//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Secret Life of a Wall // by Pyro Psycho //------------------------------// It was a bright sunny day in Canterlot, there was not a cloud in sight and the city was filled with the sound of birds and ponies talking. Each street in the large city was busy, the citizens of Canterlot each doing their own thing, shopping, working or being a nuisance to local law enforcement. In one of these busy high streets stood a ten foot high solid brick wall, it was placed between two stores connecting them together while blocking the street from viewing what was behind it and between the two stores. The wall was pained in graffiti, some of it was obscene language while other artists have chosen to paint pony anatomy, the wall didn't mind the paint, in fact he felt naked without it. It gave him character and helped him to stand out from the other walls in the street. The wall was the first to be built in between stores and he was determined to be the last standing, even though he had no control over it. This wall stood proudly, watching the ponies below go about their day not even glancing at it once. He liked to watch the ponies on the street and try to imagine what they were doing that day or what their life was like. "Maybe that unicorn mare is off to collect her foals from school, or perhaps that little colt is looking for cake." Mr Wall thought. He had always wondered what it is like to move, what it is like to speak or what it is like to feel. But all he could do was watch silently as all the ponies got on with their lives. The wall gazed his metaphorical eyes over to the far end of the street where he could see a pony moving faster than the other ponies around it. As the pony got closer Wally could see the details more clearly, for one he could see a pair of wings on the ponies back as they began to stretch out, preparing to take flight he could also see that it was a mare with a dark green coat and a bright crimson mane. Along with seeing the speeding Pegasus mire clearly the wall could see two other ponies following the mare albeit slower. The pursuers were both white unicorns with matching yellow outfits, they were both shouting loudly attempting to get the green pegasus to stop. The Pegasus began to turn so that she was running towards our brick hero, she jumped when she got closer and used her wings to glide into Wally's direction. The pegasus landed perfectly on top of the wall, sitting her rump on him while dangling her rear legs off so she could watch her pursuers. If Wally had cheeks he was sure they would be blushing at that moment. When the two unicorns finally caught up they were noticeably out of breath, gasping for air while the green mare laughed at them. One of the guards used his magic to throw a rock at the mare as he yelled, "Hey! Get down here this instant!" Wally could do nothing but watch as the incident took place, he hoped that the pony on top of him did not chip any of his bricks. The pegasus shook her head while defiantly declaring "No!" The other guard resorted to try and jump onto the wall, standing up on his rear legs and trying to grab the mare with his forelegs, but unfortunately he was too small to reach the top of the magnificent wall. The first guard continued to shout, "Get down here thief, just return the apple and we can all go home." "Too late," the green mare childishly replied before throwing an apple core at the guard attempting to grab her, impaling it on his horn, causing her to burst out laughing. Mr Wall did not want to take sides in this conflict but he wanted it to end quickly so that he could be left in peace. The second guard was enraged, "Get off that wall now!" He ordered, doubling his efforts to try and grab her. The confrontation was starting to attract ponies from the street to come and watch the guards. Wally had never had so many ponies looking at him at once and was starting to get embarrassed. The pegasus remained defiant on top of the wall, "No! This is my wall now." Wally turned his attention back to the pony on top of him, he never wanted to be owned, Mr Wall considered himself to be free and not property. The Pegasus laid down on the wall, holding her head with one hoof and idly hanging her other over the wall. "And I name it Stephen," she added. This was crossing the line! Claiming him was one thing but changing his name! This pegasus had gone too far now! A name is something sacred to a wall, it is one of the only things they own and this mare wanted to change that. If it was possible Wally would make a giant name tag so that no one would mistake his name but unfortunately he was a wall. Even though Mr Wall was neutral at the start of this incident he now supports the guards completely, this mare had crossed the wrong wall. The ponies in the crowd that had gather were now getting agitated by the pegasus and were also yelling at her, the pegasus saw that she was outnumbered but she was determined to see this through. She returned to her original position, rear legs hanging over the wall but one of the guards made a jump for her leg as it was hanging and managed to latch on. Seeing the opportunity the other guard and a few other ponies grabbed the unicorn holding on to the green pegasus. As she was being pulled don she held on to the wall with all her might using her forelegs. More ponies joined the guards to bring her down, but she refused to let go. Wally could see the strain in her face as she help on with everything she had if he could Mr Wall would laugh right now seeing the pony get what she deserves. The Pegasus's eyes shot open and she gasped as she felt the wall move, Wally could feel it too, it was soft at first but as more ponies tried to pull off the pegasus he could feel himself leaning towards them. Before it became too late the pegasus let go of the wall to avoid being crushed, but her sudden release caused her and every pony involved to topple backwards into a pile of limbs. Sadly it was too late for Mr Wall, he was already tipping forward and he came crashing towards the ground. As he was falling, his time as a wall flashed before him: the first brick placed, the first pony to lean on him, even the first homeless pony to sleep next to him. It all came to a sudden end as he hit the stone floor causing the wall to shatter into a million pieces. Luckily nopony was hurt but Wally was destroyed and nothing could fix him. The Pegasus was then arrested by the guard for theft and destruction of public property. All the ponies that gathered to help continued with their daily business, and once the city cleaners removed the remains of the wall everyone forgot about Wally. Fin