My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Cheesecake

by Master Cheese Cake

The Mane Reveal Part 2

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 12: The Mane Reveal Part 2

By Master Cheese Cake

The Present Day…

Cheese Cake wakes up and his head hurt a lot for some reason. He notices that this was not his house, but it was the very first room he stayed in the night he came to Ponyville.

Fluttershy sees him waking up, "Oh, you finally woke up."

"What happened and why does my head hurt?"

"Well when you came by to get some nice herbal tea mix. I asked if you needed help to cook for The Wonderbolts today. That's when you hyperventilated and passed out and also hit your head on the counter top."

"Why and when are the Wonderbolts coming here anyway?"

"Well don't you remember, Rainbow Dash told you she invited them to your restaurant? Oh and they're coming around three in the afternoon."

"No I don't remember her asking that."

Yesterday, Monday 6:00 PM

Everypony went to Cheese Cake's new restaurant because it was the grand opening. Cheese Cake had talked to the owner of the restaurant into giving a reserve table for his friends. This was surprisingly easy because the owner usually doesn't allow reserved tables.

"Hello ladies and Spike what would you like?"

Twilight goes first, "I'd like to try the buttered toast with sugar."

"Oh, oh I'd like that too," Pinkie orders.

Rarity takes a deep breath, "I would like some salad with slices of tomato that are stack on top of each other as even as possible and they need to be under the lettuce with a boiled egg cut in to twenty pieces. The yoke needs to be in the center of the plate make sure they are not touching and the rest of it on the side."

"Ooooookay is that it," Cheese Cake assures.

"Yes that will be it."

"What will you be having today Applejack?"

"I would like to try the caramelized apples with apple syrup and the apple cuts in peanut butter."

"How about you Fluttershy, what do you want?"

"I would just like the carrot soup."

"Made with my carrots," Carrot Top announce from another table.

"Last but not least, Rainbow Dash?"

"I want the rainbow nachos with extra heat."

"Do you have any gems?" Spike asks.

"Yes, yes I do have gems.

"Alright I'll be right back with your food."

Rainbow Dash remembers her question, "Hey Cheese Cake, can I invite the Wonderbolts here to eat tomorrow?"

"Yeah of course," he says as he enters the kitchen.


Three second ago…

Cheese Cake just finishes taking his friend's orders and as he was walking into the kitchen DJ Pon3 asked something.

"Hey Cheese Cake, can you help me fix my disk spinner it broke again?"

"Yeah of course," he says as he enters the kitchen.

He forgot something, "Oh I have to do some stuff this week, so maybe next week."

"Oh of course just come by anytime, I'm quite busy myself this week."

"Alright, that sounds good to me."

Back to the present day…

"Oh no, she must have mistaken what I said to Pon3."

"Well its okay with you right?"

"No, I am not."

"Why are you not okay with it?"

"Uh… well…"

Twilight enters through the front door, "There you are Cheese Cake where have you been? I've been looking for you all over Ponyville."


"Why… because Princess Celestia is going to be here in a hour and remember yesterday I asked if we could host another brunch party at your restaurant today."

"Since when did I say that?"

Yesterday, Monday 6:40 PM

Twilight just finish her stack of toast with sugar and she was in love with Cheese Cake's food, "That was delicious."

"That toast was gooooood," Pinkie expresses.

"Truly is, this salad he made was in perfect condition," Rarity finishes her last bite.

Rainbow Dash was jugging down a lot of water and fanning her tongue, "He wasn't kidding about that extra heat with my nacho."

Fluttershy only drank half of her soup, "I like his carrot soup."

"Remember it was made with my carrots," Carrot Top exclaims.

Applejack had a happy apple meal, "Never in my life have I ever tasted apples like that."

Spike didn't comment for he was asleep on the hay.

"Ah I see you all finished your meals," Cheese Cake walking by. "Who wants cheesecake for dessert?"

"Oh I do," Pinkie exclaims.

Twilight remembers about Princess Celestia being free tomorrow, "Oh Cheese Cake can we host a brunch party for Princess Celestia here tomorrow because she's free tomorrow."

"Sure of course, we can."

Back to the present day again…

"Oh yeah now I remember. I must have hit my head hard on that counter top."

"You haven't even started cooking and if she comes here knowing there is no food then Equestria will explode."

"Don't worry I got it covered."

Cheese Cake runs home and begins to cook all of the food that will be necessary for Princess Celestia visit.

After all that was done it was about ten o' clock and that gave him enough time to prepare a hiding spot for when Spitfire arrives with the Wonderbolts.

Twilight comes in to check on progression, "How did you get all of this done?"

"You know, multitasking."

"Yeah I know, but for a regular earth pony that's pretty good."

"Yup that's right for a regular earth pony hehe."

"Well at least I don't have to worry anymore, now we just have to wait five more minutes until the princess arrives."

Then the door opens and Princess Celestia enters the building and the guards stay outside to make sure the right ponies enter.

"Princess you're five minutes early," Twilight surprised.

"Well I really wanted to try his cheesecakes that you've been talking about in your letters to me."

"Of course the cheesecake, which flavor we have all sorts of flavors."

"Anyone will do."

Cheese Cake slices a cake and takes it to her, "Here you go your highness."

"Wait a second you're that colt at Cloudsdale aren't you?"

"What no…that's that's impossible I don't even have wings."

Twilight got more worried that Cheese Cake had done something wrong, "Uh… Cheese Cake what's going on?"

Princess Celestia had heard of that name before, "So, you are the young flyer that I met back then, Cheese Cake I can still recognize those eyes."

"Anyone can have a name of Cheese Cake?"

"I think time to let go of the secret," Celestia advises.

"Yeah… I guess you're right. Alright I am actually a Pegasus, there I said it."

Twilight, one hundred percent confused at this point, "What?"

"What?" voices coming from behind a set of tables.

"How long you've been there?"

"Well we've been here for a while now," Rainbow Dash explains. "Yeah I wanted to check out the place to make sure that The Wonderbolts visit would be a great experience and I ended up hearing that Cheese Cake is a Pegasus."

Rarity reveals herself, "Is it true?"

He takes off his head coat to reveal his real coat that was a bit golden brown, but more toward golden, his mane was dark blonde color and had no specific style, and his eye color was the same which was blend of blue and green.

"Oh my cupcakes it's an imposter, who are you and what have you done with Cheese Cake?" Pinkie interrogates.

"Pinkie it's still me."

"Then prove it, when was I born?"

"You never told me when you were born."

"Yes exactly because you are an imposter."

"Okay, anypony have a dramatic reacting left?"

"No not really."

The brunch party started and everypony was surprised to see Cheese Cake with wings and his real coat when they came in. His friends were still asking questions about everything, but that's a whole another chapter.