
by DigitalPhoenix

Getting Ready

Hey, Twilight.

I've decided it's about time I come home for a visit. I have some things that I'd like to take care of, and with the portal acting up, I figured that the sooner I get this done, the better. Would it be okay if the other Twilight and I stay with you in the castle for a few days?

Of course, the guest rooms are always available, and I think it's wonderful that you'll be coming back. I'll have everything you need ready for you when you arrive.

With that, Sunset set about packing the few things she was going to need for her mini vacation, seeing as how most of what she had couldn't be used across the portal. Applejack should be by anytime to pick up the journal for safe keeping; she didn't really trust anyone else with it. Maybe Fluttershy, but she'd been spending a LOT more time with Rainbow as of late, and Sunset really didn't want Rainbow of all people snooping around one of her most private outlets.

Sunset herself was, quite honestly, of two minds about this trip. She had a small feeling of homesickness during the Friendship Games, and probably would've returned to Equestria if things hadn't turned out the way they did. Now, she was very excited to go back, to finally be her normal self again, and to see how much the land has changed since she'd left. Not to mention meeting up with the family she hadn't seen for ages.

She was also extremely nervous, though. She knew she'd have to explain where she's been and what has happened to her mother and siblings. and she wasn't sure just how much she was comfortable with regaling. Of course she'd have Twilight there for support, though that alone would also raise a billion questions. Having a girlfriend who looks identical to royalty isn't going to do her any favors.

Then there was the caveat of Princess Celestia. Sunset had already assured herself that she'd cross that bridge another time, but she wasn't the only one who could initiate a reunion. While unlikely, the possibility that the princess would get word of her return and decide to come see her was something that Sunset certainly dreaded. It probably wouldn't be too hard to get the news from Twilight, and Celestia knew Sunset well enough to know that she would put it off as much as possible.

There was a lot for Sunset to consider, but she had four days that she would be staying there; best make good use of the time while she had it. Considering the extra energy still pouring from the portal, she assumed it wasn't the best idea to make frequent use of it, lest she only make things worse. It was probably for the best, anyway. She'd spent enough time trying to make this world feel like home; she didn't want to establish a sense of limbo between the two sides.

Sunset packed the last of her items and zipped up her small backpack, slinging it over her back as she ambled to her door. She opened her front door to find Applejack just about to knock, her hand still up to where the door was.

"Oh, uh, hey Sunset. Already leaving?"

Sunset handed her the journal. "Yep, it's time to go. Just make sure your sister doesn't get a hold of that. I'll never hear the end of it from Princess Twilight if she did."

"Speaking of which," Applejack replied as she accepted the journal and placed it in her knapsack, "how are ya gonna tell the two Twilights apart? They're gonna look a might similar when ya get to the other side, an' I doubt calling them both 'Twilight' is gonna make an easy time of things."

"Twilight told me she and the princess have already figured something out. What it is, I have no idea, but I trust her word for it."

Applejack shrugged. "Well, alright then, I hope you enjoy your trip."

Sunset watched as Applejack walked away. "I hope so too," she muttered to herself before setting off for Canterlot High.

Twilight hurriedly packed her travel bag, her excitement evident in her frantic movements, She and Sunset were staying in Equestria right up until school started. That meant four days to explore the land and study magic in its native form. She'd already learned some basics from Princess Twilight during her last short visit, but it was mostly theory rather than application. Despite her powers in her own world, she still hadn't managed to levitate anything in Equestria; she chalked it up to attempting to summon the power from an unfamiliar appendage.

She was glad to have Sunset to go with, though. She knew she'd need her there to curb her natural scientific tendencies, otherwise she'd turn the whole trip into a research project, and she didn't want to do that. Not only because she simply wanted to enjoy Equestria for what it was, but also because she didn't want to overshadow Sunset's reason for visiting with a mountain of questions.

Some of her less inept colleagues at Crystal Prep always asked her why she didn't try and research Equestrian magic as her contribution to the scientific community, and her answer was always two-fold. First, she'd had her taste of that before, and she wasn't too keen to replicate it, Not to mention the fact that if Sunset still couldn't understand the machinations of magic within this realm, what possible chance did she have? Magic didn't seem to obey conventional data patterns, and Sunset usually had to chime in with some Equestrian mathematics for everything to make some semblance of sense. That alone made it nigh impossible for her to even attempt.

Second, even if she was able to understand it herself, it would be unwise to demonstrate it to the world at large; actually, no, it would be absolutely reckless. Sure, there may be a lot of good it could do for the world, but the risk for herself and her friends was too great. If word got to the general public of what they were capable of, they would no doubt be turned into scientific guinea pigs. It was one of the reasons she was glad that the portal's magic had stayed confined to the city; if it spread anywhere else, she could only imagine the havoc it would unleash.

Snapping herself out of her deluge, she quickly triple-checked her carry-on for everything that she needed, then hurried over to the portal.

Sunset stood outside the portal, waiting for her girlfriend to arrive. She had been here for about five minutes already, so it surprised her that Twilight hadn't yet arrived.

Her thought was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps coming her direction. Peering around the statue, she saw Twilight running to meet up with her.

"Sorry, I"- she paused to catch her breath- "I didn't realize you'd already be here."

Sunset smirked. "How many times did you check your bag before you got here?"

"Only, like, once or twice... maybe a few more as I was on my way." Her response was followed by a series of giggles from Sunset. "I have to be absolutely sure, okay? This is my first time staying in Equestria, and I am not about to miss out on anything because I forgot some of my equipment."

Sunset's face quickly became stern. "Woah, woah. I thought we already talked about this. We're not turning this trip into a scientific excursion."

"I'm not, but I'd still like to gather some data. Testing influxes on the other side of the portal, as well as any ambient magic in the realm, simply to help get a better understanding of how things operate here. It would help to have some data comparisons, wouldn't it?"

Sunset thought about it for a moment. It did make sense, seeing as how 'data' on Equestrian magic was practically nonexistent. Nobody had bothered because it was rather innate to the majority of the populace. Magic was something that simply was, and not many studied it in that manner. It was less of "what is this power capable of" and more like "what am I capable of with this power".

The train of thought reminded her of the last time she tried to collect data on magic. "Fine, but just be careful. Magic doesn't always react well with conventional data equipment."

Twilight gave her a thumbs-up, intentionally over-exaggerating her movement. "Can do!"

"You try way too hard to be adorable sometimes, you know that?"

Twilight stuck her tongue out in response.

Sunset simply shook her head. "Come on, best not to keep the princess waiting any longer. Just a heads up, it's a little easier if you lean forward as you enter."

Twilight nodded, and they both stepped through the portal.