Pokemon Ultra Cosmos

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 39: Versus Totem Kommo-o

Felix hopped off Charizard as it landed in front of Aether House and gently lowered Yungoos onto the ground. Yungoos squealed as it ran up the steps and into Aether House. Felix called back Charizard and ran up to reunite with his friends.

"I'm back!" Felix announced closing the door behind him. But the warm and cheerful welcome he was waiting for didn't come. Instead Starlight and Evelyn had worried looks on their faces and was joined with Lillie. "Um what's going on?" asked Felix. Lillie turned to face Felix, her cheeks wet with tears.

"Felix," Lillie whimpered.

"Lillie what are you doing here?" asked Felix. Then, without warning, Lillie ran into his arms sobbing. "Oh Felix I don't know what to do!"

"Lillie calm down whats wrong!?" Felix asked.

"Her mother disappeared into an Ultra Wormhole," answered Starlight.

"WHAT!?" gasped Felix.

"Mother, she obviously hasn't forgotten what Supernova did several days ago, so in attempts to put an end to his evil schemes, she entered the Ultra Wormhole to find and defeat Necrozma," said Lillie.

"But there's no way she can stand up to Necrozma herself," added Starlight.

"What about the Ultra Recon Squad, didn't they try to go after her?" asked Felix.

"They did but, when I asked to go with them they refused, saying it was too dangerous," answered Lillie.

"What about Nebby, I mean Cosmog?" asked Felix.

"I believe that Cosmog you mentioned has fallen in the hands of Supernova," answered a voice. The group turned around to see Io closing the door behind him.

"Mr. Io," said Evelyn.

"So we meet again eh Felix," said Io.

"Mr. Io do you perhaps know something that we don't?" asked Starlight.

"How about I tell you after you beat me in a battle, I'm covering for Kahuna Nanu after all," said Io.

"Alright, let's get this Grand Trial over with," said Felix.

Larry angrily slammed his fists on the table. "That Lusamine, what is she thinking!?"

"Larry please calm down," said Celestia. Larry let out heavy breaths as he let his anger subside. "Better right?" asked Celestia.

"A little," answered Larry."By the way, where's Dulse and Zossie?" he asked.

"Right here sir," said Dulse walking in.

"Do you have the flute?" asked Larry. Dulse nodded as he pulled out a small yellow flute with the Sun symbol engraved on it. "I want you to take it to Felix," said Larry. "They'll be needing it to play at the alter," Dulse nodded as he and Zossie walked out the door. "Celestia, would you mind telling the others to meet me in the castle lobby, I have a bad feeling about this,"

"DAMN IT!!!!!!" Supernova roared.

"Sir please calm down!" said a changeling.

"How can I calm down when I can't even find that damn flute and Pokemon!?" roared Supernova. The changeling yelped and hid behind a plant.

"Supernova please, destroying everything around you isn't going to help fix the situation," said an Ultra Aether Employee.

"Don't be a smart ass Krater, you of all people should know that Io couldn't be trusted!" Supernova growled.

"And you of a people should know that it was Faba who invited him here in the first place," said Krater.

"WHAT!?" asked Supernova.

"What you seriously didn't know that?" asked Krater.

"THAT IDIOT!" screamed Supernova.

"Look I know you're upset but shouldn't you be looking for Io right now?"asked Krater.

"Hell yeah, I'm going to look for him," said Supernova storming out of the room.

"Well better make sure nobody gets in his way," said Krater following after Supernova.

"Hmm well done," said Io calling back his third Pokemon.

"Man who knew that a former member of Team Cosmos could be this tough, especially since you were a grunt, no offense," said Felix.

"None taken, but any who, I think you deserve this," said Io holding out his hand. Felix reached out and took the black Z-Crystal from Io. "Now watch carefully," said Io. He held up his arms in front of his face in a X formation then swung them up and out and over to his side. He then brought his arms back up in front of him. Finally he hunched then brought his body back up with his arms and held them out in front of him like claws. "And that's how you bring out the Dark Type Z-Power," said Io.

"Great thanks," said Felix.

"No problem, as for Cosmog, well I'm sorry to say but it isn't a Cosmog anymore," said Io.

"What, what do you mean?" asked Lillie. Io dug through his bag and pulled out a small, black core encased a blue core in the center of a yellow shell. "Nebby is that you?" gasped Lillie.

Rotom hovered over to the strange object and scanned it,"Cosmoem, Protostar Pokemon, Psychic Type, and the evolved form of Cosmog, Motionless as if dead, its body is faintly warm to the touch. In the distant past, it was called the cocoon of the stars," states Rotom.

"It appears this is what Supernova was holding onto ever since the incident with Nihilego," said Io.

"The incident with Nihilego?" asked Starlight.

Io nodded,"Not only that but I was asked to give you this," said Io pulling out a small yellow flute.

"Is that a flute?" asked Felix.

"Yes, this is the Sun Flute, I believe Lillie has it's counterpart the Moon Flute," answered Io. "According to legends, if you play both flutes at the alter on Poni Island at the same time, you'll be able to summon the legendary Pokemon,"

"The legendary Pokemon, the only beings that has the power to travel between worlds," said Lillie.

"So if we summon the legendary Pokemon we'll be able to go after Lusamine?" asked Starlight.

"That's the best case, anyhow now that you've completed the Ula Ula Trials, I'll escort you three to Poni, that way you can head up to the alter to play the flutes," said Io.

"Thank you Mr. Io," said Lillie.

"Anytime, now let's go I'll see you three at the docks," said Io walking out. Felix, Lillie, and Starlight looked at each other and nodded. They exchanged goodbyes and walked out of Aether House.

Supernova was not amused. After so long they had finally gathered the things they need only for Io to sneak out with them. Supernova would surely punish Io for his betrayal the same way everyone else in Team Cosmos had betrayed him. Surprisingly Krater was the only member who stayed behind with Supernova. His hate for the past was growing stronger by the minute, but right now wasn't the time, he had to get his hands on Necrozma no matter what, but now that Io stole everything he needed there was no way for them to travel to Equestria, that is unless they somehow manage to do without the legendaries.

"Sir?" asked an Ultra Aether Employee.

"What is it?" asked Supernova.

"I believe we have the answer," said the Employee.

"Well spit it out don't leave me hanging," ordered Supernova.

"It appears that Io turned the items in to the kid and his pony friend," said the Employee.

"That damn brat," growled Supernova.

"Yes, they're currently heading to Poni Island, but if we can somehow get there first, we can ambush them and take back what was rightfully ours," said the Employee.

"Very well, then prepare to head over to Poni, if Io gave them that flute, they'll surely be heading to the Alter of the Moon," said Supernova. The Employee nodded as he walked out."Oh just you wait, now that my master plan is complete, surely you won't be able to stop me," said Supernova.

Surprisingly the ferry ride to Poni didn't take too long knowing that the distance from the two islands was pretty far off. Once the four hopped off the ferry, they exchanged goodbyes with Io and headed over to the Seafolk Village Pokemon Center. After buying items and healing up their teams, they began to make their way to the alter. Along the way they battled several trainers and made their way to Vast Poni Canyon. From there they battled more trainers and avoided wild Pokemon battles the best they can. Eventually the three came across a trial gate just before the alter.

"A trial gate here of all places?" asked Felix. "I mean I get that there's supposed to be two trials plus the Grand Trial here on Poni but why before the alter?" asked Felix.

"Nobody knows, but right now, we don't have time to be thinking about that," said Lillie.

"Yeah I guess you're right, well then let's get this trial over with, so where's the captain? asked Felix.

"I don't think there is one," answered Starlight.

"That's ridiculous, every trial HAS to have a captain," said Felix.

"Actually she's right, the Dragon Type Captain is never around for some reason," added Lillie.

"Well Captain or no, I'm clearing this trial," said Felix walking through the gate. Lillie and Starlight looked at each and followed after Felix.

"Whoa," said Starlight.

"So this is the trial site huh?" asked Felix.

"Hey look there's something written on this monument," said Starlight walking over to a large stone slab. "Ahead lies a sacred ground of trials, none who do not take part in its trials will be allowed to walk upon this earth, those lacking the courage to defeat the Totem guarding this land will be denied entry, but those who believe in their Pokemon and walk beside them shall gain great power!" Starlight read.

"Interesting, well that shouldn't be any problem for me," said Felix. "Oh before I forget," He pulled out a Pokeball and tossed it calling out his Shiny Silvally. Silvally let out a cry as it walked over to it's trainer. It's fins and eyes glowing in a deep shade of pink. "Let's go," said Felix moving forward. But just as he took one step, a loud screech echoed throughout the canyon. The three looked up to see something jump off a cliff and in front of them. The creature was small and had grey scales and one large yellow scale on it's forehead in the shape of a heart.

"Aww how cute," cooed Starlight.

"Jangmo-o, Scaly Pokemon Dragon Type, It expresses its feelings by smacking its scales. Metallic sounds echo through the tall mountains where Jangmo-o lives," states Rotom.

"Silvally, Multi Attack!" Felix ordered. Silvally growled as it lunged at the Jangmo-o and slashed at it with it's talons. The Jangmo-o yelped and ran back into the canyon. "Too easy," said Felix moving forward. Just as the three made it halfway, another screech could be heard. When they looked up a much larger creature jumped down in front of them. This one had grey scales like the Jangmo-o but it also had large yellow oval scales on it's arms.

"Hakamo-o, Scaly Pokemon, and the evolved form of Jangmo-o, Dragon Fighting Type, It leaps at its prey with a courageous shout. Its scaly punches tear its opponents to shreds," states Rotom. Silvally didn't need to be told. It growled as it lunged at the Hakamo-o and slashed it's face with it's talons. Hakamo-o screech before disappearing back into the cavern.

"Thanks buddy," said Felix moving forward. Silvally nodded and followed after it's trainer. The three finally made it to the pedestal in the center. But Felix knew it wasn't over, yet he still reached out to grab the crystal only for a loud roar to interrupt them. The three looked up to see a giant creature land in front of them. This one was a lot larger than the last two mons, and had grey scales and yellow scales covering its body.

"That's the Totem!?" Starlight yelped.

"Kommo-o, Scaly Pokemon, Dragon Fighting Type, and the evolved form of Hakamo-o, Its rigid scales function as offense and defense. In the past, its scales were processed and used to make weapons and other commodities," states Rotom. The Totem let out an angry roar just as it's aura burst to life.

"Alright let's do this, Multi Attack!" Felix ordered. But just before Silvally could make a move, Kommo-o pulled out a berry and popped it in it's mouth. Silvally lunged at the Kommo-o and slashed at it with it's talons but Kommo-o shook off the attack like it was nothing. "Great that did nothing, just then the Totem's arms began to glow in a deep shade of purple as it jabbed at Silvally doing some damage. "Poison jab seriously!?" Felix asked. Silvally quickly dodged the attacks trying not to get hit. Kommo-o let out a loud screech just before a large flying creature with big ears appeared.

"Noivern, Sound Wave Pokemon, Flying Dragon Type, and the evolved form of Noibat, They fly around on moonless nights and attack careless prey. Nothing can beat them in a battle in the dark," states Rotom.

"I'll take care of Noivern later, for now, Multi Attack!" Felix ordered. Silvally growled as it lunged and slashed at Kommo-o's face causing it to roar out in pain before collapsing on the floor unconscious. "Well that was easy," said Felix. The Noivern turned towards Silvally and let out a high piercing screech. "One more time Multi Attack!" Felix ordered. Silvally jumped up and slashed Noivern with it's talons, the pink aura flowing out. Noivern let out a screech as it flew off. "Phew well, trial complete I guess," said Felix.

"You did it.....again," said Starlight smiling.

"I sure did," said Felix. The three turned towards Kommo-o as it slowly got up and disappeared back into the canyon.

"And now," said Lillie. Felix nodded as he walked up to the pedestal and took the Z-Crystal. "Alright Dragonium Z!" announced Felix.

"That's 7 of 8 trials complete, you really did grow a lot didn't you Felix," said Lillie.

"Yeah well, i really enjoyed it," laughed Felix. "But now it's time," Starlight and Lillie nodded in agreement. "Let's go," said Felix. The three turned to face ahead and made their way to the alter.