12 -Codename "The Eyebrows"

by General D

Eyebrows of Hope 1

"Sister I can't hold on-

"But you must Luna."

Luna's eyes twitched, and her lips wobbled. "I can still see it, Celestia, right there. Right there."

"In the corner of my eye? I'm afraid I can say the same for you too, Luna." Celestia frowned at Luna's twitchy eyes. "Come now sister, you're stronger than this."

"I'm sorry. " Luna blinked. "I'm sorry I can't."

When she opened her eyes, Celestia was gone. In her place stood a sneering pegasus statue. Luna couldn't help but sob, and with each sob she blinked, and the statue with a frozen head drew closer.

"Somepony, anypony please." Luna cried.

It was so close now.

"I'm the last one left."

She closed her eyes, as it touched her muzzle, and a single tear fell. "I'm sorry."

-For what? That went of perfectly! All thanks to yours truly of course."

Luna opened her eyes to stare into a pair of angry old ones. She took a step back even as the light blue pony that had spoken started to twist knobs, and pull levers on the strange machine infront of him.

"Don't touch the console by the way." He said offhandedly.

"I've gone mad." She exclaimed as she spun, and twisted her neck to look around. She was in a room filled with machines and blinking lights, and as her eyes fell on the elderly stallion fiddling with the machine in the center she couldn't help but ask, "Or is this where everypony who was touched by those statues ended up? If so then my sister, your Princess Celestia, where is she? Have you seen her?!"

The stallion glanced her way then went back to his machine. At this, she grew outraged.

"As your princess I demand you speak at once sir! What do you know of the strange statues that have been attacking Canterlot all day?" He stared at her, and she saw how old the stallion clearly was. Guilt filled her. "Forgive me. It is unbecoming to raise my voice against the elderly, but please tell me what you know. Many lives depend on it."

Then he flipped a switch. She stumbled as the metal ground shifted underneath her, and the wheezing of a broken machine filled her ears.

"Glad to know we're on the same page then." His rough voice stated. "T-minus six hours ago your capital lit up with a massive quantum anomaly. The kind that makes you wonder just what equestria's all powerful princesses are up to."

"Quantum anomaly?"

"Yes the 'universe goes boom' kind.'" He replied with a deadpan. The stallion strode around the console, and towards her. "So I make my way over but oh oh, looks like everybody's packed up and gone on vacation! And I couldn't just come back another time, nooo. See, bad thing about quantum anomalies: leave them alone for too long, and pop goes the universe! Good news: all you need to fix them is one pony at the eye of the storm. Fortunately, I managed to snag the only pony still in town."

Luna took a step back. "I don't understand."

"To quote a friend of mine who isn't yet a friend of mine, 'tell me what you know because many lives depend on it'. What exactly happened six hours ago?"

"I asked you first."

"Don't be like that-

"Answer all of mine then I'll answer yours." She stated firmly.

"Fine. What do I know? The creatures that attacked you are called weeping pegasi. Creatures of the abstract. They feed by sending unsuspecting prey like you backwards in time, and then feeding on the energy of the days you never lived."

"Abstract wha-? And that's what would have happened if you hadn't found me?"

"Yes. That about sums it up nicely, doesn't it."

"If what you're saying is true then where, and when am I? What about my sister, and the rest of our little ponies, where are they? In fact...," She spread her wings in aggression, "Who are you? How do I know you aren't in league with those fiends-

"Oh, just shut up."

She bristled. "Wha- how dare you?"

"Tut. Tut. Tut. No. Shut up. Listen. Can you hear that?"

"I can't hear a thing." She ground out.

"Too bad because that's the sound of time passing while your friends, and probably everyone you've ever cared about, die peacefully hundreds of years away." She glared into his furrowed brows, and bony face. "Now unless you want to keep arguing while they die very pleasant deaths- all things considered -I suggest you listen very closely because as the pony trying to fix everything I'm going to make things very simple for both of us."

The room shook.

"I'm the Doctor, and you're the local knowledge. Now come on. Also, don't turn your back. Don't look away, and don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you die, and personally, I wouldn't recommend it." The Doctor strode past Luna to open the way out. The overwhelmingly bright light made his black vest, and hourglass cutie mark stand out.

"...You didn't have to get angry about it." She trotted after him.

"I'm not angry. I'm Trottish."

"Either way. You want to know what happened this morning, but you've yet to explain everything to me. However, I do owe you my life. For that I greatly thank you, Doctor...?"

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know."

"Has anypony told you you're rude for age?"

He shrugged.

"I don't know you, but if you can help bring my sister back then we have an accord. And I'll start by telling you-

Together they walked into the light.

-of how the pegasi took canterlot."