The Most Dangerous Game

by uberPhoenix

In the Kingdom of Uncharted Umbra

Across the Incipisphere, the BLACK QUEEN fondly regards her new form. Although the sight is hideous to behold, her appearance too reminiscent of that heretical amphibious horror, she has to admit the physiological change has brought with it certain advantages. Increased strength and a newfound visual perception that she lacked before are only some of the benefits she has been granted by this change. Scales replace carapace, and she couldn’t be happier.

She feels different. She doesn't even need a mirror to tell that she's changed, and for the better. And the knowledge that this is just the first boon of many makes her grin.

Unfortunately, all great things come with a price. The garbage must be collected and thrown away before it becomes a threat to her position. And what perfect timing, she muses as an agent approaches her with the good news. The HEGEMONIC BRUTE bows before her, announcing the capture of the dreaded witch. She orders him to bring in the prisoner so she can get a better look, and to bask in her kingdom's victory.

One down, seven to go, and then Prospit will fall. It always has, and it always will.

A couple of imps drag in the prisoner, and she frowns at the first sign of something wrong. She's not too familiar with the heroes and has never seen them awake, but their kind has always seemed a little weird to her. She's not confident she can tell them apart. But this one doesn't look exactly like the witch.

She takes a gamble and cops a feel. He doesn't take kindly to this, acting first in surprise and then in anger. Fortunately, the shackles hold fast, and the queen moves out of the way before he can kick her.

Yup. Not the witch at all.

Still, it's funny, watching him. He seems fierce, but coordinated. A competent fighter, perhaps. But even masters will tire eventually. She can only imagine how many imps it took to subdue him. But the losses will be well worth it, if she can use him to her advantage.

The tides have turned. This war will be won soon enough.
