Little Miss Tempest Tantraum

by Foal Star

Chapter Six: A Dream Wedding

Later that night Tinkle Spark left for Luna to work with Fizzlepop and Flurry Heart on their magic surges. The princess was now with Fizzlepop in the dream realm. They were in a playroom filled with foam blocks and plushies. Fizzlepop was busy stacking them and she mumbled. “Pwincess Wuwu, how is this hewpin me with my magic sugwes? I dun see wat ta point of this is.”

Luna sighed and explained. “Fizzlepop, you’re learning to control yourself in the dream realm. I can’t have you running off and causing chaos in other ponies dreams. My work is hectic enough as it is.”

Fizzlepop sighed. “Awight, I get it, I not gonna put ponies in diapees and stuff. Can we go now?”

Luna smirked, satisfied with the response. “Alright then, come on. I think it’s about time we started. Just stay close to me.”

The princess of the night led Fizzlepop out of the bubble and into another dream world. But this one was strange, they went through and Fizzlepop gasped in horror upon seeing an Ursa Minor! But this one was small, no bigger than a pony and it was running around a field of flowers.

Fizzlepop whimpered and stepped back. “Wh…why did you bring me here, Pwincess Wuwu?”

Luna looked down at the frightened foal as she explained. “Fizzlepop, you need to face your fears if you’re going to get your magic surges under control in the waking world. Don’t worry, this is but a dream, you can’t actually be harmed. The Ursa Minor you see before is really young, in fact he’s a baby. I promise, nothing is going to happen to you.”

Fizzlepop whimpered. “Bu...but a Uwsa Minew bwoke my hown. I dun wan tat to happen to me again.”

Luna bent down and cooed at the foal. “Sweetheart, I told you that this is a dream. Nothing bad can happen here on my watch.”

Fizzlepop rubbed a hoof across her face and whimpered. “You pwomice?”

Luna nuzzled the foal and whispered. “I promise, now come on. We need disguises so we don’t startle the creature,” She poofed an Ursa Minor sleeper with a bear hood over Fizzlepop’s face. The foal giggled on seeing its shiny blue color and bounced in it. Luna then poofed a purple Ursa Major sleeper over herself and with a blush declared. “Alright, come on little cub.”

Fizzlepop giggled as she followed Luna to the Ursa Minor cub, who went wide eyed upon seeing the ponies and stepped back in fear.  The filly gulped as she stepped forward and whispered nervously. “Hey little guy, I Fizzlepop, and I not gonna huwt ya. I a fwiend and I wana pway with ya,” The cub came up and sniffed Fizzlepop, then licked her, making her giggle. “Hey, cut tat out.”

The Ursa Minor continued licking her then tackled the foal and they both went into the grass. Fizzlepop squealed with laughter and kicked about as she rolled around with the Ursa Minor cub. They both got up and Fizzlepop took a hoof and booped the cub’s soft, wet, black nose.

The Ursa Minor was confused by the gesture and took a paw and booped back. Fizzlepop giggled and booped the Ursa Minor back, and soon they were chasing each other around the field playing a game of tag.

Luna watched from the side, making sure everything was running smoothly.

All of a sudden, Fizzlepop tripped and her hood flew off, revealing the small purple coated unicorn! The Ursa Minor stepped back, whimpering. This made Fizzlepop tear up. “Wha, no! I dun wanna wose my hown again!” But then she happened to look over, seeing the Ursa Minor backing away, fear clearly registered on his little pudgy face. Fizzlepop held up a hoof. “W..wait, hold on! Is alwight!”

But the Ursa Minor squeaked as it ran off and Fizzlepop burst into tears. Luna came over and hugged her. “It’s alright, little one. As I promised, you are unharmed.”

Fizzlepop whimpered. “Wh…why was it scawed of me? I just wana pway.”

Luna cooed. “Well dream or not, it’s a wild animal, sweetheart. Sometimes they get scared of us ponies. But it’s alright, you made a lot of progress tonight.”

Fizzlepop nodded as she hugged Luna for comfort and the lunar princess patted the filly’s diaper. Even in the dream realm it was still possible for foals to use their diapers. Fortunately, Fizzlepop was clean. “We can always visit the Ursa Minor again some other time. Now how about we have some fun?”

Luna led Fizzlepop to another bubble, Pumpkin Cake was splashing around in a pool of rubber balls. She was chewing on them and Fizzlepop giggled seeing that they were gummies. She immediately jumped in, babbling. “Pumpkin Cake!”

Pumpkin Cake squealed and hugged Fizzlepop. “Fizzwepop!” They both giggled as Pumpkin Cake asked. ”Hey ya wana swim with gummies? Is so much fun!”

Fizzlepop nodded. ”Yeah! Wets see how many gummies we can eat! Ta foaw who eats ta most wins.”

Pumpkin giggled. “Otay! Weady, set, go!”

The two dived in and started stuffing their mouths with gummy balls. Luna just watched from the corner and nodded. ”Alright, now it’s Flurry’s turn.”

Flurry Heart was having a fun dream. She was riding her snail plushie Whammy, and was bouncing on its back while squealing. “Giddy up, Whammy! We gots to go faster!”

Just then Luna appeared and smirked as she floated her niece to her and cooed. “Hey sweetheart, you ready to learn how to control your magic surges?”

Flurry bounced down and flew into Luna’s hooves as she squealed. “Of course, Auntie Wuwu! Is about time! Ya had me stay in tat bowin pway dweam foweva, so I changed it. I pwomice not to do cwazy magic sugwes ow anyting wike tat.”

Luna smirked and snuggled her niece. “Well you better not. Come on, let’s go. I have a special dream that I want to show you. I think you’re very much going to like it.”

Luna plopped Flurry Heart on her back, and they flew together into a bright blue bubble. When they came through, Flurry watched as Shining Armor was standing near the throne in Canterlot palace. He was wearing a fancy red suit with ponies in fancy clothes standing below him. Flurry gasped! “Is this Daddy’s dream?!”

The dark coated alicorn princess nodded in approval. “Yes. Here we’re going to learn how to control your excitement.”

“Wait, whas going on?” Flurry asked as she looked all around.

Luna giggled and cooed. “Well, Shining’s dreaming of his wedding a few years ago. It happened before you were born.”

Flurry squealed happily! “Yay! Gonna see Daddy and Mommy get married!”

Flurry jumped up and down as Luna cooed. “Calm down, sweetheart. Let’s just watch and see what happens.” They looked over to see Cadence step forward in her long, flowing, white wedding dress as musicplayed in the background. She stood before Shining, looking deep into his eyes.

Flurry was getting more and more agitated, squirming about in Luna’s arms. “Why can’t I go see tem?! I wana go with Mommy and Daddy?!”

Luna tried clinging onto the foal. “Calm down, Flurry! We’re trying to be respectful rem-“ But it was too late, Flurry popped out of Luna’s grasp and flew towards her parents!

And in that same moment, her horn burst! Magic hitting both her parents. Shining Armor was regressed to a foal a bit older than Flurry Heart, standing there in a thick white diaper and a bright red onesie, while Cadence was a slightly older filly with the wedding dress now a little filly’s dress, full of frills and was way shorter revealing a thick diaper poofing out around her rump. She had make-up and lipstick smeared all over her face. She kissed him on the cheek and the audience laughed.

Twilight Velvet got up and cooed. “Aww, look at them, they’re so cute together in their little diapers and dresses.”

Flurry then watched as Shining plopped down and began wailing! “No, I not a foal! Stop embewassin me! I a gown-up!”

Shining waddled off as Cadence ran after him while teasing. “Snugglypoo, was wong? We pwayin wedding, wememba? Ya gots to dance with me! You gonna teach me youw speciaw diapee dance tat makes aww the gwown-ups swoon and aw!”

Flurry wanted to fly off to see her regressed parents dance, but at that moment Luna grabbed her by the neck. “Alright, that’s quite enough of that.” She sternly lectured.

Flurry whimpered and apologized. “I sowie, I didn mean ta do tat. I just wanted taa see my mommy and daddy get mawwied. I didn mean to tuwn tem into foaws.”

Luna sighed. “This is exactly what I was talking about earlier, young Flurry. You need to control these urges. They may seem harmless now, but one of these days you may cause a problem that can’t be fixed by a grown-up.”

Flurry squirmed and whined. “Otay ten. Bu... can I at weast make Daddy happy. I dun wan see him cwyin in the dweam of him mawwying Mommy.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed, we’d better fix this before he wakes up or it could affect his pysche. But we better give you a disguise so he doesn’t suspect anything.” She then turned Flurry’s mane pink and had a bib with a sun on it placed over her.

The little filly squealed as she flew off! “Yay, I Auntie Tia!”

Shining was now in the palace garden, plopped firmly on his diapered rump, with Cadence coming down towards his location. “Hey, Shiny, wha ya doin? We pwayin wedding, wemembew?”

But Shining whined. “No, we not we weawwy gettin mawwied. My mommy tuwned me into a baby and tuwned ya into a swightwy oldew one. She always embewassin me.”

Cadence giggled. “No, ya mommy didn’ make ya us babies, and we pwaymates. Now ya wana finish ta weddin?”

Shining shook his head.  “No, I stayin hewe…untiw I need a diapee change, or Mommy tuwns me back to nowmaw.”

Cadence pouted and stuck her tounge out. ”Fine then, I gonna ask Bweubwood to pway with me.”

She ran off as Flurry came over, disguised as Celestia. ”Ya can’t do tat, Cady!”

Cadence turned around and asked. “Why not, Auntie Tia? Bwuebwood is a poopyhead, but he wikes pwayin with me, unwike Shining hewe who’s a cwy baby.”

Flurry babbled. “He’s not a cwy baby, Shiny does want to pway wedding with ya. But we got to hewp him out.”

Cadence turned to see Shining now had a plastic helmet and a foam sword, wacking a royal guard who was chuckling at the foal’s antics, and rolled her eyes. “Good wuck, wooks wike he busy pwayin woyaw guawd ow somthin.”

“I’ll fix tat,” Flurry declared. She flew over to Shining and called. “Hey, Shiny.”

The little colt looked over at the young princes and asked. “Hey Pwincess Cewestia, wana pway woyaw guawd with me? A woyaw guawd needs somepony to pwotect.”

Flurry giggled. “No, I can’t. I uh, pwayin waise ta sun.”

Shiny laughed. “Ya can’t do tat yet, ya onwy a baby, wike me.”

Flurry pouted. “Na uh, watch!” She flew into the air and the sun sored up higher (with some unseen help by Princess Luna) and Flurry then plopped down on the ground. “See?”

Shining shrugged. “Wew, ya done now. Wha ya want?”

Flurry sighed and cooed. “Wook, why du ya finish pwayin wedding with Cadence? She weawwy wants to pway with ya and weawn fowm ya.”

But Shining shook his head and protested. “Nu-uh, no way. Evewypony gonna waugh at me, ow wose, tey gonna take pictuwes of me.”

Flurry sighed, why did her dad have to be stubborn in his dreams? He was so much more easy going in the waking world. “Wook, ya a foaw and whatevea ya do as a foaw may be embewassin and siwwy. But it awso is fun. And if ya mommy takes pictures and tawks about tat stuff, tat only means she woves ya. Now why dun ya pway with my niece fow a whiwe? She needs a diapeed guawd to pwotect hew.”

Shining blushed, looking down at the thick padding bulging out beneath his costume. “Yeah, I guess ya wight. Cady a pwincess, and pwincesses need pwotection. But Cady awso got wipstick aww ovew hew face. I dun wan hew wipstick getting aw ovew my face, it tastes icky.”

Flurry giggled. “Awight, I’ww tew Cady she cwean hewsewf off. No wipstick ow anyting, is not fow foaws anyway.”

Shiny nodded in approval at the agreement. “Otay, I’ww pway with Cady. We diapee butts gotta stick togethew!” He waddled off as Flurry sighed. “Otay, now just need to hewp Mommy.”

Flurry flew over to Cadence, who was talking to a baby Blueblood. He was a small foal with a thick golden diaper, and was shaking his head and making a bleh sound. “Nu-uh, dun wana kiss ya! Tat gwoss! I gonna get cooties!”

Cadence whined as she stomped about. “But Bwuebwood, I wanna pway wedding!”

Blueblood whined. “No, du wana! Wedding is fow dumb wittie fiwwes! I gonna go pway Gawopin Gawa, is the onwy pwopew game fow foaws.”

The uptight foal ran off and Cadence was going to chase him, when Flurry came over. “Hey, guess what, Cady? Shiny is gonna pway wedding with ya.”

Cadence squealed happily at the news! “Yay! Shiny is so cute!” She eagerly led Flurry to the throne room again where everypony was still waiting, and Shining was near her throne, this time now fixing his diaper, with his shield cutie mark printed on the front. Cadence blushed.
“Oh, thewe’s my pwince in Shiny Awmow!” She then turned to Flurry and asked. “How’s my makeup?”

Flurry giggled as she remembered. “Uh, it wooks gweat! But Shiny dun wan wipstick aw ovew his face. Besides, is not good fow foaws.”

Cadence nodded. “Wight,” She tugged at her long, flowig dress. ‘Ya gots baby wipes?  Ya need tem to get ta wipstick off.”

“Of couwse, sweetheawt,” Flurry bent down and washed off the makeup and lipstick as Flurry nodded on seeing her mom’s pudgy face. “Ya wook good, now go on and kiss ya Shiny.”

Cadence squealed, running along towards Shining who blushed bright red! “Uh, Cady, so uh... we say somthin, wight?”

Cadence nodded in approval. “Yeah, I wuv Shiny vewy much and gwad he pwain wedding.”

The crowd dawwed as Shiny giggled. “Otay, my tuwn. Uh… I wuv Cady, she my bestest fwiend.”

The ponies giggled and Twilight Velvet cooed. “Oh how sweet. This is going right into the scrap book.”

Shiny blushed, but took the embarrassment in stride. And he then got out a plush gold ring, and put it over Cadence’s horn.

Flurry squealed as she instructed. “Now ya kiss!”

Cadence kissed Shining on the cheek, who squeaked and involuntarily started peeing his diaper with everyone dawwing or laughing, he just giggled and hugged Cadence who dawwed, wetting her diaper to support Shining.

Flurry took full advantafe of the scene to sneak off and run to Luna, who hugged her. “You did it, Flurry! You fixed the dream!”

Flurry looked up at her aunt. “Yeah. Bu I sowwie fow messin it up earwiwer.”

Luna cooed as she ruffled her niece’s mane. “That’s alright, I think we made a lot of progress regardless of the slip-up. Now how about we go see what Fizzlepop is up to?” She then put Flurry on her back and flew off to Pumpkin Cake’s dream, where it was now a nursery, but everything was made of candy.

Flurry’s eyes went wide as Fizzlepop and Pumpkin Cake were eating a package of diapers. They turned and encouraged together. “Come on, Flurry, ya gots to eat ta diapees! Tey taste wike marshmallows!”

Flurry gasped! “Weaywwy?!” Flurry bounced down, took a diaper, started chewing on it and squealed. “Oh, tis tastes dewicious!”

The foals all started eating everything from the playpen to the toys and Luna just watched with a smile as she thought. “Seems like everything is fine here. I'm going to check on Tinkle Shine and see if he’s okay…

Hours later, Princess Cadence woke from the strange dream of her being pregnant with Fizzlepop. She turned to see Shining smiling and saw some drool come down the side of his mouth, puckering his lips. Cadence smirked and kissed him on the cheek. She then slowly got out of bed, groaning as she looked down and blushed seeing that her teats were swollen. Now that she thought of it, it had been a while since she’d really breastfed Flurry. In fact, she’d been considering the fact that it might be time to start waning Flurry off of it.

The princess blushed and went to the kitchen where she brewed some coffee. But the aches from below started to make her look around as she whispered. “Does Twilight Velvet still have her old machine?”

Being the curious sort (and desperate for a way to drain her teats before anyone saw her in this state) scurried to the basement and flicked on a light, seeing that the room was filled with Twilight’s and Shining’s old things, boxes of toys and foal supplies.

At last, she found the old machine and sighed in relief. Cadence quickly left the basement and settled down on a chair as she hooked the machine up and drained herself, filling it with her excess milk. She waited for some time in the kitchen alone listening to the machine hum, when she saw Shining coming down the hall groaning and rubbing his eyes. He squeaked upon seeing the sight that greeted his eyes. “Oh no, you’re pregnant again!”

Cadence looked up with a slight glare and shushed him as she pointed to the nursery, and he squeaked before turning over to face his wife. “Oh, sorry. Forgot about the little ones for a moment.”

Cadence whispered back. “Actually, I’m not pregnant. It’s just... I've been having weird dreams,” She stopped the machine, feeling satisfied, and instantly took out two foal bottles and poured the tub of milk into each.

Shining blushed. “Um, what are the dreams about?”

Cadence sighed. “Well…don’t laugh at me, but…”

Shining Armor crossed his heart. “I promise not to laugh, sweetie. Now tell me”

The princess of love sighed. “Well, I’ve been dreaming about Fizzlepop, and being pregnant with her for some reason.”

Shining smirked. “Well…I guess you really want another foal.”

Cadence twisted the tops of the bottles on and placed them aside. ”Yeah, I do, more than anything. Flurry Heart could use a sibling.”

Shining blushed. “My dream was crazier. I dreamt of being turned into a foal, you were one too, and we were playing wedding. And somehow, Princess Celestia was involved in it, but she seemed a lot younger.”

Cadence giggled a little and asked. “You sure you don’t want to be a foal, even just a little? I’m sure Twilight still has the spell that turned Fizzlepop into a foal, and after what Fizzlepop and Flurry did yesterday...”

Shining squeaked in protest.“Please, don’t! I don’t want to be regressed!”

Cadence smiled at her husband and cooed. ”I’m only joking. As adorable as you would be as a foal, Flurry needs you. Besides, I think if we do adopt Fizzlepop that’ll probably satisfy these maternal instincts for a while.”

Shining was going to say something, before a sudden knock came at the door.

Cadence turned to it and saw a fancy letter pop through.

Just then, the two little foals started wailing and Cadence rushed to the nursery, picking up Fizzlepop and Flurry Heart in her hooves. She hushed them and took them to a nearby rocking chair.

Then Fizzlepop woke up, and started to whimper and kick about in her thick, crinkly diaper. Cadence hushed her as she held the baby close to her chest. She took out the warm baby bottles, filled with a thick, creamy milk, and plucked one into Flurry heart’s and Fizzlepop’s mouth.

Flurry Heart recognized the strange milky substance immediately, squealing and flapping her wings in joy.

Fizzlepop, on the other hoof suckled on it trying to figure out what she was drinking. Then it hit her, it was breastmilk! But she continued suckling on it anyway, loving the warm, creamy substance.

Cadence cooed. “That’s right, sweetheart, it’s my milk. I hope you don’t mind, my hormones haven’t completely faded from Flurry’s pregnancy, and I thought maybe you could have some. It’s nutritious for foals too.”

Fizzlepop smiled and continued suckling the bottle, draining it slowly and kicking about in her diaper, feeling satisfied. Cadence just watched the two with a motherly smile printed on her face as she turned to Shining, who was holding the strange letter. “Who’s the letter from?”

Shining held it up. ”Uh, Fizzlepop’s parents. Looks like they responded.”

Cadence took the envelope with her magic, opening it and revealing the letter proper as it read:

Dear Princess Cadence,

This is a formal letter regarding my daughter, Fizzlepop.

My name is Fizzle Beacon Berrytwist, and I have heard the tale of how our dear daughter became an evil and cruel pony working for the Storm King.

I apologize for her awful behavior, and I am glad to hear she was regressed into a foal. She needs a second upbringing, so I can help her become the good little filly she was always meant to be.

My wife and I are aware of Fizzlepop’s magic surges and are concerned that they may ruin our new house we just bought. So we ask that once she has completed her training in Magic Daycare, send her certificate, and we will arrive shortly after to take her back and raise Fizzlepop.


Fizzle Beacon.

P.S.: If you could, have her start being toilet trained. I would rather not have to endure dealing with diapers again. She shouldn’t be too difficult though, she graduated from diapers long before most foals her age.

Cadence was stunned at the letter and whispered. “My goodness, This Fizzle Beacon is quite a pony. I’m not sure if it’s just the letter, but it doesn’t sound like he really cares for her at all. He wants us to do all the hard work of raising his foal for him,” She looked down at Fizzlepop as she picked the filly up and held her close. “I promise if your parents are cruel, I won’t let them take you.”

Fizzlepop beamed a smile, but Shining looked down not knowing what to say and whispered. ”Cadence, she’s their daughter. We would be breaking the law if we don’t follow through with their wishes.”

Cadence rolled her eyes and explained. “Shining, I’m not saying we foalnap her and we run away to Saddle Arabia. I’m just saying we can protect Fizzlepop if necessary from being raised by cruel parents. Trust me, there is always a way. Even if we have to contest the order in court”

Shining looked down at Fizzlepop, who was still sucking away on the bottle of his wife’s’ milk, and commented. “I hope you’re right.” In his mind he thought. “I’m growing attached to her too.