Tabula Rasa

by Rose Quill

In A Dream

“I’m so confused,” Twilight said as she sipped her tea. “I mean, I never saw any signs.”

Sunset smiled at her, lowering her cup to the table and leaned forward.

“Twilight,” she spoke kindly. “Take it from me; you never see it coming. You think I really saw things with Fluttershy coming? Especially with the way I was being treated when I first came back?”

Twilight bit her lower lip. “That’s a good point,” she admitted. “But you and ‘Shy work so well together, though! How could I even begin to make her happy?”

“Luna?” Sunset shrugged. “I barely know her, honestly, so I can’t speak to that. But, from what you’re saying, sounds like she’s already pretty hung up on you.” She stood and walked over to the Alicorn, giving her a quick hug.

“My advice?” she whispered. “Talk to her and be honest. The worst that happens is you two stay friends. At best?” She winked. “Trust me. It’s better to be up front in things like this. Trust your heart.”

Twilight sat staring at her cup long after Sunset left, twisting the porcelain bowl back and forth as she wrestled with her thoughts.

Sleep did not come easily that night. Part of it was how much was on her mind, and part was just the fact that sleep might involve meeting with Luna before she was ready. What should she say? How should she phrase any of it?

Twilight rolled over, her wings twitching in nervous little motions. She hasn’t even solidified her thoughts about the incident in Serene’s dreams. In retrospect, it had been foolhardy. But it had seemed to help the Pegasus move on from her trauma, so she was willing to chalk it up as a win.

But things with Luna were so much more complex. She liked the Lunar Princess, and had been glad to help her reacclimatize to life in modern Equestria or to defeat the Tantabus. But did she only feel the same fondness as she did with her other friends?

With a growl of annoyance, she grabbed her pillow and covered her head with it. She could feel fatigue at the edge of her awareness, but she couldn’t stop her mind.

Trust your heart… Sunset’s voice echoed briefly in her head.

She glowered at the window as a shaft of moonlight filtered in between the curtains.

“You don’t have any idea of how difficult you’ve made this,” she muttered as she climbed out of bed and wandered to the kitchen.

“I can’t be worthy of one of the Diarchs," she muttered. “I’m just a regular pony. Well, not so regular, but…” she shook her head and fluffed her wings. “I’m not sure what I’m thinking. Why should this bother me?”

She pulled out a cup and settled a pot of water onto the stove, her thoughts flying back to the attack in the Dreamscape. She had initially decided that the increased power she had used was to counteract part of the Command being sent by Fluttershy, but in the cool night of the waking world, she couldn’t leave it at that. Luna had been wounded and she had lashed out in anger and fear for her fellow princess.

As the water came to a boil, she set the pot to the side and spooned some tea into it, letting it steep. She’d have done the same for any of her friends, right? Of course she would. And had done in the fight against Tirek.

She poured a cup of the tea, inhaling the aroma of the herbal blend and feeling some of her tension ease slightly. She sipped it as she considered that last point. She had become friends with each of the girls without hesitation, just as she had befriended Luna shortly after her redemption. She had never once had moment of seeing her as more than just another pony, as she did with her sister, Celestia.

She blushed a little as she admitted that Luna did hold a somewhat humble beauty, something that Rarity attempted through effort. And the thought lingered, strangely tantalizing in her mind’s eye.

She sighed before taking a sip of her tea. She knew the answer to her quandary, but she had difficulty in admitting it for some reason. She took another sip and made her way to her library, settling onto a couch when she arrived.

Twilight looked around, confused. The clearing, ringed by tall oaks, felt warm and was filled with flowers of all colors. Hadn’t she just been in her library?

“You drifted off while contemplating deep thoughts,” a voice said on the wind. She turned around and saw Luna slowly walking out of the strand of trees. Her head was lowered slightly, not quite looking at Twilight but not turning away, either. “You were heading for ill rest, and after your recent ordeal, you repose should be as restful as possible.”

“Well, you haven’t made it easy,” Twilight sighed. “Especially after that confession of yours in the hospital.”

“I apologize if I have caused you discomfort…” Luna began.

Twilight walked up and shook her head. “No,” she whispered. “It was needed. I tend to avoid thinking about things like this. Feelings are too ephemeral, too random. I like facts, scientific and replicable. You surely heard of the incident when I thought I was going to be tardy writing Celestia a friendship report. I have a tendency to overthink things sometimes.”

Luna turned to look the lavender pony in the eye. “Sometimes?” she queried. “The issue your student solved between my sister and I wouldn’t be accounted among them, would they?”

Twilght blushed. “Well, I did say sometimes,” she hedged. “But I can’t think of a reason to admit anything to you. Nor can I find a reason to deny anything, either.”

“That does not leave many avenues of resolution.” The Lunar Diarch tilted her head back slightly. “Have you determined how to continue forward?”

“I can't deny that there is attraction there, Luna,” Twilight sighed. “It would be stupid to deny that or to pretend that it isn’t there. What I’m worried about is that I was just a common pony before I completed that spell. I’m not descended from some royal line or even any of the High Nobility. I might not be worthy of you in the eyes of other ponies.”

Luna giggled, then laughed fully.

“I’m being serious!” Twilight fumed.

“Of that, I have no doubt,” Luna spoke between giggles. “But the important opinions you should be concerned about is yours and mine.”

She slid a wing over the younger pony’s back and a cloud shone white, images appearing within.

“On a Nightmare Night some years ago, you not only helped me in many ways, but you helped other ponies see me for who I am, not who I was.”

The events of that night played on the cloud’s surface swiftly.

“Again and again, you have proved your worth as both a Princess and as a worthy bearer of the Elements of Magic," she said. “And you know my stance on the issue.”

Twilight blushed. “I do,” she whispered.

“Yet you remain unsure,” Luna stated.

“This is all new to me,” the Princess of Friendship admitted. “I’m not sure what to do with any of this.”

Luna stepped closer, reaching out slowly and rubbing her cheek against the lavender hair of her coat.

“Nopony does, Twilight Sparkle,” came the whispered words. “All one can do is the best they can as things go along.”

Twilight breathed a small sigh of relief. “At least the expectations aren’t too strict,” she breathed as she returned the small nuzzle.

“Day by day,” Luna said. “That is how things proceed.”

“Don’t you mean night by night?” Twilight asked, a small smile twitching on her lips.

The midnight Alicorn flicked a wingtip across the other mare’s nose.

“You know what I mean.”

Twilight awoke, the sun shining brightly and birdsong filtering through a window Spike was sliding open.

“Morning, Twilight,” he said. “Fall asleep reading again?”

The Alicorn smiled. “No, just thinking,” she said, stretching slightly.

“Anything shake loose?” the dragonling asked as he picked up the empty teacup.

“Yeah,” his ersatz sister replied, smiling deeply. “And I think that was the best sleep I’ve had in a while.”