Losing a Sister

by Anstca

Chapter 1

Looking back on the events of the past few months, I should have been able to stop this. If I had realized what was happening I could have saved my … no, our sister, but I'm a fool.

Now I just hope I can buy enough time for you to be able to fix this. Either you can bring her back, or you have the nerve to do what I couldn't.

I should start from the beginning. Maybe something I know can help you, or perhaps if I get it out I'll find something you can use.

It all started back on the day of the Crystal Putrefaction Celebration. Hard to believe it's been five hundred years since Luna and I beat Sombra. Luna still couldn't celebrate it this year, she flew into a rage. While I will never forgive him for what he did to the Crystal Empire and the Crystal ponies, for Luna it's far more personal. You're her best friend and you know she thinks of you as another sister. What he did to you and the ponies who stayed loyal to you is almost too much for her to bare, then to drag the empire out of time.

And little Mi Amore ... Luna loved her like she was her own.

If she ever gets a chance, I know she'll kill him - though I hope he stays lost forever.

Is that what is to blame for this? Is it what planted the seed?

Things calmed down after that; I thought it may have just been bad memories coming back. How I wish that's all it was, then you and I could have helped her. Things did calm down until about a month later. It was a particularly slow day at court and I decided to take an early lunch. I had just started to eat, when I heard a scream that seemed to shake the castle.

"Luna!" I shouted as I took off in a dead sprint to her room. When I arrived there were already guards trying to open the door.

"What happened?!" I shouted.

"We don't know, princess," one of the guards answered. "Everything was fine then she just started screaming and we can't get the door open."

"Luna?" I asked as I knocked on the door. "It's Celestia, whats wrong?"

"No no, it's not true!" Luna shouted at someone. "You're lying to me! Do you really think I'm foolish enough to believe you!?"

"Lying? Luna, what are you talking about? Of course it's me. Just open the door so we can talk."

I lit my horn to unlock the door. Ss soon as I did, a great wall of ice formed around the door,

"You ... you stay away from them! Both of them! If you do anything to either one of them, I swear what I do to you will make whatever hell you crawled out of look like a paradise!"

"Luna, who are you talking to!? Let me In we can fight them together!" I shouted as I pounded on the ice. Then I heard what sounded like a storm of swords from inside Luna's room.

"Get back!" I shouted to the guards as I lit my horn and called upon the power of the sun to melt the ice, the door, and anything else that stood in my way.

When the ice had cleared, I rushed inside and it looked like I had walked onto a battlefield. There were swords, lances, axes, arrows and all manner of weapons you can think of that Luna could make covered the walls floor and ceiling. It looked like she had fought a small war in her bedroom. She stood not far from the door as if she were guarding it. She was panting and her eyes were darting around the room as if looking for a foe that might still be there.

"Luna?" I asked, not sure what to make of the battleground before me.

"Tia?" she asked me ,using a nickname she hadn't uses in years and sounding on the verge of tears. "Did … did I get her? Please tell me I got her," she implored sorrowfully. She now sounded more panicked. "If not, I'll hunt her down, I won't let her do it,” she said as she moved to walk out the door.

I moved to back her. "Luna, who are you talking about? What happened here?"

"I don't know who she was, but I feel like I should know her. She first tried to tell me the ponies don't love me and never will, that at best they will fear me and my night. I know that to be a lie, since they love me as much as they love you, and even if they did one day stop loving me I would still love them and protect them all the same. Then she told me she was going to kill you and Chrissy. I can't let that happen, I love you two more than anything in this world or any other. I won't let it happen, she'll have to kill me first."

I couldn't take anymore of that and pulled her into a tight hug and wrapped my wings around her.

"Luna ,whatever it is, we'll fight it together like we have everything else," I try to reassure her. If this thing, whatever it is, wants to threaten Chrysalis too, you know she'll help us. You go to my room and try to get some rest. I'll send Chrysalis a letter."  Luna did not want to go, it was plain to see.  But she did need the rest and she knew it.

"You'll send her a letter, right? Telling her what happened, and warn her that something may be trying to kill her?"

"Yes, Luna, I will I'll send it right now."

If I had sent you the letter, could you have helped her? Could seeing your face and hearing your voice have set her mind at ease? All I can do is ask that you forgive me for not telling you sooner.

After that, she just got worse.  She became convinced that she was the only thing that could save us, that this thing was going to kill me and then kill you. She hardly ate, she never slept.  She just waited for whatever it was to show up.

Being as stupid as I am, I thought I could save her. I believed that it would all work out because she was my sister. But now I have to accept the truth - that my sister is dead. And if I fail, you are the only thing that stands between Melinoe and the ones we have sworn to protect.

I can hear her now, saying "This will be the last day Equestria will ever see."

She may be right. But if she is, it will be a day that is never forgotten - I'll make sure of that.