//------------------------------// // Redemption is My Business // Story: Princess Twilight's Aether-Corps // by joetraincool2 //------------------------------// Twilight tossed and turned in her bed. Her most recent adventure had taxed her physically, mentally, and emotionally, but sleep would not take her. She tossed and turned in the large bed in an attempt to get comfortable. Memories of her most recent adventure assaulted her mind, keeping her from rest. After his defeat, the princesses had decided the Friendship Festival must go on, in part to ease everypony's fear and worry after their, albeit temporary, enslavement. Seeing her friends and subjects in shackles weighed heavily on the young princess's mind. Despite her desperate desire for rest, questions continued to present themselves: How had the airship armada managed to get to Canterlot without being spotted? Surely somepony would have seen it and warned them. Although, she had doubts that even the best pegasi could outrun the Storm King's airships. They were true vehicles of war and conquest, not the comparable cruise liners Equestrians possessed. Her thoughts turned to Ponyville. She had seen it: a smoking ruin marring the otherwise tranquil Equestrian landscape. Twilight knew most of her friends had been in Canterlot for the Friendship Festival, but not all of them. As far as she knew no new information had come verifying the current state of the hamlet. Were they still in danger? Had releasing the magic from the Staff of Sacanas restored just Canterlot or all of Equestria? How many cities had been attacked? Worse than her frustrations from the apparent lack of information was her guilt. Once again, enemies had darkened Equestria's doors and she and her friends, though victorious, had narrowly escaped the clutches of defeat. How would events have gone differently if Ditzy Doo hadn't jumped in and saved her life? The significance of her friend's quick thinking sacrifice was not lost on the princess. The Storm King's armies had enslaved Canterlot and defeated the princesses. The Pony of Shadows had attempted to suffocate Equestria in evil and darkness. Lord Tirek had stolen all of Equestria's magic, rendered the ponies powerless, and thrown the princesses into Tartarus. Chrysalis had kidnapped and enslaved; Sombra had cast the Crystal Empire into a millennia-long banishment; Discord and his reign of chaos; Nightmare Moon's eternal night. She was forced to add Starlight Glimmer, her own student, to the list, as she had abused time travel with apocalyptic results. Every one of these villains she had faced, and against every one she, Princess Twilight Sparkle, had emerged victorious. But only just. Twilight was out of bed now, her emotions frayed by the realization of how close she and her friends had always been to defeat. Moving towards the window, the calm of Canterlot at night brought some comfort, but she couldn't help but imagine how different tonight could have been. The moonlight glistened off the rooftops and spires of the city, and the river below the castle looked like a great vein of silver. From her vantage in the guest wing, she had hoped to see activity from Princess Luna's suite. Noticing the lack of light, she surmised Luna was possibly asleep, despite the night princess's normal schedule. "I really need to find out how Ponyville is doing," she ruminated to herself. She freshened up, and walked out her bedroom door. The hallway was dim, doors lining each side. Her friends were staying in other suites, and Twilight decided that surely they had fallen asleep. Noticing the nocturne guard standing watch outside her door, she whispered quietly, "Onyx Shield, has there been any news from Ponyville or the other cities?" "I don't know myself, Princess, but relief operations are being headed by Lieutenant Stone Keep in the War Room. I can escort you there, if you wish." Twilight nodded, and proceeded to follow the guard down the hall. The moment of silence was broken by Twilight's quiet outburst, "We have a war room?" The War Room was everything Twilight expected. The cylindrical room was dominated by a massive central round-table, the center of activity. Upon it depicted a map of Equestria. The walls of the war room were covered in charts and various documents. Across the table from the entrance was Lieutenant Stone Keep, busying himself with paperwork and shouting orders. Twilight couldn't help but be impressed by the efficiency and organization. He noticed the princess's presence, turned to her and bowed. "Good Evening, your Highness. How may I be of service?" "At ease, Lieutenant," Twilight ordered, and Stone Keep rose from his bow. "I was hoping for an update on your operation, specifically news from Ponyville." "Yes, your highness. As per my orders, a squad of Pegasi Guards was dispatched to Ponyville at nineteen hundred hours following the liberation of Canterlot. Originally it was to be a reconnaissance and a company of Unicorns were to follow. However, upon arrival, the Pegasi Guards found the town seemingly abandoned. As it turns out, the citizens of Ponyville had retreated to your castle and barricaded themselves inside. If I may speak freely, Princess, despite the Friendship Castle's... unique design, it proved a very effective keep against the Storm King's forces. I must say I am pleasantly surprised. At any rate, the citizens of Ponyville are all present and accounted for, no casualties, and the Storm King's forces have retreated from the area." At this, the Princess smiled. "Are there any other settlements affected by the Storm King's army?" Twilight asked. She was worried how much influence the Storm King still had over Equestria. "Negative, your Highness. In fact, if you will turn your attention to this documentation-" He pointed an armored hoof at some documents and charts on the table. "These charts and manifests were captured from the invader's airships. From what we can gather the fleet of airships crossed the North Luna Ocean bearing Southeast, braved the Smokey Mountains, and went straight for Ponyville. If I may be so bold, I believe they were expecting you to be in your castle. They left a contingent there to siege Friendship Castle, and the rest of the fleet attacked Canterlot." The possibility of Ponyville once again playing victim to the enemies of Equestria because of her presence there upset Twilight, but she tried not to let it show. "If anything, your Highness," the Lieutenant continued, "this army appears to be nothing more than a large raiding party. As our intel shows, their numbers were less than a hundred, but the mobility provided by their airships is second to none. I truly doubt they would be able to conquer Equestria with a force like this." "Their route is clever; that must be how they avoided notice and took us by surprise," Twilight said sourly. She continued to read the captured documentation, though she was unsure what she hoped to accomplish. Her attempts at reassurance that the Storm King's demise would be the end of further conflict fell on her own deaf ears, and worry dominated her subconscious. Something had to change, she decided. And where better to start than with myself. "Lieutenant," Twilight called, "I'm worried I'm lacking in several areas of knowledge regarding our military. I wish to remedy this. When is Fizzlepop Berrytwist's trial tomorrow?" He gave her a confused look. "Tempest Shadow," she responded, understanding the source of the guard's confusion. "Ah, her trial will begin at o' nine hundred hours, your Highness." "In that case, I request you assign somepony to help me better my understanding. Have them meet me in the castle library following the diplomatic luncheon. As you were." With that, Twilight and Onyx Shield exited the war room. The gears were turning in her mind as she made her way back to her room. It was just nearing four o'clock in the morning, and though much needed to be done, she knew a nap would be required to bring her plans to fruition. She thanked Onyx Shield, entered the suite, and retired to bed. Knowing Equestria was safe gave her some peace, and sleep finally took hold. Fizzlepop Berrytwist, for the first time in a very long time, was truly nervous. She, Grubber, and the captured Stormguards had been allowed to enjoy the Friendship Festival following their defeat, but the rest of the night was spend under lock and key in what appeared to be an unused guard barracks. Tomorrow, she would face trial for her actions. By her honor as a commander, she would face the day with her head held high. That morning, two guards entered the barracks. Their gold armor gleamed in the sunrise. Fizzlepop had already come to grips that this may be the last sunrise she would ever see, appreciating it all the more with the knowledge that the Storm King had abused the powers she had given him to toy with the sun and moon. "Tempest, let's go," one of the guards ordered, curtly. Fizzlepop rose to follow, and they made their way across a lawn into the Castle proper. If nothing else, she could add 'Conquer Canterlot' to her list of accomplishments. She chuckled quietly. As they walked toward the court, a castle servant briefed her on the trial's function, schedule, and expected etiquette. Nearing a pair of large, ornate doors, the guards and Fizzlepop halted. The Courtroom was bustling with activity. The stained glass windows let in god-rays of golden sun, tinted a rainbow of colors. One could point out the prevalence of purple, however. On the far end of the room from the doors sat Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on their respective thrones. Both wore stoic expressions, and their somber attitude carried across the court. In front of them a dais had been erected, containing five seats. Those occupying were two military officers, two nobleponies, and, in the center, a judge to oversee the proceedings and pass judgement. Binders and paperwork covered the dais, and the judge let a small smile of satisfaction creep on his features. A lot of work had gone into making this happen so quickly, and so far everything had gone perfectly. A crier had taken position in front of the dais. Noting that everyone pertaining to the proceedings was in place, he began, "Announcing the defendant in Fizzlepop Berrytwist vs Equestria: Fizzlepop Berrytwist." On cue, the two royal guards opened the large doors with their magic, and the three of them entered. Without hesitation, the three made their way down the aisle, flanked on both sides by crowds of ponies in attendance. Fizzlepop maintained her stoic attitude, entering as a conqueror instead of a prisoner of war, with her head held high. Subtly, she glanced around. She was well aware of the possibility that the crowd may ignore protocol and attack her, and she would not going to be taken down in such a way; not after everything she had accomplished. The crowd diminished in her attention, though, as the absence of a presence entered the forefront of her conscience. The realization struck her: Princess Twilight wasn't there. Twilight woke with a start. Her mane was plastered against her face, and her eyes squinted against the sunlight pouring through the window. A nervous suspicion crept up, and to confirm her fears, she glanced at the clock. "The trial!" she exclaimed. A swift brush of her mane was the only preparation she made before teleporting out of the suite. She reappeared before the now closed doors to the court. Pressing her ear to the door, she listened for just a moment. "Based on the evidences and testimonies witnessed today, this court finds you-" No time to plan, it's time to act! Twilight teleported. The courtroom found itself awash in a sudden wave of blinding lavender light. Appearing in front of the dais was Princess Twilight Sparkle. She held out a hoof. "Stop!" she roared, utilizing the full effect of the Royal Canterlot voice. Without hesitating, she turned and faced a now bowing audience. She walked up to Fizzlepop, her demeanor and poise carried the full authority that had been vested in her as a Princess of Equestria. "Fizzlepop Berrytwist," she commanded, "I offer you the opportunity to amend for your transgressions against the ponies of Equestria. Will you swear fealty to me, and take up the responsibility as captain of my honor guard? Will you serve me and protect your Princess with your life?" Fizzlepop fell into an even deeper bow, "I swear it. My life is yours to command, your Highness." "Then rise, my captain." Looking past Fizzlepop towards the crowd, she enhanced her voice once more, "As penitence for her crimes, Fizzlepop Berrytwist shall become the captain of my honor guard. Court is adjourned!" As commanded, ponies shuffled out of the court, leaving only the guards, some staff, and three princesses. Throughout Twilight's display, Princesses Celestia and Luna had maintained their neutral demeanor, not reacting in the slightest. Once the crowd had vacated, and the great doors were closed once again, Twilight turned and made her way towards her elder counterparts. Bowing deeply, Twilight released a nervous chuckle. "I apologize for my interruption, Princesses." Celestia easily noticed perspiration marring Twilight's brow, and the subtle quake in her knees. "Rise, my faithful student." At Celestia's command, Twilight stood straight and sheepishly looked up at her mentor. "I imagine we have much to discuss, Twilight. I wish for you and your captain to join us for the diplomatic luncheon." Celestia continued, "Please follow us to the Grand Hall." Celestia cast a loving smile towards her student, and some of Twilight's nervousness melted away. Fizzlepop had remained in place as Princess Twilight spoke with Princess Celestia. Just a moment ago she was prepared for the worst fate possible. She ruminated on the charges: war crime, attempted regicide, the list went on. And Princess Twilight, despite everything that Fizzlepop had done, pardoned her seemingly without a second thought. Three times she has saved my life in the span of less than a day. Fizzlepop glanced around the hall, taking note of the stained glass windows. Depictions of Twilight and- who were these creatures? she thought to herself. A black alicorn; a strange dragon sort of creature; a vicious looking centaur; an alicorn that appeared to be entirely composed of roiling shadows. Has the Princess... defeated these monsters? "What have I signed up for?" She mumbled under her breath. Twilight spoke up as the elder princesses made a move to leave the chamber, "Captain Berrytwist and I will catch up with you, I need to speak with her." Celestia nodded, and the procession marched out of the court. Twilight pulled Fizzlepop into an antechamber and shut the door. "I am so sorry!" Twilight all but shouted. Fizzlepop pulled back, surprised by both the outburst and that Twilight was apologizing. "I cannot believe I overslept! My original plan was to put a stop to the trial before it got started, but I couldn't sleep last night, and when I woke up and realized what time it was, I was so worried. I thought for sure I was too late; they were about to sentence you to who knows what!" Twilight continued to get more agitated, breathing heavily. Before she could continue her explanation, Fizzlepop put a hoof on her shoulder. "Princess, please calm down!" Fizzlepop reassured, "You have nothing to apologize for. I was prepared for whatever punishment they had for me, but you've offered me a chance at redemption. That is far more than I could ask of anypony, so don't beat yourself up for sleeping in, okay?" Twilight calmed down and took a deep breath. "Thanks, Fizzlepop. We should get going." As Twilight and Fizzlepop exited the court, they were intercepted by two guards. The four marched down the hallway towards the Grand Hall, the epicenter of Equestrian fine dining and diplomacy. Grand windows lined its western wall, standing watch over a massive oak table in the center of the room. Seated at the head of the table was Princess Celestia, her coat seemingly incandescent in the noontime light. Princess Luna had opted to skip the luncheon, exhausted from the whole affair. A currently empty seat sat at Celestia's right, reserved for a particularly purple princess. The rest of the table was occupied by visiting dignitaries and lesser nobles, who were looking forward more towards the discussion than the meal, if such a thing could be believed. The events of the previous day had left plenty of questions in their minds. After all, it was becoming all too commonplace lately that Equestria's fate hung in the balance. Princess Twilight Sparkle entered the hall. At first, the silence was deafening, but as she made her way towards her seat at the table, the conversation began anew. Nearing the table, past the heads of the dignitaries, Twilight realized who her conversation partner would be. To Celestia's left sat none other than Queen Novo, with Princess Skystar to her left. This will be fun, Twilight thought to herself, hoping her dread did not show. Gracefully taking her seat, she addressed the three, "I'm here, Princess. Hello, Princess Skystar," the greeting was said cheerfully, "Queen Novo," Twilight said, flatly. "Princess," was all the Queen said in reply before being overridden by Skystar's bubbly reply and subsequent ramble. Twilight and Novo stared at each other for just a moment, neutral faces speaking volumes, before Twilight's focus was taken by a question from Skystar. Alarm bells were blaring in Celestia's mind. There is obvious animosity between these two, I must tread lightly to find out why, she thought to herself. Before she could postulate a question, bells announced the first course of the meal. Servants marched out, carefully and elegantly serving appetizers to the guests seated at the table. No Twilight, you can't act like that towards Novo, she thought to herself. Sure, she tried to kill you as soon as she saw you, and sure she didn't offer any help towards fighting the Storm King, and sure she shirked you and left for the spa instead of entertaining any sort of diplomacy... No no, this is just making me more upset. After all, with Tempest working for the Storm King, she had reason to be suspicious of ponies. This thought seemed to placate Twilight somewhat for a moment. She didn't even let you mention that Celestia had asked for her personally. The neutral mask Twilight wore broke ever so slightly, but only enough for Celestia to notice. Celestia turned to Novo, "Thank you again for your assistance, Queen Novo." At this Twilight humphed and furrowed her brow. Celestia continued, "Though I was not present, I am told that Princess Skystar fought valiantly against the Storm King's forces. You must be very proud." Novo grinned, and Skystar beamed at the praise. "I am excited to hear the full story," said Celestia, "so far I have met a few of our heroes, including an Abyssinian named Capper and a band of Avian swashbuckling treasure hunters," the description caused Twilight to giggle, despite her frustration, "I'm excited to hear the exploits of your famous Hippogriff warriors. In days past their abilities with the spear were second to none." Queen Novo drew back slightly, and Twilight smirked, but the Queen smiled and said, "Yes, well, when Princess Twilight told us what happened, it was all we could do to mobilize quickly. I sent Skystar ahead, but we simply didn't make it in time. By the time we arrived, Princess Twilight had already beaten the Storm King, and we are so thankful. Now we can return to the skies and rebuild our civilization." Twilight sat, wide-eyed, and stammered. "That's a bold faced lie!" she yelled, which brought a surprised look from Celestia and Skystar, and a scowl from the Queen. "First, we nearly drown in your entrance. If Skystar hadn't saved us, we'd be dead." Twilight's rant had only just begun, "Then, as soon as she presented us to you, you tried to kill us! If Skystar hadn't stopped your guards, you wouldn't have, would you?" At this, the Queen began to wilt. "Sure, you showed us the pearl, but when I attempted to reach out diplomatically, you shut us down immediately. And then you left for the spa!" Twilight's volume had increased, and she was drawing attention from further down the table. "Sure, I admit that trying to steal the pearl was absolutely wrong; I failed. But it was only because we were desperate to save our nation, and you had shut down all routes of diplomacy. I felt completely out of options. Celestia asked for your help, specifically, and Luna almost died trying to reach you! To find out that Celestia's hope was placed in such a vapid, listless 'leader'," she emphasized with hoof-quotes, "I was heartbroken. And you did not send Skystar ahead, she risked everything to aid us against the Storm King, and when you finally do show up, at the party, I might add, you grounded her!" Celestia had seen Twilight angry before, and she wanted to intervene, but she was gaining valuable information from her student. "At least I can somewhat understand your suspicion of us, given that Tempest attacked you in the name of the Storm King, but we are fellow Equines. You should have been more open to discussion." The Queen's scowl was replaced with confusion, "Sweetie, I have no idea what you're talkin' about. Our scouts located the Storm King's fortress months ago, and we retreated to Seaquestria the moment he set foot on Mount Aris. And I do not know any 'Tempest'." Twilight scowled, "Then you had absolutely no reason to be suspicious of us!" she shouted, "And you knew about the Storm King that far ahead of time, and it never once occurred to you to contact us? We could have allied and defeated the Storm King long before he gained power and attacked Equestria. We were completely in the dark, and you fled instead of reaching out to your allies, your friends! You are a-" "Enough, Princess Twilight." Celestia had seen what was coming, and tactfully stopped Twilight mid rant and shut her down. Twilight's rage cooled and she looked down at the table. Queen Novo's face flashed many emotions, and settled on a scowl. "We have never been insulted like this! Come on, Princess Skystar, we are leaving." She marched out, with a sulking Skystar following behind. As the doors closed, Celestia was about to lecture, but Twilight spoke first. "Three times," she said, quietly. "What?" "Three times! I have had my magic, my very essence, ripped and stolen from me three times! First it was Tirek, may he rot in Tartarus, when he went on his rampage. Never had I suffered as sensation as bad as that. And then Starlight Glimmer stole my cutie mark, and with it all my magic and flight!" She was getting more agitated, her eyes glowed, and a wind whipped up inside the hall. "And now, just yesterday, my magic was ripped away from me again. At least you weren't conscious when it happened, Princess, they didn't even bother to turn me to stone first!" Many of the nobles had left the room, and the staff had vacated. "This didn't have to happen. If Novo had aided us, I wouldn't have been captured, and the Staff never would have worked. But again, I had my magic ripped from me, thanks to that no good, lying, coward!" She slammed her hoof on the table, leaving a massive dent and sending splinters flying. In that moment, everything stood still. While everyone remaining was focused on Twilight's rage, Celestia witnessed her lower lip quiver, almost unnoticeably. "Everyone leave, now." Celestia bellowed, and rushed to embrace Twilight. There was a cacophony of hooves, and even Fizzlepop, who had been standing guard by the door, quickly took her leave as if compelled. Twilight, her anger expelled, sank into Celestia's embrace, and sobbed. There was nothing Celestia could do or say but silently comfort her student. The recent events had been too much for Twilight, she knew; she only wished she knew exactly what had happened. As if reading her mind, between sobs, Twilight began to recount her and her friends' adventure: Falling off the Canterhorn, the trek through the badlands, Capper's betrayal, the scare aboard the airship; all of it came spilling out. Twilight sniffed, "I had planned on waiting until the conference this evening to explain everything to you and Princess Luna. I'm sorry for my outburst, and for ruining the luncheon." Ruining the luncheon? Celestia thought to herself, With everything she's done for me and Equestria, she could smite me and usurp the throne, and I still wouldn't be angry. "Twilight, it is quite alright. I am just so glad you are safe, and, at least for now, everything is back to normal. I couldn't be happier." Celestia displayed a motherly smile, calm emanating from her disposition. Twilight wiped her eyes and grinned sheepishly back at her mentor. With a final hug, Celestia knew the situation had been diffused. "Princess," Twilight started, "I have a lot of preparatory work to complete before my presentation this evening, and I think I should get started right away. If you don't mind, of course." "Of course, Twilight. I'm looking forward to it." "Thank you, Princess. Oh, and could you send up the Castle Armorer to the castle library in an hour?" Celestia nodded, and Twilight turned and exited the hall. The guards had just finished dispersing the crowd of displaced ponies as Twilight entered the hallway. Fizzlepop had maintained a position outside the door, stoically waiting for her charge. Despite her discipline, she could not help but notice the dirty looks given by the vacating ponies. She couldn't blame them. If Princess Twilight can forgive me for what I've done, maybe the others will too, she hoped. Twilight motioned to a guard and said, "Steady Aim, I need Tempest Shadow's armor and a Storm Guard shield brought up to the library as soon as possible." "Yes, your Highness." Twilight thanked him and nodded at Fizzlepop, beckoning her to follow. She fell in step beside Twilight, and the two made their way down the hallway toward the castle library. Noticing a servant, Twilight requested her to find Rarity and send her to the library as well. Fizzlepop could only guess at what Twilight was planning as they continued their walk. As soon as they had stepped hoof through the library's ornate double doors Twilight set to work. Book after book flew of their shelves, grasped in a lavender aura. The literature marched through the air in ever increasing numbers, landing on a nearby reading table. Fizzlepop was amazed, both by Twilight's telekinetic ability, and by the sheer number of books she was gathering. "I'm going to get caught up on some history," Twilight said, "and I imagine your absence from Equestria has you in the dark on some recent events as well." Twilight levitated a gold and brown book in front of Fizzlepop: The Exploits of the Elements of Harmony. "We have a lot of work ahead of us to prepare for," continued Twilight, "I think it's important that the captain of my honor guard knows what threats my friends and I have faced so far." "Sure, Princess." Fizzlepop complied. She sat down at the table and began leafing through the book. Minutes passed in silence as Fizzlepop fell into the introduction. The book had a surprisingly sarcastic tone, as if the author was frustrated with the subject matter. The quiet thunk of yet another book or two being gathered threatened to steal her attention, but she persevered. Suddenly, there was a cacophony of page turns, and Fizzlepop looked up to see Twilight flipping through the tomes held in her telekinetic grasp at an alarming rate. More surprisingly, it was as if she was reading three books at a time. She stared at the display of academic prowess for minutes, and then Twilight set down one of the books and picked up another, continuing her history lesson as if in a trance. Once again, Fizzlepop was surprised and impressed by the Princess. Desiring to know more about her new ruler, she returned to the book. Fizzlepop had finished reading of Princess Luna's redemption from Nightmare Moon when the library doors opened. She looked up and saw an older stallion walking toward the table. "Well hey there, yer Highness," he said in a gravelly, but cheerful, voice. Twilight looked startled for just a moment, then carefully released her reading materiel back to the table. She turned, smiled and said, "Hello, Anvil, thank you for arriving on such short notice. I was hoping you-" "Oh my stars, Princess," he interrupted, "You have no idea how excited Ah got when Ah was summoned. Ah finally get to create a stellar, amazin', one of a kind suit of armor for you. You know it just makes me a nervous wreck hearin' my favorite filly runnin' all over Creation and yon without any sort of protection! Why, it seems like just yesterday you were this high nippin' at the heels of Princess Celestia, and now yer wantin' a full suit of armor! Ah couldn't be happier. Ah-" "Hold on, Anvil," Twilight giggled, "Although this most recent adventure has finally convinced me to take you up on your offer, it will have to wait. The reason I called you is to get my Captain outfitted with a temporary set until I have time to get something more official. I've also requested Rarity's aid; she should be here soon." She had expected Anvil to be disappointed, but his eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Absolutely, yer Highness! As soon as Miss Rarity arrives, we'll head down to the barracks and get it taken care of." He looked around with a confused countenance. "Uh, Princess, who is this Captain?" Twilight gasped, "Oh, how rude of me. Anvil, this is the Captain of my honor guard, Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Fizzlepop, this is Anvil, the castle Armorer." Anvil extended a hoof to match the greeting, but withdrew quickly. He squinted and said, "Hey, wait a tic. Ain't you the one that invaded Canterlot yesterday with those hairy fellers?" That's all in the past," Twilight responded quickly, "She's making up for her actions by serving me." "Well, if Princess Twilight trusts you, then I have no reason to doubt 'er." Anvil extended his hoof and they shook amicably. "You take care of the Princess now, ya hear? She's always runnin' off to save Equestria and whatnot, and leavin' us to fret about 'er. It eases my mind knowin' somepony competent enough to conquer Canterlot is protectin' 'er." "I owe her my life," Fizzlepop responded. Just then, the library doors opened, and Rarity cantered in. "Twilight, darling, I came as soon as I could. Is something the matter?" "Hello, Rarity, I'm glad you were able to come. Nothing's wrong. I'd like you to assist Anvil here in outfitting Fizzlepop with a temporary suit of armor. At least until we can establish something more official. I have a guard bringing up her old armor, hopefully that will help." "But of course, darling. I would be delighted!" Rarity and Anvil acquainted, and she grabbed Fizzlepop in her telekinesis and posed her on top of a nearby table. Fizzlepop began to protest, but a quick tut tut from Rarity halted any resistance. Soon measuring tapes were flying all over the would-be conqueror, and she could think of nothing but to continue standing there. "I must say, Fizzlepop, you have an exquisitely unique physique; perhaps a side effect from your-" she cleared her throat, "line of work, as it were." Fizzlepop blushed slightly, and Rarity continued, "Oh I do so hope you are returning to Ponyville with us tomorrow. I am absolutely inspired. You must let me make you a dress, my treat." Fizzlepop was shocked. How could this mare be so generous after what she had done? She was brought out of her revelry by the entrance of a royal guard carrying a shield and her old armor. "Excellent, thank you," Twilight said, "Alright, everything's ready for your outfitting, Fizzlepop." She turned to Rarity and Anvil, "I hope it's not too much to ask, but I have a meeting with the Princesses at nine o'clock. Can you have Fizzlepop and her armor ready by then? I need her to attend." Rarity and Anvil looked at each other, then turned and nodded. "Of course, darling. We'll have her ready post-haste!" "You betcha, yer Highness. We'll have her kitted out in two shakes." Rarity, Anvil, and Fizzlepop exited the library, leaving Twilight and the guard behind. Twilight attempted to lift the Storm Guard shield in her telekinesis, but it resisted her grasp. "So the armor and the shield are definitely different materials," she said out loud. Analyzing it magically was out, and despite her alicorn strength she could barely manage to lift it. Leaning it against the table, she returned to her historical studies, awaiting the arrival of her final guest. Fizzlepop followed as Anvil and Rarity led her to the armory. The two continued chatting, passing ideas back and forth for their upcoming task, every once and a while turning back to analyze Fizzlepop. She couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by the attention. "I must say, Fizzlepop," Rarity began as they continued walking, "I am quite surprised by this turn of events. Beyond event organizing and saving Equestria now and then, Twilight has mostly avoided the pomp and circumstance of her royal stature, but it seems she is finally embracing her title. I wonder what changed her mind." "Well, it might have somethin' to do with y'all's little adventure yesterday." Fizzlepop winced, but understood. Rarity responded, "Perhaps you are correct, darling. I dare say we had a few more brushes with fate than usual. I for one will not be going skydiving again anytime soon." Anvil gave her a confused glance, and Fizzlepop avoided the two with her eyes. After a few moments of silence, Fizzlepop spoke, "Rarity, this might be inappropriate, but I'm curious. How did you all escape after falling out of the airship?" "Oh, simple really. Twilight threw a bunch of junk together in midair and built a hot air balloon. It was quite ingenious, but the experience was nerve-wracking." Fizzlepop balked. "She built a hot air balloon in free-fall?" "Yes, darling." Once again, Fizzlepop was completely surprised by the Princess. The trio arrived at the armory, and Anvil lead them to an ancillary chamber. The room was filled with spare suits of armor and weapons. Fizzlepop was surprised at the difference between these flat gray suits against the gold armor the Royal Guard wore. "Princess Celestia has always preferred the gold ceremonial armor against more practical heavy armor," Anvil explained, "Princess Luna has a little more sense, 'er nocturne are at least outfitted with a mail hauberk under their plackart, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. Let's take a look at yer old set before we get started." Rarity brought the suit to bear telekinetically, disassembled it, and placed it on a ponequin. Anvil circled the armor multiple times, only stopping to take in details or write notes. Rarity was off to the side, writing her own detailed notes. "Definitely not what Ah would do," Anvil commented, "The plates across the back are sturdy, but flexible, but yer chest and barrel are completely exposed." He turned to Fizzlepop, "I'm guessin' agility was yer prerogative, not defense?" "I didn't have much say in its design," Fizzlepop replied, "My job was grand strategy. I think it served its purpose." Anvil nodded, moving towards a bookshelf near the door. Reaching up, he grabbed a catalog, and began leafing through it. Rarity floated some notes in front of him, and he compared the information in the two documents. Seemingly satisfied, he closed the notebook, and began moving through the suits of armor. "Miss Rarity, yer a bit swifter than Ah am. Mind gettin' this down?" "Of course, darling." Rarity, with her telekinetic prowess, quickly disassembled the armor Anvil had chosen and floated it piece by piece towards Fizzlepop. "Ah'm sure it'll need some work, but this is the armor Ah have closest to yer size. Let's see how it looks on ya." Fizzlepop made a move to reach for the armor, but Rarity waved a hoof. "Please, allow me." Rarity exemplified great prowess in assembling the puzzle that was the armor. Piece by piece, the protection applied itself to Fizzlepop's body. "Miss Rarity, have you worked with armor before?" "No, but clothes are clothes," she answered, somewhat absentmindedly. Twilight had been studying in silence. Information poured into her mind: dates, statistics, weapons, motivations, strategy. All creating a cohesive history of conflict in Equestria and beyond. Her visage displayed nothing but tranquility and satisfaction as she continued her ritual. Suddenly, the library doors slammed open. "Twilight Sparkle," yelled an agitated, and slightly effeminate, voice. Twilight jumped straight up, books once nestled in her telekinesis flew in all directions. Eyes wide, she frantically looked around, settling on the scowling pink and white-maned stallion walking towards her. She scowled in response. "Warrior Ballad? You can't just-" "You have a lot of nerve. Not 2 weeks ago I published the 12th edition of Exploits of the Elements of Harmony after you 'rescued' Star Swirl and his buddies," his voice dripped with sarcasm and contempt, "and now you've saved Equestria again! If I didn't know better, I'd say you were inventing these villains to make your life seem more exciting. But the evidence is sound. I could almost forgive the frequency of your adventures, but you have crossed the line!" Twilight's scowl had been replaced by a more neutral look as she let Warrior Ballad continue his rant. "Before it was always somepony else requesting the updates: Princess Celestia, royal guard officers, but never you. But here you are, ready to regale me with another tale of derring do, and then I'll have to interview your friends, and probably some of the villains too, because of course you redeemed them somehow." "Enough, Ballad," Twilight interrupted, "I did not call you about that book, or about our adventure yesterday. Did the guard not explain what this summons was about?" Ballad blanched, "Well, perhaps he was going to..." he trailed off, mumbling something about slamming the door in the guards face while looking sheepishly at the ground. "The reason I called you here is because I need help. I've decided the efforts of my friends and I are not enough for Equestria. Even though we've been victorious so far, every time we come closer to defeat and... fate than I'm comfortable with. I've spent the day studying military history, but I need some insight. I believe you can provide it. Will you hear me out, please?" Warrior Ballad started to deny her request out of spite, but looking back over his actions that day made him realize he had made much to do about nothing. Relief that this summons had nothing to do with Exploits dominated his anger, and he sighed and agreed to help the Princess. "Thank you, Ballad," Twilight said. They sat down at the library table Twilight had been working at, and Twilight telekinetically cleaned up the scattered books. Satisfied by her reorganization, she turned to Warrior Ballad and began, "As I am establishing my own honor guard, I'd like your perspective on how the other Princesses view theirs. I know I haven't really taken advantage of every privilege my title grants me, but I can't allow these invasions to continue. But I don't really know what operating a guard entails, or the responsibilities it comes with. You know me, I'm not going to jump into something this big without a plan." Warrior Ballad thought for a moment, then said, "Well, to answer your first question: Princess Celestia technically doesn't have an honor guard, just the Royal Guard. The Royal Guard is the overarching military organization tasked with protecting Equestria and the Princesses. In my experience, Princess Celestia doesn't view them as a military per se, more like a group of first responders in times of danger. We've been relatively at peace the past thousand years, but I think your recent escapades should provide quite the wake-up call, if you don't mind me saying. "In times of peace, the Royal Guard are a staple police presence in Canterlot, and a morale device. Their presence brings peace of mind to ponies, as if they're an extension of Celestia herself." Twilight, meanwhile, had been feverishly writing notes. "Princess Luna, on the other hoof, views her Nocturne Guard explicitly as a military force. I'm sure you noticed during your studies that the majority of peacekeeping efforts were led by her, not by Celestia. She disciplines them thoroughly, and if I were in trouble, I would pray bat-ponies appeared at my rescue, rather than the Royal Guard. As far as I can tell, they are an integral part of the Royal Guard's hierarchy, and will answer to either princess, and maybe you, but they feel separate. Perhaps that is due to the differing attitudes of their progenitors." Twilight was tallying and comparing how many military campaigns the two elder princesses had undertaken. "Lastly, your sister-in-law, Princess Cadence, has established her own, separate, Crystal Legion. They are a sort of compromise between the other Princesses' mindsets: a true, trained, at the ready military force, as well as a policing body and personal bodyguard. I'd say that while she lacks in experience, she has the most fleshed out equine military." Probably Shining's influence, Twilight thought. "As for your second question, your responsibility to your future honor guard, in my estimation, would largely depend on what you wish to do with them. The Captain of the Royal Guard is responsible for training and overall organization, while Princess Celestia takes a back seat observer role. She trusts the ponies she puts in charge. Luna, on the other hoof, takes direct charge over her Nocturne Guard, and Prince Shining Armor is in charge of the Crystal Legion." Warrior Ballad continued on, offering information and voicing opinions. Twilight was feverishly writing, producing hypothetical hierarchies, chains of command, comparable statistical estimates, funding avenues, potential candidates, resource allocation, all culminating in a thorough, bulletproof plan. They continued into the evening. Twilight was finally feeling prepared. She and Warrior Ballad had worked tirelessly for hours in preparation for the meeting. Charts, graphs, note-cards, and other documentation had been stacked neatly in a crate, ready for teleportation. All she needed was Fizzlepop, Anvil, and Rarity to finish. As if on cue, the three entered the library. Twilight couldn't help but beam as she saw the culmination of their efforts. Fizzlepop was decked out in a full suit of shining, lavender armor. The silver sabatons, which shown brightly in the soft light of the library, bled seamlessly into the grieves covering her lower legs. Her chest and barrel were armored in lavender plate, and the gaps to allow movement were bridged by silver chain mail. Centered on the armor's chest plate was Twilight's cutie mark, enshrined in a silver circle. Twilight quickly circled Fizzlepop, taking in every detail of the armor styled in her honor. She drew Rarity and Anvil in a tight hug. "Thank you both so much! I can't believe how amazing this is. How did you get something like this done so quickly?" "Well, we already had armor in 'er size, adjustin' took a while. It was thanks to Rarity's attention to detail and measurements, not to mention 'er telekinesis, that everythin' went so smooth." "Nonsense, darling," Rarity replied, "your expertise in armor was truly something to behold. I merely brought the color out." "An' she means that literally. Usin' 'er magic, she literally turned the gray armor lavender, as if it was meant to be that color." "Oh, it was nothing," Rarity said somewhat bashfully, but fully relishing in Anvil's praise. "If'n the Princesses approve of your honor guard, Ah'm gonna need to borrow Rarity for the rest of the sets of armor," he turned to Rarity, "If'n you'd oblige, of course." "Oh, darling, I'd be delighted," Rarity replied, her eyes gleaming, "Truly this has been an amazing learning experience, and of course anything to help Twilight. Now, when do we get started on your armor, darling? Surely this effort was to prototype, hmm?" "All in due time, Rarity. But you are correct, while I have a number of reasons for tasking you two with this, partially it was to prototype my own set. I think we've had a few too many brushes with fate lately, and I'm worried that this Storm King business is far from over. Fizzlepop and I are about to have a meeting with the Princesses and the Royal Guard, where I'm going to make a few propositions." "Well, Twilight," Rarity replied, "I completely agree with your assessment, and I wish you the best of luck tonight. Are you heading back to Ponyville tomorrow with the rest of us?" "That's the plan. Thank you both so much. Now, if you'll excuse Fizzlepop and I, we need to get going, and I don't want us to be..." she glanced at the clock and blanched, "Late! Fizzlepop, we need to go now!" she exclaimed. Grabbing the crate of documents, and Fizzlepop, in her telekinetic grasp, Twilight teleported out of the library, blinding Rarity, Anvil, Warrior Ballad, and the hapless guard she had left behind. After regaining their senses, the four looked at each other, shared a laugh at Twilight's expense, and left the library. Twilight and Fizzlepop materialized on the floor at the front of an auditorium, catching the staff by surprise. Realizing it was the Princess, they went back to work preparing the auditorium for the coming audience. Fizzlepop, not having experience teleportation, let out a gasp and fought to catch her breath. "Princess, warn me next time you're going to do that," she exclaimed. "Oh, sorry Fizzlepop," Twilight apologized, "I was in a hurry." She began to frantically copy stacks of documents, and placed them across the rows of desks. Fizzlepop watched as the front of the auditorium was transformed by charts, diagrams, and graphs. She couldn't help but notice the copies of her navigation charts used to attack Canterlot. "Now I'll go ahead and warn you," Twilight said while going over her note-cards, "I'm going to need your help during this presentation. The officers are going to have a lot of questions, as will I." "You can count on me, Princess. I am in your debt." Twilight looked around, satisfied. Coffee and snacks had been provided by the staff, and she had completed her own preparations. Turning to Fizzlepop, she said, "We have some time before our guests arrive, so I want to try something with your new armor. Mind holding still?" Fizzlepop posed neutrally as Twilight lit her horn. The magic coursing through her emanated throughout the room, seemingly dimming the artificial light. A thaumic circle appeared around Twilight just off the floor, its outline and runes glowing an intense lavender. As Twilight concentrated, magical essence reached out in tendrils, grabbing hold of Fizzlepop's armor. Minutes passed as Twilight continued the ritual, the armor glowing under the magical influence. Suddenly, the magic circle spun faster, and the glow emanating from the armor flashed into a blinding light. Twilight dimmed her horn, exiting the trance-like state she had entered, and smiled. "What was all that?" Fizzlepop questioned. "Oh, I enchanted your armor. Just some simple things: essence key, magical defense, blunt force defense, basic anti-magic shield, enchantment of featherweight. Watch this." Twilight lit her horn, and before Fizzlepop could react she launched a lavender beam of energy at Fizzlepop's chest. The beam traveled swift and true, but before it could hit its mark, a magenta shield appeared around Fizzlepop. "Oh, this is so exciting," Twilight exclaimed, clapping her hooves together, "I knew it would work!" Fizzlepop was spellbound. "I had no idea enchantments like this were possible, how does it work?" "Oh, well the foundation of it is an essence key spell," Twilight eagerly explained, "The armor essentially only recognizes the magical essence of the owner, which is you, and the enchantments feed off of your thaumic energy. For any other pony, I probably would have used lower level enchantments, but I know you have a lot of magic ability. "If, Celestia forbid, you do get in combat, I wouldn't recommend attempting to just take the damage, it could exhaust you. Plus, those shields and defenses aren't invincible; a strong enough magic blast could break down the enchantment. They'll help in a pinch, though." "Wait, so even without my horn, this armor can do spells for me?" "In a sense, yes, but enchantments only go so far. I can't enchant more complicated combat spells." Fizzlepop was having her worldview torn apart by Twilight. She started to thank Twilight, but she spoke first, "Alright, Captain, I'll need you to stand over there," she pointed with a hoof, "our audience is arriving." Ponies began to leak into the auditorium, slowly but surely filling the allotted seats. Most were officers of the Royal Guard and Nocturne Guard, but Twilight noticed a few diplomats and even Crystal Legion officers. Twilight grinned and waved as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna entered, and they returned the gesture. The two elder princesses took their seats, and Twilight, satisfied that most everyone was ready, began her speech. "Welcome, everypony," she said, cheerfully, "Princesses, officers, and all others, I'd like to thank you for attending this urgent forum, especially on such short notice. I will try not to keep you for too long, but considering the gravity of our situation I believe we could run a little late." Suddenly, an audience member's hoof launched into the air, waggling distractingly. "Please hold all questions until the end of the presentation," Twilight responded in a professional manner. Twilight launched her presentation by recounting the events following the Friendship Festival's setup. Memories of key events were projected magically from Twilight's mind onto a cloth screen behind her as visual aids. Images of Kludgetown, she noticed, got a particularly negative reaction from some ponies. Fizzlepop couldn't help but notice a break in Twilight's professionalism when recounting their interaction with Queen Novo. Twilight completed her review with her interruption of Fizzlepop's trial and began listing information she had learned from Lieutenant Stone Keep, including enemy numbers, confiscated equipment, routes, and enemy resources. She then recounted the invasion of Ponyville as she had been told, although she was certain that most of the audience knew the situation already. "Are there any questions?" The stallion near the front who had attempted to launch a question raised his hoof immediately, and Twilight called on him. "Uh, your, uh, mane looks really pretty tonight, Princess," he said, awkwardly, plastering his face with an exceedingly wide grin. Twilight deadpanned as snickers sounded out throughout the audience. She squinted at the stallion, noticing he looked far too young to be an officer. "Who are you?" she called out, "This is a confidential military forum, and you aren't Royal Guard. How did you get in here?" The pony stammered, and then launched himself out of his chair. Attempting to vault over the desk, he caught his hoof and face-planted. He recovered quickly, and galloped straight out the side door, with guards hot on his tail. Twilight face-hoofed and audibly groaned. The elder princesses shared a giggle, and some of the more undisciplined officers audibly laughed at the intruder's awkward display. "Alright," Twilight said as she moved behind the podium. Leaning against it, she called Fizzlepop forward. Fizzlepop had been standing in the corner, shadowed by the stage lights. Maneuvering on stage, her armor caught the light and reflected, shining brilliantly. Audible 'ooh's and 'ahh's sounded out from the audience, and Twilight couldn't help but notice the glee on Princess Luna's face. Princess Celestia wore a more stoic expression, however. "Thank you, Captain. For those not aware, this is Fizzlepop Berrytwist, the Captain of my honor guard. Her armor is courtesy of Anvil, the castle Armorer, with which I'm sure you are all familiar, and my dear friend Rarity. Now, Captain, I have a few questions." "Yes, Princess," Fizzlepop replied, maintaining a professional posture. "As we know, you were a Commander under the Storm King. Where does that place you in his hierarchy?" "I oversaw grand strategy, lead military operations, and answered to the Storm King himself." "So you were his second in command, or are there other commanders?" "There are other commanders, your Highness." Dark expressions dominated the audience, and Twilight's fears were becoming validated. She continued, "How many other commanders are there?" "I don't know, your Highness. I know of one, and I know there are more." "Did these other commanders aid in the invasion of Equestria?" "No, that was solely my doing." "Can I assume that these other commanders are carrying out the Storm King's desires for world domination in other parts of the world?" "Yes, your Highness." "Do you know of any of their plans?" Fizzlepop thought for a moment, "Does the phrase 'Crystal Heart' mean anything to you?" The Crystal Legion officers sat up, and murmurs sprang among the audience. "Yes, it is a magical artifact in the Crystal Empire. Should we assume it's a target?" "Yes, your Highness. I don't have any details, but I overheard Commander Xanthantos discuss it with the Storm King. Commander Xanthantos is a Gorgon, and in my limited experience with him he is slow and lazy. Is the Crystal Heart a weapon?" "No," Twilight replied, "It is a purely defensive artifact that protects the Crystal Empire from weather, among other things." "What is a Gorgon?" someone called from the audience. "Gorgons are tall, snakelike creatures, possibly related to dragons. It is rare that they leave their home island Medusus, which is located in the North Luna Ocean, due to its unique climate. Medusus is a volcanic island surrounded by cold climate conditions. For cold blooded creatures, it makes travel almost impossible. Also, worryingly, they are very powerful mages," finishing her explanation, Twilight turned back to Fizzlepop. "What forces does Xanthantos plan to invade the Crystal Empire with?" "I don't know, Princess. The Storm King largely segregated us to our own operations. The Storm King's primary goal was to dominate the world, and he believed that magical artifacts were the key. If Xanthantos convinced him that the Crystal Heart was a powerful artifact, then he's probably planning the invasion right now." Twilight was failing to maintain her composure, quickly hopping from leg to leg. "Ooh, this is bad. Really bad! We need to mobilize, and alert the Crystal Legion." Seeing her distress, Celestia cleared her throat and said, "Twilight, calm down. I have already notified Prince Shining Armor of the threat. Please continue your presentation." Twilight took a deep breath and, satisfied that her family was not in immediate danger to an unknown threat, decided to switch gears. "Thank you, Captain. Before I move on, does anypony have any real questions?" A number of hooves went up, and Twilight chose a most official looking officer. The officer cleared his throat and, in a clear, authoritative voice that only comes from years of discipline and leadership, asked, "May I receive a glorious suit of plate armor like your captain's?" Twilight scowled, and the whole room burst into laughter. The officer blanched and said, "'Tis an honest question." Twilight could not hear him over the din, and halted continuing until the laughter had died down. "I'd like everyone to open document three, page twelve. There are a number of reforms and proposals for your consideration. Of course, I will require the Princesses' approval, but we'll get to that. "Currently the Equestrian Military is lacking in some technological areas that, in my opinion, should be targeted for improvement. Communication, or lack thereof, needs to be addressed immediately. As we witnessed earlier, Princess Celestia was able to make use of a long range teleportation spell to alert the Crystal Empire of the Xanthantos threat. Princess, is this a spell that anypony can learn?" "No, Twilight. It requires significant magical power and a deep familiarity with the recipient's magical essence." "Then we need an alternative. Pegasus Courier, or 'runners', are simply not fast enough. I have recently learned of a neat technology that shows promise. Copies of the patent and possible implementations, as well as cost and resource allocation, start on page twenty-five." The sound of papers rustling dominated the room. "If approved, I argue the patent holder be contacted immediately, and resources be allocated for what I am tentatively calling the 'Dot-Dash' Project. With this, we will no longer be in the dark of impending dangers that attempt to cross our borders. "Secondly, thanks to the Storm King's generous donation, we find ourselves in possession of fourteen combat airships; two of which are at my castle right now. These will be a great boon to the Equestrian military, if for no other reason than their mobility. They are faster than most pegasi and put our Equestrian airships to shame. "I propose, post inspection, that we donate two airships to two promising airship manufacturers, specified on page thirty-two, for reverse engineering. Four should be allocated towards my next proposal, and the rest should be implemented into the Royal Guard immediately." Murmurs of approval floated among the crowd. Seeing that this was going well, Twilight continued. "My last major proposal will bring clarity to my decision to appoint an honor guard. Right now, I have one member: my Captain, Fizzlepop Berrytwist. I propose the establishment of an elite, mobile peacekeeping force to help combat Equestria's seemingly ever increasing foes. I believe that despite our past successes against Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, Starlight Glimmer, Queen Chrysalis again, the Pony of Shadows, and most recently Commander Tempest, the efforts my friends and I, as the Elements of Harmony, are simply not enough. Too often we have brushed fate, and we need help. "As to the particulars, document four has a number of separate hypotheticals for your approval. As per the information we have gained on the Storm King's forces thanks to Captain Fizzlepop, I believe the most appropriate course of action is Proposal Three. "I will head a peacekeeping force numbering approximately one-hundred elite combat troops, specializing mostly in unicorns for their magical prowess, but I believe a proportion of 20%/50%/30% split of Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasi will be appropriate. We will utilize four of the captured airships as transports and mobile combat platforms. Think of it as an enhanced version of the raiding party Fizzlepop used to conquer Canterlot. We will be able to respond quickly to any threat, not just within Equestria's borders, but for our allies as well. If successful, I believe that this guard could become a prototype for revolutionizing Equestrian Military dogma. "I will require both the Royal Guard and the School for Gifted Unicorn's cooperation in locating potential Unicorn Candidates of magical prowess. I believe the Wonderbolts Reserves will be a good start for Pegasi, and a general recruitment for Earth ponies should suffice. Also, I will need resources allocated for airship crews, medical staff, various service-ponies, etc. We will..." Twilight stole a glance at the Princesses and paused. Both were staring at the document proposal: Princess Luna was grinning from ear to ear, but Princess Celestia stared wide-eyed, frowning at the pages she leafed through. "Princess Celestia, is something wrong?" "Twilight, are you building an army?" the Princess asked dourly. "Well, technically speaking, yes. This is what I believe we need to combat further threats from the Storm King." Celestia started to rebut, but was interrupted by Luna's shout, "Oh most glorious of nights!" she cried, before teleporting out of the room. In an instant, she reappeared on the stage next to Twilight, clothed in a full suit of midnight blue armor, with a gleaming silver broadsword mounted across her withers. "Truly this is a dream come true," she continued, "for so long I have wished to experience the glory of battle with you, Twilight Sparkle. Celestia forbade me from pushing you, but I see you have matured, and now wish to make your name truly in the annals of history; not that your previous accomplishments aren't worthy in their own right, but there is nothing quite like combat to test somepony's strength of character. Thou has our full support in whatever proposal you-" "Wait just a minute," cried an agitated Celestia, "Twilight, I understand you have been through much, but you might be taking this too far. You are the Princess of Friendship, and in my understanding a pacifist. This past adventure has frightened you, as you have made clear to everypony, but surely this is not the answer." Before Twilight could speak, Luna turned and said, "Nonsense, dear sister. It is obvious that this is no knee-jerk reaction, you of all ponies should understand your student better. She has thought this through, and speaks from clarity that only comes to a pony after a significant trial. The evidence is in front of you." She turned back to Twilight, "When this campaign is through, and you are no doubt victorious, you will be forged in the fires of battle, and will have earned the privilege of being called 'Sister'." "Now listen here, you little warmonger," Celestia shouted, "I will not have you polluting Twilight's mind with nonsense about the 'glory of battle'. You just want to go on the warpath again, and I won't let you use her as a surrogate." "How dare you," Luna shouted back, "I am no warmonger, I desire peace. But we are under threat from a powerful enemy, that much is clear. If you cannot see that retaliation is necessary, then my absence and one thousand years of peace have made you soft!" "This is too far, we have had too many breakdowns in the past because of open conflict. Need I remind you of the Bay of Pigs disaster?" "Those pigs received what was coming to them!" "Jingoist!" "Sissy!" The sisters continued name calling as Twilight entrapped them in a bubble of silence. She sighed and turned back to the now wide-eyed audience. "They'll come around," Twilight assured, "I would like to propose a small change in current doctrine in regards to receiving threats. I want to specify, this is more of a self-criticism, but I believe it will be a valuable lesson to everypony. Captain, if you would please stand in the aisle there." Fizzlepop walked up the inclined aisle, then turned to face Twilight back on the stage. "Now, I would like us to repeat your performance yesterday. You made quite an entrance, after all, and I believe it can be used as a valuable teaching experience." Fizzlepop blushed. "Princess, I don't know if- I mean, I don't remember-" Twilight, quoting Princess Celestia, said, "Tempest, is it? How may we help you?" "Princess, please-" "Say the line, Captain," Twilight said in an almost motherly tone. Fizzlepop sighed, "How about we start with your complete and total surrender." As soon as the final word was uttered, Twilight's horn lit, and Fizzlepop found herself immobilized. "You see, officers, when a mysterious enemy shows up and asks for your complete and total surrender, we, from now on, will not allow them to continue to monologue. Now, I have temporarily cast some spells on my Captain, which I believe are useful in at least postponing threats until they can be evaluated. First, I hit her with a Bubble of Silence, to keep her from shouting orders to her soldiers. Then, I immobilized her with a stasis spell, to keep her from retaliating physically or magically. Lastly, I have picked her up with my telekinesis to eliminate all routes of escape. "I have done nothing to harm her, only immobilize. I believe that tactics like this give better opportunity for dialogue and an eventual dissolution of conflict than allowing the threat to do whatever they want. Any questions?" While Twilight performed her demonstration, the two elder princesses were having the most epic, jaw-dropping sissy fight ever witnessed by pony or beast. Satisfied that the ponies present had understood her orders, Twilight released Fizzlepop, thanked her for her cooperation, and ordered her back to the stage. She returned to the presentation, going over details and receiving suggestions from the audience, who were showing much interest in Twilight's proposals. Twilight stole a glance at Celestia and Luna, who were now openly sobbing, embracing each other in a deep hug. An officer was describing a hypothetical flanking maneuver when Celestia popped the Bubble of Silence. Everyone turned as Celestia announced, "My sister and I have reached an agreement. Although she and I differ in our opinions on military and combat, we will defer to Princess Twilight's intelligence on the matter." "Agreed," followed Princess Luna, "She may not have formal experience in combat, but she has proven herself time and time again in Equestria's defense, and if this is what she believes Equestria needs, she has our full support." The auditorium burst into cheers. Twilight vaulted over to the two princesses and embraced them in a deep hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Twilight repeated, "I promise that I will do everything I can to keep Equestria safe from the Storm King's Commanders." "We know you will, Twilight. You have never failed us before," Celestia complimented. "Indeed, we have no doubts in your future success. May the enemies of Equestria quiver at the name Twilight Sparkle," Luna added. Twilight giggled and hugged the princesses once more. She returned to the podium and announced, "Thank you, everypony, for your attendance and support. Expect further orders from me soon. You are dismissed." With that, the auditorium emptied. Soon word of the Storm King's demise would leave Equestria.