//------------------------------// // This is gonna be good // Story: From Ooo to Equestria // by B_Bubble132 //------------------------------// “Okay, time to try out that new spell” I said when I woke up that morning. “Okay, now where did I put the ingredients? Oh right, in the cupboard” I thought to myself. I opened the cupboard, only to see my pet fox, Kit, eating the last of the ingredients for the spell. “Ugh, Kit!! Why did yo-wait…how did you even get in here?!” I exclaimed. “Oh well” I sighed. “I guess I’ll just go get more of the ingredients from Finn and Marcy”. So, I set out for Finn’s house. “Hey Finn, can I ask you something?” I yelled up to Finn’s window when I got to the tree house. “Sure Sama. What do you need?” Finn said as he walked down the stairs to his door, and then opened it. “Well, Kit somehow got into my cupboards last night and ate the ingredients for that new spell I wanted to try out. You wouldn’t happen to have lavenders, vanilla extract, cocoa beans, and some lettuce?” “Actually, yeah, we do.” Finn paused, and thought 'I really don’t wanna leave her here alone. Ice King could try and nab her again!' so he thought “maybe Jake’ll do it” “Hey Jake?” Finn called upstairs. “Yeah?” Jake replied “Could you get Sama those lavenders, vanilla extract, cocoa beans, and lettuce?” “Sure dude” Jake then came downstairs with the ingredients. “Thanks guys” I said. “No prob Sama” Jake replied. Then I headed back to my house. “Now, where’s that spell book?” then I realized I was standing on it. “Woops” I said. Then I started mixing the ingredients in my cauldron. “Okay, so now all I have to do is drink one large glass of this, and then I can teleport anywhere I want for the next 2 hours.” Then I scooped up 1 large glass of the goop. “Well, over the lips and through the gums, look out stomach, here it comes.” Then I drank the liquid, and I blacked out. “Ugh, what happened?” I said when I woke up. I had a headache, so I rubbed my head with my right hoof. Wait a sec…hoof?!?! “Okay, having a fox tail before was weird enough, but now hooves?! I must have done the spell wrong.” I tried to stand up on two legs, but I flopped over. “What the heck?” I tried again, but failed. I then noticed why I couldn’t stand on 2 legs…I was a pony. And that I was in a room, but not mine. THIS one was pink and white all over, with confetti on the floor. I smelled baked goods wafting from downstairs. Specifically, chocolate cake and brownies. “Mmmm” then I heard someone coming upstairs. A pink pony and a blue pony came through the door. “Good, you’re awake! Now we can have a party!!” “Why, exactly?” “Because you woke up, silly!!” I was utterly confused. “Why would she throw a party because I woke up?” “Because we thought you weren’t gonna wake up” Apparently, I’d said that last part out loud. “I forgot to ask, who are you?” “I’m Pinkie Pie!” “And I am Michael J. Caboose.” I almost did a flip. “Michael J. Caboose? THE, Michael J. Caboose? Stationed in Blood Gulch, Blue Team?” “How did you know that?” “Um, I’m, um, j-just a r-really big f-fan.” I stammered. My heart was beating so fast; I thought it was gonna pop. I wasn’t scared, or angry…I was happy. You may not know this, but before the spell incident, I watched RvB on my computer, and have a crush on Caboose. I was thinking to myself, ‘don’t squee, don’t squee, don’t squee’ but I squee’d anyways. “What was that about?” Pinkie asked. I said “oh, nothing”. “Hey, you should meet our friends!” they said in unison. I said “o…kay?” and then Caboose grabbed hold of my hoof and started dragging me along, Pinkie behind me, when she noticed a small detail about me. “Heeeey…you don’t have your cutie mark! Just like that Tex lady that showed up here a week ago! Do you know her?” “I’ve heard of her. Didn’t she kick those three pegasi’s flanks?” I replied to Pinkie. “yeah, she did! She even plucked some of the-“ “Feathers off of one?” “How do you know all this? I’ve never seen you in Ponyville before…in fact, shouldn’t you be up in Cloudsdale?” “Why would I be up there?” “Because you’re a Pegasus, silly!” “I am?” I looked to my sides, and noticed that I had wings. “Oh, I am!” then she noticed something else about me. “You…you have a…a” “a what?” “A horn” “I do?” “ I tried to roll my eyes up to see, but I couldn’t. “Will you please get me a mirror?” I asked. “Sure!” she hadn’t left that spot, but a second or two later, she had a mirror in her muzzle “fer ya gah!” “Thanks” I looked at my forehead, and noticed the horn on it. “Huh…so I do have a horn” “Pinkie then said “then that makes you…an alicorn!!” “A what?” I said. “An alicorn! They’re a unicorn with wings! Or, a Pegasus with a horn, either works.” She explained “so you can fly AND do magic!” “Well, guess I’ll test out my wings first.” So I extended my wings and flapped. Then I flapped again. And again, and again, until I was a little bit above ground, about a foot. “I’m doing it!.. kinda. Well, I’m scared of heights anyways, so this oughta work.” Then I landed, but I landed hard. “ow” I said as I stood up. “are you okay?”, Caboose said. “yeah, I’m fine.” He helped me up, and I looked into his eyes. My knees went wobbly, my heart raced, and I sweated a little bit. “Hello? New alicorn? Hellooooo??” I snapped out of it, and I was normal again. “Huh, what?” I said, still in a bit of a daze. ”Blbbffft” I exclaimed as I shook my head. “ I’m good now. Well, time to try out my horn. I pushed all my thoughts to the back of my head, and focused my horn on a pebble. I felt pressure in my forehead, and pushed it to the tip of my horn. Pinkie said “your horn is glowing dark blue…and so are the pebbles!” “Pebbles? I’m only trying to lift one pebble” I opened my eyes, and saw that about 20 pebbles were floating in the air, including the one that I was focusing on first. Then I stopped focusing, and the pebbles dropped. “Ugh” I said, dropping to my knees. “ARE YOU OKAY?!” Caboose yelled, running over to me. “yeah, I’m fine. It’s just the first time that I’ve used magic through a horn.” “that is good. I am okay now too” ‘strange’ I thought. ‘when I was down, he was screaming, and he sounded scared. When I was fine again, he was fine again too. I wonder…’ “well, let’s go meet your friends” I said. Seconds later, there was a hot air balloon in the center of Ponyville. “let’s head to Dashie’s-“ “ and Tucker’s” “and Tucker’s, house in Cloudsdale!” “um, okay, but I’m staying in the balloon till we get there.” “okay” Pinkie said. So we all got into the balloon’s basket and headed for Cloudsdale.