//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 // Story: Swords and Magic // by Shadow Watcher //------------------------------// The grand city of Tarbalon. Capitol of the Lunar Confederacy. High Archmage Luna tossed the file on a stack resting on her desk with a frustrated sigh. A day and a half late. Even if they had been stuck in a sandstorm, which was a given for the Badlands, the Howzer was a capable vehicle. No, something else had happened to hinder them. Her sister would not have been so specific with anyone else. She wasn’t worried. Still...she couldn’t help but wonder... Knock Knock Knock. The door opened of its own accord, the guard stumbling in. “They’ve arrived, Archmage. Miss Twilight Sparkle hurried on ahead to meet with you personally. Should I send her in?” “But of course!” Luna said, a small smile tracing her face. “Come in, young Twilight, come in!” She urged, ushering the girl in. She took the dirt and grime that covered her. The maids would need to come clean afterwards. “I was beginning to worry!” Twilight sheepishly took the seat offered her as the guard saluted and retreated back out the door. The door clicked shut without anyone touching it. “My apologies, Archmage Luna. It is good to see you again.” “And you, Twilight Sparkle!” Luna said with a smile. Two pots, one a tea kettle and the other full of coffee, gently set down on the small table before Twilight, along with a bowl of sugar and a small pitcher of cream. “Please, help yourself. From the look of you, I’d say you certainly hit a delay! Sand storm was it? And where is this knight of yours? Rainbow Dash, was it?” “Well, that’s...” Twilight broke off as she poured herself some of the coffee, adding both cream and sugar, “She wanted to be here with me, to meet with you, but...well, it’s about our delay.” She took a breath. “A sandstorm hit, just as you said, but...” Luna listened as Twilight made her way through the ordeal, from the storm to the ruins, and what lay beneath them. When the girl had finished, Luna sank back into her seat. “And Rainbow is with this...boy? He only cried when she tried to leave him?” Twilight nodded. “Despite him seemingly fine in Fluttershy’s care?” Twilight nodded again. “Most curious. And most fortunate that you retrieved him first.” Twilight frowned. “Rainbow said much the same, but she couldn’t really explain why. She just mumbled something about...a voice. That only she could hear. Of course, I was skeptical of it first. Wondered if the tunnels were having some...hallucinogenic affects. But when she led us to that Door...and came back with Spike...” “You began seeing what really was.” Luna filled in for her. She leaned forward slightly. “There are...forces in this world, Twilight. Eldritch powers from days of old. Most of them are gone now, faded, but there are some that linger still. My sister and I, and up until a few years ago our brother as well, have walked this world for a long time. I can honestly tell you that whatever voice Rainbow heard, is no friend to Umbra.” “Technically, she heard two voices. The one she heard from not long after we fell down into the tunnels. The other she thought belonged to Spike’s mother, which was little more than a plea for protection.” Twilight explained. “It’s...strange, though. Rainbow...her rune...” “You found her rune on the Door.” Luna finished for her. “Not surprising.” Twilight blinked at her. “There are certain...things neither of you are ready for. For now, let it suffice that Rainbow, and you, are very, very special individuals. I know why you are here. I know what it is you seek. But I’m afraid I cannot simply tell you.” She held up a hand when Twilight opened her mouth. “Tarbalon is not secure. I have long held suspicion that the Children of Umbra have infiltrated the Confederacy. And I can currently do very little about it. But come! Let us go meet this...Spike was it?” ************ Spike sat in Rainbow Dash’s lap, sucking away at his fingers and giggling at Pinkie Pie’s antics to make him laugh. She cycled through several silly faces, changing her expression every time she passed her hand across her face. Rarity let out a sigh. “Well, at least he’s stopped crying now that he knows Rainbow isn’t leaving him. Still, that was quite startling.” “The poor dear, he was all alone for who knows how long, and now he’s become so attached to Rainbow. He was probably scared she was going to leave him too.” Fluttershy said, stroking Spike’s hair softly. “Technically, I was, just while I went with Twilight to meet with Luna.” Rainbow grumbled, ruffling Spike’s green hair. Applejack and Rarity chuckled, while Pinkie picked Spike up and spun him around. Fluttershy went off to the side, kneeling in a posture of prayer. Tarbalon truly was a beautiful city. Plants of all kinds lined the streets. Trees grew at set intervals, flowering vines crept up the walls or hung from the eaves. All of made the already grand architecture stand out that much more. Towering spires. Grand arches. A multitude of clock towers, each with a unique design and chimes that, when combined with the other clocks, merged into marvelous song. Rainbow glanced at the priestess. Rarity had said Fluttershy had something to do with the renewed greenery. Judging from the mixed looks the priestess got, she didn’t doubt it. Some looked at her with respect and admiration, others with slight disdain or mistrust. “I trust you aren’t here to cause mischief again? You caused quite the uproar last time.” Luna asked. Her voice was soft, yet firm. It also contained just a hint of mirth. Rainbow stared at the woman before her. Not quite as tall as Celestia, every bit as regal, Luna was dressed in a similar style dress and cloak, both a navy blue and covered with swirling silver stars and constellations. Her hair looked as the night sky and waved in the same ethereal wind. Rainbow felt her body stiffen, heart pounding. She held Spike just a tad tighter to her, surprised at feeling him just as rigid as she. A shadow fell over her before passing. Luna stood over her, yet not invading her space. Her eyes were soft, but there was a hardness deep within. A deep...sorrow?...and joy? She slowly sank to her knees until she was eye level with Spike, maintaining eye contact. “It is a pleasure to meet you, little one.” She lifted one hand and slowly brought it forward to stroke his cheek. After a moment, the boy relaxed, watching Luna closely as he went back to sucking his fingers. “Do you know him, Your Grace?” Rarity asked. “It would be more accurate to say I know of him.” Luna sighed. “This little one is one of the last surviving members of a once proud people.” Rainbow blinked. She had clearly heard Luna say that last part, but none of the others had. Luna smiled at something Pinkie said, laughing along with the others. ”You came here for answers, Rainbow Dash, and answers you will have. Know that I cannot tell you everything. Not yet. But I can give you something. Come to my chambers tonight, when the moon is high. Bring Twilight Sparkle with you.” Rainbow gave a barely perceptible nod. Luna’s smile seemed to falter slightly, before she recovered quickly. Rainbow laughed and fell in with the others as they went on their way. *********** Their hand tightened into a fist beneath their robe, a mask hiding the malice of their grimace. Of all things to fail at, it had to be this. The messenger fidgeted where he stood behind them. “What is Her will now? We failed to retrieve the...boy...” A distorted voice fell on his ears. “Silence, fool! There are ears all around, some ours, some of theirs! Speak not of such things lightly! Come!” The cultist scurried to follow after them. He was nervous. He had expected the contact to be another believer, like himself. Not...whoever this was. He couldn’t even tell if it was a man or woman. He shuddered as they passed through a doorway. He looked back only to see a veil of shadow shrouding the door. A rough hand pulled him along. “Do not linger in this place, lest Her Shadow enshrouds you forever. Come.” The voice hissed in his ear. He followed them down. The air was cold, musty, damp and dry at the same time. Things played at the edges of his vision. Thoughts of spiders and all other manner of creepers ran through his head. The draft that went down was like that of a grave. They came out into a circular room, thirteen cultists kneeling in a circle, all at the edge of a circle filled with a jagged pentagram. The masked one shoved him into the center, holding him there by his throat. “At last, my brethren, our ritual can be completed. As this one relinquishes his soul to our Mistress, let Her Shadow fill you!” A flash of silver. Crimson fell to the ground. The cultist staggered as he held a hand to his throat. He pulled it away, soaked with blood. His mouth opened as his eyes rolled back. He collapsed like someone cut the strings from a puppet. The circle blazed with a dark light. Distorted laughter filled their ears.