Object XP-84c

by Scourge the yellow cat



Abentfree's head was killing her, the stinging blacking her senses. She couldn't remember who, or what knocked her out. The pain was nullifying her ability to remember correctly. If it could stop, she willed, then she could get regain control. She wished it to stop.

To her surprise, it started to fade away...Slowly albeit, but progress none or less. After a little while, it died down to the point that she could think straight again. Stallion¹, she wanted to explore right now and just forget her prob- Explore? Waitaminute...ruins...friends...oh no... Her brain having just made the connection, Abentfree then remembered the events that took place. The attack of that weird stallion...that took her out. What happened to her friends?!

At this point, she reclaimed the ability to talk and speak. She realized that she was still in the room that they were jumped. She noticed that she was propped up on the wall adjacent to the open doorway. To her left was a restrained unconscious Techno. Intimidate him, make him fearful. She thought as she spoke her words of determination...

She attempted to say something heroic, but all she got out was a squeak. OF COURSE, she had to be scared right now. Great, the stallion is probably going to laugh at her idiotic attempt of bravery. He'll most likely be all ‘Awww, does the little heroine lost her speech?’ as he'll harm them to Tartarus and-

"Ah, you're awake I see." Said a male voice to the right of her that sliced into Abentfree's train of thought. She lifted her head weakly, as she was still sore. Although her vision had come back, it was still getting rid of the blackness of unconsciousness. The voice was unnerving as it was a calm, questioning tone. It was the type of calm that reeked 'Hi! I lack any emotion!' It sent shivers down her spine, as the voice continued.

"I was concerned that the pressure points were applied too much pressure, but I am glad that that is not the case.” Abentfree didn't know what those words meant, but she didn't like it; that changed when she noticed a movement to her right as the owner walked towards her. She turned to him, as her sight was fully restored to study the mare-napper. He was a sturdy build, blood-red stallion that had piercing yellow eyes. On his flank was what looked to be an outline of a phoenix, clutching some sort of branch and sword in its talons and having a snake in its beak. In the center of the Phoenix was a shield, divided into three different colors with different symbols within the colors. Then he spoke once again, in a more serious tone as he walked towards her.

"I am going to start to interrogate you about how you have entered the property of the military of the Triunion Federation. I will not harm you or your friend as long as you answer truthfully. Any resistance is futile, understood?"

Abentfree was both frightened and confused at the same time. She was scared as the imposing stallion was eyeing her down with those merciless eyes. But at the same time, what was he talking about? A federation of what? Either way, she nodded. This caused the stallion to unnaturally smile.

"Great! Let me start off easy. What is your name?"

Abentfree was thrown off from this question. Here is the pony who has taken her and Techno captive, and he is ranting like a lunatic. And yet he is being all nice and is asking for names?! Something is really off here, but Abentfree complied.

"M-my name is Adventure Free, b-but I prefer Abentfree..." She said. The stallion heard this and replied.

"Abentfree...adorable name, I must admit." He said, before continuing. "Ok Miss Abentfree, where are you from?"

"Ugh..." Whimpered Abentfree, "Equestria?"

The stallion thought for a second, before replying. "I assume that you meant somewhere along the Equator." Equ-what? "Second, how did your group get through security?"

"What do you mean? There was none."

"What do you mean there was no security present?” Demanded the stallion, his unequine-like eyes burning into her. Abentfree was terrified at this point, as the atmosphere changed in a hoofbeat. He got closer, and Abentfree saw that he was bigger than any stallion out there. Heck, he was probably as tall as Princess Luna! At this point, Abentfree snapped.

"I don't know who you are, but for Celestia's sake JUST BUCKING STOP!" Screamed Abentfree at the insane pony. The stallion's head twitched. "You mare-napped me and my friend and you are all cra-"

The stallion's right foreleg shot toward her chest and grabbed the fur. And in one fluent movement pulled her to the stallion. Abentfree ended her rage and was instead terrified as she now was looking up in fear. The stallion looked down at her with those unfeeling, lifeless killer eyes. This noted, she searched his face, only to be even more scared as she saw the lines and angles of his face were WAY too pronounced to be a pony.

"QUIET." Ordered the 'stallion' as it glared at her. She then felt something wet and warm near her eyes. This is where she will never be seen from again, she determined.

"JUST BUCKING LOOK OUTSIDE, CELESTIA CURSE IT!" Abentfree screamed at the pony in pure terror as she then started to feel more warm and wet flowing from her eyes. The red stallion paused and turned his head to the opened doorway behind him.

1 I replaced the man with stallion in this case because, well, these are ponies and not humans


'Abentfree' yelled at me as I held her against the wall with my front right 'hoof'. I managed to grab her due to the HaNDS that was installed in the left 'hoof'. The Handling and Nudging Designed System, or HaNDS for short, is a designed feature where I am able to be able to grab and manipulate objects with my left 'hoof'. When in use, several bendable digits emerge from the 'hoof' and have all the flexibility to 'fingers' of the species that have created me, besides there being four to the five of their hands. When not in use, the digits curl into the 'hoof' into a 'clenched knuckle', just like those 'Gorilla' creatures from that file I had scanned in the 'Biology' section. Anyway, she yelled at me to look out the still open doorway that they entered. Then she broke down crying. Lifeforms are weird.

I looked out and...wait, this can't be right. The room looks like it has been abandoned for a VERY long time. Half of the furniture has been utterly destroyed by plant life. This was a top-priority location, why is it in this state? Seeing this, I go through all files on the primate species I have seen.

8,536 files were found related to my search.
1 result found to complete the objective.

The results confuse me. Here I am in a ruined abandoned complex that is also designated as a Top-Priority, but the primate species maintain said priority. Quickly I run a systems update, and in 0.121 seconds, I get my answer:


0.08 seconds later, I run a communications test.


As I analyze the data, only one outcome is 99.99%,

The species had to have gone extinct...

The superiors that launched me. The engineers that help build me. The people that I was assigned to protect. The sentient species that...made me...

Gone, gone, gone, and gone.

Initiating missions...

I. Preserve the legacy of the extinct primate species that created me
II. Recover any information of the primate species
III. Self-preservation
IV. Study about the current state of the world and assimilate
V. Find any allies, if possible


I'm the only thing that is preserving my Creator's legacy now.


"That must be it!" Yelled Rainbow Dash as the Elements of Loyalty, Kindness, and Magic reached the area outside of the ruins. Fluttershy has never run so long in her life, as proven by her slight gasps for air. Twilight fared no better, and Rainbow Dash clearly enjoying it. No matter, Fluttershy assumed, they're here. Rainbow Dash then yelled in excitement, air boxing.

"Alright! Time to kick some bad pony butt! Let me at 'em, let me at 'em!" Twilight just rolled her eyes as their Pegasus friend did her usual mood of energy.

"Ok, let's get this over with," Said Fluttershy. "Mr. Fluffles needs to be fed soon." Twilight slightly flinched at the mentioning of Mr. Fluffles. You do NOT want to meet a hungry bear that is twice the size of a pony. The three locked eyes at each other and knew the same thing: Go in. So, they did just that, with Rainbow Dash taking the lead by swooping in.

As Fluttershy was just about to enter, she heard voices inside. First, it was confusion and sadness, then it quickly spiraled into anger. Then the next thing she heard caused her and Twilight to rush in. It was the sound of a scream, followed by the sound of a body hitting a wall.