Apple Eyes

by Toxic Lullaby

Chapter 3

I hung my head in dismay as Granny protested being taken to the doctor. I could tell she wanted to kick hard and break free, but he was too strong, and she was much too weak.

"I ain't sick!" She said through her hacking. Big Mac held her tighter

"Now, Granny," Big Mac said, "You're going to get checked out and that's final."

We continued on our way to Ponyville Hospital. I sat with Big Mac as Granny was taken into a room after a brief wait and discussion between him and the doctor. I couldn't help but to break down as the doctor left with her.

"Now, Apple Jack,", Big Mac comforted, "I know you're scared, but we have to think positive thoughts. Granny has led a long and happy life, and if it's her time to go, we have to accept that."

I shook with animosity. "SHE'S ISN'T DEAD YET!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My brother looked at me in shock. "FOR ALL WE KNOW, SHE COULD BE FINE!!" Before he could say another word, I galloped home as fast as I could. Red-faced and tears pouring.

I went inside the house, and simply dropped to the floor. I knew in my heart that Big Mac could be right, but I just couldn't bear to imagine life without Granny Smith. I just stood there, not sure how to react, or how to stop crying. I had to be strong for Apple Bloom. She can't come home and see her big sister bawling.

After an eternity, Big Mac finally came home. With Granny. I wiped my tears away and went to greet them

"GRANNY!!" I shouted with glee, "You're ok!!" I kissed her happily on the cheek.

Granny stared at me. "Who are you?" She asked