Rex Unicornis

by Magi Tail Welkin


Luna rubbed her cheek as she stepped out onto her tower balcony. She took a breath and raised the moon, and at the same time called the stars to appear. She remembered some of the old constellation from a thousand years ago. One always made her pause. She remembered being taught by Star Swirl about it, it represented some great hero of the ancient past, but now, after a thousand years, it resembled a teacup.

Shaking her head again she brushed it off with the thought ‘Things change.’ And she paused, they did, she didn’t quite know how this change happened, but still some areas of magic even Star Swirl said he didn’t understand.

She charged her horn and entered her Dream Realm. The smaller inner worlds of ponies’ dreams orbited around her. She glanced at some. A nightmare here and there, but when she touched them with her hoof, she felt them necessary.

Walking on she came to a small bubble. A grin appeared on her face. She didn’t release it, but she recognise the feeling from a long time ago, it slipped her mind she’d been feeling it every time she watched over this young colt.

He dreamed differently tonight. Instead of a swashbuckling high seas adventure, he, fantasised himself as older, taller and armoured, in a more flasher armour than the Royal Guard. Probably his idea of a Royal Knight’s armour, fought against, Chrysalis.

Luna frowned, ever since the Secret Invasion Chrysalis became something of a bogeyman to many a pony.

He pulled out his sword and flourished it. Grandly, like one born to be a king, or a prince. “You won’t get to her!” he barked “Princess Luna is under my protection!”

This made her smile. Throughout her observations she played a part in his dreams, oh nothing explicit, ‘Yet.’ She added to herself. But usually she played as the Captain of the ship, and he her First Mate, or a friendly rival Captain. Every time however he tried not to harm her, or have any harm put upon her.

Meanwhile Chrysalis loomed over the Royal Knight, and charged her horn.

Luna inhaled and entered. She charged her horn and fired. Chrysalis hit the wall. The Princess held her head high “And I can easily protect myself as well!”

The dreamer turned back and blinked “Princess?” He stepped forward and bowed “You’re really here, aren’t you?”, she blinked “It’s rare for one to tell that. And you yourself constantly dream of me.”, he blushed.

Chrysalis recovered.

Luna narrowed her eyes “Let’s finish this bug off together. Shall we Pip?” She charged her horn again.

Sir Pipsqueak saluted and took a ready stance.

Chrysalis pounced.

In unison, Luna and Pip leaped into action.