Writer's Blok: Air Rattle

by Clockwork Pen

Warm up Skirmish

Rainbow Dash

About damn time! When I heard the old man’s voice ring out across the parking lot, I slapped my last mag in then closed up the boxes like J told me to, mister bossy…

I hurried up beside him as all four of us stepped out into the middle of the parking lot, I watched in wonder as the other players started to appear out of the lineup of cars on both sides of us.  By the time that Big B had started to walk towards what looked like the entrance of where the parking lot ends and some meadow like field starts; there was about sixteen or so geared up, armed players waiting for something (and that's including us three).

I glanced off to our left to notice the cool mute chick, shizuka, was jogging back into the parking lot.
“Good timing, I need to get this game going, take over signing these youngsters in.” she slowed her pace, giving him a smiling thumbs up before stepping onto the trailer. While the old man headed for our “formation”.

Once inside the group, he stood with his back to the meadow, facing us. “Alright, settle down and listen up, we are starting a little late, so I’m only going to say this once!”
The chatter from the humans started to die down to about maybe talking between two guys.

“Okay, now,” Big B began, “Since it looks like we got a few fresh faces I’ll quickly go over the rules of the field.”  He glanced towards us mostly, I rolled my eyes back at him since I knew what he was referring to by calling us new.

“First off, Welcome to Gold hill Airsoft, I run a clean, fun field, so these rules should be easy to follow.   First off, what is the number one rule about parking lot safety?” he asked to the group.

“Mags out.”  a few of the players muttered out.

“That’s right, magazines must be out of your guns at all times when in the parking lot.”

“Huh?” I looked down at my rifle and quickly removed the magazine, trying not to look at anypony directly feeling my cheeks flush with faint heat.  I felt a little better as I looked over to see Rarity doing the same.  J.E. On the other hoof, didn’t seem to be taking his “magazine” out of his gun as it looked like there was no need for it i guess.  Fucking egghead…

“Next up, when you are on the field, you must have your eye protection on at all times, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  If your goggles fog up, find cover, tuck yourself into a corner or do something to keep your eyes from getting shot out, eye balls are very soft and a BB can go right through them.” as he explained he kept looking at all of us as if scanning each of us for our wroth on the battlefield.
“Any player under the ages of eighteen are required to wear a face mask as well, other than that, you are brave to not wear one.”
“Just don’t smile!” one player remarked, a few players chuckled in response.
“What? We can’t?” Pinkie Pie whimpered.

“Exactly, don’t smile, don’t want your pearly whites knocked out.” Big B nodded.
“Ah, good point, but I didn’t know teeth were made out of pearls…” the players nearest to us looked at her confused.

“Next is the safety kill, if you are fighting with a weapon hitting hotter than three-eieghty or you are using a sniper rifle, you got a ten foot safety kill range.” The admin explained, “any weapon shooting less than what I already mentioned are considered CQB.”

“CQB?” Rarity looked at J.E.
“Close quarters battle,” He replied.
“My kind of fun!” I noted proudly with a smile.

“However, if you are close to someone and you don’t want to light them up like a christmas tree, then you can call SAFETY KILL which your victim must honor as much as a getting hit.” I noticed some of the other players starting to trickle into the group from the admin trailer.

“If they do not for some stupid reason, feel free to give it to them.”
“Ouch, even if you have a sniper rifle?” I asked aloud.
“Within reason!” Big B quickly added.
“Oh, cool.” I shrugged.

“Speaking of which, when you get shot, call your hits as loud as you can. You show your hands and raise your gun but most of all, show your dead rag.  Everyone here got a dead rag?”

A few players, including J.E. Pulled out either a red rag or peice of red ribbon, only me, Rarity and four other new players didn’t show either.  Talk about not really being prepared.
“I thought you said we had everything.” I gently elbowed J.E.
“Okay, I forgotten about those, thankfully I got rags for both of you to use.” He shrugged casually.

“Those of you who do not have one, I’ll be giving you a strip of this red marking ribbon to act as a dead rag.”  He glanced over to the trailer, “Is that everyone?”  Shizuka shook her head in response while a couple more players filed up to the booth.

“Now, It seems some of you have grenades, ruling behind that is, everything with in ten feet around that grenade will be killed when it goes off.” his voice was loud and carried over the growing crowd of other players joining the game.  I lost count after fifteen.
“Whoa, Grenades?”
“Just these…” J.E. Pulled out what looked like a toy pineapple Grenade shell with a metal core screwed into it. It was already armed with the pin set through the spoon. The difference with this core instead of the real steel variant; was there was a visible, spring loaded, metal hammer that the spoon held down when armed.

“That’s awesome,” I wish I had one, maybe J.E. Can loan me one when we get out there.

“Now, it’s still early and more players are still pouring in, we’ll start with something simple.”  Big B turned to point into the meadow in the distance, there was a couple of structures in the distance, one looked partially mashed while there was a larger, house like, building in the middle of this meadow.

“Base one to Two, get a man inside the other team's base to capture it in order to win.” he looked back at all of us, “Now I need two team captains, anyone want to step up?” He looked at all of us.  I gave J.E. A glance who only shook his head while one decently geared up player step forth.

“Theres one, we need one more.”

“Get up there!” I gave him a gently elbow to make him stumble forward.
“J.E. About time you stepped up.”
“Wait I- okay, fine…” He walked up over beside Big B.  I chuckled at how, even though he had his eye protection on, I could tell his eyes were burning holes into me for that cheap trick.  I just simply smiled back at him.

“Good, Now both of you, rock, paper, scissors over who gets green today.”

I watched the two “captains” step around infront of the admin before leveling a fist to each other.  They both shook their fists three times before gesturing their hands into one of the three familiar symbols of the foals game.

J.E. Got rock while the other player got paper.


“Alright, J.E. Your green team today.”  Big B pulled out a roll of green marking ribbon and handed it to him, while the Admin pulled out a red roll of ribbon.

“Alright, captains, pick your players then we’ll begin, make it quick.”

J.E. Right away pointed to me, pinkie and Rarity so we walked up beside him, he handed me the roll of green ribbon. “Tear off a piece then tie it to your gear, pass it around as we get more people up here and make sure the green is visible from both front and back.” He then went back to waiting for the other captain to pick another player, five players were moved over to the other team, they must of wanted to stay in a group.

“Got it.” I tore a sizeable length before passing it to Rarity.
“Neon Green?” she examined the roll with a frown, “Not entirely a desirable tone to wear into battle…”
“At least you won't get shot by your own teammates,” I shrugged as she shook her head before tearing a small length from the roll. She passed it on to another player the J.E. Picked for our side.

I had tied the ribbon onto a loop on a shoulder and the remaining length tailed down the back, I looked over to see Rarity had carefully tied her green tag into a sickly perfect bow on a shoulder as well.
As she passed the roll to Pinkie, “Oooh Goodie Goodie, I can so work with this!” she excitedly beamed as she took two strips and passed the roll on to someone who watched her in confused amazement as she tied both strips into knots into the shoulders of her vest with the ends hanging freely like decorative tassels.

It wasn’t long before the player pool was dwindled to nothing. The head count now was about twelve green tags and about thirteen non-colored.  One extra on their side but that won’t make up the difference with me here!

“Everyone has a dead rag?” Big B asked raising the Red ribbon roll up.
“No, some of us don’t” I raised a hand to him.  He walked over, ripping small lengths of red ribbon and passing them out to the players that didn’t have them on our team, us three included.

He walked over and repeated the process with the other team.

“Alright, is that everyone?” J.E. Stepped out to look at his team.
“Yeah, here.” a player stepp forth to hand him the green ribbon roll.

“Okay, everyone set? Captains, Rock, paper, scissors over who gets what base.”  the captains stepped up then shook their fists to each other again.

This time, J.E. Got scissors while the colorless team captain got paper.

“Two,” He pretended to snip the other captains hand.

“OKay, Green has base two, Neutral has base one, load up and deploy!”  Big B directed as both teams proceeded to milout into the field. We loaded magazines and entered a step behind our “Captain” J.E.

I looked over to see Fluttershy walking up to Big B,
“Uhm, is it safe for me to walk out there?”
“You playing?”
“N-not really…”
“Hm, well, go get yourself a orange vest and get eye pro on and you can admin with me.”
“R-right, I hope we dont get shot.”
“Oh, keep hoping kid, you’re going to need it.” He chuckled as he two started walking behind all of us.

J.E. Clockwork

I still wasn’t too thrilled in taking lead of one of the teams today, but I guess if I was going to try to leave a pleasant impression on the girls, might as well do it in style!  We walked around the large middle building, Harvey it was nicknamed.  It was a basic style house-like building made mostly out of plywood walls complete with working doors and windows.  The only front two windows had tattered dense, black plastic tarping that made up of defensive drapes.  Tattered because they were decorated in BB holes.

Walking past a few obstacles and some trees we headed towards base two, an older plywood bunker with a big ‘2’ spray painted on one side.  I was first to gently kick the outer wall, as a way to “tap spawn” in, before turning around to watch the rest of my team walking up.

My eyes looked at all the nonchalant regulars with a few new faces among them, then they traced over to the three Equestrians walking up to me.

Rarity had the FAMAS dangling on the her one point adjusting her goggles while giving her fancy beret a quick adjustment before gripping her gun again, like the other two, well, Rainbow at least; was winding the Hi-cap as I have shown them.

Rainbow Dash rolled her neck as she checked her dual connected Hi-caps then slapped one of them back in before absently tapping the side of the M4 as if she was manipulating the bolt release for real. She looked like she was getting progressively amped up with the onset of the fight.

Pinkie Pie was being way too cheerful for the first Skirmish, skipping across the leaf littered game field, she was still dual wielding the CYMAs.  She must’ve been as crazy as she was joyful all the time.  Then again, she is a very strange mare, or girl in my world.

“Someone’s happy to be here.” Commented one of my other teammates putting my thoughts to voice.
“I’m sooo happy to be here!” Pinkie Replied with a giggle, “This is going to be a blast!”
“Whatever Harley.” Chuckled another.
“Oh you know it Pudin’” she gestured to that player with a wink which caused a few players to laugh at the reference.

“And we get shit for being nerds…” Rainbow gently elbowed me with a nod to her.
“Right?” I cleared my throat, “Alright kids, keep an eye to our far right, they might try to get into our base from the right.” I pointed to trails the weaved through the blackberry vine infected brush that pretty much made up the “barriers” of the entire field.
“Right, what about Harvey?” asked one of the regulars. I shrugged, there was no rules over the building for this game so-

“If we can get some guys in there, we’ll mob right over them going out the front door, keep in mind they might try the same.”
“Right, so who’s going right?” the same regular looked to among us.
“I’ll go!” Rainbow raised a hand before walking over to them.
“Three more and that should be good.”  I watched three more step up.

“Okay, you guys go right and the rest of us will try to hold them down to try to keep them off those trails.”

“Oooh, Tactical planning, this is getting good!” Pinkie clapped her gun filled hands together, so instead of hands she was clanging guns together.
“Uh, she okay?” Another regular pointed a thumb to her looking at me.
“Too much sugar this morning.” I simply explained while doing a reminder check of where everything was on my rig.

“Oh come on J.E.,” she planted her hands to her hips leaning towards me, “I was feeling for something cold today, so those two slices of ice cream cake was out-frosting delicious!”

The maskless player gawked as he looked at Pinkie in puzzlement before looking away slowly, “Riiight.”

“OKAY, REMEMBER-” All chatter ceased and heads turned towards to see Big B standing in the middle of the field, I could see the suddenly nervus Fluttershy standing next to him.

He held up the horn, “THREE”

“Ready up, this is it!” I placed a heel against Two, Rarity stood beside me with a hand up against the wall while pinkie had her back up against it on my left. Most of the team were doing similar poses, ready to launch into the fight.

He gripped the plunger with his metal hand, “TWO”

I took a deep breath shouldering my rifle.

He pressed the plunger in, the horn let off the familiar blaring blast


I couldn’t help but notice Fluttershy quickly jump to the side onto one foot obviously frightened by the Horn.

Taking this fantastic gun and bringing up to my shoulder, I simply followed J.E. As he ran straight for the building in front of us as well several other players running forwards as well.  I could hear the sound of some of those guns whining away as BBs flew towards distant targets.

Those three shooting with two others behind them branched a little towards the large trees next to the building while we came up to the wall of what must of been a enclosed back porch of the building.  I saw the door swing open with one of the other team peaking through.

Startled with a gasp, I raised up my weapon to my shoulder and tried to fire.  The trigger couldn’t nor wouldn’t move.  “What in the-?” I stopped moving to look at my weapon.

“RARITY!” I hear J.E. While I looked back up to see the gun of the other player point towards me.
I closed my eyes, instinctively trying to cast a shield spell but I remembered late that I was human, no magic in this bland world.  I braced to get hit when I could only hear three shots pop off before J.E. And another player unload single shots at the enemy before he dove back, slamming the door shut in front of him.

“Hey, over here.” He had his back up against the outer wall, I walked over to him.

“HIT!” I heard off behind us, I glanced over to see one of our team players walking back with his weapon raised with a red ribbon in one of his hands.

“What happen, did it break already?”
“I don’t think soo, uhh, I did exactly what you said, battery is in, magazine is in-” I jumped when I heard shots slam into the walls around the corner, their impacts echoing in the building.
“-it should shoot.” He looked at the FAMAS then up to me before facepalming.

“Did you check the safety?” He asked flatly, not looking up.  I glanced over beside us as two greens started to huddle around the door cautiously.  Looking back to my weapon I flipped it around, “Oh, I don’t think I-” I found the little flip on the side of the rifle before clicking it towards the ‘F’ printed on the plastic. Upon doing so the gun came to life in my hands.
Jumping slightly, I watched as BBs bounced into the ground beside me, “-checked for that…”
“Noticed, Now, looks like their busy, we’ll have to go around and face them head on.” J.E. Pointed past me towards the empty space that also meant going around that corner of death.

“I don’t think so,” I looked back to J.E. While he shrugged shaking his head at me.
“I think so, we gotta push up, and in this case, push against them, just-” He shouldered his long rifle, “-Follow me and watch.” he walked around me then leaned against the corner peeking around the corner.

Looking to my right again, I watched one player walking up with weapon raised up a trail that snaked past this structure. He barely got by were the wall ends there before ducking incoming fire before a white dot bounce off his gear. Pinkie, who was behind him dropped onto her stomach, her arms out in front with those pistols aimed towards where he was shot from.

“HIT!” He threw a hand up before standing back up to walk back to our base. I heard another weapon next to me, looking back to see J.E had cleared the corner, stood out in the open with his rifle leveled at the enemy. The noise it made was slightly deeper compared to the other guns.

“HIT!” I heard in the distance after he fired four shots, he then ducked low before maneuvering towards the oak that stood  the closest to the building.
I slid to the corner to look to him, he was looking back, he was beckoning me to run to him.   I suddenly felt unsafe in this, without my magic I’m afraid to run towards him. I’ve seen others getting shot, so It must not be that bad. Guess this is how soldiers do it! With a nod, I glanced around the corner one time.

At a glance I saw there were a few of the ribbonless players peaking and shooting from behind cover near and around that base one.

As they say, I broke cover to move towards J.E. I was halfway across when I watched him look towards his right before he quickly raised his weapon, “OH shit, look out!”
“For what?” I heard the sound of another weapon whinny close by before I felt something snap across my rump.  It stung very badly as a very unladylike yelp escaped my mouth.

Remembering how they do it I raised my hands letting my rifle hang from it’s sling.

“Hit, I’m HIT!” I stood for a moment before reaching down with a hand to pull a red ribbon out from my vest.  I then stood to watch J.E. Dispatch my “killer” as a shot thacked off the plastic of his helmet. The ruffian was peaking his weapon through the barricaded opening that must of been a doorway.

“HIT!” he yelled out in surprise.

“Head back to spawn Rare.” J.E. Pointed back to our base two.
“Right, I’ll try to get back here soon.”
“Alright, hurry up, I think we can get this.”

I started my quick jog back towards Base two.

Pinkie Pie

I was not happy that my teammate got hit, he looked like he knew his stuff before having to walk back to base one.  No matter, I’ll just surprise them when they try to come this way. Crawling on my belly across the ground I glanced over to see Rarity walking back too. One hand holding the red ribbon of death up high with another rubbing her butt.  I had a feeling somepony was going to shoot one of us in the butt sooner or later. I mean, who wouldn’t want to shoot attractive mares like us in the butt at least once?

I heard somepony up ahead. I stopped intime to see two of their team walking up the trail in front of me.  YEAH, my turn to hit someone with a plastic pellet!

I waited for them to get closer before squeezing the triggers.  The AEG pistols snapped off a shot each while.

Fooey, one missed as that player hunched low while another shot bounced off his arm.

“HIT!” he called out raising his hand before standing to walk back to his base.

“HA, HA!” I laughed before having to roll to my right as BBs rained overhead, the other player must not of been happy his friend was hit.
“Missed me!” I stood on a knee, shooting both pistols at the player. I hear the player call his hit as he stood up too.  Keeping both pistols up until I stood before skipping again down the trail.

“Over there, side trail near Harvey!” I hear coming from one of the players behind a tree close to their base while seeing enemy players peak out from the side walled clearing of Harvey.

“Oh no!” I ducked down a cluster of angry BBs flew very close to me, I sent some of my own angry BBS with no hits before feeling bbs bouncing off my chest. It really didn’t hurt at all but I was hit nonetheless.

“Oh Fooey, I’m hit!” I stood up with both guns raised, the BB swarm stopped the instant I stood up with guns raised up high.

My turn to walk back.

J.E. Clockwork

I was not at all surprised that one of my girls got shot in the ass, in fact, I seriously doubt she was going to be the only one.  Gotta give some of these guys credit, they didn’t wait.  It wasn’t long before I saw Rarity come sprinting back. She placed herself again up against the single fence wall just inches off the corner of Harvey.

I still held my spot behind the oak, trying to figure out where to run towards next. I peeked around to observe.  There was no real way for me to move forward, six or so of the neutrals were staying close to base one.  Could map out the number of masks peaking around the barriers around it.

A shooter leaned around one of the smaller trees spraying BBs my way.  I leaned back behind cover as I watch tiny white blurs sail by. I leaned back out, fired off a few shots then leaned back in as BBs bounced violently off the bark.

It was starting to stalemate when I heard commotion from with in the harvey base.

“Go, Go, door is wide open,”
“Got it, checking inside.”  I leaned out to pop a few more shots while I could see movement in the base’s makeshift window that Rarity was shot from.

“SAFETY KILL!” a voice called out, then a few semi-auto shots later, “HIT!”
“One is still inside!” I called out, “Sweep in and clean him out!”
The remaining players nodded before they turned their attention back to attempting to clear the base.  I stepped around again, as I raised to let lose more rounds I felt the painful impacts of BBs across my stomach, chest and some bbs bounced off my gear.

“Hit, hit, hit!” I raised my gun and yanked out the faded red rag out of pouch before walking back to base two.

“J.E.!” I hear Rarity call out to me as if I was actually shot in this firefight,
“I know, they got me, be back shortly.”
“What should I do?!”  She heard shots slam into the wall around the corner and almost yelped in surprise.
“Dead man don’t talk, you’ll figure it out.” I smiled at her before walking the rest of the way back.

Rainbow Dash

As I could hear the bulk of the fighting go on near and around that base they call harvey or hervy or whatever. I decided to hang right of our spawn to take those side trails I’ve seen some of the other players take at the start.  If hitting them head on wasn’t working for either side, then from the side will do the trick.

I hope.

“Watch it!” I hear next to me as I watch one of the neutral team peak out from around the brush up the trail in front of us.  I hunched low quick letting off a controlled burst as he sprayed at us.

“HIT!” Called out my teammate, “Fuck…”
“HIT!” called out the enemy player as well, he stood out from the brush with his gun raised, fumbling with his hoodie for his dead rag.

“Nice,” Said my teammate before starting to walk back holding his dead rag on his head.
“Thanks,” I nodded before advancing. I remembered what J.E. Showed me during his crash course on this game; Staying low with weapon against shoulder, I crept up closer towards what must of been the enemy base. Not sure, should’ve waited for someone who knows this field better than me.

The other two players fanned out onto other trails behind me.

Oh well, moving on anyway-I hear a distant motor as BBs tore through the brush near me. I dropped to my knees ducking the incoming fire.

“Buck…” I looked around the brush, some punk was standing out in the open next to a huge tree that stood right next to the base. What luck, I raised up and fired back.

“Ow, HIT!” He flinched before shooting a hand to the sky.

“Gotcha bitch.” I mutter quietly before bursting a few times at the base.  I was mainly copying what the other players were doing guess the sound was enough to keep them down. Sure enough,  I looked on as I saw glimpses of the enemy ducking and hiding out of sight of not only incoming fire from me, but from someone else too.

I cleared the brush and advanced again, this time I was keeping a steady stream of bbs flying at the base, one unlucky kid poked out to only get thwaped by someone else.  He called his hit then walked away from the base headed onto a trail behind the base.

“Got the base covered, move up!” I hear J.E.’s voice rang up from behind.
“Got it, moving up!” I replied advancing with weapon raised, I glanced to my left and saw a few other teammates making their approach as well. Two of them checked the front windows of the Harvey base then stacked up next to the front door, getting ready to move in and clear it.

“Ah-ha, Hit!” that sounded like a Rarity wail from with in that base…

I drilled another burst into the plywood wall, a frightened yelp indicated that somepony was still inside.

Keeping my weapon trained on the building, I glanced to my right seeing nopony there.  However, when I started to climb over the large, fallen log, I faintly heard some faint puffs then felt the sting of three bbs.

One into the side, one into the arm then one got my back.

“OW! Hit!” I called out yanking my dead rag from my vest. I looked over to see three neutral players moving in.  Where the fuck they come from?!

As I started to walk back, I watch one of them run then jump over the log before laying down semi-auto fire at my fellow team players. One by one they called their hits before starting to walk back to base two with dead rags held high.

This guy was geared like the rest but he had a strange gun,  it looked like mine but had a hose sticking out of the bottom of the grip.  Could explain the puffing sound it makes instead of an electric whine.

“Contact moving around Harvey!” He called out as freshly spawned players started to come back into base one. One of them hurried up to catch up with the counter push.

“Oh shit, hold them back, we got this!” J.E. Called out before he leaned out to lay a couple of shots at them before ducking back behind his cover to reload.

I walked back with a huff knowing that it was I who almost had it!

J.E. Clockwork

I just barely changed magazines when I felt the impact of a fucking shot from a High Roller.  They didn’t take their time getting onto the field today, even their HPAs were working better than last week.

“HIT!” I pulled my dead rag and raised it up before walking back, i was among the five dead men to be walking back, well five guys and two girls as I saw Dash in front of me and Rarity walking back further ahead.

“Saw that, tough luck.” Rainbow Dash looked back at me, she didn’t wear a mask so her frown was very apparent.

“I so had that!” she whined, gesturing to base one behind us, “That fuckin’ sucked!”

“Yeah, it happens, lets just hurry back and double down on them before they sweep over us.”
“What kind of gun was that?” she asked as we walked base the mini house.  We both could hear close quarters combat going on with point blank shots slamming into various surfaces, twice into other players.

“Safety kill!” boomed one of the High Rollers.

“Oh, that is an HPA.” I replied with a shrug, “a very nasty weapon system.”
“HPA?” she asked legitimately curious.
“High Pressure Air, Pretty much the airsoft version of a nail gun, just with BBs instead of Nails.”
“That shit hurts..”
“Oh, it does, just be lucky you don’t get that point blank.”

“Surpriiiise!” I hear Pinkie’s voice from within that base before the  electric pistols went off in semi-auto fire.
“Holy s-HIT!” A neutral player was very surprised.
“HIT, HIT!” That’s a shock, that was a High Roller.
“Ow, ow, Hit!” called another player.

“Boy I love surprises!” giggled the party mare/girl

“Of all the-” Rainbow grumbled with a facepalm.
“Not surprised at all.” I admitted with a nod, “Leave it up to her to take them on in her style.”

We continued on towards our base, I saw four of our teammates running back towards the contested house with Rarity waiting for us at two.

When we both touched the wall,
“Oh, J.E. This is so wonderful,” exclaimed the excited fashionesta after probably finally shaking off the fear of getting shot at; “I had no idea this was this much fun, a little much on the physical aspect and I wish I can hit something!”

“Well, slow your roll Rarity, the day just started and we still got plenty of time to shoot something.”
“You are so very right darling, but let’s try to stick together?” I glanced to Rainbow who rolled her eyes at the idea but nodded in agreement.
“Of course, no guarantees we’ll be able to stick together for long with all that fighting going on.” I unslung my M1 then started moving back towards Harvey.

“Both of you, keep up-” I heard a few BBs slam into the base as I snapped a look towards Neutral pushing very hard through and around Harvey. Walking towards us was Pinkie among three other teammates.
“Never mind, COVER!” we scrambled out of the incoming hail of automatic fire.

I darted towards the nearest tree with Rarity behind me While Rainbow sprinted for an obstacle close by.

I pressed my back against the tree before peeking out to return fire.  I knew this was going to happen with High Rollers on the field!  I tagged two players before needed to lean back into cover.

Rarity maybe a preppy girl but she wasn’t shy of shooting as she unleashed a hail towards a two man advance from the side trail near Harvey.  One was hit while the other ducked down to shoot back. With an audible eep, she jumped back behind cover and bumped into me.

She absently braced a hand against my arm before we glanced at each other for a moment before I turned to shoot once more at the enemy that were fastly closing in. I’m too focused on fighting to be paying attention to whatever that moment was.

“Watch our side trail, they will try to sweep us!” I called out trying to organize what was left of our dwindling numbers.

Any dead player on our team that needed to respawned simply walked to the backside of the base before touching the wall, putting their rags away then rejoining the fight.  Even though it was progressively becoming bleak for us.

Soon enough my team was huddled in and around the base, trying to hold onto what cover we could use while trying to break the push.  I’ve helped send neutrals walking back but there was just to much intense fire pour down on us.

“Damn it! They’ve turned up the heat…”
“Ya think?!” I hear Rainbow shout before she stood to shoot but a BB ricocheted off her helmet.  She called her hit before quickly walking around the base to spawn back in.

I didn’t need to move as I could see them moving around us. I watched four of my team advance along our sidetrail and meet them in a flurry of automatic fighting.  I fired upon players trying to move from cover to cover, inching closer towards us;  Two hits with-
I felt three hits on me with one bouncing off my helmet.

“HIT!” I raised a hand before simply stepping inside the base to bang on the wall once before stepping back out towards the tree.  Misses whipped right by me as bb fire was rattling along the walls and around us.
Rarity stepped out to fire back before she recoiled getting hit for probably the third time this game.
“HIT!” she did the similar thing and walked back to the base, however, instead of walking back out she leaned against an inside wall.
“This is not  going well…”
“No shit!” I shot at another Neutral but he dove for cover while a hail of return fire pattered at the tree and sailed by around me. Then another hit bounced off my helmet.

“Ffffff-HIT!” I walked around to the backside of two before tapping back in. As I was about to turn the corner, I saw a blur of a player run up beside the tree.

“Safety kill!” He called out, it was a neutral player, damn they move fast.  I raised my hands up to confirm his kill.

Rarity peeked around to see him to only-
“Safety kill!” he called as he walked passed us to call safety on the other two inside the base.

Soon I heard the thud of someone running up to the base.  Two more voices called out safety kill.

“CLEAR!!” He called out, outside Neutrals echoed the confirmation.

“GAME OVER!” Big B’s voice rang out, “Everyone head back to the parking lot, let’s get a real game going!”