//------------------------------// // Butterflies // Story: Simplicity // by pinkiepies //------------------------------// Applejack had never been one who was easily frightened. Many would even call her the opposite; brave, courageous, determined. Yet, Applejack felt nothing but fear as she stood before the front door to her long-time friend's cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest. To be completely fair, behind that door were many things that she could have been afraid of. Bats, bugs, all sorts of varmints that were surely some of the culprits behind many ruined crops and stolen apples. Applejack had even seen Fluttershy's enormous bear friend inside this cottage before. Surely she wasn't being that ridiculous to feel nervous. She knew she was lying to herself, though. Applejack had been inside of this cottage countless times, and she was never afraid of Fluttershy's countless critters, as troublesome and infuriating as they might have been. No, Applejack wasn't afraid of any of them, what she was afraid of was Fluttershy. Now that she was really thinking about it, it was silly to be afraid of such a close friend. Fluttershy was without a single doubt the most kind and understanding pony Applejack had ever met. She knew that Fluttershy would never harm a fly, let alone one of her best friends. Even if Applejack was faced with a rejection, Fluttershy would surely let her down gently. With a sudden burst of confidence, Applejack lifted a hoof and knocked on the door, receiving various sounds from the critters inside as a response. She felt shaky as she heard the gentle echo of hoofsteps approaching the door. The door opened just a crack, and Applejack caught a glimpse of a teal-colored eye peeping back at her before she was met by Fluttershy's smiling face. "Oh, hello, Applejack! What brings you by? I wasn't expecting to see you today-" Fluttershy started, before her smile was replaced by a sudden expression of worry, "-unless I forgot. Oh dear, I'm so sorry." Applejack shook her head, smiling around a basket of apples held in her mouth. "Mm mm! Here!" She replied, her words muffled by the basket's handle. "For me? Oh, thank you! The animals will be so happy to get a nice snack. I think I might snack on some of these, myself." Fluttershy took the basket, opening the door to her cottage for Applejack to come inside before placing them at the center of the living room table. With a wave of her hoof, Applejack brushed off the thanks. "Ah, don't worry none. I figured ya' might like a lil' somethin' to eat." She felt her nerves growing, butterflies fluttering through her chest. "Besides, I came by to ask ya' somethin'." Fluttershy grinned in response, calming the farmer pony's nerves just a bit. "Oh, of course! Did you need my help with something?" "No, that ain't it. I just, uh-" Applejack gulped visibly, suddenly unsure of how to ask her. "Picnic? With me? Tomorrow?" Her words were rushed, and the orange fur on her cheeks were tinted red. "A picnic?" Fluttershy asked for clarification, not quite hearing her words the first time around. After a nod in response, Fluttershy clapped her hooves together. "That would be lovely, Applejack! I would be more than happy to join you." Applejack smiled wide. "Great! I reckon I'd better get a move on, I have a great deal of work to get caught up with if I wanna get out for a tick tomorrow. I'll see ya 'round this time tomorrow at Sweet Apple Acres!" "Alright! See you later!" Applejack turned, stepping out onto the doorstep of Fluttershy's cottage once again as she shut the door behind her. That had gone decently, though Fluttershy had said yes to just a picnic, not a date, Applejack realized a minute too late. She put a hoof to her face, sighing heavily. Oh well. I have tomorrow to tell her the truth. For now, I've got a hefty bit of work to do around the farm to get things ready. *** The orange earth pony took the picnic basket and placed it gently onto the checkered blanket. She had set up a lovely picnic spot overlooking the broad orchard of Sweet Apple Acres. It was absolutely breathtaking, and would serve to be a great spot for a first date- even if one of the two didn't realize they were on a date at all. Just as Applejack placed a bottle of sweet apple cider down beside the basket, she could hear the sound of soft humming approaching her. With a smile, Applejack turned to see a certain soft yellow pegasus fluttering towards her, holding an apple pie in her hooves. "Howdy, Fluttershy!" Applejack greeted, trotting to meet her halfway. "Whatcha got there?" Fluttershy smiled, holding out the pie proudly. "Oh, just an apple pie. I decided to put those apples you gave me yesterday to good use." Applejack gave her friend a smile, sitting down on the red and white checkered blanket she had set out in the grass. "Well, thank ya' kindly! It looks delicious. Might even be better than my own," Applejack winked. As she reached the blanket, Fluttershy placed the pie down at the center and took a seat. Applejack began to pull the contents of the meal out of her picnic basket- cornbread, fried asparagus, and a bowl of veggie chili, all of which Applejack had made herself. Fluttershy licked her lips. "Goodness, that looks wonderful! Did you make all of this yourself?" Applejack blushed, helping herself to some food. "Ain't nothin', sugarcube. 'Course, I have apples too, if you'd like me to get some down for ya'. Don't really see much of a point in carryin' 'em all the way over here when there are plenty of trees 'round here." Fluttershy lifted a piece of asparagus to her mouth, smiling. "Oh, thank you for inviting me today, Applejack. I feel like we don't get to spend much time together, especially during the harvesting season. Not to mention my animals can be a bit of a hoof full, as much as I love them all." Throughout their meal, Applejack and Fluttershy had a delightful conversation regarding everything they'd been up to as of late, their friends, events going on in town, and even the day they'd first met, when Fluttershy had moved to Ponyville from her home in Cloudsdale. "Oh, my," Fluttershy said suddenly, looking in the direction of the orchard. Applejack turned her head to meet whatever Fluttershy had been looking at in awe. Surely enough, the sun was already setting over the orchard, the sky colored with shades of pink, orange, and yellow. It was a beautiful sight, and Applejack couldn't help but be reminded of the beautiful pastel colors of her pegasus friend's mane and coat upon seeing it. "Ain't it somethin'?" Applejack asked, leaning against Fluttershy. Fluttershy merely nodded in response. Applejack could tell by glimpsing at her that she couldn't find the right words to describe how beautiful the orchard looked in this light, and Applejack had to agree, especially with the most beautiful pony she'd ever met sitting right beside her, nuzzled into her own coat. "This reminds me of you, Fluttershy. I mean, the colors of the sunset, the view of the orchard, the fireflies. Real simple, but real beautiful too. Not too overwhelmin', but still amazin' nonetheless." For some reason, Applejack found that the words were pouring out of her mouth easily now. Fluttershy's mouth dropped open in response, her face quickly heating up. "Me? Oh no, I'm not anything like this. This is... incredible. I've never seen anything like it. I don't think I could even compare to anything like this. "I reckon I'll have to disagree with ya' on that, Fluttershy. You're just as incredible." Applejack nuzzled her friend, her face quickly beginning to heat up, as well. "Y'know, this might sound a bit silly, but yesterday ya' had me trippin' over my own tongue like a squirrel with two left feet!" Suddenly coming to the realization of what Applejack meant, Fluttershy lowered her head, her pink mane falling in front of her face as she hid behind it nervously. "Oh, dear. I don't think you mean that, Applejack. I'm really not all that special." Applejack knew if she argued, this would never be over. She knew Fluttershy didn't see much in herself, so she had to make her see. Building up the courage, Applejack leaned towards her friend and pressed a short kiss to her cheek, earning a high-pitched squeak in response. At first, Applejack worried, thinking she'd made her closest friend uncomfortable or upset, but behind the pink mane in front of the yellow pegasus' face, Applejack caught a small glimpse of a smile. She was smiling. Applejack felt like she'd just won first place from the Appleloosa rodeo. She could've jumped up and kissed Fluttershy square on the muzzle right then and there, but settled for another nuzzle against her cheek. "Y'know, I've always been a simple pony. I reckon I need a little stability with a simple pony like myself." Applejack said. Fluttershy nodded, whispering to her friend, despite the fact that the two were the only ponies for a few miles. "I think I need the same."