//------------------------------// // Fillysitting Is Easy? // Story: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Cheesecake // by Master Cheese Cake //------------------------------// My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 10: Fillysitting is Easy? by Master Cheese Cake Twilight and her friends were getting ready to go to Appleloosa again because of a problem that needs to be resolve, which was a mysterious drought. They were at the train station a bit of a way out from Ponyville and the sun just began to set to the west. Cheese Cake was loading the saddle packs for Twilight and Rarity, but mostly Rarity's things. They plan to stay in Appleloosa for a while because ponies can't fix a drought in a day. Can they? "Thank you Cheese Cake," Rarity says and gives him some money. "No, no, no, you keep your money Rarity," Cheese Cake insists. "This is for Sweetie Bell if she accidentally destroys something in your house." "Hey I don't break anything," Sweetie Belle disagrees. "Don't worry, I can handle her… I think." "Well if you say so. Remember be a good girl while you stay at his house okay Sweetie Belle." "Yeah, yeah I know Rarity." "Okay we'll be on our way." "See you ponies whenever you get back," Cheese Cake says. Twilight taps Rarity back, "We're going to run a bit late. One of the runners is running late, so we are not going anywhere until about ten o' clock is what the conductor said." "Oh, can I stay with you until it's time to go?" Sweetie Belle asks. "Sorry Sweetie Belle you have to go with Cheese Cake." "Okay fine." "Oh and Cheese Cake can you please bring Opa to your house too. She needs to be fed and kept company." "She's already there." "When did you do that?" "I did it before I carried your stuff here." "Oh, well planned. Okay well tonight is also the night when Sweetie Belle meets up with her friend, the Cutie Mark Crusader to have a sleepover." "Yes I've heard of these sleepovers from your rant about your sister being such a…" he stops as Rarity shows a sign of stop the sentence. "Well you better be on your way." Then Cheese Cake and Sweetie Belle leave the station and back to Cheese Cake's house. When they arrive Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were already waiting for them there. "Hey Sweetie Bell," They both greet. "Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, are you ready to get your cutie marks?" "I'm ready how bout' you Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asks. "Yup and we're going to stay up all night right?" Sweetie Belle looks at Cheese Cake with cute eyes, "Yeah of course, if Cheese Cake lets us." "Yeah sure why not, but you have to promise me that you will not go outside unless you tell me." "Okay, CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SLEEPOVER AT CHEESE CAKE'S HOUSE!" They all exclaim into his ears. "Yup that's right. Okay I am allowing you to do whatever you want." "Wow, you're the best fillysitter ever, but we usually do things outdoors to discover our cutie marks," "Okay, let me get my Sherlock Hooves hat." As he leaves to retrieve his hat from the closet upstairs the crusaders discuss their plans. "Are we set to go to Appleloosa?" Apple Bloom asks. "Yup, I have my scooter," Scootaloo assures. Sweetie Belle feels doubtful, "I'm still not sure if we should do this. We could get in huge trouble and get Cheese Cake in trouble." "Don't worry I'm sure they'll be okay with it once we arrive at Appleloosa," Apple Bloom explains. "Besides I want to see my cousin Braeburn, I haven't seen him in a while and we get to do more things there that could give us our cutie marks." "Okay if you say so." "Alright guys are we ready to go?" Cheese Cake returns with his hat. "Yeah," they say in unison. They all exit his house and they run off and do what they do to try and achieve they're cutie marks. Three hours later… Cheese Cake was sitting on hay at the local restaurant and sipping tea as he watches The Cutie Mark Crusaders try making sandwiches. He looks at a clock that hung above the entrance of the restaurant kitchen which told it was nine thirty. "Okay Cutie Mark Crusaders, we have to go back now," he announces. "Aw," they sign. "It's okay you have all of tomorrow to try new talents." They all head back and as soon they got back Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle race to the bed that Cheese Cake set up for them. "Wow you really want to go to sleep that badly?" Cheese Cake asks. "Yeah the sooner we sleep the more time we have to try out new things," Scootaloo explains. "Oh that makes sense and if you need me I will be in the basement making another toaster." Then they close their eyes and fall asleep while Cheese Cake removes the light from the room and closes the doors. He continues to his basement, now part of the window, and begins his work on another type of toaster. He was putting parts together and writing down note on which part he uses. He also was getting tired because last night he didn't get that much sleep from making a toaster. "Hey Opa," he greets as Opa walks in on him. "What are you doing here?" (Meow) "Well it's a toaster that I'm making that toasts things." (Meow) "What?" (Meow) "Really, are you sure?" (Meow) "Yes? This calls for instant action." Twenty Five Minutes Earlier… Cheese Cake just left the guest room and the Cutie Mark Crusaders get up and are ready to go to the train station. They hope that the other runner didn't arrive yet and can still get on the train. "Okay let's hurry before it takes off," Scootaloo rushes. "Let's go." They exit from the window and gallop to the train station as fast as they could. When they arrive it was about nine fifty five. They sneak to the clerk counter to buy tickets because they could see Rarity in one of windows talking to the others. "Hello sir, three tickets please." He looks down to see Apple Blooms hooves place coins on the counter, "Aren't you all a little young to travel alone?" "Well my sister is in that train and we're going with them." "Well if you say so," Then he hooves them the tickets. "Thank you," They say in unison. They enter the cart section right in front of their sisters' and friends' cart. "We made it. I told you this would work," Apple Bloom boasts. "Yup, nice work Apple Bloom," says a voice. "Was that you, Sweetie Belle?" "No." "Was it you, Scootaloo?" "No." "Then who was that?" The curtain next to Apple Bloom slid open to reveal Cheese Cake laying there, "Surprised, I expect you to be." "What… how did you get here first?" "Well I learned Pinkie's technique to getting to location even if the other pony is ahead by a milestone which I have no idea what that is." "Well I guess we have to go back, huh." "No, are you crazy I wanted to go with them too, but I had to stay and watch Sweetie Belle," Cheese Cake explains. "Then you had this crazy idea about going yourselves that I could have never thought of, gave me a chance to ponysit you, while we go to Appleloosa." "Wow, you really are the best fillysitter," Scootaloo confirms. "We can make as much sound when the train starts moving, okay." "Okay," they all say in a whisper. Finally the trains starts to move toward Appleloosa and all of them begin to party. They had pillow fight, an eating contest of pie when a cart clerk came by with pie and all the possible fun you can have in a train. They did drawing contests, they laid pillows on the ground, so they could do stunts off the top bunk bed and the best part they were disturbing no one because they were no other ponies in that cart. Cheese Cake even started teaching them about theory making. Two hours later… Cheese Cake was now getting tired because it was midnight, "Alright I think it's time for bed for me." "Aw, can't you stay up and teach us a little more about theory making?" Scootaloo begs. "I will teach more tomorrow, but for me right now is sleep time," he says and slides the curtains to cover the bed. "Well what should we do now?" Apple Bloom asks. "We should go to sleep too I'm out of energy," Scootaloo says. "Are you serious, Scootaloo? You're actually tired." "Yeah, that hot cocoa really hit the spot." Then the door to their cart opens and in comes Applejack still fatigue, "Hey can you keep the noise down over here. We're trying to get some sleep." Then Applejack has a moment of realization, "Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Cheese Cake. No seriously why is there cheesecake on a plate on the floor?" "Sorry that's mine," Cheese Cake says and drags it into his bed. "Cheese Cake? Why are you all here?" "Well they wanted to come with you ladies to Appleloosa to experience more types of activities hoping to get their cutie mark and I thought it was a great idea, so we came to the station and bought tickets." "Well it's too late to go back now, but Rarity is going to be mighty frustrated that you brought Sweetie Belle with you." "I sure she'll be fine with it." The next morning… "Are you kidding me Cheese Cake? I am not fine with this… how could you bring Sweetie Belle without talking to me?" "They wanted to join in really bad and if I asked, the answer would have been "no". What's the worst that can happen here? I mean it's just a drought and I promise that I will keep them out of harm's way even if it means putting me in that position." "Fine, that's makes me feel a bit better about this, but still anything could happen, so Sweetie Belle has to stay in town with you at all times." Sweetie Belle rebels, "But…" "No buts. Look sis I love you, but for all we know there could be something dangerous causing this drought." "Like what?" "A dragon or some ice monster thingy that could cause us the weather to be freezing and send us into an ice age making life unbearable." "Nice theory," Cheese Cake compliments. "Yes I know that club of yours is helping." Applejack notices they have arrived and announces, "We're here. Are you ready to meet your cousin again Apple Bloom?" "Cousin Braeburn is the best!" The trains stopped and they exit to be welcome by the still enthusiastic Braeburn, "Howdy there and welcome to APPLELOOSA!" "Cousin Braeburn," Apple Bloom greets with excitement. "Cousin Apple Bloom, how's my favorite cousin?" "Great, but I'm still on a mission to get my cutie mark." "Just keep hanging in there and I'm sure you'll get your cutie mark." "And cousin Applejack, how could I forget you? Give me a huge." Applejack gives him a hug, "Howdy Braeburn, so how's it been since your compromise with Chief Thunderhooves?" "Been great, but this drought has been getting the both of our homes a bit of down fall." "Remember don't let her out of your sight Cheese Cake," Rarity assures and puts on her saddle pack. "Yeah don't worry. I will follow her like a cheesecake holding onto the crust for dear life." "Okay Sweetie Belle stays with him and don't touch anything, eat anything, or talk to anything except Cheese Cake." Sweetie Belle points something out, "You just said I can't eat anything, but Cheese Cake as in him." "Okay eat something, but nothing dangerous." "Look Rarity, I know that you care for me, but don't you think you're going a little too far with protecting me." "I have to go, they're leaving right now and they're going to need my help," she states and leaves with the others. "And by that she'll probably do nothing. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are so lucky they get to go to the drought." "Cheer up, for all we know there really nothing cool that is causing this drought. You want to draw horse drawn carriages." "Yeah maybe that will be my cutie mark… of a canvas… with a carriage on it." "Now that you say it that way, it seems too boring, oh I know we can go and look for treasure in the desert." "That's great idea." Meanwhile at apple orchard… The others were investigating the cause of the drought near the apple orchard. The river that flows through the area had gone dry and they were following it northward to find the spring. "Rarity, don't you think you're over reacting to Cheese Cake actions a little too much?" Twilight asks. "No, he took her here without permission." "Yes I know that, but he's responsible, sure he's random sometimes, but he would protect your sister like you would. He also did something that could help your sister finally gain her cutie mark." Twilight had not realized that the posse stopped in their tracks for they stumble on a hydra that was sleeping right in front of the neck where the water flows through. This hydra was different for it had six heads and it was a vivid red. "How are we going to get that thing to move?" Applejack whispers. "Fluttershy reason with it," Rainbow Dash whispers. Fluttershy walks closer and starts to reason with it, "Okay… huh…" "No, don't," Twilight warns. "This is a six headed hydra they are more aggressive than the one we encountered in the Everfree Forest." "Then how are we going to get the water back?" Braeburn asks. "We could just ask it, maybe it's not as aggressive as you said it will be Twilight," Spike suggests. "Okay, but everyone get ready if it starts to attack," Twilight says. Everypony starts to back up as Twilight is about to ask it to leave except Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy because they have wings. "Uh…" Then it roars loudly at the little pony that disturbed its nap time and now it sees it lunch buffet right in front of its home. "RUN!" yells Braeburn. "Follow the riverbed we can take it back to Appleloosa," Applejack instructs. The giant creature lifts itself up and pursues the fleeing ponies. Twilight scoops Spike onto her back and continues her gallop to safety, "Spike send a message to Cheese Cake." "Uh I don't have a quill or paper and what would that do?" "He said he has taken care one of these before and maybe there's a way he stop it that we could use it." "We still have a problem no paper or quill." "Wait. Rarity!" she calls. "What?" she responses. "Do you have your scarf in the saddle pack?" "No, but I have a hat. What do you need it for?" "I need it to send a message." "No, that hat is one of a kind." "Well it's either getting your hat destroyed or you getting eaten by that hydra." "Fine," she opens her pack and passes it back to Twilight. "Okay Spike, use your claw to write hydra and send it to Cheese Cake." Spike does as she said, "Whoops I spelled HYRDA wrong." "No time just send it." He breathes his fire and the hat disappears like any other message. Meanwhile in the middle of the dessert… Cheese Cake and Sweetie have found a carriage full of gems in the middle of the dessert. Cheese Cake was coaching Sweetie Belle on how to find gems with magic. "Okay, concentrate on the gems and picture them like they are everywhere and you should be able to see them in certain areas." She does as he instructs and it worked she could see the gems in the ground, "Wow that's so cool they're everywhere. Hey what's with the hat?" They both look at the hat like it's a six headed hydra chasing ponies. Cheese Cake takes a closer look at it, "What in Equestria is a hyrda and what with the six?" "I think it's supposed to be HYDRA with six heads." "That can't be good." "Well yeah they're in danger. What should we do?" "You head back to Appleloosa and I'll go help them." "What can you do that I can't?" "I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anypony." She begins to recite the Pinkie Pie Promise, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." "Okay…" he starts and whisper into her ear. What she heard was unbelievable and her pupils dilate because of so much disbelief. Back in the river bed… They were all still evading the hydra that was still in hot pursuit of its lunch. "Applejack I'm getting tired," Apple Bloom announces. "Okay, hop on my back." She attempts to speed up, but ends up slipping and lies on the ground. Applejack runs back as the hydra attempts to eat her sister. She covers Apple Bloom with her body and she opens her eyes, surprised she was gobbled up yet. It was Rainbow Dash who held its jaw wide open, "Go while you still have a chance." She picks up Apple Bloom and throws her on her back and takes off. "Great Rainbow Dash now you're doomed." Then all of sudden she is thrown out of the jaw of the beast. She quickly recovers and looks at the thing that saved her life. What she saw was a shock and awe to her, it was a Pegasus coated in ice in a geometric pattern. It turns its head to see if she was okay, "Are you okay?" She was speechless because what he was… was just not real, "What are you?" He didn't answer as the hydra attempts an attack, but he leaps back and stomps both of his front leg into the ground, which created a wall of ice around the lizard and then his wings become parallel over his head causing a beam of light to shoot into the wall. Then a blinding white light causes any living thing to look away and then it was gone along with the hydra and the mysterious Pegasus. "Who was that?" Rainbow Dash asks. "I don't know, but whoever it was, is powerful in magic and could fly. Maybe it was Princess Celestia in disguise?" Twilight suggests. "No, it couldn't have been it was a colt and Princess Celestia wouldn't have put on a disguise." "Spike, did you send that message to Princess Celestia or Cheese Cake?" "I pretty sure I sent it to Cheese Cake, but there a chance in the panic that I sent it to Princess Celestia," Spike answers unsurely. "I think we should unblock the water and then head back to ask Cheese Cake," Applejack suggests. They follow Applejack suggestions to clear the boulders that dammed the water into a lake where the hydra was building a nest for itself. After the huge boulders were cleared the water rushes down and continues what it has been doing for years, flowing. Then they all head back from this crazy day and hoping to get some answers from Cheese Cake. They search everywhere and eventually found him and Sweetie Belle in the Salt Block. "Ah, I see you all made it back alive," Cheese Cake greets. "Yup, because the help of a certain pony," Twilight explains. "Did you happen to get a hat?" "Yes, I bought a cowboy hat to add to my collection," he says and puts on that hat. "No, the one that Spike sent to you?" "Oh, that one, yeah I got it and by the way you spelled HYDRA wrong." "That was Spike." "Hey I was in a panic mode, okay," Spike makes an excuse. "Anyway was that you who helped us?" "Nope, that was my friend," Cheese Cake says and sips some salt water and then spits it out. "Who was he?" Rainbow asks demandingly. "His name is Ice Storm or at least his superhero name is. I don't know his real name." "How did you meet such a handsome stallion?" Rarity asks. "Uh, I was fighting off a hydra one day and he swept in to help me with the giant creature." "Why were you fighting a hydra?" asks Scootaloo. "Alright I will tell the story. I was walking on a stormy night to Ponyville and I had to cross through a swamp. I heard a growl from the water below my feet then POW if sprung from the ground, causing a wave of muddy water sending me under the surface of the mud. Then I avoided it for awhile until I ran out of air, but by that time I was already eaten…" "Wait, wait, wait, you were eaten?" Twilight asks. "You didn't let me finish… okay I was eaten by it but I struggled in its throat causing it to gag and cough me out. Then he arrived and froze it, then puts the lizard to sleep. He talked to me and told me if I ever needed help I will send him a message with a crystal from his wing. So, when you sent the message I sent that message to him and he came straight to me, so then I told him where you guys were." While they were talking, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were talking. "So, what did you do today?" Rarity asks. "Cheese Cake took me to go treasure hunting in the dessert." "Oh, how much did you two find out there?" "Follow me." Rarity follows Sweetie Belle outside to find a whole carriage full of gems. "How did you find all of these?" Rarity surprised. "Well Cheese Cake taught me how to find them with magic." "How did he know how to teach you that magic… hmm?" "I don't know, but he knows how to." "Hmm… something tells me there more to Cheese Cake then we know." "Why do you keep going… 'Hmm'" "Hmm… I don't know."