I would actually need, planning to study them later, right now, I have other worries. When the bells finally rings, I take my stuff and go outside. I do my best to avoid looking at her, I'll just have to trust that she will go or that she read it at all. I go outside and I take out my phone to see that I had a message from Solace, I open it and read what he sent me. '' Already made a new friend ! I invited her to our room this evening if you don't mind, by the way, I hope you enjoy some good ol' wubs. '' I don't know what wubs are and I don't know how to feel about him bringing a girl in our room, but I suppose if he likes her I should give her a chance. I look up to see if she's here yet, still not, while I wait for a few more minutes I write him back. '' Cool, I'm pretty curious to meet her, I'll trust your judgement. '' '' By the way, your girl's full name is Trixie Lulamoon. '' '' Cool, thanks, but how in the world do you know that. '' '' There's a student list you know ? '' For a few seconds, I feel really stupid to not have thought about that before. Way more simple solution than what I had in mind. I wait for a few minutes, then I see somebody coming, not coming from the front door like I expected but from the side. It was Trixie, she did decided to come after all. She looks at me like she didn't really know what to expect from me. She stops at a few meters in front of me, crossing her arms. She is still wearing the magician outfit, I begin to wonder if that's all she has. I can't really say for sure, but I think I see a bruise on one of her cheeks, but I'm not certain. - '' Sooo, commoner, what questions are you going to ask tothe Great and Powerful Trixie? It better not be a waste of time, Trixie does not have time to waste. '' I raise a eyebrow. What a great start. - '' It's relative, it can only be time wasted if you decide so yourself, only you can decide if the time spent here was worth it. '' - '' Right, so what do you wanted to ask Trixie ? '' I take a few seconds, once again, to reorganize my ideas and to be a bit more confortable, choosing my wording will be essential. - '' Well, it's pretty simple, I may have noticed during my short time here, that your popularity with your peers wasn't... at his highest to say the least. Since you seem like an harmless fellow, I wanted to ask you why that is ? '' - '' What exactly is your question ? '' - '' Yeah, I'll say it more clearly, why do others hate you ? '' She just moves her head in a yeah that would swing her hair. A bit overdramatic, but hey, she's the kind of people I would expect to act overdramatic. - '' Clearly, they are jealous of Trixie's talent ! Surely... There's no other reason for it. '' I noticed that she sounded more sad in the last sentence, like she was remembering something. Bingo, I may have touched something. - '' I would tend to go with that too, but it's way to generalised, it's not just jealousy, it's hate. Then again, what do I know ? I heard some bad things about you from my friends, but I really wanted to meet you face to face, to make my own idea. '' - '' Oh, surely you have realized the greatness of Trixie ? '' - '' Maybe or maybe not, it's too soon to tell. Because, who I really want to talk to is Trixie Lulamoon, notthe Great and Powerful Trixie.'' - '' They are one and the same ! '' Excellent, I found another important information. I am no psychologist, but even I can see a huge problem here. She's hiding her true self behind her act, so there really is something to be dug. Like I said, I'm no expert in the human mind, but it do seem like she hides her own insecurities and fears behind a curtain of confidence. Now that I know what the problem is, it doesn't mean I know how to solve it. - '' We'll see... Anyway, I am sure you must have an interesting story to tell, to have such a generaljealousy,a fabulous exploit that I would really enjoy to hear. '' She seems to cringe for a second, I notice it, then she goes back to her usual confident self. She takes a triumphant pose. - '' Finally, a commoner willing to listen to Trixie's glorious stories, you know what ? Trixie feels generous today, so she will give you a deal. '' Oh god, I pushed myself directly into a trap didn't I ? I almost want to facepalm right now at my sheer stupidity. I can only imagine all of the Admiral Ackbar memes starting in my head yelling the classicIt's a trap ! .I calm the alarms and look at her calmly. - '' Oh, so what do you propose ? '' - '' In exchange of Trixie's great tales, I offer you to raise from your commoner statue to become my newGreat and Powerful Assistant! '' God...fucking...damnit, I really should have seen that coming. The least thing that I want to do is to become the assistant to a magician who's the pariah of the whole school. I frown, I almost want just to loudly decline and go away, but that would be counterproductive. I need to seriously think about this. On one hand, this is a terrible idea, I would be more hated than ever and I seriously don't know what our friends will think about this, on the other hand, this will probably the best opportunity I'll ever get. If I say no, I'll probably never get another opportunity like this. It seems that I have no real better choice to be honest, I may not real like the sound of this but I really commited myself at doing this. Even if honestly, I don't really win anything in the end, it's just something I feel I have to do. If Solace taught me one thing is that sometimes, you have to trust your guts, even if your brain doesn't agree with it. I think about it for a minute for a minute before just shrudding. - '' Sure, why not ? I am sure it will be an interesting experience to say the least. '' I see on her face that she is surprised, she probably didn't expected me to accept apparently so easily and without complaining to much. She retakes her usual self pretty quickly though as she starts to laugh with vanity. - '' Finally ! Someone who accepts to be Trixie's Sidekick ! To be efficient, and since Trixie is generous, she shall gave you her phone number, but she shall request yours, make no mistake though, it is purely for conveniance, so Trixie can request your assistance at any moment for her shows. '' - '' Seems fair. That's what assistants are for.'' To be honest, I was already regretting my decision, but it's too late to back out now. I can't just go and be likeSike ! Just kidding, I'm not your damn assistant, fuck you. It wouldn't help me in any way, and it wouldn't help her even less. If anything, it would make matter worse, because after that, she would have trust issues, if she doesn't already. We share each others numbers. I find it kinda funny, in any other context, I would be glad for something like that to happen. Not that much right now, I mean, kinda ? She's still pretty cute, but I'm not really in the good state of mind right now to appreciate that fact. I feel like a fly trapped in a spider's web, well, if the fly wanted to help the spider that is. Yes, because I really want to help her with, whatever her problem is. Something clearly hurt her in the past and maybe even still to this day. By the end of this, I think I will have to get a PhD to call myself Dr. Silver Pen, because I feel like a psychiatrist right now. I just imagine myself in a office just hearings people talk about their problems all day. Nah, I don't think that's for me. I think this will be my only case. How do I go about this ? Do I tell anyone about my new job ? Solace, of course, he will so want to hear about this, he will probably laugh it up, but he will respect the way I am going about this. The girls, I am not sure, they are going to find out eventually anyway, but I'm not certain how to present that without looking really bad. I mean, they just warned me about Trixie and here am I, barely a few hours later, as her new assistant. Yeah, it's not a good look for me. We go our separate ways, and I see her smirking, I don't what to make of it, but I'll have to guess that she has the impression to have won a new minion or something. I'll leave her with that impression for now. She left me with a lot to think about. Yeah, thinking, that's pretty much what I already do all day. I slowly go back to my room where I lay on my back on the bed for a few minutes, thinking about the events of the day. It went well, globaly, it could have gone way worse, but now this whole situation became really complex. Do I keep pushing further at the risks of losing my new friends, is it worth that risk ? Why do I keep pushing into it ? Is it just the curiosity of what I could discover or am I just just too stubborn to give up ? I think it may be both, there could be more to it too, but I can't put the finger on it. Though, my instinct tells me it should be obvious. Meh, I'll figure it out later. I'm pretty tired. I take out the notes I took earlier in class and I study them while I wait for Solace to come back with his new friends. I am sure it will be an interesting encounter.