Storm of My Fury

by Flurryshine

The First Thoughts

Equestria was an odd kingdom. It was a land where love and tolerance was keys to its whole society. In this world of peaceful kindness to every pony to another, it’s almost hard to imagine any part of Equestria that was far different. A place where love and tolerance does exist…to only an extent, and this place was such an abnormality it was only known by who lived there, or scholars with access to the vastest libraries in Canterlot. But soon, that part of Equestria would make itself known. What had been happening over the years would be revealed.
It was an average day in Ponyville. The delicately colored homes and paved roads decorated the marketplace. The morning was only just beginning to give way to the afternoon. The birds chirped sweetly as they tussled in flight while they weaved through the skies. Ever studious in everything she does, Twilight Sparkle was out doing some shopping with Spike on her heels. The lavender pony was in a cheery mood today. Everything she had planned the last week was going along nicely. The icing on the metaphorical cake would be to finish her rounds, and maybe discover something letter worthy for the princess. But, this would have to be put on the back burner as Spike wretched before burping a smoke cloud of and materializing scroll.
“Twi, it’s from Princess Celestia,” Spike said with slight surprise.
Twilight Sparkle turned as she came to a halt to ask, “What does it say?”
“We should head somewhere first. It’s marked,” he said only to continued more softly,” …top secret.”
This surprised our studious young pony friend. It was not like the princess to send her letters without being prompted by one of her own. It was stranger to receive one marked top secret. Twilight Sparkle furrowed her brow in a mix of confusion and concern. This had to be quite something to warrant this sort of action to be taken. She began to try to imagine what could possibly be happening. She pushed it from her mind as she spotted Spike’s apprehension for her answer.
“Let’s go, Spike. Best we do this back at the library,” Twilight Sparkle said in a calm and collected voice.
“Hey guys! Whatcha doing?” a cheerful voice exclaimed. Twilight Sparkle reared at the voice that sprang up with the sight of Pinkie Pie popping out of a nearby barrel. The two must take a moment to compose them before they could respond to her question.
“Sorry, Pinkie Pie, official royal business. Gotta catch you later,” Twilight Sparkle replied as she placed Spike on her back and galloped off.
She was gone by the time Pinkie Pie said, “Whoa okay! Byyyyyyyye!”
As Twilight Sparkle entered the Ponyville library Spike hopped off her back. Careful not to slam the door, she shut it with her hind hoof. She then headed into the center of the library where Spike was already preparing the letter to be read.
“Okay, Spike, what does it say?” Twilight Sparkle asked him.
The young dragon cleared his throat as he read the contents of the letter. Spike said, “It says:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
It has come to my attention that a criminal from Braying Cliffs maybe near Ponyville. I have already sent a brigade to apprehend her. Please be careful. This young mare has stolen a very powerful artifact from the pegasi district of Braying Cliffs. I hate for you to be mixed up in this. Try to be vigilant and do not raise alarm. This mare could slip away in any chaos brought about by the situation.
Princess Celestia
Whoa, this is big Twilight.”
Twilight Sparkle looked shocked as she said, “I know. A wanted criminal…in Ponyville!”
Spike jumped with a slight shrillness in his voice as he exclaimed, “We should help!”
“No, Spike! The princess told us to be careful. This came from Braying Cliffs. Braying Cliffs!” she tried to stress as she caught him between her front hooves before he hit the door for Ponyville.
Spike stopped and turned to look at her with a quizzical look as he asked, “So?”
Twilight sighed as she sat him down. She then cleared throat as she closed her eyes and began to tell him all she knew of Braying Cliffs. The lavender pony explicated, “Braying Cliffs is the one place in Equestria that civil ponies live against one another. Ground bound ponies and air bound ponies are locked in a feud. This criminal came from the pegasi district. If a ground bound pony confronted by a pegasus from Braying Cliffs it will not end well.”
Spike only thought this over a moment before he replied, “Well, let’s get some help! I’m sure Rain-“
He didn’t get to finish the spectrum-mane pegasus’s named before Twilight interrupted by saying, “No, Spike! We gotta stay out of it. All we should do is being sure nothing in Ponyville will cause enough of a distraction for her to get away.”
“Done!” Spike exclaimed as he ran off and returned with a colander on his head. He marched about with his colander helmet while saying, “Let’s go keep an eye out for suspicious characters in Ponyville!”
Twilight sighed as she nodded and they headed for the door. Luckily Spike left his colander helmet in the library before scampering after her. Little did they know that they weren’t the only ones in Ponyville aware of the Braying Cliffs’ criminal.
Ponyville kept its calm and serene state of being as a new herd walked into town. At first glance, they were a pretty bunch of young mares. The sunlight was sparkling off the snow white coats of one mare and a filly prancing at her heels. The street flowers seemed to sway along with the movements of the green mare with them. The white mare was at point position. Her light blue hair fell like lazy azure clouds upon her head, horn, and back. The gray eyes beheld the entirety of Ponyville before her with calm placidity. The filly barely reaching the first unicorn’s beach ball cutie mark in height pranced in time with her elder herd members. This tiny unicorn had a mass of jagged and messy purple hair for her mane and tail. She was far too young to have her own cutie mark, but her blue eyes had three tiny blue stars around them. The green unicorn mare on the first’s other side had short pink hair styled in a bowl cut. Her tail was very average in style, and not cloudy like the first or messy liked the filly’s tail. But she also had grey eyes that held a placid gaze. Her single butterfly cutie mark was orange and pink with tiny purple accents.
The small unicorn herd walked about calmly. If someone had done a second glance, they would have noticed a twinge of worry in their eyes. But, the ponies of Ponyville were busily doing their daily duties to take a second glance at the traveling herd. The trio walked past a small boutique. They were almost past it when Rarity came forward from the inner sanctum of the boutique. When Rarity spotted the trio she gasped.
“Oh, no no no! This won’t do! This won’t do at all!” she exclaimed as she ran to stand before the trio. The trio in turn looked upon Rarity with confusion.
“This style….something must be done about it!” she exclaimed again as she looked over their hairstyles, the neck bracers of the filly and green mare, and the white mare’s heart necklace.
The three groaned as she cantered about them in an attempt to herd them into the boutique. Rarity looked them over more carefully as she corralled them. The cloud-like hairstyle, heart pendant, and red lily in her hair was not chic. The green mare felt the same stare as rarity cringed at her tight curls in a bowl cut, basic tail style, golden neck bracer, and couldn’t help but scoff at the blue lily she had in her hair. The young filly ducked under her elders at the sound of Rarity’s screech at the sight of her messy long mane and tail. Her own golden neck bracer receiving the same cringe as the green mare’s bracer did.
“My word! Where did you girls come from?!” she exclaimed in her continued hysterics.
The lead unicorn cleared her throat as she came to a halt. Her two companions stood fast with her as she explained,” I am called Snowbreeze. To my left is Springflower, and on my right is Sparkleshine. We are traveling from-“
Rarity too stopped as she replied before Snowbreeze could finish,” Oh, traveling! That explains these outrageous styles. You must have been disheveled while traveling.”
“No, young mare, this is the way we always look. This the way of all ponies in Braying Cliffs,” Springflower tried to explain to rarity before she tried again to corral them.
“Braying Cliffs? Where in Equestria is that?” Rarity asked with newfound puzzlement upon her face.
“Far away, thankfully,” Springflower said with minor sarcasm hidden in her soft voice.
“With these style choices, I agree,” rarity replied offhandedly. Springflower pursed her lips and squinted heavily at her.
Rarity then noticed they were all slightly irate, even the very young filly. She gasped and said,” Oh my! You actually like these styles?! Oh, pardon me! I have egg on my face. You really like this style?”
“…I think we will be going now,” Snowbreeze replied as she and her companions began to walk away.
“Wait! I have offended you, and your new here. Allow me to make it up to you by showing you around,” Rarity said as she trotted beside them.
“I’m sure we can manage,” Snowbreeze said rather coldly as the trio continued to leave.
By this time, twilight and Spike were walking by the group. Overhearing the commotion, Twilight stops and asks,” Um, what’s going on?”
“Twilight, thank goodness! These three are from Braying Cliffs and-,“ Rarity said as she ran up to greet her friend. She was shortly interrupted by Spike.
The young dragon exclaimed,” Braying Cliffs?!”
Twilight stamped her hind hoof on his head and looked to the confused Rarity. She then went up to the now stopped Snowbreeze and said,” Hi, I am Twilight Sparkle. What brings you to Ponyville?”
Snowbreeze smiled in relief at the polite introduction. She calmly explained,” I am Snowbreeze. This is Springflower and Sparkleshine. We are looking for…a certain friend.”
Twilight took this in and masked a suspicious look as she replied,” Eh heh, nice to meet you. Not many ponies from Braying Cliffs come here. What does she look like?”
“Best way to describe her would be….big, white, purple eyes, some orange freckles, purple hair with blue streaks, and very pretty. Strange…how did you guess it was a mare? It could have easily been a colt,” Snowbreeze responded watching twilight carefully with her placid gray eyes. Twilight felt as if those eyes were almost discretely probing her for information or weakness.
“Oh, um….lucky guess?” she managed to slink out. Snowbreeze’s gaze was off putting her too much to say much more.
Seemingly satisfied with this answer Snowbreeze lifted her gaze as she replied,” Mhhm. Will you keep me posted if you do see her?”
“Oh? Oh, sure I will!” Twilight answered with a spontaneous stroke of excitement.
“Twi…” Spike whispered as her heard what she said. Twilight shot him a stern look as Sparkle shine came forward.
The young filly nuzzled her foreleg as she spoke in a soft in a spirited,” Thank you. I miss her sooooo much.”
With that said, the unicorn trio said their farewells and went on their way. Rarity looked to Twilight and at the departing trio with puzzlement for a few moments. The beautiful unicorn mare did not understand what had just happened. Those three had blown her off over a few small comments and treated Twilight like she was one of them!
“Hm! What’s with them! On that matter, all this business about braying Cliffs?”
Twilight sighed with her ears down and whispered to Rarity,” Braying Cliffs is the only place in all of Equestria that all ponies don’t live in harmony. The unicorns and earth ponies live in the valley, while the pegasi live along the cliff face and surrounding cloud banks. It’s a really risky place, and it makes ponies from their…well…different.”
“I’ll say. Incapable to live in harmony or not, their fashion and manners shouldn’t suffer,” rarity scoffed.
“That’s not the worst of it. Have you seen any new ponies besides them? Maybe even a pegasus type?” Twilight continued.
“Not really…Why? You think their friend is a pegasus? I thought you just said Braying Cliffs ponies disliked each other. What is going on Twilight?” rarity replied even more confused than she was to begin with.
“I’m not sure. This morning I received a letter about being careful because a pony from the pegasus district of Braying Cliffs was reportedly near Ponyville, and the princess was after her,” twilight explained in a quieter tone.
“The princess!” Rarity gasped loudly.
“Shh! Let me explain. A pony from Braying Cliffs stole something and is supposed to be in Ponyville. Now, a bunch of ponies from Braying Cliffs appear in search of their “missing friend”. It seems like something is up,” Twilight continued in her quieter tone.
“I’ll say! What are we to do about it?” Rarity asked.
“The princess only said to be careful and a brigade is coming from Canterlot. I think she wants us to be vigilant, but not to panic. It might spook the fugitive off before the brigade can get her,” Twilight replied.
“I see…” rarity said thoughtfully as she mulled over all she had heard.
The two continued to whisper to themselves. They kept this up until evening set in. Still without an idea, Rarity and Twilight agreed to meet first thing in the morning to brainstorm with the others on how to help catch this pony at large. Unbeknownst to Twilight, she was being followed on her way back home. Spike ran ahead long before twilight left Rarity’s home. This left her all alone when she stopped in her tacks. She seriously thought a living part of winter stood before as the setting sun reflected off of Snowbreeze’s coat. The white unicorn approached Twilight calmly.
“Twilight Sparkle, will you do me the favor of accompanying me? I believe we have very similar…interests,” Snowbreeze said in an absolutely proper voice.
Twilight was taken aback by this statement. She even took a step backwards as Snowbreeze made her slow way towards her. The white mare giggled softly and she bopped Twilight’s nose with her own chin. Twilight hopped back and lowered offensively.
“Haha! Now. Now. Just come with me,” Snowbreeze said normally before she whispered,” Don’t you want to find the mare criminal?”
“You know-“ Twilight said before Snowbreeze raised a hoof swiftly.
“Not here. Come with me. I know where she is…for now,” Snowbreeze said as she trotted off for the Ponyville park. Twilight galloped after her in shock of this turn of events.
The two unicorns entered the park as night had taken its hold. Twilight stood close to Snowbreeze, nervous of meeting this Braying Cliffs criminal. Snowbreeze stopped at an especially dark outcropping of trees. As Twilight got closer, she caught the shine of silver bracers on forelegs. Very…large….forelegs. This pony was easily the size of Princess Luna, if not a little bigger. The snow white forelegs of this bigger pony were accompanied by what sounded of fluttering wings settling. Twilight could only begin to barely make out the outline of a pegasus with piercing cold purple eyes. In fact, the shroud over her head and most of her body made her eyes the only visible facial feature of this pegasus. Before Twilight could utter a word the pegasus pony spoke with a voice as cold as her eyes.
“Who is this, Snowbreeze. More importantly, why is she here?” the cold and cynical voice asked.
Snowbreeze held a placid gaze warmed by caring undertones as she answered calmly,” This is Twilight Sparkle. I have reason to believe she knew of your coming. I thought I would bring her to you before she did something foolish.”
Twilight shot an angry look at Snowbreeze. It was met with a considerate smile before Snowbreeze turned back to her friend. The pegasus was staring right at Twilight. It felt like she was freezing from the inside out as her purple probing eyes seemed to try delving into Twilight’s very soul. The pegasus sighed, dropped her gaze, and then returned it on Twilight with less intensity.
“I am called Flurryshine of Braying Cliffs. I recently left that place for here,” she said to Twilight.
“You mean you are on the run to here after stealing from the pegasus district of Braying Cliffs. I bet those bracers are what you stole. Are they?” Twilight responded.
Twilight felt a chill run down her spine at the cynical mirth in Flurryshine’s laughter. Flurryshine ended her laughter abruptly to glare at Twilight. It was like an arrow was shot through Twilight’s chest. The hate, anguish, abuse, and downright shattered hope were burning in Flurryshine’s eyes.
Flurryshine continued with a voice filled with growing spite with each word as she said,” Stole something? The only thing I stole was I. I escaped them and they said I stole from them to make the princess do what they can’t. They want me. I am a disgrace! Do you know what it’s like to have a dead mother and a father who is shamed by your very appearance? You don’t. No pony knows the feeling of bringing dishonor upon their family by showing their true self. I am better off here than caged there. That place only looks at me with disgust. Maybe father will no longer be shamed if I stay gone. I bet you never felt your family was better off without you, stupid horned ground dweller!”
Twilight didn’t know what to say. She looked to Snowbreeze, who only held a caring gaze to Flurryshine. The smile was now tinged with sympathy as she watched Flurryshine shift in her hiding place. Twilight looked back at Flurryshine. The pegasus held a contempt gaze on Twilight. She hadn’t been really specific, but Twilight could tell she was damaged by whatever happened to her in Braying Cliffs. Twilight was almost too afraid to speak, in fear she might lash out some of her pent up fury on Twilight.
“As for these bracers upon all my legs and around my neck, they were my mother’s before they were mine. So, no, I did not steal them. They were left to me when she died,” Flurryshine said as she closed her eyes and sighed. A strand of purple and blue hair slipped into the moonlight as it fell across her guised muzzle.
The eye contact broken, Twilight mustered her courage to speak. She began shakyily and grew stronger in voice as she said,” If it’s really all a lie, and your innocent, why not turn yourself in? You could explain to the princess what has happened. I’m sure Princess Celest-“
“Those blasted princesses know about the animosity in Braying Cliffs and done very little to stop it. They will do nothing for me! Rest assured, Twilight Sparkle, when my power grows stronger and my followers have also grown in strength I give Braying Cliffs their just desserts. The sins of those that foster the cruel and ugly status quo will be punished for their actions. I will silence the wolves that have harmed me, that way no other pony will have to feel the pain I have felt!” Flurryshine hissed with spite and seething hate in her voice.
“But, hate does not beget hate. They were horrible to you, but…doing the same to them will solve nothing,” Twilight tried to explain.
“It solves everything. I know a way to punish them, a way to punish Braying Cliffs in a way that does not harm the innocent, those loathsome excuses of ponies deserve worse, but harming the innocent defeats the purpose of me wiping away those in Braying Cliffs that would harm them. Rest assured, Twilight Sparkle, take a message to whoever you know that is coming for me. Braying Cliffs will be wiped clean with the same cold nature they have acted as for so long,” Flurryshine proclaimed and a crashing of wings against branches erupted. Twilight took a step back as the larger pony spread her wings and jumped a good six feet into the air. Her massive wings began beating immediately as Flurryshine snorted her fury. The pegasus whinnied louder, and a normal sized pegasus appeared. This pegasus pony was pink with soft lavender hair. Flurryshine and her smaller pegasus companion ascended higher into the air and took off far into the night sky.
“That was Periwinkleflight. She is the last member of our group. I am sorry for Flurryshine’s spite. She is usually a calm and collected leader, but as of a year ago….Well, let’s say she has a lot of scars on her heart that are still very sensitive,” Snowbreeze explained as she turned to leave.
“Your group?” Twilight responded.
“Yes. Sparkleshine, Flurryshine, Periwinkleflight, Springflower, and I are a group that does not want to hate each other because that is the way of Braying Cliffs’ society. We left to grow stronger without having to see Flurryshine tormented. We hope…to make Braying Cliffs a better place,” Snowbreeze explained.
“Why was Flurryshine the only one tormented if you’re a group?” Twilight asked.
“They knew we were childhood friends. But, when they found out about Flurryshine’s connection to us all and her plans, she ended up taking the fall and the full punishment for going against society. She was treated no better than to caged monster…it…was horrible. It’s hard to know Flurryshine went through so much and none of us could help her. So, when she escaped Braying Cliffs, we all slipped away in the confusion too,” Snowbreeze replied and then ran off into the night.
Twilight was at a loss. Was a place that horrible really in Equestria? She thought the cruelties she had read about Braying Cliffs were in the past, stopped by Princess Celestia’s own decree. Yet, here she was. She had just spoken to a pony that had experienced who knows what kind of torment for over a year atleast. This was downright horrible! It filled Twilight Sparkle with new resolve. She was no longer going to us tomorrow to plan how to help catch her. She was going to devise a way to get Princess Celestia to put Braying Cliffs in its place!