//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Dealing With It // Story: A New Life, or an Old Strife? // by Chrome Masquerade //------------------------------// "So, if i'm understanding this correctly," I said, skeptically, "That little device is supposed to be able to tell you what changes we've gone through aside from the obvious." "The sonic screwdriver has a multitude of uses, actually." Time Turner said, smugly. "Offensive, defensive, supportive and, yes, scientific as well. Don't sass it. Now, let's see..." He activated the small object and a small scanning field appeared briefly, passing over each of us for but a couple of seconds. After checking its readings, he said, "Ah. I see. Firstly, youi're all taller, have both wings and a horn, and... harder, better, faster, stronger. You already know these things. Moving on. Ah. Here we go. Each of you are now inextricably linked to your Element, your virtue. For example, Miss Cream. Try telling a lie." "Um... Okay." Caramel said. "My name is La- is Llll-ll-ll.... Is Lah...(1)" I thought for a moment. "What do you think of myself and Kendo?" Caramel immediately replied, "I totally ship it." then an instant later, she put her hooves to her muzzle, eyes wide in surprise. "I totally didn't not mean that! I mean, i did mean that! I mean- Oh, cinnamon sticks!" she finished, defeated. "As you can see, miss Cream, being related to the element of Sincerity, can no longer lie." Time Turner confirmed. "And miss Fields, you treat everyone here with love." "Of course." I said. "You all are like family to me." I then realized what i had just said. "And our... new arrivals?" "Misguided black sheep. Every family has a few." I replied istinctively. "As you can see, miss Fields, reepresenting the element of Kinship, connects strongly to everypony she comes to know in a familial way." There were assorted reactions around the room. "Moving on," Time Turner said, befor stopping cold, a blush appearing on his face. "Oh, my." he muttered. "What? What is it?" "Well, you aren't going to like it, but if you'll all kindly check your undersides, you'll notice soon enough." We did as asked. Sure enough, i could see that my teats were slowly swelling and i also had... a n unidentified spot. I poked it and felt a jolt of pleasure. My eyes shot wide open. as what that was made itself known, slowly beginning to poke outward. Yep. This is a stallion's cock. Around the room, there was a chorus of "WHAT THE BUCK?!" And just when i'd gotten used to identifying myself as a mare. (one explanation later,) "So if i'm to understand," Kendo said, "we're all hermaphrodies, all constantly producing milk..." "Yes, and if your semen so much as touches the entrance of a mortal mare, she'll become pregnant. No questions asked. Also, stallions and mares alike will find your scent intoxicating when you're aroused. Which will happen more often than you might think." "So it won't be long until we're bucked in every sense of the word i actually mean." Thunder Roller summarized. "That's about the size of it. You're supposed to represent all of ponykind. That implies masculine and feminine alike." Time turner confirmed. "Celestia and Luna had centuries of practice with suppressing their... desires. You won't be so lucky. Uh... back to the topic of your changes, if you check the inside of your right hind leg... Looking there, i saw a symbol like an Egyptian ankh. "Your particular brand of immortality. No, don't tell me what it is. It'll only be a liability if anything happens. Though, as a bit of slight trivia, Princess Celestia's was shaped like a phoenix.(2)" We all exchanged glances, considering the implications. Could it be...? "I'll say no more about that. Anyway..." he wisely decided to move on. "Let's see... you'll have more muscle, but also more pudge." I checked by pressing on my thigh. It did indeed indicate tightly corded muscle, but also had a fair bit of give. "This is meant to generally make your forms more attractive. Successfully so, might i add. You're supposed to represent the best of all three races, so...." We all blushed at this. "You might also notice that you're more than a bit hungry." Now that he mentioned it... "An alicorn's body is, in essence, mostly one big mana battery. Ergo, their stomach is like a furnace. Anything you eat -up to a certain point- becomes magical energy in your body. This is why Celestia was so fond of sweets. Cake was one of the few things that could be even remotely filling." That made a lot of sense, when you think about it. "To wit, i've arranged to have a celebratory feast made. Fortunately, this house's dining room is as generously proportioned as the rest." "There's food?" Crystal queried. As if on cue, a very large trolley was pushed into the room, with an assortment of things on it, from apple pie to shortbread. "It's the least we can do for you, your majesties." The pony havong pushed the cart in said, before leaving. "I'll leave you all to it." Time Turner said, snagging a piece for himself before leaving as well. "Alright, everypony. Dig in!" i said.