Pokemon Ultra Cosmos

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 32: Team Plasma

Felix glared at the very man that stood before him. He called himself Ghetsis, the leader of Team Plasma. Although Felix didn't understand why he was here and what it was he wanted from them, but it was obvious that if he was working for Supernova, he was immediately confirmed as an enemy. However there was something he didn't understand. From what his parents had told him, Lusamine had battled against Aqua leader Archie from the Hoenn Region and he and Starlight battled their counterpart Magma leader Maxie. Lillie had said that Cosmo Admin Argo had faced off Galactic leader Cyrus from the Sinnoh Region back in Tapu Village and now here was Plasma leader Ghetsis from the Unova Region. All these Team Leaders from the different Pokemon Region had somehow gathered here for an unknown reason. Who had summoned them here and why? Could these leaders have something to do with Necrozma and the Ultra Beasts. There was so many questions without answers and Felix was determined to find answers.

"Ghetsis, I don't know why you are here, but if you're planning to cause trouble I cannot let this go unchecked," said Elesa.

"Please Elesa, I'm only here for one thing and one thing only," laughed Ghetsis.

"One thing?" asked Lillie.

"You see I too was summoned here from another world, much like the other leaders that you've heard of," said Ghetsis.

"Another world?" asked Starlight.

"You see I have been thinking long and hard about the reason I have been sent to this world, and now I believe I have an answer," beamed Ghetsis. "My purpose.... it is to travel between the worlds, freeing all Pokemon from foolish people.... and at the same time consolidate all the power in all the worlds to myself!"

"You," Starlight growled. This man was crazy. Consolidate all power in all worlds? If he also meant Equestria, her friends could be danger.

"In order to achieve this beautiful ideal, however, I have need of a useful pawn...and my boss, Supernova, is a man of pure evil!" Ghetsis beamed. "If I can make good use of him, and set him up as a king, I shall be able to reign supreme above all existence!"

"You... you're crazy!" stuttered Rotom.

"I have found that humans with their predictable ambitions, are easier to use and control than a freak without a human heart," said Ghetsis. "It wouldn't do at all to have you get in his way, especially when I must establish him as my king!"

"Don't count on it," said Felix stepping forward.

"Must you insist on interfering with my plans?" growled Ghetsis. "Very well then... all obstacles to my ambitions must be removed!" Ghetsis announced.

"Starlight, give me hand!" Felix asked. Starlight nods as she stepped forward next to Felix. Ghetsis smirks as he threw his first Pokeball. The three stared in awe as a large coffin with red eyes and four ghostly arms emerged.

"Cofagrigus, the Coffin Pokemon, Ghost Type and the evolved form of Yamask, Grave robbers who mistake them for real coffins and get too close end up trapped inside their bodies," states Rotom

"A Ghost Type, well I know it's risky but let me handle this," said Starlight.

"Go get him Star!" cheered Lillie. Starlight pulled out her Pokeball and threw it, calling out her Espeon.

"Ha what a fool, sending out a Pokemon with a disadvantage," snickered Ghetsis.

"Don't count on it, Shadow Ball!" Starlight ordered. Espeon's red gem began to glow as a shadowy orb formed out of thin air. Espeon knocked the orb with it's head, sending it flying into Cofagrigus's face.

"Will-o-wisp," Ghetsis ordered. Cofagrigus began waving it's arms in a weird motion as three blue flames appeared and hovered over to Espeon. Espeon yelped as it's tails suddenly caught on fire burning it.

"Espeon hang in there!" said Starlight. Espeon shook off the flames and broke through the burn. "Alright one more time Shadow Ball!" Espeon began creating another shadowy blob and hurled it at Cofagrigus knocking it out for good.

"Alright!" cheered Lillie. Ghetsis scoffed as he called back his Pokemon.

"Don't get too excited," said Ghetsis calling out his second Pokemon. His next Pokemon was a black and blue three headed dragon.

"Hey I've seen one of those before," said Lillie.

"Hydreigon, Brutal Pokemon, Dark Dragon Type, and the evolved form of Zweilous, The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything," states Rotom.

"A Dark and Dragon, which means it has a four times weakness to Fairy," said Felix.

"Then let me..." But Lillie was interrupted when Starlight held out her hoof.

"Don't worry I got this," she said with a determined look. Lillie looked like she wanted to argue with her but Felix nodded.

"It's ok she knows what she's doing," said Felix.

"Dazzling Gleam!" Starlight ordered. Espeon let out a cry as it's red gem began to glow. Suddenly the space around Espeon lightened up from the sun as Hydreigon was suddenly struck by a stream of light. Hydreigon let out a roar of pain as it fell to the ground unconscious.

"Impossible!" said Ghetsis.

"Hmph too easy," said Starlight with a smug look. Ghetsis called back his second Pokemon and called out his third. His third Pokemon was a large buffalo type Pokemon with black fur that made it look like it had an Afro.

"That's new," said Starlight.

"Bouffalant, The Bash Buffalo Pokemon, Normal Type, Their fluffy fur absorbs damage, even if they strike foes with a fierce headbutt," states Rotom.

"Normal Type, in that case," Starlight called back her Espeon and pulled out another Pokeball and threw it calling out her Raichu.

"Hmph this one should be easy," snickered Ghetsis.

"Don't jinx it," said Starlight. "Focus Blast!" Raichu let out a squeak as an orange orb began to form. Raichu kicked the orb straight into Bouffalant head taking it out.

"How!?" Ghetsis asked.

"This is too easy, and you call yourself a leader?' asked Starlight. Ghetsis growled as he called back his Pokemon.

"She's got talent," said Molayne.

"Indeed to be taking on the Team Plasma Leader on her own, I'm impressed," said Elesa. Ghetsis threw his fourth Pokeball and called out a tall Pokemon with red armor attached to it's shoulders, and legs, and one on the head with a large yellow blade like a helmet. It had two blades around it's stomach and hands.

"Another new one," said Lillie.

"Bisharp, Sword Blade Pokemon, Dark and Steel Type, and the evolved form of Pawniard, Bisharp pursues prey in the company of a large group of Pawniard. Then Bisharp finishes off the prey," states Rotom.

"Dark and Steel Type, another four times weakness, this time against Fighting Types," said Felix.

"Really?" Starlight sighed. "Focus Blast," she ordered. Raichu began forming another orange orb and kicked it into Bisharp once again taking it out in one hit.

"Are you kidding me!?" roared Ghetsis.

"Wow, Starlight you're good," said Lillie.

"Yeah well it gets kind of boring when you find out you're overpowered," said Starlight.

"Well see who's overpowered this time," said Ghetsis calling back his fourth Pokemon. "This is where I crush you," Ghetsis threw his fifth Pokeball calling out a large white dragon with wings. It's deep blue eyes staring into the three.

"What is that?" asked Lillie.

"Reshiram the Vast White Pokemon, Dragon Fire Type, When Reshiram's tail flares, the heat energy moves the atmosphere and changes the world's weather," states Rotom.

"Finally it's my turn," said Felix pulling out his own Pokeball. Starlight nodded as she called back her Raichu and switched spots with Felix. "Lycanroc let's go!" said Felix summoning his orange furred wolf. "Accelrock!" Felix ordered. Lycanroc charged and headbutted into Reshiram's chest causing rocks to fly off into different directions. But Reshiram shook off the attack. Lycanroc returned to his trainer's side growling.

"Blue Flare," ordered Ghetsis. Reshiram inhaled and blasted a stream of blue fire at Lycanroc doing massive damage. Lycanroc yelped and fell down.

"Lycanroc!" Felix gasped. Lycanroc winced as it tried to stand. "Hang in there," said Felix.

"Hmph looks like you can't beat a legendary, anyhow let's finish this, Blue Flare," Ghetsis ordered. Reshiram inhaled getting ready to let loose another stream of blue fire, when Felix smirked.

"That's how you wanna play it then fine," Felix removed his Firium Z and replaced it with the Rockium Z that Brock had given him. Reshiram stopped and looked at Felix as he raised his arm up to them. "Lycanroc it's time, you ready?" Lycanroc absorbed the pain and glared at Reshiram with eyes of determination. "Alright let's do this!" said Felix raising his arms up to his face in an X formation. He then swung his arms up and out and over to his side then brought them up and in front of him with his right arm over his left. He bent down and jumped back up bending his arms as if he was flexing his muscles. He then turned his back on Ghetsis while facing the side and bent both of his legs while flexing his muscles again. The orange aura bust out of Felix's body and into Lycanroc as it burst to life.

"Oh here we go," said Starlight excited. Ghetsis, the people surrounding the observatory and even Reshiram looked uneasy.

"Let's finish this, Continental Crush!!!!" Felix announced. Lycanroc howled as it lept in the air followed by multiple large chunks of rock found nearby on the mountain. More and more rocks began to gather above Lycanroc until one large boulder was hovering above the sky.

"Holy Arceus!" one of the people nearby screamed. Everyone watched in awe as the boulder hovered over Reshiram.

"Now Lycanroc!" Felix ordered Lycanroc howled as it threw the boulder right on top of Reshiram followed by a large explosion so big that the people nearby had to shield their eyes from the light emitted from the explosion. Once the light died down, everyone looked over to see what had happened only to find Reshiram on the ground unconscious.

"Impossible!" said Ghetsis.

"Alright we beat him!" cheered Starlight.

"Amazing job once again Felix," said Elesa.

"Thank you miss," said Felix.

"Impossible, I couldn't have been defeated by some random trainers from who knows where," said Ghetsis.

"Hmph not so tough now are you good sir," snickered Felix.

"I created Team Plasma with my own hands, I am absolutely perfect, I AM PERFECTION!" said Ghetsis.

"You lost now please, we have some business of our own to deal with so please step aside," said Lillie.

"This cannot be possible, I will not accept this!" said Ghetsis. He suddenly ran towards the three and pushed Felix and Starlight out of the while at the same time grabbed Lillie by the arm and pulled her close to him.

"Wha, what are you doing!?" Starlight gasped.

"Myah-ha-ha! No, no, no, no, no! You don't get it do you? I can't be defeated! I won't be! IT. CANNOT. BE. ALLOWED!" screamed Ghetsis. "You pathetic trainers, if you value this girl's life, throw aside all your Pokeballs, at this moment!"

"Y-you cowardly... Felix, Starlight please don't listen to him!" Lillie begged.

"Shut your mouth!" Ghetsis roared.

"What's this? Your Pokeballs are shaking, could it be that they're shaking with rage?" asked Ghetsis. "No matter throw away all your Pokeballs right this instant!"

"We refuse!" Starlight answered.

"Were you not listening, or did you simply not understand? Well you leave me no choice," said Ghetsis. Suddenly a familiar voice interrupted before Ghetsis could say more.

"I see you are dedicated to your own desires, Ghetsis," Within a flash Lillie was gone and right next to Felix and Starlight along with one other familiar face.

"Y-you!" Ghetsis screamed.

"Mr. Colress!" Lillie gasped.

"It has been a while," said Colress smirking. Ghetsis glared at the scientist as if he was looking at him as a traitor. "Felix, Starlight, we meet again!" Colress beamed.

"Same here Colress," said Felix.

'We really appreciate you for saving Lillie for us," said Starlight.

"Hmm well of course, it seems Ghetsis here has caused you quite some trouble!" said Colress. "Although it appears this Ghetsis is from a different world than the one I know,"

"Of course... The Colress of this world! But you should have no reason to meddle in my plans or my boss's," said Ghetsis.

"Indeed and that is why I'm here," said Colress. Smiling he pulled out some sort of device and began tapping on it.

'What are you doing?" asked Ghetsis.

"Just came to pick these three up," answered Colress.

"Wait you don't mean, no I cannot allow you to do that, I have been given orders to eradicate those three," said Ghetsis.

"Ah tough luck Ghetsis, but looks like you'll be hearing no end from Ultra Aether President Supernova," said Colress. With just a push of a button and the four had vanished completely.

"No, NO!" Ghetsis roared. He turned to one of the men in the suit and growled,"You Team Rainbow Rocket Grunts are useless, but that doesn't matter right now, find those three and bring them back to Aether Paradise," The Grunt saluted and ran down the mountain with the rest of his buddies to start their desperate search.

Felix had been standing on top of Mt. Hokulani but before he knew he was standing in front of the Malie City Pokemon Center with Lillie, Starlight, and Colress.

"Wha how did we get here?" asked Starlight.

"Oh just a little teleportation device I invented," answered Colress.

"Thanks for saving us Mr. Colress," said Lillie.

"No problem Miss Lille, now for you Felix, you've completed the electric trial right, I suggest you head down to Tapu Village if you're going to take on you're next trial," said Colress.

"Yes I know," said Felix.

"I see, oh before you do that...."

"Yes I know somebody wants to meet me," interrupted Felix.

"They're waiting in Malie Garden, I wouldn't keep them waiting if I were you," suggested Colress.

"Of course, thanks for everything Mr. Colress," said Felix.

"Good Luck and do be careful," said Colress. He waved goodbye to the three as they made their way towards Malie Garden. "Well then, I suppose I should report back to Larry, I would like to see how Project U.G. is going as well," Smiling Colress made his way down to the docks.