//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 // Story: The Return of Harmony (EQG Style) // by Bookpony579 //------------------------------// Celestia and Luna stood in the park.....facing a giant creature made of marshmallow. Awww.....why couldn't we have fought THAT thing? Because this is my story Pinkie, not yours. "Okay...out of all the monsters I've faced in my life, I have to admit: this one takes the cake." Luna said with a straight face. "Don't you mean takes the s'mores?" Celestia grinned. Luna rolled her eyes. "Horrible puns aside, we've gotta figure out a way to take this thing down." "And that's why we're here to help!" The two adults turned around to see Sunset and Flash. "What are you two doing here?" Celestia asked. "Like I said: we're here to help!" Sunset repeated. "Though given I don't have magic or a real weapon......not sure there's much I can do." Flash stated as he looked up at the giant marshmallow being that was currently destroying the park. Celestia frowned at Sunset. "I told you to go home, where you'll be safe! I just don't want you getting hurt!" Sunset glared right back. "I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm a teenager! I'm on the honor roll! I ride a motorcycle! Beside, we've been helping Twilight and the others all day!" Celestia blinked, stunned. "You have?" "Yes! And we're still here! If you-" "Look out!" Luna and Flash tackled Celestia and Sunset respectively out of the way as a gooey claw landed where they once stood. They hid behind some bushed as the monster let out a loud rawr. "Look." Sunset continued. "I know you want to protect me but I can handle myself. I've been doing it all day, so why not now." Celestia took a deep breath went into deep thought for a few moments before opening her eyes. "All right. You can help. But you-" She pointed to Flash. "Have to stay here. Like you said: you have no magic and no way to defend yourself.Just focus on making sure no innocent bystanders wander into the crossfire." "Got it." Flash nodded. The three mages stepped out and confronted the beast. It gave a low growl at them. "Steady..." Luna said. The creature began to run towards them. "NOW!" Luna shouted. But before they could do anything...a giant rainbow filled the sky and they were blinded by a bright white light. When they opened their eyes, the monster was gone and the park, and the city, were back to normal. Luna blinked "What just happened?" Sunset grinned. "Twilight happened." Discord sat on his sinister looking throne on a hill in the middle of the city, reveling in all the chaos he had caused. He summoned a glass and filled it (top then bottom) with chocolate milk."Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing." He declared. "Not as wonderful as friendship!" Discord looked and saw Twilight and her five friends, each standing proudly and bearing their elements. "Oh, this again?" Discord smirked before drinking the glass and throwing the chocolate milk away, creating an explosion nearby. It was obvious Discord wasn't taking them seriously. "That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long!" AJ stepped forward. "Oh, Applejack. Don't lie to me." Discord's finger glowed as he levitated AJ up to eye level. "I'm the one who made you a liar." Then his whole claw began to glow as he lifted the rest of the elements besides Twilight up to him. "Will you ever learn?" Twilight, now angry, teleported herself in the middle of her friends and surrounded them in a protective bubble, much to Discord's surprise. Twilight gently floated them back on the ground, with the bubble undoing the chaos as it toughed the ground. "That's odd..." Discord muttered. "I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord: we've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!" Twilight announced, with her friends standing proudly beside her. Discord seemed more amused than afraid. "You really are quite the interesting little mage aren't you?" Discord asked, teleporting in front of her. "You managed to not only get through my game, but you managed to break my hold on you and your friends. You just don't know when to quit, do you? I can see why She picked you for this. Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements. Friend me. Just make it quick, will you?" He teleported back on his throne. "I'm missing some excellent chaos here." He then resumed his evil grin. "All right, ladies, let's show him what friendship can do!" Twilight commanded. "Wait-wait-wait!" The girls looked over to see Pinkie slopping down as much chocolate rain as she could get, ignoring the looks of disgust and annoyance the the others were giving her. Finally she hopped back into the fray with a determined growl. Twilight and the others gathered their inner strengths, and activated their elements, causing them to glow brightly. Discord just yawned at the presentation....until he was almost hit by a star shaped blast from the Element of magic. "Huh. What's this?" The Elements kept shooting beams of magic at Discord until Twilight opened her eyes, revealing them to be glowing white with power. The reality of the situation finally seemed to sink into Discord. "No...." The Elements gathered their power to form a giant rainbow beam that shot into the air and headed straight for Discord. "NOOOOOOOOO!" Was all Discord could do as we was consumed by the rainbow and was swiftly turned back to stone. The rainbow formed a dome over the city and exploded....reversing all the chaos Discord had done and turned everything back to normal. Twilight and the girls floated back to the ground as Discord's statue, now wearing a look of horror, fell to the side.