Adventure with the Main Six.

by DizzyPaws356

Chapter2: Meeting The Main Six. Part2.

Made by: Dizzy Paws

Chapter2: Meeting The Main Six. Part2.

Hello again, sorry i'm talking in the middle of this story, but to recap what's going on is that six strange girls came into my life. Two have wings and two of them have horns. The normal looking ones are a little crazy. When I found Pinkie Pie in my fish tank thinking that it was a pool, I knew she would be a hand full to keep in track and Applejack felt like she has never been in a city. Crap what am I am saying, T.v aren't in Equestira. Well enough of my taking, back to the story.


Twilight looks at me confused, "Why can't I use my magic in front of others?" she ask looking at me as she sits up. "Well..." I reply, "We are not born with horns and wings. Also magic is un-normal in this world, so when we go out in public. You'll have to wear something to cover your horn." I tell her as I look at her. She rubs her chin and thinks, "Two questions. One, how are you going to find me a book of magic if it's un-normal? Two, what about Rainbow and Fluttershy? They have wings." she ask me. The question getting me off guard, I think and look around, "They will have to have coats on when we go out." I reply as I lean back.

As Twilight lay down, she rest her head on the couch's arm as she pulls up her blanket, "Well good night Cody." she say as she turns onto her side and closes her eyes. I look at Twilight slowly falling asleep, I think to myself, 'What the hell did I get myself into...' after a few minuets of knowing that Twilight is fast asleep, I get up to grab myself a drink of water. I hear one of the girls walking down the stairs. I look over seeing Fluttershy walking to the door to Rocky and Rick, "Hey..." I say lightly so it wont wake up Twilight.

Fluttershy covers her mouth to stop a startled scream, "Are you okay? You looking for a snack or something to drink?" I ask her as I walk to her slowly, "No... I was just..." she stop trying to think. "It's okay to ask for anything, your my guest and I want what's best for my guest." I tell her in a low tone. She looks up into my eyes, "Well I normally sleep with my pet bunny angle, but he isn't with me... So I was wondering... That's if it's okay with you... If I may sleep with your dogs?..." a light blush shows on her cheeks as she look at me then the room where Rocky and Rick sleep, "Well if they will help you sleep, then go ahead. Make sure you don't get hurt." After saying that sentence Fluttershy runs to me with swift feet and hugs me.

As she he hugs me, her wings spring out in happiness as she whispers, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." she says over and over. "Okay, okay, okay, you going to bed or not." I whisper as I smile. She quickly walks into the dog's bed room and the door closes. 'She is one crazy girl... What am I saying? They are all crazy.' I tell myself and walk back to the small couch. Before relaxing, I mess with my watch. I set an alarm for a nice time to wake up and make breakfast. I pull the blanket from my feet up to my chest and start to fall asleep.

Hours later, I hear my alarm going off. Quickly I grab m watch and click the off button. I look out the window and see the sun just peaking out form the mountains. 'Well I should get started.' tell myself as I stretch and get out of the couch. I walk into the the kitchen. I think of what to make, "If they where ponies... Then I should just get them some fruit and some other things I can get.' I tell myself as I start to grab apples, carrots, peaches, bananas, and other things they mite like. As I look around, I can tell that I can make scrape enough stuff round and make them some muffins. 'Would they like muffins?' I ask myself.

'I guess if they don't want them, i'll eat them.' I start to make a batch of muffins. When everything is ready, I set out six plates of all sort of fruits and a few muffins each. After just a few minuets, he hears another one of the girls walk down the stairs, 'Who can it be now?' I start to walk to see who it is, but suddenly I feel a solid fist quickly making a hard contact to my nose as I fall down, "O Shit!" Applejack yells as she see that i'm on the floor with my nose staring to bleed.

Applejack quickly get's on her knees, "Cody i'm sorry! I completely forgot about you and you scared me." she pulls me up gently. I rub my forehead and rub under my nose. When I look at my hand I see the blood from my nose on my hand, "Shit that hurt." I say as I start to get up. "I'm so sorry sugar cube, can I get you anything?" she ask as Twilight wakes up, "What's going on?" she looks over at me leaning on Applejack, "What happen to you nose?" she quickly get's up to help. "I'm fine, i'm fine." I tell them as I stand up. Twilight ask me, "What are you doing up so early?" I look at her with a bloody nose, "I made you girls some breakfast and I heard Applejack walking down here. When I turn the corner, boom. She got scared and she hit me." I tell Twilight.

"I'm so sorry sugar cube, is their anything I can do to help?" Applejack ask me as I stand up, "I'm fine. I'm going to take a fast shower and i'll be okay." I start to walk to the stairs and head upstairs. When I get to the second floor, I see my door closed. I walk over to it and gently turn the nob, but it is locked. 'Damn it' I start to make my way to the guest room. I slowly open the door, seeing Pinkie Pie and Rainbowdash, one in the bed and the other on the fold out couch. I gently walk to the bathroom. When I open the bathroom door, I see Fluttershy drying off naked. I freeze for a moment.

Fluttershy turns around and as she screams, she covers herself with her wings, "Aahhh shit! I'm sorry!" I cover my eyes and close the door. Rainbowdash and Pinkie Pie wake up to Fluttershys scream, they jump out of bed, "Whats going on!" they look at me with my bloody nose. "I just walked into Fluttershy drying off. I didn't mean to." I say as they look at each other and laugh, "Not funny!" I say as Rainbowdash wipes her tears, "Where did you get the bloody nose?" she chuckles, "Just go downstairs, their is food for you." both Pinkie Pie and Rainbowdash look at each other and run downstairs.

I wipe my nose from the blood and knock on the door, "I'm sorry Fluttershy, I though you where still downstairs with my dogs..." I say as I try not to look into the room again, "It's okay... Can you get me some cloths..." she ask though the door, "Give me a moment." I tell her as I walk downstairs. Rainbowdash looks over seeing me grabbing Fluttershy some cloths, "Hey Cody what you doing?" she say as she starts to gently hovers over to me, "I'm just getting some cloths for Fluttershy." I tell her as I look at her, "And why are you flying... Stop that before someone looks in a window and sees you, please?" I ask her as I start to head upstairs to Fluttershy, "No fun." she replies as she places her feet on the ground. Before opening the door again, I knock.

"Fluttershy, I got you some cloths." I tell her as she opens the door and hides behind it, "Thank you." she say as she takes the cloths, "I'm sorry I didn't knock when you where getting out." I tell her as she closes the door. As she gets dressed, she says, "It's okay, I should have locked the door." I start to walk down the stairs and walk into the kitchen where Twilight, Applejack, Rainbowdash and Pinkie Pie are sitting. I look at them and ask, "Okay where is Rarity..." when I finish that question, I was afraid of the answer. I don't know what I can expect from these girls.

Applejack thinks, "Well I think she still mite be asleep." she say as she takes a drink. I sign and head back up to my room where she slept. When I turn to look up stairs, I see Fluttershy walking down, "Their is some food for you on the table." she thanks me as we pass on the stairs. I get to my door and knock on the door, "Rarity! Wake up! I got food for you!" I say as I pull on the nob. I see her with wet hair and in new cloths, "Where did you get that..." I ask, "I didn't think you would have mind that I took some of your shirts and pants and made myself something." she replies walking past me, 'This girl is going to kill me before the others." I tell myself as I close my door and follow her downstairs.