My Conversations with a Dream Pony

by nicojaller

My First Conversation with a Dream Pony

Sleep is wonderful, I don't care what you would say. Being unconscious on my bed is the best time of the day. Day is borderline just a placeholder until night comes, at least for me. Yeah, my life isn't that interesting.

The worse is, it's not that I do nothing. I go to school, in a program that I like. I have part-time work and a loving family, but it's just... I don't know, generic ? I just feel like I'm on a path I don't particuliary want. That is what everybody does. When you grow up, you want to be special, you want to be like one of these heroes in the books. Not the average-joe that sells cabages in the background and that has 6 children to feed.

Reality is, if you're poor, you're done, if you're in the middle-class, you're basically done too, only in the high class do you have a chance at becoming something. Anyway, not going much further into politics, that is not really the point of this story. Let's just go back to the fact that I really like to sleep. That is where's the action's at.

Hell, look at my past dream, I was riding a flashing T-Rex fighting Raptors armed with lasers. Yeah, watched 80's movies that evening. The point is, dreams are really the place where the most unlikely things happen, they are rarely boring. From as far as I can remember, I never had a nightmare. Not that I'm complaining of course, but I always hear those conversations of people who talk about nightmares they had in their childhood. When people or teachers asked me what was the worst nightmare I ever had. I could only respond.

- '' What nightmare ? ''

Honestly, I swear to God it's true. In my nights I either dream or just fall into a deep coma for almost eight hours. Both are perfectly fine with me. A lot of peope I know call me lazy, I don't really care, because they're not really wrong. Someone who would rather be sleeping than doing anything else would be lazy.

Okay to be perfectly clear, day time has its perk. First being that I can write stuff. That is kinda what I do. I write fictions, fanfictions, essays, anything to comes to mind. I can't say I'm any good though. Computer games too. Oh, and eating. This is certainly the best deal that comes out of being awake, eating that delicious food.

My life cycle is simple, waking up, eat, go to school, eat, write, shower and sleep. On weekends, you can replace go to school by more writing and more eating. How am I not a sumo by now, I have absolutely no idea. Oh, how could I forget, you could put watch MLP somewhere between writing and taking a shower. Yeah, I'm a brony. Mainly in name only. I mean, I write fanfics, but I don't really own merchs or things like that.

Anyway, after ending another day of this cycle, I take of my clothes, put on my pyjamas and prepare myself to bed. I put one last check on my cellphone to see if the alarm is set or if I have any notifications. When that's done. I finally put it down, closes my eyes and fall to sleep.

Thankfully, it seems that it's one of these nights where I would find a dream. What would it be this team. I seem to be wearing my regular clothes, which is disappointing. A red t-shirt with the word '' Canada '' written in white. You're smart fellows, I don't think I need to explain that one. I'm also wearing jeans and sneakers. Now the most fantasy thing imaginable to be frank. I'm used to way crazier things in my dreams.

To be honest, it's kind of weird, everything seems way too normal. It's just a forest. Man, I think I even recognize this forest.
It's one of these really small forest that surrounds the village where I live. Maaan... How boring !

Well, then, I'm just going to sit here until something exciting happens, anyway, it's not like I have better things to do, I have eight hours until I wake up. I could as well play with rocks. This is litteraly what I start to do. I'm on the ground and I play with the little rocks on the ground like if I was 6. How embarrasing.

Now I stand on my back and start looking at the sky, wait is it night ? Usually, in my dreams it's always sunny. Maybe that's why freaking nothing is going on, every cool things are asleep. Wait, maybe I'm not even asleep at all, maybe I just went outside randomly without realizing it. Maybe I sleepwalked. Anything to explain this boring-ass dream. Maybe my standards are way too high. #NotAllDreams

Yeah, I'm sure that would trend on Twitter. If I was relevant on Twitter that is. I look at the sky, I must say I never really noticed it before, I mean, I saw it but never took time to watch it. Like I said earlier, it's not like I'm lacking time right now. So fuck, let's do that, it'll be more productive than just... staring at rocks.

I don't know how much time I spend just staring at the sky and at the moon, I must say, this must be the most peaceful dream I had in a long time. Usually, it's action packed you would think I had some cocaine before going to bed. Well, maybe not that bad. It's just a bit weird to have such a normal dream. Just me, the grass, the sky and a blue horse... wait...WHAT ?

I stand up quickly on my two feet at the visitor that had just appeared out of nowhere, we looked at each other confused for several long seconds. She was pretty tall, with a dark blue fur with a blue mane that seemed to sparkle like stars and eyes that were bright blue. Oh for fuck sake, I knew this dream was way too normal. Of course something had to stir the pot. Princess freaking Luna was here. She looked at me with the same perplexity.

- '' are no pony. ''

I looked down at my hands and thought sarcasticly : *Really ? I'm not ?! *

I then brought my look once again towards her, still really confused about the whole situation.

- '' Maybe not, but you sure as hell are. ''

I see the Princess thinking to herself and grumbling.

- '' This should not be possible, after all these years, we never saw one of those. ''

She then looks up to me and takes an imposing pose. The kind of pose when she would make official statements or things like that.

- '' You ! Thou shall identify yourself ''

I raise my hands in surrender. I don't particuliary want to have a Princess of the Night (Best Princess by the way, just to make it perfectly clear) mad at me.

- '' Calm down, my name's Thomas, I am as surprised as you. ''

She doesn't seem to trust me. I'm starting to calm myself a bit, it's a dream, I just happen to be dreaming of my favorite pony ever. That's all. A surprising, but not unpleasant, twist of event.

- '' We do not know any being known as <<Thomas>>, also, what are you, in thousands of years of reign, we never saw a being just like you. What are you ? ''

What harm could there be to explain it to her ? I mean, once again, it's a dream, she's part of it, what I say or do here won't have any real consequences so I guess there's no real point in hiding what I am to her.

- '' I am an human being, or homo sapiens, if you like to talk in science mumbo-jumbo. Who are you, if I can ask ? ''
She nods in understanding.

- '' I am Princess Luna, ruler of the night of the kingdom of Equestria. Of what I can observe, this place is not withing my realm. ''

- '' It seems so, because it's from my world. And we're in Dreamland. ''

- '' Dreamland ? Is that the name of your kingdom ? ''

- '' Uhm... no there's two things wrong with that statement. I'll just say that no, Dreamland's not actually a thing, although it would make for an amazing board game. It's just something that I said to explain that it's a dream, I am sure you must be aware of that fact right ? ''

- '' Yes, as a dreamwalker we did realize that fact as soon as we appeared here, how, however is still unknown. ''

Well, it is MY dream, so it's more likely my mind has something to do with that. I will have to thank it when I wake up. Should I tell her she's the product of my imagination... Not right now, let's just profit for the fact that she's here.

- '' I do not really know the exact reason either, surely there must some reason for your visit. ''

- '' Pure curiosity, throughout the years, I had visited so many dreams for my little ponies, but yours shinned differently, now, we can see why. ''

- '' Yeah, I would think so, is it really possible for you to visit dreams from other realities ? How would that work. ''

- '' Dreams aren't something completely exclusive dimensions, they all are part of one reality. Like a gigantic web, being a dreamwalker is being able to navigate the web. ''

Okay, that is pretty cool, like dreams are a dimension completely separate from our respective realities and are shared by all. Cool concept if it was real.Somebody should probably make a movie out of this. I have to write this down when I wake up.

- '' How do I know you're real anyway ? You could very well just be part of my dream, yeah that sound like I something I might do. Dream of a blue pony, princess of the night. It sounds like something I could dream of. ''

- '' There is nothing we can say or show to convince you that what you're seeing or true, it's up to you to convince yourself if you want to believe or not. ''

Suuurrre. To be fair, it's true. Whatever she could do, it doesn't change the fact that it's a dream, it isn't reality so it's impossible to take anything from here as reality. Even more, she would play with the moon, it would only strenghten my position.

- '' I can't say I believe it, even if I really want to. This just seems too...convenient. Only my brain could create this kind of scenario. ''

- '' So it is how it shall be. ''

Then, it became a bit awkard, neither of us talked a few moments, I cough trying to find another subject of conversation.

- '' So... What is being a princess like ? ''

- '' Why do thou want to know that ? ''

I shrud.

- '' Just curious, what's it like to be... important ? To know you have a purpose in life ? ''

- '' I see, it is a heavy weight to have sometimes, but it is the duty I have to uphold even if it's hard, that is a lesson I learned a long time ago. Why, is something bothering you ? ''

I can't respond anything, I lower my head as I feel my throat tightening. I think she understands where I was going with this, because I feel a hoof on my cheek. I look up to see Luna smiling at me.

- '' I see, you have difficult finding your purpose isn't it ? ''

I only nod.

- '' Silly pony, or human in this case, power doesn't define one's purpose. Do what you like, do it well and do it with passion, only there will you find a real purpose. Anyone from the ruler to the peasant have one. Everyone does it's part. If you don't feel like you belong, it's just that you didn't find the good role yet. ''

I laugh a little at how weird the situation, I was getting life advices from Princess Luna herself in my dreams. I don't care if she's not real, this is the most awesome thing that ever happened to me in my whole life.

- '' Thanks, you don't know how good it is for me to hear that, even if it's from a dream pony. Wait, maybe it's so good because it's from a dream pony ! ''

She laughs quite a bit herself, before retaking a more serious stance.

- '' It has been a quite interesting encounter, but we must now gow, we have duties to attend to this night. ''

- '' Of course, I understand, but will I see you in one of my dreams again someday ? ''

Once again, she only smiles and disappears into the night. Cool, but what did that meant ? Yes, no, bananas ? I see the forest around me getting gradually blurry, it means that I'm starting to wake up, which I don't really mind. I hope I remember all of this in the morning. Everything becomes blur before it becomes simply black.

Just like that I open my eyes, I am back in my bed. I look around me to see that nothing really changed, first thing first, I grab my cellphone, 7 A.M, man, my alarm wouldn't ring before an hour from now !

It was a pretty awesome dream, and thankfully I remember most of it. Most, there are some parts that are bit vague in my head. I stand up, get dressed and I hurry to get a piece of paper and a pen to write what I did remember from it.

This will make for one amazing fanfiction, that's for sure. Well, if people read what I wrote and if I was a better writer, but that's not the point ! I am sure this time somebody will notice this story!

...What's the point ? I'm shit and I know it well too.

I let the sheet somewhere and I sit in discouragement, what am I really good at ? Why do I keep writing stuff that I know people won't read ? I feel like I'm hitting my head against a wall again and again. Or throwing shit at that wall and hoping something sticks.

Then I notice a small piece of paper that was near my bed, I didn't noticed it before because I was in such a hurry of writing off my dream. I pick it up and read what was written on it.

Believe in yourself.
- Dream Pony