//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Apple Eyes // by Toxic Lullaby //------------------------------// It was a happy, especially sunny, day at Sweet Apple Acres. Our whole family was busy working in the apple farm. I was harvesting the ripe fruits from the trees, Big Mac was stomping the less-than-perfect ones to make apple sauce, and Granny Smith was baking the others into a delicious apple pie. Apple bloom was off playing with her friends. Granny Smith had always been, well, a bit of a space-cadet kind of mare, but lately, she's been much more distant...and forgetful. I breathed in, and noticed an over-powering scent of burning apples. There was no way Granny Smith would ever burn a pie! I trotted quickly inside to check on her. She was asleep in her chair, and the pie was on fire. "Granny!!" I shouted as I tried to put out the fire. Luckily, the flames were small and still under control. "Wake up! The pie is burnt!!" Granny awakened somewhat violently, "WHO-Who's there?!? What pie?!" She said, confused. I tried to calm her down, "It's Apple Jack, Granny.", I told her, "You were baking a pie and you fell asleep." She looked at me like I was crazy, like..she didn't even know me. I trotted back outside, baffled by her behavior. I went to talk to Big Mac. Maybe he'd noticed something different about Granny, too. "Big Mac, have you noticed anything strange about Granny lately?" I asked "Well, no, Apple Jack.", He said, "I can't say I have. Now I have to get back to work." "Oh..." I said, disappointed, "Ok, thanks." I hurried back to my work, when I saw Apple Bloom galloping towards me in the distance. She seemed excited, as usual. I didn't even notice that Granny had come outside