//------------------------------// // Chapter 27: Enter Plumeria // Story: Pokemon Ultra Cosmos // by FandomPlays1234 //------------------------------// "Yo step it off, enough with the beating up yo!" the female grunt exclaimed calling back her fainted Pokemon. "We may not be trying to take over the world or nothing, but we're still hard as bone out here!" said the male grunt. "Yeah, yeah whatever just get outta here before we beat you again," scoffed Felix crossing his arms. Felix and Starlight were on their way to the ruins of life in order to challenge the Grand Trial of Akala Island. But the two had been told that they were to go through Diglett's Tunnel in order to reach the ruins. Everything had gone smoothly until those Team Skull thugs showed up and interfered again. Luckily for the two, they weren't tough opponents and managed to scare them off easily. "Geez I can't tell whose worse, Supernova and Ultra Aether or those guys," said Starlight watching the two grunts run off. "In my opinion I think Ultra Aether is a lot worse," said Felix. "Yeah I suppose you're right, come on let's keep moving," said Starlight. Her Espeon jumped on her back as usual and the two walked out of Diglett's Tunnel as they continued to make their way to the ruins of life. Along the way the two took a pit stop at the Pokemon Center in Koni Koni City to heal up their Pokemon and buy items. Once they were done the two quickly battled trainers in the cemetery while dodging wild Pokemon. They eventually came across two figures standing along an elevated piece of land. Both were obviously from Aether due to their clothing. "Wonder what's going on here," said Felix. "Let's check it out," suggested Starlight. The two slowly approached the two trainers so they could hear what they were saying. "Team Skull, give back that Pokemon!" ordered a female voice. Starlight and Felix looked over to see a small pink Pokemon that seemed to resemble a hippo. "Don't give me trouble, I'll reduce you to rubble!" said Grunt A. "That's right, we're gonna sell this Pokemon to get rich, and we won't make no bones about it!" said Grunt B. "If you want it back, you're gonna have to take it!" "Stand firm, think of what the president would say!" a male voice ordered towards the female. "That's what you would say chief but you don't lift a finger," complained the female. "Why, I am the Aether Foundation's last line of defense, what would become of the foundation if something were to happen to me now?" asked the man. "Ahem excuse us but why don't you leave these two to us," said Felix stepping forward. The four turned to face Felix and Starlight. Starlight's eyes widened when she saw who the man was. "Psst Felix, that guy, I know him, he's Faba of the Aether Foundation," Starlight whispered. "Faba huh, well then allow me to show these two not to mess with Aether," Felix said confidently. "Ah, a promising young trainer, very well then go on," said Faba moving out of the way. Felix and Starlight stepped up to face the two grunts. "You ready, cuz I was born ready yo!" said Grunt A. Of course both Felix and Starlight had no trouble defeating both grunts and the battles were over before they knew it. "Yo, yo, you..... you're no joke," said the grunt calling back his Raticate. "Hmm, that's what happens when you mess with us," Starlight said boldly. "That loss was pathetic, your moves were so kinetic!" said Grunt A. "We don't need this Pokemon anyway, take it then, good luck and good riddance!" said Grunt B. With that the two grunts left the Pokemon and ran off in the direction towards the cemetery. The female employee wiped away a bead of sweat as she walked over to the Pokemon. "Thanks you two," said the employee. "Yes indeed you are a trial-goer aren't you, you're a splendid trainer, especially that pony of yours," said Faba. "It was nothing, we're only doing what's right for Pokemon," said Felix. "I am deeply impressed, I'd like to reward you by showing you something truly outstanding," said Faba. "Let me guess, The Aether Foundation right?" asked Felix. "My, my you knew about our president's wondrous creation did you, well how about it?" asked Faba. Felix was about to answer when Starlight nudged him. He looked over to her and saw that she looked uneasy about something, she shook her head as if she was telling him to reject Faba's offer. "Uh sorry sir, I bet The Aether Foundation is a beautiful place, but I would rather finish my trials first," said Felix. "I see well then, maybe some other time," said Faba. "Come along, let's get that Slowpoke to paradise," said Faba.The employee nodded as she slowly picked up the Pokemon. "I hope you can come visit us sometimes, and good luck on your island challenge," the employee giggled as she ran off after Faba. "Well that's that, let's keep going," said Felix. Starlight nodded as the two continued. After battling two more trainers and avoiding more Pokemon, the two finally reached the hill leading to the ruins of life. "Here we are," said Felix. "You ready for this?' asked Starlight. "Definitely," said Felix. "So you're the one Gladion was talking about?" a voice asked. Felix and Starlight turned around to see a woman who seemed like she was either 19 or 20 standing behind them. "Hmph you don't look like anything special to me," said the woman. She was wearing black pants and tank top with a pink Team Skull logo tattooed on her belly. She had two streams of pink and yellow hair dropping on both sides of her head and her yellow eyes glared at the two. "Um sorry who are you?" asked Starlight. "I'm Plumeria, I help keep Team Skull together, I'm like a big sister to all these numskulls," said the woman. "You have realized what idiots all these guys are, right?" "Who can't tell?" asked Felix. "Hmph so you DO know, well let me ask you, don't you think some dummies are cute in their dumbness?" asked Plumeria. "Not really," answered Starlight. "Hmph, I don't expect a trial-goer and his pony to understand, either way, you picking on my cute, dumb brothers and sisters is really annoying me," said Plumeria drawing her Pokeball. "Oh you wanna go do you," said Felix. But before he could draw his own Pokeball, Starlight stopped him. "Wha... Starlight what are you doing?" asked Felix. "Oh not much, but the fact that she thinks insulting me because I'm a pony is good taste, isn't going to be something I can let go," said Starlight with fire in her eyes. "Let me handle this," "Oh uh ok then," said Felix stepping back. He had never seen her like this so he decided it was best to stay out of it in case she got anymore pissed than she already was. "Hmph, sending your pony friend to fight, well it doesn't matter, it won't take long to crush her," said Plumeria throwing her Pokeball. The ball popped open as a large blue bat emerged. It had small stubby legs but with a big gaping mouth with four small fangs protruding from it's mouth. It's two eyes glared at Starlight. "What is that?" asked Starlight. Rotom quickly jumped out of Felix's bag and scanned the Pokemon for Starlight. "Golbat, Bat Pokemon and the evolved form of Zubat, Golbat loves to drink blood of living things. It is particularly active in the pitch black of night. This Pokemon flies around in the night sky, seeking fresh blood," stated Rotom. "Hmph, it's a poison type isn't it, then Espeon I'll leave this to you," said Starlight Espeon jumped off of Starlight's back and hissed at the Golbat. "Hmph don't count on it, Confuse Ray," Plumeria ordered. Golbat hissed as a ghostly ray suddenly surrounded Espeon causing it to become dizzy within moments. "Espeon Psybeam!" Starlight ordered. Espeon blinked once and shook itself trying to process it's orders. It growled at Golbat as a pink beam shot out from the red orb hitting Golbat in the face. However it shook off the attack like it was nothing. Starlight clenched her teeth in frustration. "Golbat Wing Attack," Plumeria ordered. Golbat flew up and swooped down on Espeon with it's glowing wings and struck it in the chest knocking it back several feet. "Espeon are you ok!?" Starlight called out to her Pokemon. Espeon looked back and nodded. "Great then Psybeam one more time," Starlight ordered. This time Espeon shook itself out of confusion and growled at Golbat as the same pink beam shot out and hit the Golbat knocking it down. "Heh gotcha," said Starlight. Plumeria called back her Pokemon as she pulled out her second Pokeball. "Hmph not bad for a pony, but let's see if you can handle this," said Plumeria throwing her second ball. It popped open as a small lizard emerged. The lizard had a grey body with black hands and feet and black head. It's purple eyes stared at her with a smug look. "That's..." Starlight hesitated. "Salandit, Toxic Lizard Pokemon, Poison Fire Type, it burns it's bodily fluid to create a poisonous gas. When enemies become disoriented from inhaling the gas, it attacks them," Rotom states. "Another Poison Type, well then we're staying in," said Starlight. "Not for long, Flame Burst," Plumeria ordered. Salandit hissed as it spat a ball of fire at Espeon causing it to bounce off and fly into many different directions. "Psybeam!" Starlight ordered. Espeon growled as the pink beam shot out of it's red orb and struck the Salandit. Salandit hissed as it collapsed on the ground unable to battle. "Alright I did it!" Starlight cheered. "Phooey," scoffed Plumeria calling back her Pokemon. "Can't talk trash now can you?" smirked Starlight. "Hmph, you're pretty strong for a pony, I'll give you that, but mess with anyone in Team Skull again, and I'll show you both how serious I can get," growled Plumeria. Frustrated, Plumeria turns around and walks off in anger. "Well done my student," said Felix patting her on the back. "It's all thanks to you," said Starlight. Her Espeon cooing in agreement. "Well we better move on, I want to finish up my trial and move on to the next island," said Felix. Starlight nodded as the two began walking uphill towards the ruins.