//------------------------------// // Substitute Trixie // Story: The Great and Powerful Substitute // by FluttersForeva //------------------------------// It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville, and it was time for school. Rarity kissed her little sister on the cheek and said goodbye. "Have a fabulous day at school, darling!" She smiled, standing by the entrance to the school. Sweetie Belle was in a good mood today, and couldn't wait to see what Miss Cheerilee had for them to learn today. Will it be Mathematics? Pony History? Science Experiments? Well whatever it was, Sweetie Belle knew it would be lot's of fun. Yet when she left her sister and trotted inside, their was no Miss Cheerilee to be seen. She took her seat next to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and was eager to ask them if they knew where their favourite teacher was. "Hey... where's Miss Cheerilee?" she asked, frowning at the sight of her empty teachers desk. Apple Bloom just shrugged. "I don't know, y'all don't think she's late or something?" Apple Bloom asked, looking around the room. This was highly unlikely because Cheerilee was never late. Suddenly Scootaloo chipped in. "Pfft, she'll be here soon, she won't let her students down." she said crossing her arms as if pleased with what she just said. It seemed that every filly in the school house were curious aswell, their was alot of chattering and whispering, until all of a sudden... BANG! Everyone practically jumped out of their seats, "What the hay just happened!?" Apple Bloom yelled, but before anyone could answer, smoke appeared at the front of the classroom, and a blue unicorn wearing a starry night wizard outfit appeared. "Good day class, your Great and Powerful Substitute has arrived!" Trixie announced, doing poses to show off. Every filly in the classroom just stared at Trixie like she had gone mad. Sweetie Belle then took a move and raised her hoof. "Yes kid?" Trixie asked, walking close to Sweetie Belle's desk, too close for her liking. "Um, well, where's Miss Cheerilee?" she asked, uncomfortable from how close Trixie was to her. Every filly in the class nodded, and Trixie trotted back to the teachers desk. "Miss Cheerilee has the flu and she's in Ponyville Hospital-" "Oh!" Apple Bloom said, interrupting Trixie. "Ah hope she's ok!" Trixie rolled her eyes at Apple Bloom and continued. "And she was unfortunately not able to come into school today to teach all of you. And so the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in and agreed to be your substitute!" Every filly in the class still looked confused. Especially Sweetie Belle. What will they learn from Trixie? "Well, Great and Powerful Trixie, what are you going to teach us?" Diamond Tiara asked, pretending to look like she didn't miss Cheerilee, even though she did. "Well, since I'm one of the most powerful unicorns in all of Equestria, I decided to teach you all magic." Trixie said, using her horn to create mini fireworks at the end of her sentence. "Um, but, what about all us earth ponies and pegasi... what will we learn? We have no horns." Pip asked, waving his hoof in the air. Trixie murmured to herself and used her magic to create an array of potions with a complicated looking synopsis. "Plan B." Trixie sighed, whilst handing out potions to each filly. "Um," Applebloom started, picking up her instructions that Trixie had just given her, "This looks kinda complicated." "Look kid, if you wanna learn a lot, you gotta do it the hard way." Trixie groaned. Diamond Tiara started to add nitrogen liquid into her potion, along with some chemicals. Silver Spoon did the same, but of course they were too focused on showing off to realise they weren't doing it correctly. Suddenly their potions started to flash and explode. They then found themselves covered in their potion. Every filly in the class laughed, yet Trixie started to get frustrated and trotted over to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "Did you even READ the instructions?" Trixie snapped, swiping the failed potions away from the girls. Diamond Tiara screamed at the burning of the liquid, and ran to the teachers desk and grabbed Trixie's bottle of water, then poured it all over her and Silver Spoon. Trixie scowled, and used her magic to make the rest of the potions disappear, in fear of another explosion. "I guess we'll have to move onto plan C," she sighed, flicking through her planner that she made appear with her magic. "Time to move onto the extreme measures." Hearing this, the three cutie mark crusaders all panicked, what was Trixie going to do now? "We are going to have a competition. Each one of you will take turns to try and avoid magical obstacles that I will make appear." Trixie smiled. "Miss Trixie!" Sweetie belle yelled, waving her hoof in the air, "What kind of obstacles, and what happens if we don't avoid them?" "The obstacles will involve, parkour, floor is lava challenges and so on so forth." she answered, opening the school house door, "We shall now proceed to the playground." Each filly nervously stepped outside, anxious about what was about to happen. Trixie beckoned them to line up, every flilly tried to get to the back of the queue, but Trixie eventually got annoyed, and decided to just pick who will go first herself. "You! You can go first." she said, pointing right at Scootaloo. Scootaloo apprehensively made her way to Trixie, her heart beating fast. "Um... so... what's first?" "Parkour!" "Parkour?!" Scootaloo backed off a bit, she had never done parkour before and planned to never try. But before she could refuse, Trixie used her magic to create a parkour course, including some quite difficult jumps here and there. She then created a timer and set it for three minutes. "Three... two... one... GO!" Trixie started the timer and Scootaloo hopped to the first pillar, making a swift landing. Trixie made notes on a parchment as Scootaloo kept going. Trying not to look down, Scootaloo sprung from the last pillar to a ladder, climbing up as fast as she could. Once she got to the top she really started to panic. There were some truly difficult jumps in which Scootaloo was unsure as to how she could do them. As some may know, Scootaloo dreams to be like her idol, Rainbow Dash, and she always takes life-threatening risks. Scootaloo however is a bit of a coward, and would only risk her life if she really needed to. Stupidly, Scootaloo peered down below her to see her friends cheering her on, and Trixie peering at her time which read two minutes. Scootaloo gasped at how high up she was, but she then realised she had to get moving, so she jumped. It was almost like slow motion. Scootaloo faintly heard someone yelling, "Noooo!" but she soon realised that it was herself. She looked as if she was going to fall, but surprisingly, she count onto the rope with her mouth, holding a tight grasp. She heard her friends below cheering as Scootaloo climbed up the ladder. Once she got to the top, she realised there was nothing across from her, she guessed that she had finished the course, but then she looked above her to see a flag in the air. "How do I get that one?" Scootaloo yelled. "Bye flying of course!" Trixie replied, "Thirty seconds!" "WHAT? But that's not fair, I can't fly!" Trixie facepalmed, "Of course you can fly, you're a Pegasus!" Scootaloo unfolded her wings, and flapped as hard as she could, only managed to lift from the ground a tiny bit, but then suddenly, her wings lost power and refolded themselves, and Scootaloo lost her balance and fell of from the ladder. Again, it seemed like this all went in slow motion, again, she heard herself yelling, "Nooooo!". Every filly gasped as Scootaloo fell and landed right infront of Trixie, and blacked out. -----------=+=----------- "Is she awake?" Applebloom asked. "Scooooootaloooooo..." Sweetie Belle sing songed, waving her hoof in Scootaloo's face. At last, what felt like years, Scootaloo awoke, only to find herself in a bed in Ponyville Hospital. "Ugh" Scootaloo moaned, feeling dizzy, "Where am I?" All the fillies were crowded around Scootaloo's hospital bed, and all their faces lit up when they saw she was OK, even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's. Scootaloo then saw Miss Cheerilee making her way over to the hospital bed along with Trixie. "I think Trixie has something to tell me." Miss Cheerilee said, looking through Trixie. Trixie coughed, then silently giggled to herself in a nervous manor. "Well?" she added, "Why is Scootaloo in hospital during school hours?" "I... um... I set a magical parkour course, to test how risky she is. And on the last part, all she had to do was fly to the top, but then she lost her balance and fell to the ground..." Trixie quietly said. "You made her FLY?! But didn't Scootaloo tell you that she's still taking flight lessons?" "She did. But I said she's a Pegasus so she should be able to fly. Well, I guess I'm sorry." Trixie hung her head down and left the hospital. Scootaloo recovered quickly, and so did Miss Cheerilee. All the fillies were glad not to have to of had to do that parkour coruse, and Miss Cheerilee promised them they would never have to do something like that ever in there years of learning.