//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: The Return of Harmony (EQG Style) // by Bookpony579 //------------------------------// Fluttershy walked through the park, looking around nervously. It appeared deserted, probably due to the fact that people were hiding from Discord's chaos. Even the animals were either hiding or scamping around jittery. The lack of people, combined with the storm clouds brewing, gave the area a very chilling atmosphere. It was obvious that Fluttershy was terrified, but she kept pushing forward. "Okay, I can do this." she muttered to herself for courage. With each instance, she did feel a little bit braver. "I can...." Suddenly something came into her field of vision. She screamed and hid in a nearby bush. When she looked back, she saw it was just a trio of pink butterflies. "Oh, wait a minute... Butterflies? Oh what a relief!" She walked back up to them, more relaxed now. "Fluttershy, looks like you've been left behind by your so-called friends, huh?" The butterflies said. On closer inspection, she noticed that they all had mismatched horns and a snaggletooth hanging out. Used to conversing with animals and figuring this was just due of Discords magic, she surprisingly remained calm and even smiled! "Oh no, we all agreed to split up because it's the fastest way we'll help Equestria." The butterflies paused, confused, before continuing." Well, it must be so upsetting to know how weak and helpless they think you are." They said, flying around her. Fluttershy simply continued to smile. "Not at all. I am weak and helpless and I appreciate their understanding." The butterflies were getting frustrated now. "Yes... Well, surely it burns you up... I mean, that they're always pointing out your flaws, right?" They said, starting to sound a little desperate. But Fluttershy merely shook her head. "Not really. In fact, I think I'm awfully lucky to have friends who want me to be the best I can be." She said proudly. Discord had had enough, and the butterflies disappeared as he took on his usual form, only this time with a furious face. "Oh, for goodness sake!" Then he just sighed and looked defeated. "Well, looks like I'm beaten." As small flash of light and the Element of Kindness was in his paw. "Go ahead. Just take it and end this misery." FLuttershy was confused but still took it. "Thank you very-"He then poked her on the top of her head, causing her eyes to go swirly and the color to drain from her. "You've been kind for far too long, my dear. Time to be cruel." He put his face up to hers. "Arrivederci!" He then vanished. Fluttershy blinked, still holding her Element and was about to leave when she noticed some squirrels peaking out at her cautiously. She scowled at them. "What are you looking at!?" She hissed and they scampered away, frightened. She than went on her way, deliberately knocking over a trash can along the way. Meanwhile.... At a local Burger Queen, three teenage girls were eating in silence, still thinking about their debacle yesterday. " Ah don't get it. I mean, yeah, we had our squabbles in the past, but NEVER that bad. NEVER to the point of ACTUAL physical violence against each other." Apple Bloom said, twirling a fry in her hand. "I know. It was like there was some unseen force amplifying our worst traits and twisting them into a real mess of chaos." Sweetie Belle theorized before sipping her soda. "You don't suppose that statue of Discord was the real thing, do you?" Scootaloo wondered after taking a bit from her burger. The three Crusaders wondered this for a minute before generating a collective: "NAAH!" Suddenly they heard a rumble and everyone in the restaurant looked at the soda machine. It shook around for a bit before growing mechanical eyes, arms and legs. It gave a loud roar before spraying soda everywhere. The Crusaders looked at each other, nodded, and the only thing they could think of "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Rainbow ran though the streets of downtown Canterlot, looking everywhere for a sign of her Element. It might not be as quick without her super speed, but she was still pretty fast. The streets were deserted, giving off a really creepy vibe. "Come on, come on..." She looked around. There had to be something that could lead her to the Elements! Suddenly she saw what appeared to be a miniature storm cloud just floating outside of an alleyway. "What the...?" Suddenly the cloud raced off down the alley! "Hey! Come back!" This could be her element! But when she reached the end of the alley she found Discord wearing sunglasses while reclining on a hammock that appeared to be made out of clouds! "Tell me my dear, have you ever tried resting on clouds with those wings of yours? You should. Very plush." He padded the clouds for emphasis. Rainbow wasn't buying his act for a minute and got ready to fight. "Get off there and put 'em up! Come on! Let's go!" She said, swinging punches. Discord just sat up. "Hey, I'm here to deliver a message." "I've got a message for you too!" Rainbow continued to punch the air until Discord took off his sunglasses. "Listen carefully: this is important." He said with a surprisingly serious tone. He then grinned and teleporting around her. "A weighty choice is yours to make: a right selection or a big mistake. If a wrong choice you choose to pursue, then your friends are doomed without you." He then snapped his claws, summoning the storm cloud from earlier which began to spin rapidly. A series of images appeared, each showing one of her friends in danger: Twilight hanging over a tank of hungry sharks, Applejack fighting monster plants, Fluttershy in a room of fire, Pinkie freezing to death and Rarity stuck in an out of control car heading for a cliff! "My friends....die...without me....NOOOOOO!" Rainbow was terrified as her eyes swirled. She had to rescue them! But how? They looked like they were miles apart! Suddenly a wrapped present appeared, floating next to her. "This box contains your magic and speed. You can take them and leave the game or continue to wander aimlessly for your Element. Your choice." With those words, Discord slid a single paw down the side of Rainbow's face, turning her grey. "I don't care about the game anymore. I HAVE TO SAVE MY FRIENDS!" Rainbow shouted as she opened the box. With her super-speed restored, Rainbow zipped off, completely missing her element dropping.