//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Welcome to the Madhouse: Part 2 // Story: Batmare: Arkham Asylum (Remastered) // by TheDarkMare16 //------------------------------// Chapter 2:Welcome to the Madhouse! Part 2 I ran through the open gate and head on to chase after the murderous clown. I grit my teeth in fury when I see the first thing during my trek: a dead security guard lying down on the wall with a chattering, wind-up teeth beside it. The guard appears to be killed by blunt force trauma, no doubt beaten to death. I threw my batarang at the chattering teeth and continue my chase. If I could describe an emotion going through my head right now, it is unbridled anger. Down the long hallway, I see more deceased security guards lying down the hallway. The macabre sickens me to my stomach; if I should’ve thought ahead of Discord’s plan, then they wouldn’t have died in such gruesome ways. I could’ve save them. “These poor guards never stood a chance,” I growled to myself. But I shouldn’t focus on the unfortunate deaths, I should focus on stopping Discord. The sooner I stop him, the more lives I could save. As I ran, security alarms blare loudly throughout the halls of the intensive treatment. I looked up at the security monitors and saw several of Discord’s crew running through various halls of the facility. “Warning: security breach in level B3,” the intercom alerted. I ran faster through the halls to catch to Discord in time while keeping in mind that I’ll be encountering more of Discord’s henchponies any moment. Just as I thought, I spotted two of the escaped inmates running from the corner. They furrowed their eyes and snarled as they spotted me. I can’t waste any time with these lowlifes. I kicked one stallion with a karate kick, knocking him down. The other stallion was shocked at how fast his partner is knocked out; furious, he threw a punch, but I pulled his offending arm, brought him closer and knee him in the abdomen. I finished them off with quick and powerful punches on the head. “Warning: security breach at level B2.” After finishing them off, I heard a voice calling me from the end of the transit hall. It is a security guard who survived the onslaught, he has a few bruises but nothing life-threatening, glad he made it out alive. “Warning: security breach in level B8.” “Warning: security breach in level B1.” “Warning: security breach in level B6.” I look up and saw one of the inmates looking at the security camera in one of the halls. His burly and ugly face obscures the view of the hall as he stares at the camera. He grunts as he attempts to pull the camera from the wall; he succeeded into pulling the camera, causing all the security monitors to go static. I run up to the guard at the end of the hall. He pulls the face guard from his muzzle, revealing his navy-blue coat, cerulean eyes and slightly bloodied face. I read his name tag and it read ‘Noteworthy.’ “What happened here?” he asks. “Discord happened, you’re lucky to be alive,” I reply. “That damn clown! He must’ve gone this way, the door’s jammed. I’ll try to get it open,” he says. Before he does, a panicked voice is coming from his walkie talkie. “We need backup in Pacification. I repeat, we need backup in Pacification, can anypony hear this?” the voice calls out. Noteworthy takes his receiver and taps on it to hear the call better. “Hello, can you hear me?I’m here with Batmare, hello?” Whatever is happening in the Pacification unit, I need to go and help them. “Where are they?” I asks. “Back down there, need any help?” Noteworthy answers and asks, pointing at the other end of the hall. “No, I work better alone,” I said. “Blood is free! Oh, my God, he’s got Caramel!” the voice screams out. On the other end, we hear electricity charging and a garbled voice screams in pain. “Hey, Franky, can you hear me? If you can, help is on the way,” Noteworthy replies to the cry. I run to the right side of the transit hall to help the guard in trouble in the Pacification unit. I decide to call one of my trusted allies as I walk to the unit. “Oracle, can you hear me?” I ask in my communicator. “I hear you loud and clear, what’s up?” Oracle asks. “Discord’s escaped custody, he’s running free in Arkham,” I reply. “Do you need anything? Is my…dad still there?” Oracle asked worryingly. “Commissioner Shining is safe. Discord’s not far ahead, I’ll stay in contact,” I reply back and said. “Okay, good,” Oracle sighs in slight relief. “Let me know if you need anything.” I hummed in response and turn off my comm. Once I reach the Patient Pacification Chamber, I spot two guard standing in front of a pacifying doorway, speaking to Blood on the other side. I see Franky, wearing the dress suit and tie. He turns to me, sweat dripping from his face, eyes filled with fear and anxiety. “Let him go, you’ll only end up in more trouble if you continue!” the guard cries out, warning Blood. Knowing Blood, he never listens, he never does. His unpredictability rivaling close to Discord’s, there’s no telling what will happen. ‘Thank God you’re here! It’s Blood, he’s got Caramel! He’s strapped him to a chair, Blood has totally lost it!” Franky cries. “Don’t worry, wait here,” I said. Franky shakes his head. “You can’t go in there, he’ll kill Caramel if he sees anypony trying to get close,” Franky denies. I narrow my eyes in response. “He won’t see me,” I said lowly. I run up the stairs leading to the upper floor that oversees the room. On the other side, Blood is wearing prisoner shorts with numerous locks around his waist, forearm and his neck. He wears a sadistic, cold, and maniacal look in his eyes as he watches Caramel trying to break free of the bonds. Tired from the brutal shock, Caramel pants as he tries to gather his lost breath. Blood’s smile widens crookedly as he holds the remote. “If I see anything that looks even a little bit like a bat, this guard dies. Do you hear me?” Blood asked evilly. He pressed the button and shocks Caramel. Caramel screams and gargles in pain from another shock, Blood cackling madly as he is doing this. “Make Blood pay,” Franky said angrily. He and his fellow guard continues to distract him for me to approach him. I reached the upper floor of the room and spotted Dr. Coldheart, the elderly psychiatrist that replaced Sweetheart as Blood’s therapist after the incident. She is working on more documentations on Blood and grunts in frustration at how Blood is acting. She notices my presence and turns her head at me. “This is disgraceful, how did a patient like Blueblood got free?” Dr. Coldheart asks. “We’ll worry about that later, doctor,” I reply. Dr. Coldheart pushes her glasses in response. “Be careful, Batmare.He wants to kill the guard, he needs to kill the guard,” Dr. Coldheart warns, emphasizing on needs. True, Blood thinks that his life’s goal is to kill anypony, regardless of age, sex, or any other background, freeing them from life. His nihilistic viewpoint makes him unpredictable and murderous, I need to stop him before he claims another mark. I walked to the edge of the balcony overlooking Blood and the captured guard. I’m in front of Blood but Blood is only paying attention to the guards in front of him, good. A guard besides me turn his head. “Blood’s got my buddy, do something, please,” the guard begs. “Keep him occupied, I’ll handle this,” I said, calming the guard down. The guard nods and turns around to distract Blood. I look up at the ceiling and spot several gargoyle statues at each side of the room. Perfect. “These old gargoyles should be able to support my weight if I grapple on to them,” I thought to myself. I grapple up to the nearest gargoyle and sat on it. I look down at the floor and spot Blood. I’m at his side, he still hasn’t noticed my approach. I grapple up to the adjacent statue and landed on one that is directly behind Blood. Blood is walking side to side behind the terrified guard, still arguing with the guards behind the pacifying gate, distracting him. I glide down and kicked him behind his head, knocking him down. To make sure he’s down for good, I punch him on his temple, putting him to sleep. The guards sigh in relief as the crazed stallion is down. Franky smile and nodded to his fellow guards inside the room. “Somepony, put that animal back in his cell,” Franky order angrily. I stood up and was ready to head back where Noteworthy is at, but I see that the TV screens in the room starts to turn back on. “Can ya hear me? Is this thing on?” a perky female voice asks. I knew who this pony is, in better term, was. This pony was one of my best friends after my time in Ponyville. During my career, she chose the psychiatrist route for fun, but not every job is all fun and games. She was spoon fed with lies, deceit, and honeyed venomous words by a certain killer clown. She instantly became one of my most notorious villains in my rogue gallery. Sadly, that pony speaking is- The TVs turn on and the mare is in full display. She wears her poufy, pink mane in pigtails. She wears a seductive nurse outfit with a red Victorian corset around her waist. The white dress shirt is very short, exposing her belly, with a black lacy G-string on her hips. Wearing thigh high fishnet stockings and boots, red and purple in color. She wears forearm length red and purple latex fingerless gloves in their opposite colors. Her pink face is coated in porcelain-white makeup with a black mask around her eyes. Holding at her right hand is the warden’s staff, which means he’s been captured. She smiles as she sees me after fixing the TVs. “Hiya, B-mare!” the mare cheers. I deeply sigh at the mare looking at me, oh, how far she is gone. “Pinkie Pie,” I said, masking my anger, disappointment and above all, sadness. The mare named Pinkie Pie claps her hands in excitement after my recognition of her. “OOOOOH! Yay, you remember me! What do you think? How do you like my new uniform? Pretty hot, huh?” Pinkie exclaims excitedly. She twirls around when she asks about her costume. “Oh, I forgot!I got something to show you.One second, B-mare,” Pinkie says. She walks off screen for a second and pushes something in front of me. The pony in the chair is Filthy Rich. His arms are tied, his mouth is taped shut. His face is slightly bruised and bloodied from the inmates and Pinkie’s assault. The glasses are lopsided and broken. He grunts, trying to shout but the tape muffles his outbursts. “Ta-da!” Pinkie cheers, showing me the injured, captured and frightened warden. I narrow my eyes of what is happening in front of me. Pinkie walks back on screen. She wraps her arm around Rich. “I’m now subbing for the old man!Old Richie’s never been happier,” Pinkie says, patting his head and posing in a sultry manner. She walks directly in front of the camera, facing me. “Anyway, in case ya ain’t figured it out, today is Discord’s big homecoming, and you’re the guest of honor,” Pinkie explains, leaning on the cane. “You have one chance to surrender, Pie,” I warn. Pinkie smirks and stood up. “Tempting, Bats, but no dice. Now the inmates are running the asylum, well, technically they’re Discord’s goons shipped in from Blackgate, but you get the idea. Bye-bye for now!” Pinkie further says and cheers. She uses the cane and smashes the camera, putting the TVs back into static. I need to get back on track. After the guards free the captured guard, they check up on the unconscious maniac, making sure he won’t wake up.I heard my communicator coming on. “Hey, Batmare, you’re picking this up?” Oracle asks. “Oracle, I’m here,” I reply. “Arkham Asylum has just vanished off the network,” Oracle says. We both know what happened. “Discord’s in control of the security system, probably isolated it from the grid,” I deduce. “That’s not all he’s done. All police feeds are reporting he’s placed bombs all over Manehattan. Says he’ll detonate them if anypony sets foot on Arkham Island,” Oracle adds. I shook my head after she mentions Discord’s threat. “It’s being suppressed now, but the story will break any time soon,” Oracle finishes. “He’s lying, it’s just a diversion to keep ponies away,” I said. “How do you know?” Oracle asks. “I know him,” I answer back. I turn the com off and search a way out of the room. The guards are having trouble trying to open the gate. “The room’s locked down, I can’t open the gate. We’re trapped in here,” a guard calls out. I spot a ventilation grate at the far left of the room. “Try the radio, control should be able to shut down the gate,” another guard orders. “Pinkie thinks she has me trapped in this chamber. She never was very bright,” I said to myself. I pry the grate open and crouch in the ventilation shaft to get back on track. I crawl in the tight vent path to lead back to the corridor where Noteworthy is. “She’s got out, Batmare’s found a way out!” one guard calls. As I crouch through the shaft, I heard my com back on. “Batmare, I’m patching you into the guard radio feed,” Oracle says, keeping me up to date of what’s happening right now. I heard noise on the feed and several voices. “Steve, more Blackgate prisoners, by the boiler!” a guard warns to a guard name Steve. “Who’s that behind them? Oh my God…it’s Discord. He’s free, how did he break out?!” the guard asks and cries out. I hear gunshots and banging after the guard’s panic then I hear static. More lives lost, I need to finish this now. “Sorry, feed’s down. Comms are going up and down like crazy, it’s not good, I’ll keep trying,” Oracle apologizes and switches off. I continue my trek in the shaft and saw the other grate that shows the other end of the Processing Corridor. As I push the grate with my leg, I see Noteworthy trying to unlock the jammed door. Finally, the door opens and Noteworthy rushes through. I push the grate out and jump down to the floor and follow him. I reach the Decontamination section and spot Noteworthy at the window looking at the room. Inside the room are several guards trying to get out. They spot us and call us out. “Ugh, it’s sealed, no way in or out! Dammit, they’re trapped in there,” Noteworthy remark in frustration. The decontamination chamber turns on, which means…oh no. The intercom chimes back on and announces the words that seals the guards’ fate in the chamber. “Warning: Decontamination room. Toxins detected.” Green gas fills in the room where the guards are. The guards choke and bleed as they suffocate in the toxic fumes. The most gruesome part of this gas is that the guards begin to chuckle; then the chuckles turns into maniacal laughter. The guards cackle madly in pain as they finally succumb to the gas in the room. I snarl as I see the guards died a horrible and agonizing death. Noteworthy saw his buddies’ deaths and was horrified. “Warning: Decontamination room. Area sealed,” the intercom announces. The windows begin to seal shut, blocking some of the succumbing guards’ demises from our eyes. “Oh, dear God, what is that stuff?” Noteworthy asks, appalled by the deaths. That gas is Discord’s signature weapon, a gas that is a cocktail of several lethal chemical compounds: hydrogen cyanide, strychnine, nitrogen oxide, methamphetamine and MDMA. Paralyzing or killing victims by causing severe spasms of the organs and muscles, suffocating, and causes them to laugh until their faces are tightened into rictus and grotesque smiles. “Discord Venom! Listen, that room is filled with that gas, anypony caught in there is dead,” I reply. “Are you going in there and help them, Batmare? Please, there may be some in there are still alive,” Noteworthy pleads. I nod and grapple up a shaft above us that leads to the upper floor where engineers fix the engines and room controls. I tear a grate and crouch through the shaft and exit out. I hear a voice crying out, I spot a guard clutching on the edge of the upper rail for dear life. I pull him up to safety. “You’re going to be fine, stay here,” I said. The guard sighs in relief after he’s been saved. I jump across the gap to another walkway, above the sickly green blanket of death. I see two more guards on the railing, one of them is climbing up the upper one of the chamber. Suddenly, the ladder explodes, causing the guard to fall. Luckily, he grasps the edge, saving himself from the fall and his oncoming death. The guard besides me brightens up as he sees me. He calls out to his fellow guard. “Batmare’s here! Just hang on a little longer, Steve!” the guard cries out. I internally smile as I know that the guards had survived Discord and his goons’ attack. I grapple up the upper walkway to save the named guard Steve. “I-I can’t!I’m gonna fall!” Steve panics. I pull Steve up to safety. “I’m going after the animal that did this,” I said. The guard below us calls out to me. “Batmare, the extraction system! Steve was trying to get to the control panel at the end of the room!” he shouts. Steve sits down and tries to calm down from the near-death experience. I look down and sees the control panel and flew down the lower walkway grate. At the edge, I see one of Discord’s goons hanging on for dear life above the cloud of toxic gas. He growls and spouts out profanity that he’s been left behind. Even though he deserves everything he’s done, I shouldn’t leave him behind. “Grr, I can’t believe he left me in here, that son of a-,” the guard growls. He looks up and sees me. He smiles sarcastically. “Great, all I need, Batmare,” he remarks. I pull him up to safety and once he turns to see me, I punch him in the face, knocking him out. After saving the stragglers in this contaminated room, I see the panel down on the floor. To avoid risking going in and do it manually, I threw a batarang at the panel and the panel turns on. The extraction system turns on and begins to suck in the poisonous fumes in the ducts, clearing the entire room, leaving the stricken bodies of both the guards and some of Discord’s abandoned goons behind. “Attention: air purity is now at normal levels,” the intercom announces. I jump down to the floor and proceed to stop Discord. After that, the intercom switches from the monotone female voice to a maniacal, craze laughter. Discord cackles after I purified the chamber. After Discord’s laughter, the intercom switches back to normal. “Attention: Decontamination room access is now permitted.” The doors that leads in and out of the room are unlocked, allowing me to exit the chamber…not until I hear a few words of encouragement. “Whoo, go Batmare! You rock, Discord doesn’t stand a chance!” Noteworthy cheers. I ran through the exit of the room and enters the maze-like Transfer Loop. Once I enter the loop, I look down and see spray painted, green arrows pointing in the direction where Discord is at. The portraits of Filthy Rich are crudely violated with the spray paint, with dots for eyes and the Glasgow smile plastered on them. “Ooh, what are you waiting for, Bats? I’m so close, you could almost taste me,” Discord says. Don’t worry, Discord, I’m closer than you think. I follow the arrows leading me in his location until two of his goons ran around the corner, trying to sneak attack me. I block a stallion’s punch and gave him three jabs to the jaw and kick him down. I trip the other stunned stallion and punch him in the stomach.I punch them in the temples to knock them out. After finishing them, I continue to run towards the end of the trail Discord laid. At the end of the path, the door is painted with Discord’s disgusting face on it, mocking my attempts of stopping him. I stop in front of the door and it open, allowing me to confront the clown to stop him from committing any further chaos. The first thing I see is Discord, standing on top of an isolation cell, parked in front of a railing. Over the railing is a deep, precarious drop to the waters below. Laying on the floor are more dead guards, I see a guard in one of the office spaces that controls the cells in the room, thankfully, he’s unconscious. I am directing my focus on the demented clown in front of me. Discord walks up to the edge of the cell. “What took you so long, Bats?” he asks. My response is taking a batarang and threw it at him, he ducks from it, the batarang hits the chain railing holding the cell over the drop. Discord laughs mockingly at my miss. “Whatever it is you’re planning, Discord, this ends tonight. I will stop you,” I call out. Discord grins widely. “Ooh, ho-ho-ho-ho-ho, I’m counting on it, Batsy. Just not yet!” Discord replies. Discord stomps at the edge of the cell. The cell door hisses steam and falls on the floor of the room. I couldn’t make out of who or what is in the cell, but I got my answer in a disturbing manner. A giant, mutated arm grasps the edge of the opened door. Black fingernails and multiple cysts and pimples grossly appear on the arm. The arm is massively out of proportion with a…horn? The arm glows a sickly green glow, something is inside whatever the thing is bloodstream. The left arm grasps the door and it is extremely skinny and lengthy to its meaty and gigantic right arm. The mutant finally revealed itself and by the making of its clothing, it appears to be a stallion, one of Discord’s henchponies…well, was a stallion. The beast’s head is mounted on its disfigured body. The beast’s eyes are a pale green, glaring murderous intent at me. Small horns are mounted on the head, shoulders and back with giant cysts and fluid filled pimples. Whatever Discord did to the former stallion is grotesque beyond imagination. “Ooh, he’s a big one!” Discord exclaims excitedly. The monster growls at me, I took some steps back to gain some distance. The beast jumps out of the cell and onto the floor. I finally see the thing’s back, and it is indescribably disgusting. The beast’s spinal cord is exposed with the vertebrae of the spinal cord to mutate, giving the beasts spikes. The thing’s right and left legs are their opposite proportional sizes of the arms; the left leg giant and the right small. Discord cackles as he’s ready for the beast to tear me apart. The beast stomps to a dead guard and grabs it. I swiftly dodge out of the way when the beast threw the guard, hitting the wall like a ragdoll. The beast growls in anger and roars at me. The beast charges at me, so I throw a batarang at the thing’s eyes, blinding it temporarily. I dodge out of the way of the beast’s path, hitting the wall. Still blind of the attack, the thing clutches its face and punches at air. Giving me a chance, I ran up and punch the stunned beast several times before the thing regains its sight.I jump out of the way when the beast roars again. I got away several feet before the beast punches the ground, sending out a small shockwave. Ready for another charge, the beast runs to me, trying to plow me down. I threw another batarang at it, and I punch it again once its blinded. The beast recovers and roars loudly. Something isn’t right, the beast’s roars. They don’t sound animalistic or feral, well, they do. But the thing’s roar is filled with something that I haven’t notice until now. The way the thing recovers, the way it staggers a bit, the way the thing breathes, the sweat dripping. It's obvious: the beast is in pain, whatever it is inside of the beast is severely damaging its insides. I was right. The beast clutches its chest, where the heart is. The thing staggers and falters, trying to gain ground. The monster grabs its head in pain, I hear the thing’s heartbeat. The heart beats irregularly at an abnormal fast rate. The beast growls in pain as the fluid inside of it is killing it. I hear a sudden pop and the thing’s eyes exploded. Yep, you hear that right. The monster’s eyes just exploded, leaving its empty sockets to the open. The monster lets out one last growl of pain before it collapses, dead. Discord scratches his head at the beast’s demise. “Well…that was unexpected, wasn’t it? Oh, well.” Discord pinches the bridge of his nose. “Note to self: need stronger test subjects.” Test subjects? That stallion was a test subject of an experiment? The most important question is there any more beasts like that around Arkham? Have they been made, are they already been made? What did Discord used to mutate the stallion? “Seeing as how I’m feeling generous, I’m giving you this one for free,” Discord continues. He walks up to the edge of the cell and opens his arms, leaning forward over the deadly drop. “Knock me off, I dare you. End this, pull the plug, stop me once and for all. Do it, KNOCK ME OFF!” he screams out. I pull out my batarang, ready to finish this madness. Then the thought ran through my mind. If I throw it, he’ll fall, and he wins the rivalry. Every time we’re at it, he causes death and misery, I stop him. This psychological war will never end; until one of us dies, I will never stoop beneath him, I made a promise and I intend on keeping it, no matter how difficult the situation is. I sigh as I put away my device. Discord starts to bellow into his signature and annoying cackle from his throat. I scrunch my face at his mocking laughter. Discord rubs his eyes, wiping away the tears. “Oh, you’re getting too predictable, Bats. Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but I have a party to organize.” The cell begins to move and the massive gates behind him opens. The cell moves back into the area where the cell was with Discord on it for the ride. “I’ve got guests flying from all over Arkham! You’ll see,” he finishes. He snickers as the gates close once he enters the area. This is my chance to go after him! I look over to my side and sees the unconscious guard waking up. He grabs his head in dizziness and regains his senses. He spots me and calls out. “Batmare, over here!” He unlocks the pacifying gate and I enter the office. I see another passed out guard laying on the wall. “Ugh, they came out of nowhere. I dragged Jerry in here, I must’ve passed out,” he groans. I need to get to Discord immediately. “Discord went through that door, what’s on the other side?” I ask urgently. “We call it Extreme Isolation, only way is via the transport system,” the guard answers. “Open it!” I order.The guard nods. “Not a problem, just need to call in another cell,” he says. The guard walks up to the controls and types in the order to bring in another cell. I can ride on the cell and follow Discord in the isolation unit. I can stop him right before he does more damage. “Huh, something’s wrong here. The main security loop is locked,” the guard says worryingly. The computer monitor turns on and we see the porcelain face on the screen. I seethe my teeth in frustration as the clown is once again, a step ahead of me. “Having a little trouble up there?” Discord asks teasingly. “Discord,” I snarl. “You were expecting Two-Face?” Discord asks rhetorically. “There’s no escape, Discord,” I growl. “Silly Bats, I don’t wanna escape, I’m having waaaay too much fun!I even have you here to keep a smile on my face!” Discord smiles. “Not for much longer,” I answer back. “Really, we’ll see.Ta-ta!” Discord stops in his tracks before he leaves. “Oh, I forgot to say.” Discord turns the camera to another TV showing the intensive treatment office where my brother and Flash Sentry are. “Just in case you were planning on following me, I’ve arranged a little insurance. Shining is on his way to Pinkie as we speak,” he continues. I look at the TV and once Shining turns around after talking with Flash, Flash pulls out a truncheon and struck Shining on the head, knocking him out. My eyes widen in shock as I see my brother knocked down by the corrupt guard. “Officer Flash,” I growl angrily. Discord laughs as he sees Flash walking around my fallen brother. He walks up in front of the camera and smiles sinisterly. “If I see you trying to follow me, he dies. Pinkie is looking forward to it! Maybe I’ll film it and post it on the internet!” Discord warns and laughs. He shuts the camera off, leaving me a very livid mare. My new priority now is to save my brother from the clown’s clutches. After that, I will find Pinkie Pie, the escaped inmates and Discord. Once I see them, I will make them pay.