From somewhere, anywhere but here.

by Majorminor

5. An unexpected proposal

“That was amazing!” She screamed as she finished her burger. “Though I’m still a bit iffy on the meat...” she paused. “Then again, it wasn’t to bad. I’ll have it more often, but only in my dreams.” She declared.

“That was great! So, we go an hour before dawn... Wanna see Rainbow?” Laughing at her expression. “I promise I’ll go, and if it’s not... PG, we’ll go somewhere else. K?” I asked. As much as I didn’t want to intrude other ponies’ dreams, I did promise Scoot that we’d have some fun. “I’ll be right back!” I stated before zooming off.

Meanwhile, Rainbow was currently performing her signature move... but only this time, a double in one. Once she was done, I congratulated her on it, and she asked me (and I quote) how the f*** did my sub-conscious manage to dream you up?” To which I laughed, and quickly disappeared,only to reapear with Scootaloo almost instantly, to which Rainbow frowned at not understanding what just happened, and choosing to leave it before it got to egghead for her liking. “Oh, hi squirt. Is this real or my imagination?” She questioned in a civilised manner.

“Real. Very real” she replied casually.

“Oh. Well imma just leave it there before I get more confused. So why’re you here?”

“To hang out and train or somin. You know, be sisters and whatnot.”

“Oh, cool. Wanna learn how to do a sonic rainboom?”

“OF COURSE!” Scootaloo screamed. I laughed at how immature she could be, yet all the while, it only made me hang around her more.

“I’m sure you know that to do it, it has to be fro someone. Not yourself, so I’ll do one for you, then you do one for me. Okay?” Rainbow flexed her legs.

“But I can barely fly straight in real life, and you expect me to do that without any actual training or practice!? Ante you bonkers?!” Scotaloo questioned.

“Don’t forget that anything’s possible in a dream.” Rainbow countered. At least try it. Do one for me.”