Impossible Numbers' Flashfic Anthology, Volume One

by Impossible Numbers

The Hall of Laughs

“I’d show Fluttershy,” said Discord, “but her interests lie elsewhere. No, Pinkie, I rather think you should learn my secret.”

The interdimensional door opened…

“My Hall of Laughs!” he said. “I harness every single laugh I create!”


Pinkie bounced among the shelves. Laughter echoed every time she touched the walls.

Only after several minutes did a dark thought creep into her mind.

“Waaaaaiiiiiiit… Why are you showing me this?” said Pinkie suspiciously.

Discord whispered in her ear. The words, though softly spoken, roared like thunder around her skull.


“The signs were obvious,” he said, shrugging. “One day, you’ll make a better Spirit of Chaos; you make other ponies laugh, not just yourself. This place won’t be able to hold the sheer power!”

The flattery rolled over Pinkie’s head. “But I’m just a pony!”

Discord grinned. “How do you think I got started… my little chaos apprentice?”