Eye to [wonky] Eye

by RandomDerp

Date Night

A week had passed since I had asked Derpy out on a date. Ever since, I found myself walking with head held high, and a new found sense of confidence, which up until this point, I was unaware I even possessed. The confidence even carried through into my first few days of work. Sure, it wasn't glamorous with the beige uniform and whatnot, but it was a start!

The first day mainly consisted on me following Postie around, getting to know where packages are sorted and where I will collect my deliveries for my runs up North. It was all fairly straight forward, and I picked up up fairly quickly. I was shown a map which contained my route, stops, and where I could take shelter if the weather became too extreme for me to fly in. Apparently they had lost a couple of mail ponies on these runs, so the safety waivers never seemed to end. Still confident in my abilities though. Piece of cake for a trained Cloudsdalian right?

I was mentally exhausted after all the presentations and initiation meetings, and getting back to my cosy apartment was a blessing. My runs would begin next week once training was completed to a satisfactory level, but until then I was kept safe in Ponyville with just mounds of paperwork and sorting.

With a huff, I collapsed into the sweet embrace of my sofa.

"Oh, I missed you sofa." I groaned, stretching my form all across the comfort of its cushions. I was becoming more settled in my apartment now, it definitely had a much more 'lived in' feel to it. The cupboards were finally full of food, all my possessions were organised and put away. Felt like home.

I have been trying to get out more, meet new ponies and new friends. While my attempts have been mostly half-hearted, I have had some moderate success, at least for somepony as introverted as myself. While out shopping, I was introduced to a fun pony called Carrot Top, her enthusiasm was contagious, and I was quite taken in with her confident mannerisms. I was also blessed with the honour of meeting Princess Twilight Sparkle. Of course I was present for her coronation, but I never thought I would have a conversation with her.

However, my main focus thus far while shopping, has been date night clothes. I mean sure, I had some old rags from back in Cloudsdale, however none of them seemed fitting for the occasion... or fit me anymore. I scoured the streets for something smart, yet not too much, although I don't know how dressed up she will be...

Oh horsefeathers, I'm falling apart just thinking about it. I just can't remember the last time I had gone on a date, I might be a little rusty. What if she doesn't like me after? What if I make a fool of myself? My chest began to feel heavy with the thought of overdoing it... or underdoing it.

I fell from the sofa, pulling myself to my hooves and rummaging through my saddlebags. Twilight had been kind enough to give me the address of a skilled seamstress in town, what was her name again...

Eventually I found what I was looking for. A crumpled piece of parchment. Rarity! That was her name! I made a note to go see her in the morning, but for now, my bed is calling me.

My alarm clock sprang to life at the usual time of eight AM, and was greeted with my usual enthusiasm of punching it from its perch in my haste to silence it's screams. It always mocked me, especially this early. It knew I wasn't one for getting up on time, but each morning it took pleasure in rousing me from my comfortable slumber. With a sigh I lay on my back, staring into the ceiling in hopes of getting five more minutes, but I couldn't will my brain back to sleep.

With the enthusiasm of a depressed slug, I dragged my heavy frame from the bed and proceeded with my morning routine.
Mane? check. Teeth? check. Coffee? check. Breakfast? check. Now feeling refreshed, I could start my day.

As I trotted from my apartment into the morning sun I could tell it would be a beautiful day. Barely a cloud in the sky, and the birds were singing. I took a deep breath of the morning air, which was crisp and moist from the dew present. A smile crossed my lips, and I set off into town. My big date was tomorrow evening, so I had high hopes for getting the perfect outfit. I hope Miss Rarity is as good as Twilight said she is.

"Carousel Boutique" it said on the parchment. I glanced up at the shop I was stood in front of. Name matched. From the window it seemed like she mainly specialised in female garb, however this was really my only remaining hope.

A bell chimed as I opened the door and stepped through into the main floor of the premises.

"Good morning! Welcome to Carousel Boutique, my name is Rarity, how may I help you?" I was confronted with a unicorn, with a measuring tape wrapped around her shoulders. Red stylish glasses adorned her face, and her mane was a stunning purple. Everything about her screamed fashion.

"Hello, my name is Storm Chaser, new in town, and I was wondering if you could possibly help me with an outfit?" I placed my saddlebags on the ground, trotting to the counter to properly speak to the mare.

"I certainly can darling, now what are you looking for? Maybe a dapper outfit fit for mingling with high society? Oh, or maybe something a little more 'trend setting'?" Her eyes lit up, horn glowing to rest the glasses atop her horn.

"Well actually, I have a date tomorrow night so I need something smart, but still fairly casual if you have any ideas?" I smiled as she dipped behind the counter and retrieving a few large booklets of fabrics, and different stitch options.

"Well," She started, flicking through the booklets, "In men's fashion, silk and cotton are VERY in right now, however plaid and flannel is on the rise due to the comfort, and it looks great as a shirt." I glanced over the fabric choices laid before me. I had never had this experience before. Usually when I'm clothed shopping I just grab something from the rack and that will do.

"I like the flannel. Do you think it's smart enough for a first date?" I questioned, hoping for an honest response. She squinted at the material for a few moments, debating in her head.

"Hmmm, I wouldn't say so, however if you go for plaid in a soft thin fabric it will look smart, and resemble the flannel look." Her horn lit up once more, and some parchment and a pencil began hastily scribbling on the desk in front of her.

"This is what it will look like when I am finished," The parchment flew over, and landed in front of you. It was perfect. Nothing too over the top, but still not understated in any way. The main colour of the shirt was red, highlighted with blue and yellow crosspatterns.

"Perfect, that looks amazing!" I stammered looking over her sketch once more.

"Excellent, well I'll just need to take a few measurements, then I can begin work. If you could step over here please." She gestured to a small raised platform in the centre of the room surrounded by mirrors.

"So tell me darling, just who are you taking out tomorrow?" Rarity asked as she began wrapping the tape around me.

"Derpy, Derpy Hooves." I smiled at just the mention of her name.

"Oh, that's just fabulous! She is a lovely mare, and such amazing children too! So polite and well mannered." The tape was weaving around me, with Rarity scribbling notes in her pad.

"I just feel lucky honestly! She's out of my league for sure. She's so pretty, and nice..." I lose myself in thought for a moment. I don't know why I'm admitting this to her. I hardly know Rarity, but I feel she can be trusted for whatever reason.

"Well, it certainly sounds like you are rather enamoured with her," Her tape now retreated to around her neck once more, "That's you darling! I will have it ready for you tomorrow, and I wish you both the best of luck." She gave me an honest smile as I gathered my belongings.

"Thank you Rarity! See you tomorrow!" I waved, trotting off through the door. After exiting into the street, I stomped my hooves in excitement, letting out a squeak and confidently walking back towards town.

"Well darling, the big reveal!" Rarity dropped the curtain standing between myself and the mirrors and I could hardly believe it. I looked... great! The shirt was a perfect fit and the colours were even more than I could have ever hoped for. She had even styled my mane!

"It's.... incredible." I stammered, looking myself up and down.

"Yes, very dashing if I do say so!" Rarity clapped her hooves in approval, "Now I think you're ready for your big date! Good luck and have fun!" She sang as you departed towards Derpy's house.

As I flew towards my date, I could feel the butterflies rising in my chest. It was tonight. It was happening! Equal parts excitement and nerves were welling up inside of me and I felt fit to burst. The flight was refreshing, and I arrived at Derpy's door just before I said I would pick her up. With a quick check over myself, I knocked gently on the door. It was answered by a unicorn who I hadn't met before. Her coat was similar to Dinky's, and if she bore a striking resemblance too.

"Hi," I started nervously. Don't let this be the wrong house. "I'm here to pick up Derpy." From upstairs there were a couple of loud crashes followed by some commotion.

"Come in, she'll be ready soon." The unicorn glanced at the ceiling, before standing aside to allow me to enter. Dinky was playing in the sitting room, toys scattered around, and she smiled upon seeing me.

"Hi Mr Storm!" She said excitedly, waving a toy in the air.

"Hello Dinky!" I responded with a similar smile, and she went back to playing almost instantly.

"So you must be..." I trailed off slightly.

"Sparkler, the eldest child." The unicorn responded sharply, looking me up and down once more with bemusement in her eyes. Awkward silence hung in the air for a few moments. I looked around, trying to think of something to break the silence, however I was saved by Derpy making her way down the stairs.

"Hi Storm!" I turned to greet her, and as my eyes fell upon her, I was blown away. A grey dress adorned her figure, not showing off too much, but not unflattering to her figure. Her cutie mark stitched into the side in sequins, and a golden flower in her hair, placed delicately behind one ear to hold it in place.

"H..Hi Derpy, you look great!" The words spilled out my mouth with the grace of spilled porridge. She giggled, and turned to Sparkler.

"You sure you'll be okay tonight? You know who to go to if there's an emergency? Do you have food?..." The questions went on for a while, punctuated by yes's from Sparkler. Eventually they ended, and Derpy gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then blew one to Dinky.

"Bye! See you later!"

And with that, we departed on what was easily the best worst night of my life.