Forgive and Forget

by Inactive Pone

Making Amends

It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville. Perfect weather for another school day. Cheerilee's class was almost done for school that day, but the teacher had something to say before they dismiss.

"So, before we end today's classes, I've got something to share," Cheerilee said.

Since everypony was chatting to one another, they all turned to look at her.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, would you kindly come to the front, please?"

The three smiled to each other, and came out, puffing out their chests a little bit.

"I just wanted to express how proud we are for your recent achievements regarding your destiny," She said. "The recent cutie mark camp that you fillies organised was definitely a big success, in my opinion. Ever since you got your cutie marks, I've noticed the three of you becoming more independent and a lot more innovative to trying new things. Your results have improved, too. We are all really proud of you three."

The class all applauded as the crusaders bowed a little. But what made the trio surprised, was the fact that even Diamond Tiara was applauding! Usually, she'll be jealous, but seems like today was not the case. They didn't know exactly why, but something tells them she is trying to change.

"Did you take a note of that?" Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie Belle.

"Mhmm, a little bit interesting," She replied.

After school ended, the trio decided they would spend some more time together at their clubhouse, where they have always had meetings in.

"Alright," Apple Bloom said, putting down her bags. "So, crusaders, what did you think about the camp we've done recently?"

Sweetie smiled. "Oh, it was brilliant! Well, except the fact that somepony decided to ruin the fun a little, that's all."

"Well, sometimes ponies can be a bit selfish. You can't change that," Scootaloo responded.

Apple Bloom nodded as the three gathered around.

"You know, girls... There's always been something that I am really thankful for." She continued.

"What is it?" The other two asked at the same time.

Apple Bloom gestured the two to move beside her.

"We've met each other for a long time, haven't we?" She questioned.

"Yeah, we've been through so much together," Scootaloo answered. "Probably around... Three years, I think?"

"Well... The reason why I wanted to bring this up is because... We've been best friends for a while. We've went through so many challenges as a team, regardless of it being before or after we got our cutie marks. Sure, we run into a lot of quarrels with each other, but our friendship has only grown stronger since the day we first met," Apple Bloom explained, smiling.

Sweetie Belle nodded happily. "I'm thankful for everything as well. I was a bit of a loner back then. It's really great to have friends to stick around and keep you company. We crusaders may have gotten our cutie marks, but I know our friendship will last forever."

"I hope so too," Scootaloo added. "I love you girls so much."

The three immediately huddled up together In a group hug, giggling in content. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. (Unwillingly) Breaking the embrace, Apple Bloom trotted over to it.

"Whoa, what's the rush, Apple Bloom?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"*panting* Oh, I forgot to tell you girls!" She replied. "I actually invite Babs Seed to come over and visit, since we haven't seen her in a while. Probably it's her!"

But when she opened the door, the two faces her eyes met with were surely not what she imagined. In fact, she was a little surprised to see them stop by, with an interestingly sorry look on their faces.

"Oh, it's you two," She said, a little bit disappointed. "What are you both doing here, not trying to be rude?"

Diamond Tiara just sighed, feeling a little anxious.

"Come on, girl," Silver Spoon said. She was a friend of Diamond Tiara. "You can do it."

The pink filly turned back to the leader of the crusaders.

"Well... We wanted to talk to you three about something," Diamond Tiara briefly said. "It's... A little bit personal, between the five of us."

Apple Bloom glanced at her friends. They both thought for a second and nodded.

"I see," She said. "Come on in. We're a little anticipated to what you're going to say, to be honest."

Sweetie Belle closed the door as the two sat directly opposite them. There was a bit of silence between the two groups for a minute, until the crusaders started speaking.

"So... What's on your mind?" Scootaloo opened the conversation.

Silver Spoon was a little nervous. She nudged her friend and whispered, "Come on, you say it."

"What!? I can't! What if they are still not over it?" Diamond Tiara did the same.

"Don't worry, I think they'll understand."

She sighed and blushed.

"You see... We just felt a bit... A little..." She confessed, gulping. She hadn't felt nervous like this in a while. "We felt a little guilty."

"Why so?" Apple Bloom asked.

Diamond Tiara was a little shy to keep explaining. Silver Spoon just sighed and shook her head, feeling annoyed.

"Okay, I'll explain," She whispered, turning back to the trio. "Basically... After you three got your cutie marks... We suddenly felt that everything we've once said to you... We finally realised how you felt. It feels as if... We're discouraging you all. Sure, it seemed fun when we still bullied you, but seeing you three doing so many things that probably we can't do, *sigh* we're just really sorry for everything."

The three looked at each other. Did their rivals just say they are sorry for what they did over the past few years? Not like they don't want to forgive them, but they have nearly never seen them actually apologising to them in forever. The last time that kind of happened was when Diamond Tiara was stumped by her mother and she realised she was being controlled.

"Are you girls serious about this?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Of course we are!" Diamond Tiara spat back, crying a bit. "*cries* We humiliated and bullied you three so much! And now look at you, going around town and showing how cool your new destinies are. You've instantly became the spotlight of all the ponies in our class and possibly in Ponyville too!"

"Not to boast, but... We kinda did become the spotlight," Sccotaloo said. "Right, girls?"

Sweetie Belle nodded with a smile. "Definitely! It has been worth the wait."

Diamond Tiara was still crying. "*sniff* I'm... I'm sorry. About everything. We're both sorry."

"We're telling the truth and we mean it, crusaders," Silver Spoon added, comforting her friend, who was crying like a baby. "Both of us wanted to apologise to you for a long time, but we never had the courage to. After you got your cutie marks, Diamond Tiara and I reflected a lot on our actions against you. I know we bullied you three a lot by calling you girls 'Blank Flanks', but we never realised how much it hurt you. And one of the things we're even sorry for, was when we persuaded your friend Babs to join us a while back. *sigh* We were just foolish."

"What? How could you say that?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Of course you aren't!"

"Well, a better word would be... Naive, I guess. But in all seriousness... We owe you three a sincere apology for everything we've done," Silver Spoon continued.

The crusaders looked at each other. They started discussing a little bit on whether they want to forgive them or not. Sure, the two have done many bad things to them in the past. They called them 'Blank Flanks', they joked about Scootaloo's handicap, and the two sides always have constant distrust. However... They can't cling onto the past forever. Since there's no reason for them to bully, now that they got their cutie marks, the trio knew they deserve to be forgiven. Besides, Diamond Tiara played a big part in their discovery of their destiny.

The two were at the back, snuggling in worry.

"*sigh* Girls... If you really don't want to..." Diamond Tiara cried, sniffing. "It's alright. I know it's our fault. We were wrong. But... I understand if you don't forgive us, especially me." Her ears flopped down in sadness. "I just wanted to let you now that we've realised our mistake, nothing more."

She turned, and wanted to walk away. Silver Spoon glanced at the crusaders, smiled, and followed. But before they could go out the door, Apple Bloom already made up her mind.

"Hey, wait up," She called out to them.

The two both turned, feeling surprised. They stepped forward as her gestures called them to come close. She looked at her two best friends, and they all nodded.

"*giggles* How can we ever be mad at you for what you did, Diamond Tiara?" Apple Bloom asked kindly.

She pulled her into a hug. Diamond Tiara gasped, and cried a little.


"Why what?"

"Just... Why? We... No, I did so many things to you all... I don't deserve this at all!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other. They called Silver Spoon and they all joined in on the group hug.

"I know it's hard to accept this, Diamond Tiara. I know your heart has always been blinded and you're feeling sad about everything. But, we crusaders love to make friends. We really do. My big sister always told me, 'Forgive and forget.' No matter how your enemies treat you, never fight back," Apple Bloom continued.

Silver Spoon started crying too as she nuzzled in with her best bud. "But why would you want to be friends with us, even after everything?"

"Are you kidding? Of course we'll be your friends!" Scootaloo said, laughing. "You both, especially you, Diamond Tiara, was the reason how we found out about our true talent! If you didn't tell us about what happened between you and your parents, we may have never taken note of the fact that we're helping other ponies recognize their destiny!"

"*cries* Really?" Diamond Tiara looked at Apple Bloom in disbelief.

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle squeaked cheerfully. "You helped us to get our cutie marks! We wish to thank you, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Sure, we've been mad at you and you were always teasing us and all that... But it's in the past now. Let's all try to forget about it and move on. After all, we can't hate each other forever, now can we?"

They all let go, smiling with some tears in their eyes.

"*chuckles* Thank you, crusaders," Diamond Tiara cried. "It means a lot, what you said to us."

"No problem!" They all said in unison.

As they were laughing, another knock on the door came. This time, when Apple Bloom opened the door, the pony that showed up was exactly the one she was looking for.

"Babs Seed!" She said happily.

"*gasp* Cousin!" Babs replied, cuddling her friend. "I missed you! It's been so long!"

"I know! How long have we been apart for?" Apple Bloom asked, letting go. "Has it been like, a year or two? Oh, right! You said you got your cutie mark, right?

Babs smiled, and revealed her cutie mark on her brownish orange flank. It was a red pair of scissors. Boastfully, she blew her ruby red mane a little bit. It's her signature move.

"Mhmm, does it look great?" She asked.

Apple Bloom smiled as they walked inside. "It's beautiful! Nice job!"

"Thanks, cousin. We really need to catch up, I have so many things to-" Babs stopped. "*gasp* What are these two doing here!?"

Her eyes fixed on the two bullies, she recalled the terrible memory of bullying Apple Bloom's friends. She was still trying to get over it and she was still mad at herself. The two backed off a little.

"Uhhh... Hey, Babs Seed..." Silver Spoon stuttered, blushing.

Babs Seed grumbled a bit, walking to them in anger. That is, until Sweetie Belle cut between them.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Chill out!" She cried.

Seeing the two, Babs' face brightened up once more as she was enveloped in another embrace by the two. "Hey, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle! I haven't seen you both in quite a long time either!"

"*chuckles* Awww, we missed you too, you little bad seed," Scootaloo playfully chuckled.

"*snicker* Ha, very funny," Babs replied with a blush as she let go. "But seriously... what are these two jerks doing here? Apple Bloom, what's been going on?"

She walked over with pride. "Well, before we explain, we have something to show you, cousin. Close your eyes a little while we get into position."

As told, Babs Seed covered her eyes while the crusaders walked in front of her.

"Okay, you can look now!"

Babs uncovered her eyes, and they immediately sparkled as she had the most charming smile she has ever had. Why? It was because she was looking at the crusaders' flanks- They got their cutie marks! And she didn't know!

"*gasp* No way!" She squealed in joy, jumping up and down and trotting over to her cousin in excitement, squeezing Apple Bloom's nose with her own. "You girls got your cutie marks!? What's your destiny!?"

Apple Bloom couldn't help but laugh as she calmed her friend down. "We are destined to help other ponies find their true talent."

"Wow! Interesting! I've never seen anypony have that destiny before!" Babs commented. "Who helped you realize it?"

Sweetie Belle blushed in embarrassment. "Well... It's a little complicated," she said, pointing to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"How come? Don't you two groups hate each other?"

They took a moment to sit down and talk about what happened. Apple Bloom explained everything that led up to them getting their cutie marks that day and how the two played a role in it. Afterwards, they did a little catching up on how's life been going for everypony.

"You see, Babs, they've changed," She said. "We realized what they were going through. Diamond Tiara was mean because of her mother's influence on her. Silver Spoon supported her because she was her friend. But after we got our cutie marks, they've been reflecting on all their actions. They're really sorry for everything."

Babs Seed thought for a minute. Her cousin does have a point.

"I guess I could forgive you both," She said, smiling with a blush. "But if you dare to hurt them again, I'm done with you both."

All the fillies sighed in relief. Then, the six of them gathered up, with Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara in the middle. The crusaders went behind their leader and the bullies went behind theirs.

"You know... I just wanted to thank you, crusaders," Diamond Tiara briefly said, blushing.

"For what?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously from the back.

"You all helped me realize that this path of being mean won't do me any good. You three are the reason why I've changed. We've been so mean to you, yet you're still willing to give us a chance to change... *sniff* That's the sweetest and kindest thing we could ask for," Diamond Tiara explained.

Scootaloo smiled. "Well, the important thing is that you've learned your lesson and you know you're wrong."

Silver Spoon at the back nodded. "Of course we did."

"Yeah, I realized it much earlier," Babs added. "And, I'm glad we've finally decided to make up. You three were mad at us and so are we... We're just always at each other's throats and I don't want us to fight. I want us all to become friends."

She nodded at Diamond Tiara briefly as she turned.

"Well, in all seriousness," Apple Bloom announced. "At the end of the day, we were both doing something wrong. To be honest... We're sorry for causing a competition with you sometimes."

Diamond Tiara chuckled. "We're sorry too, crusaders. We really are."

The two walked close and lifted a hoof and placed them against in front of each other's.

"So... Friends?"

"*giggles* Of course."

Both of them smiled and shook each other's hoof. Diamond Tiara promised Apple Bloom and her friends that she would never intentionally hurt them again, and the crusaders accepted their apology. Tearing up a little, they both felt a warm blush on their cheeks.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Apple Bloom asked. "You crying?"

She let out a giggle. "N-No I'm not... *sniff* Okay, fine. *giggles* Really, we sincerely thank you three for another chance."

"You're welcome. We did this, because this is what we should've done for a long time." Apple Bloom explained. "We should've never fought with our friendly peers. How about we forget our rivalry in the past and focus on making amends with each other now, okay?"

Diamond Tiara glanced at Silver Spoon- She knew this was the right thing to do.

"*chuckles* It's a deal."

Awkwardly, the two wanted to put a hoof around the other, but they were so shy and blushed so much that they didn't want to move close. Sweetie Belle giggled from the back and used magic to push them towards each other. With a bashful smile and their eyes darting around the clubhouse, both fillies gladly embraced each other, not letting go and crying a bit. They were just so happy to finally make up.

"*sniff* Let's not fight anymore," Apple Bloom whispered into her friend's ear. "Let's all be friends."

The bully nodded. "Sure. Thank you so much, Apple Bloom."

The other four smiled and joined in with their leaders. All cuddling in content, they were happy to finally negotiate with each other and end their rivalry. All of a sudden, out of the blue, Apple Bloom felt an adorable kiss on her forehead. As she opened her eyes, she found her friend's face turning red. She smiled and had the same reaction.

"Awww..." Apple Bloom squeaked, their heads touching.

Diamond Tiara wanted to panic. "Ohmygosh, I am so sorry! I really didn't mean to, I just-"

Before she could say anything, Apple Bloom did the same to her already.

"Yes, bestie?" She giggled after she broke the kiss and booping her friend's pink nose.

"Oh... *giggles* Stop it, you're making me blush," Diamond Tiara said, playfully tugging her friend's soft ear. "I don't do such childish things."

All six of them had a great laugh.

"Let's all be a happy group of buddies!" Silver Spoon suggested gladly.

"Yay!" Everypony agreed in unison.