//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 // Story: The Return of Harmony (EQG Style) // by Bookpony579 //------------------------------// Twilight walked home, either seemingly unaware or simply uncaring about the drastic changes that had been made. Canterlot was nearly unrecognizable now. The ground was now a mix-match of stripes, polka dots and plaid. Cars with wings were flying around, a pair of hydrants were playing hopscotch, buildings and homes floating on chunks of earth up in the sky, and overall it seemed as though logic had taken a vacation and making it seem as though the laws a physics were a mere myth. Twilight walked past all of this, ignoring the lone cotton candy cloud that was pouring chocolate rain on her when Discord appeared. "What do you think of the renovations my dear? It's going to by my 'Chaos Capital of the World'! Can't you just imagine it!" He asked excitedly, before noticing that she was still walking, seemingly ignoring him. "Come now, Twilight Sparkle. You've got to get into the spirit of things!" He summoned a cone and used it to gather the cotton candy cloud before taking a bite from it. "It's your new home now." Twilight looked around. Nothing looked like her beloved hometown anymore. It had been reshaped and twisted beyond recognition. Into this monster's idea of a paradise. This wasn't her home anymore. "Not Anymore." Was all Twilight replied before continuing her trek home, narrowly avoiding a collision with a dancing lamppost. Discord watched her walk off for a moment, seemingly hurt by her refusal, before braking into a grin. "Yes!" Discord cheered before going off to enjoy his new Empire of Chaos, reveling in his victory. Twilight entered her home and slammed the door behind her. "Spike?" She called out, heading to her room. "Spike, come on , we're leaving." "Leaving!?" Spike asked as he met up with her at the bedroom door. "What do you mean we're leaving? What about Discord? Your friends? Equestria?" Twilight dumped the crown into a trash bin and pulled out her suitcase and set it on her bed. "They're on their own now. I done with all of this, and don't ask where we're going, 'cause I don't know yet. Just not here." She began packing up clothes, Spike's doggy toys, anything they might need. She also began thinking about what to write to her parents when she heard frantic knocking on the front door. Groaning, she answered it and found herself facing Sunset, Flash, Micro, Bon Bon, Sandalwood and Lyra. "What do you want?" She asked in annoyance, eager to get back to packing. "Sunset! What's going on!?" Spike asked, running up to them. "Twilight wants to leave Canterlot!" "That's why we're here." She looked her childhood friend in the eye. "Twilight you can't leave!" Twilight rolled her eyes at this. "I told you: I'm done. I'm done sticking my neck out for 'friends' who don't even care about me." "Twilight they DO care about you." Flash said firmly. "They just don't remember, and neither do you!" "What are you talking about?" Sunset grabbed Twilight's wrist and dragged her inside and sat her on a sofa, despite Twilight's protests. "What are you doing!?" "Trying to help you remember." Sunset nodded to the others and they began dumping stuff from their backpacks on the coffee table. Photos, letters and newspaper clippings were scattered all over the table, each one a token of Twilight's and her friends' past adventures. "Twilight..." Lyra began softly, picking up a newspaper clipping, "Do you remember the time you and your friends got that dragon to leave and nap elsewhere?" Twilight took the clipping and looked at it, remembering the time a dragon had almost covered Equestria in smoke and no one could get rid of it....except Fluttershy. Sandalwood showed her a picture from where she, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash had competed in the Running of the leaves competition, how Applejack and Rainbow kept sabotaging each other while Twilight herself had surprisingly placed fifth. As she looked through the rest, memories flooded her head. Memories of her friends. The bad times they had.....and the good. The adventures they had and the lessons they learned. Slowly Twilight's color returned and the sparkle came back to her eyes. "That's it! It's all so clear!" She cried happily, gripping Sunset's shoulders in excitement. "Discord's trying to distract us from what's important." She let go of Sunset and walked around the room, addressing everyone in it. "He knows how powerful our friendships are, and he's trying to keep us from seeing it! When I first came to Canterlot High, I thought making friends wouldn't do any good. But the opposite is true! The friendships I've made since I've been here are what saved Equestria from Sunset and the Dazzlings. And now they need to save it from Discord!" She looked proud for a moment before recalling what she just said and gave Sunset a sheepish grin. "No offense." "None taken." Sunset shrugged with a smile. "You guys are right. I've got to fight for my friendships. For them. For me. For Equestria!" She declared with a heroic pose. "Yeah!" "Alright!" "Sweet!" "Righteous!" "Awesome!" Sunset grinned at Twilight. "Nice to have you back. Twilight grinned back. "Nice to be back. Best of all I think I have a way to fix my friends!" Twilight rushed back to her room, retrieved her Element and went through a spell book from her shelves. "Perfect!" Twilight rushed back downstairs. "I think I have a spell to help my friends!" Most of the group cheered. "The possibility of that working after everything we've been though is about one in a thousand." Micro said, holding a calculator. He promptly received an elbow in the gut from Bon Bon. This didn't shake Twilight's resolve. "I know it's a long shot, but we've got to try. First I need to get my friends back together, then we need to take down Discord!" "Count me in!" Sunset said. "Right behind you!" Flash declared. "What about me?" Spike asked. Twilight smiled and picked up her dog. "Spike I know you want to help, but I think it's best if you stay here and hold down the fort. Can you do that for me?" "You got it!" Spike said, saluting her with his paw before Twilight put him back down on the floor. "Umm..." The trio turned to the others, who wore sheepish looks. "Dudes, I know saving Equestria is important and all....but do you mind if we sit this out?" Sandalwood asked. "Yeah." Bon Bon continued. "No offense, but you guys have a lot more experience than us at this this and we've kind of filled up out crazy tolerance for the day." "Don't worry about it." Twilight waved it off. "You guys have done more than enough. Feel free to relax here until it's over. You can keep Spike company." "Sweet!" Sandalwood said, plopping down on the couch. "Got any snacks?" Once the proper snack were prepared, Twilight, Sunset and Flash went out to save Twilight's friends.