Apple Eyes

by Toxic Lullaby

Chapter 5

I started picking apples again, to calm my nerves. This daily activity, which has been my work since I was a filly, now felt like a strange form of therapy. It was getting late. The sun was setting, and I could see Apple Bloom in the distance.

" Howdy, Apple Jack!!", she greeted me, with her normal perkiness. I hid my true emotions, and smiled back to her.

"Howdy. How'd your cutie mark crusading go today?" I asked her. She turned her head and stuck her tongue out. I chuckled.

"It went ok.," She sighed, "When did you get your cutie mark?" I shook my head at the little filly. She frowned up at me.

"That's a story for another day.," I replied, "Now it's late. Off to bed. And be quiet, Granny is asleep. Me and Big Mac will be in soon." She groaned and went inside.

I looked over at Big Mac, who had gone back to stomping apples. He shot me half a smile. Neither one of us said it, but there was an ominous feeling between us. We dreaded going to sleep, because we were so uncertain of who'd be awake in the morning. I swallowed the lump in my throat and went inside.

"Big Mac, " I called as I trotted back to the house, "I'm going to bed. You should come inside soon." He nodded with a sad look on his face.

I laid in my bed, and tried to close my eyes, but I couldn't without seeing Granny. I acted on impulse and went to her room to check on her. She was snoring. Sleeping peacefully. I smiled and went back to bed.

"I love you, Granny.", I whispered.