Stormy Skies for Ponyville

by DarkestAutumn

Chapter 4

Chapter 4_____________________________________________________________________
Twilight Sparkle and friends sat bored at the table at SugarCube Corner. “Are you SURE you haven’t seen Pinkie Pie OR Fluttershy at ALL today?” asked Applejack. Mr. Cake sighed. “I haven’t seen Pinkie Pie since this morning when she dashed off to go to the Everfree Forest, and heaven knows where Fluttershy is.” he said exasperatedly. The 4 ponies all gave a groan of disappointment. “I’m sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, it’s just that I never thought either of them would want to miss out on Pinkie Pie’s birthday party...” said Twilight Sparkle. There was a long silence, until finally, Rarity stood up. “I’m sorry everypony, but if those two are not going to show up to the party, especially the one to be celebrated about, I hereby label this a waste of my time. Goodbye.” She then proceeded to trot out the door, only to be knocked down by none other than Fluttershy. “Oh, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, It’s- Rarity, are you okay?!” she gasped. Rarity gave a muffled noise that sounded something like “I’m fine”. Fluttershy gave her small smile and stepped off of her body. “Oh, okay, good. Anyway, where was I- Oh yeah! TWILIGHT! APPLEJACK! RAINBOW DASH! RARITY! IT’S TERRIBLE!” The 4 ponies shot eachother reproving glances. “Is Angel making friends with a Dragon? ‘Cuz sorry, Fluttershy, but nopony really cares.” said Rainbow Dash. “RAINBOW!” screamed the remaining 3. “Erm, no.” said Fluttershy quietly. “It’s not that bad.” “Well, spit it out then!” snapped Applejack. “The Changelings are coming!” shrieked Fluttershy, so loud that Ms. Cake dropped the tray of cupcakes she was holding. “The Changelings are coming to Attack Equestria! THEY’VE GOT PINKIE PIE!” For a moment, the 4 ponies just stared at Fluttershy. Then they all burst into laughter. Even Rarity could not help but fall over on the floor in a fit of giggles. “Changelings?! Is she SERIOUS?!” laughed Applejack. Fluttershy’s face turned rose red. “I am! The changelings are coming! They kidnapped Pinkie Pie! And Stormy Skies... She-” “I’m sorry Fluttershy, but you don’t have a shred of evidence to prove it.... Do you?” asked Twilight Sparkle, who had calmed down enough to speak without bursting into laughter again. Fluttershy was at a loss. “I... I... Haven’t ANY of you noticed ANYPONY go missing?” she stammered. Rarity stopped laughing at once. “Well, come to think of it, Lyra Heartstrings STILL hasn’t come to pick up her gloves (“I don’t know what they are or why she would need them, though,” she added)... and they’ve been done for weeks! I’ve informed her over and over again by mail, but she hasn’t responded...” Rainbow Dash’s expression also turned serious. “Yeah... Spitfire hasn’t been seen on the Wonderbolts Team since last week...” she said. “Everypony’s assumed it’s because she’s sick...” “That’s because they were kidnapped by CHANGELINGS!” cried Fluttershy, waving her hooves around. “They haven’t been seen because they were captured by Queen Chrysalis, and Stormy Skies is helping her!” Twilight, however, still looked unconvinced. “So, Spitfire is absent and Lyra’s a bit late to pick up her flubs (“Gloves,” corrected Rarity), that doesn’t mean anything BAD’s happened to them, let alone kidnapped by changelings. They’re just acting a bit too strange for your liking- It’s not a big deal.” Fluttershy opened her mouth as though to scream something, but closed it, as though unable to find the right words to express her rage. Then she finally spoke. “Just you wait Twilight Sparkle. The Changelings ARE coming! I know what I saw, so don’t come crying to me when they catch you off guard!” And with that, Fluttershy slammed the door and left. Applejack turned to face Twilight Sparkle nervously. “Wow... I’ve never seen Fluttershy that angry before... Not even at the Grand Galloping Gala! You’re sure she’s wrong?” Twilight Sparkle just waved a hoof at her. “Relax, Applejack. Nopony’s seen head nor tail of the changelings since the Canterlot Invasion 3 years ago, why would they attack now?” Applejack smiled. “Oh, alright then. Let’s wait for Pinkie Pie.”

But Pinkie Pie never came.