//------------------------------// // 3 - Lunch // Story: Glimmer In The Mirror // by Hclegend //------------------------------// There was an awkward silence after the pair of teens shook hands. Luckily, the reason why Starlight decided to meet up with Sunset in the first place reared it's metaphorical head as her stomach cried out for its next snackrifice. "Feeling hungry then, Starlight?" Sunset joyfully asked, trying to ignite a new conversation. For her part, Starlight tried her best to look embarrassed at least, but she couldn't muster more than a light flush across her features. "It might be part of why I'm here, heh." Sunset playfully rolled her eyes in response as she took out her wallet. "Luckily for you, I usually cover the bill when Rarity isn't around. The job I currently have is a bit of a money maker, so I don't mind it." Sunset causally explained as she stood up out of her chair and headed towards the counter. While Sunset was ordering something from the energetic looking pink girl who was giving her weird looks every so often, Starlight swiftly took out her brick of a phone and headed to her messages, before typing out a quick message. Messaging Tree Hugger Hey, I might be a little while. Try not to pass out with a blunt in your hand. <3 Starlight had finished furiously smashing her phone's keyboard before the girl with the crazy bacon-esque hair returned, holding two more cups and two confectioneries. One was drizzled in a strange goldish hue that gave Starlight a toothache just from looking at it funny and the other was a simple cupcake... With whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles covering the entirety of the cream, and not one but two cherries on top. Sunset noticed the stare from her compatriot. "Here," she handed the golden cake over. "This one won't give you diabetes. Well, it shouldn't, but since Pinkie Pie's on shift, I'd still take it slow." Starlight analysed the cupcake laid before her, the golden sheen glinting off sunlight while the caramel slowly climbed down the sides. As she was closer now, she could make it very small pieces of fudge interspaced within the bounds of the cake. Taking one of the two steaming plastic cups of liquid as preperation to wash down this sugar coma-inducing delicacy, Starlight took a small bite. As expected, the combination of caramel and fudge rushed throughout her mouth, covering every inch of the muscle in pure sugar. If it wasn't for it filling her mouth already, Starlight would have let out a euphoric moan. Instead, a muffled one would have to do. "Yeah, it's pretty good." Sunset said, suppressing a laugh. "There's a reason why some call this place Sugargasm Corner." "Mmmm... Gross." Starlight swallowed the first bite, before setting the treat down on the table. "So uh... What do you do for a living?" Sunset leaned one of her elbows on the table, striking a thinking pose. "Aside from part time High Schooler and full time hero, I do have a job on the side. Low-key sort of work though, can't really tell you much." Grabbing her phone again, Starlight typed something into the small rectangular device, before handing it to Sunset. Sunbreakers! Do you have a website with holes that need to be plugged? Do you need a hacker to tell you what ways your data can be breached? Are you too lazy to hire a full time I.T. department? If the answer to any of those questions was "Yes!", then Sunbreakers is for you! Our independent white hat hackers will break into your website and detail a report on how exactly they got in! They will even offer solutions to your security holes for a small additional charge! Why have a broken lock, when you can have a lock that can't be broken? Contact us today! Sunset gave a half-liddled stare to Starlight. "That obvious, huh? I didn't even tell you that I did do that sort of thing." "Well, someone must have gotten a hold of my personal details at some point, considering how I ended up on the streets in the first place." Starlight handwaved while staring right into Sunset's eyes. Sunset withered under her gaze. "Geez, I said I was sorry. I didn't know you managed to put two and two together on that." "Eh," Starlight took her phone back nonchalantly. "I figured that those ads would be you after the Anon-A-Miss scandal. Who else would leak personal info for the kicks?" "Ugh..." Sunset placed her head into her hands. "So you managed to gather that much, but not how I managed to sniff out Anon-A-Miss?" Starlight took another bite of her baked good, before taking a long drink of coffee. "Because while I know it happened, due to the massive outcry on the student forums-" Sunset put her hands back onto the table before looking at Starlight. "You know, with them not deactivating your student forum privileges after leaving, it's no wonder Anon-A-Miss happened like it did." Starlight rolled her eyes. "I know, but they did shut it down after the incident. Point is, there was a lot of hear-say about it before it was resolved. When I tried to ask Principal Celestia about it afterwards, she just said that the "matter was none of your concern." and that was that." Sunset sighed, as she dipped a finger into her lukewarm coffee and started moving it clockwise. "I know that might be frustrating, but it's due to legal issues and all that sorta thing. If I knew who they were, I wouldn't have done what I did to find out who they were... Desperate times back then." "Huh." Starlight replied, her eyes widening. "Didn't know you had a reason behind your part time job aside from needing the money." Sunset dried her coffee soaked finger before downing the rest of the cooling brew. "I mean I'm good at it, might as well use my talents for something while making some cash on the side," Sunset pointed to the young woman across the table. "Speaking of, what do you do?" Starlight choked on her coffee a slight bit. "E-excuse me?" The bacon-haired teen reeled back in surprise. "I mean you don't have to answer..." "Well, I'm not exactly under employment." "Oh," Sunset simply stated. "I'm sorry, then." "Eh, I do get some compensation from it. Helps pay for the basics, like Internet, beer and cable." Starlight tried to put a positive spin on things. Sunset gave a flat look. "That's not "the basics", you know." "That's what roommates are for," Starlight put her hands up defensively. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. My roommate's a stoner so I tend to take care of the financials and what not. How do you get on with things?" Sunset pulled herself out of her chair, before grabbing the various pieces of garbage. "Why don't you come along? I haven't have anyone visit my place for a while and it's only a few blocks over." "Sure!" Starlight leapt out of her chair, before gently placing it back for the next customer. Sunset put the stuff in her arms in the bin before waving to the pink-haired girl at the till. "See ya Pinkie, hope you have a nice day!" Pinkie Pie waved back, before Sunset opened the door to let Starlight out into the mild May day. The sun was starting to peek through the previously overcast sky.