//------------------------------// // Tucker and Rainbow Dash // Story: From Ooo to Equestria // by B_Bubble132 //------------------------------// “Well, we’re he-ere!” Pinkie said sing-songy tone. She was going to step on the cloud, when I remembered “PINKIE!! ONLY PEGASI CAN WALK ON CL-“ but I was interrupted as Pinkie Pie stepped on the cloud, and didn’t fall through. “Wha?” Caboose then followed, and also didn’t fall through. “what the…how the?” “oh, I forgot to mention, Twilight, my friend, cast a spell on us so that we can walk on clouds! She did it while I was getting the balloon.” I stammered “but…but you were only gone for a few seconds.” “I was?” she giggled “it felt like ten minutes!” “but…ah, whatever.” I sighed. “OH DAAAAASHIIIIE!!” Pinkie called up to ‘Dashie’s’ window. She walked downstairs to her door and said, “yeah Pinkie? Whatch’a need?” “Well, me and Boosey found this alicorn in-“ “wait, back up. Alicorn?” “yeah, she’s right here!” “I stepped out from behind Pinkie, and Dashie gasped “wow, another alicorn other than Luna and Celestia. Hey, she doesn’t have her cutie mark, just like Tucker.” “well, anyways, we found her-what’s your name?” “Sama” “-Sama, laying at the edge of the Everfree Forest, so we brought her to Sugarcube Corner, then she woke up, she acted weird when she met Boosey, then we went outside, then I noticed she didn’t have her cutie mark, then I noticed she was an alicorn, then she tried out her wings, and she landed on the ground, hard, and she said ‘ow’ then Boosey asked if she was okay, she said yeah, then he helped her up, and she spaced out, the she went ‘Blbbffft’ and she shook her head, like this” Pinkie stopped talking for a minute and shook her head back and forth really fast, and then continued “then she was normal, then she did magic, and levitated, like, 20 pebbles, then she dropped them, then she fell on her knees, then Caboose acted all scared and ran over to help her up, then she said she was fine, then he was fine too, then we told her that she should meet his and my friends, then I got the balloon and Twi cast the cloud walk spell on me and Boosey, then we came here.” “Oh, m’kay.” Dashie said. “So, how good are you at flying?” “well, before I came here, I was pretty good, could fly about 10ft in the air, but now I have these wings, so I can only go about a foot so far. Guess I need to practice with these.” And I stretched out my new wings. “Oh. Well, I’m Rainbow Dash, the only pony to ever perform a Sonic Rainboom, twice! And I’m gonna do it a third time at the royal wedding coming up. Twi’s bro is gonna marry some alicorn princess, I think her name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or something” “that name sounds REALLY stuck up. Oh, and I forgot to ask, what’s the big deal about Alicorns? There have to be more than 3, plus me.” “Nope, you’re only one of the, four now, in Equestria” Rainbow Dash said to me. “Really? That’s…AWESOME!” I said happily. I was jumping around on the cloud, when I remembered, “hey, when are we gonna meet this Tucker dude?” “Oh, he’s still asleep upstairs. I’ll wake him up. I’d cover my ears if I was you” Dash said. Me, Pinkie, and Caboose put our hooves over our ears, and from what I could tell, Dash said “TUCKER!! WAKE UP! CABOOSE AND PINKIE ARE HERE! You can uncover you’re ears now.” She said. A noise came from upstairs. I guessed it was Tucker falling off the bed, because a loud “OW!” followed the noise. “Rainbow! What the heck! I was having the best dream about-well, you don’t wanna know. Bow chicka bow wow!” he said from upstairs. “Oh, shut up Tucker, and get down here! Pinkie and Caboose met a new pony, and they want her to meet you!” “why me?” Tucker whined. I already didn’t like him that much. “because they already met me!” Rainbow replied. “alright, I’m coming.” I heard foo-I mean, hoofsteps, getting louder, as he walked down stairs. Tucker opened the door. “Where’s the new pony?” “I’m right here” I said, moving to stand in front of him. “Bow chicka bow wow”. I heard him mutter it under his breath. “Wow, she looks like that pony-“ “Celestia” Rainbow corrected him. I hate when peeps do that to me. “Celestia” Tucker said, obviously annoyed. “That turned me into a pony. You two related?” “Uh, no” I said. “Hey, you don’t have a mark yet.” “I noticed” I said back to him. Again, not really liking this dude. “Why does it matter if I have one?” “Why does it matter? Why, does it matter?!” rainbow exclaimed. “A cutie mark lets other ponies identify your special talent. No cutie mark, no special talent.” I asked “well, I love singing, and I’m pretty good at it, could that be it?” “Maybe, Sama” RD replied. “You won’t know until you find what you’re best at. And don’t do it like the CCC do. They go around trying EVERYTHING to see if one is their special talent.” Then I started to feel tired. “I’m gonna head over to that cloud and take a nap. We can meet everyone else after I wake up.” Then I pointed to a cloud in the distance and flew over to it. “*yawn* this is SO soft. I could just…fall…asleep…*snore* *snore*” It felt like I was out for about an hour. “Wake up, sleepy head!” someone said. I opened my eyes, and saw Pinkie. “AAH!!” I screamed. “What, what?” she said. “Oh, sorry, you scared me” “oh, sorry! Hee hee!” “Wait a second, this cloud is only big enough for me. How are you on here?!” “I’m not silly! We’re in the balloon!” “You are?” “Yeah!” I looked over to see a big purple-ish pink balloon next to the cloud. “Oh, you are.” “well, we’re gonna head to Fluttershy’s house next! Hop in!” I got in the balloon, and we were on our way to the ground. When we landed, I said “I’ll fly there, but I won’t go fast. I like a nice, slow pace. Whether it’s flying or walking.” “okay Sa!” great, now she’s given me a nick name. Not that I mind. As long as Caboose uses it when he talks to me. “Come on, Sa!” Caboose yelled to me. They were already, like, 30 ft away. “Oh, coming!” I yelled back. Looks like we were gonna meet another 2 ponies.