//------------------------------// // A heated decision // Story: The 5 confessions // by silvercrystal432 //------------------------------// It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, a perfect time to be outside and enjoy the sun. But Twilight was in her castle reading a book, well, at least trying to read, she couldn't keep her mind off of those five mares that confessed their true feelings to her, and it was really getting to her. Twilight closed the book she was trying to read and placed it back on the shelf where she got it. "Ugh... why can't I keep my mind off of them" Twilight said walking to the door. Twilight opened the door with her magic before closing it as she walked out. Twilight was making her way down the hall of her castle and up the stairs to her bedroom. Twilight stopped just outside her bedroom and whispered to her self. "Maybe I will know what to do after a quick nap, I mean I have been up all night just thinking about them and I know I am gonna have to pick one of them to court me". Twilight used her magic to open the door to her bedroom and walked in closing it behind her before making her way to her bed. Twilight yawned and was happy to be able to get some rest before having to make a REALLY tough decision that not only will change her life but the mare she wants to be with, Twilight began thinking of the mares. 'Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Rainbow Dash or Spitfire, ugh, I can't decide'. Twilight knew it was gonna be a hard decision, choosing the mare she will spend her life with, Twilight just hoped that she will at least be able to be friends with the others still. Twilight walked over to her bed, laid down on it and put her head on her pillow and drifted off in to sleep. 3 HOURS LATER Twilight woke up and checked the time on her clock, '12pm'. Twilight got up out of bed and stretched her limbs letting out a cute yawn doing so. Twilight was about to leave when a scroll appeared in front her as hit the ground. Twilight took the scroll in her magic and looked at it. "This is the Canterlot seal, it might be important so I better read it". | Dear Twilight | I know this is a bit sudden, but it's been a week now and all of us are eager to know | who you will choose to court you. Please come to Canterlot when you get this letter. | | From | Princess Celestia Twilight rolled the letter up and placed it on her night stand before opening her bedroom door and walking out closing the door behind her. Twilight was making her way to the front doors of her castle when she began to think aloud about the letter. "All of us?... wait" Twilight froze in place as the sudden realization of what those three words meant before practically bursting through her front doors in a panic "Does this mean that their all there waiting for me to make the decision?!" Twilight paused a moment thinking about it then continued "That has to be it, there is no other way to take it!". Twilight flared her wings and burst off the ground in much haste heading towards Canterlot as fast as her wings would let her. Twilight was about maybe 10 minutes from Canterlot by now because of how fast she was flying, this gave Twilight some time to think about the letter that Princess Celestia sent her. 'Is it just me or are they a little to eager to know who I will choose'. As Twilight was thinking she didn't know she was already in Canterlot. Twilight landed in the middle of the street, she looked around seeing ponies going about their day, she stopped and looked at one particular unicorn, the dreaded Blueblood. Twilight could think of only one thing... that he was a total stuck up bitch, but she didn't have time to think of anything else because she had to get to the castle so Twilight began to walk to the castle where she will have to make a really tough choice that she was both scared and a little, just a little bit happy to make because she will be able to spend the rest of her life will the pony she loved. Twilight was almost at the castle now when she started to slow down and began to think out loud again but only she wasn't thinking about all five of the mares, no, she was thinking only about one, and that was Spitfire . "You know, Spitfire is the captain of the Wonderbolts, and I have known her for awhile now. When we first met I thought she was just another Rainbow Dash, brash, arrogant, demanding, and filled with way to much pride. But once I got to know her she was actually pretty kind, and well, cute. I realized that Spitfire is only the way she is to her team and all the recruits because she wants the best out of them. She does this because she cares about them, she gives them respect and they give her the same respect back to her and that's something that I like about her, tough but fair. When I am making my decision I will remember this". Twilight arrived at the castle and went inside, she made her way to the throne room door when she was met by two royal guard ponies, "I have business with the Princess, please let me in" Twilight said looking at the guards. The two guards looked at each other for a second then both nodded, they opened the doors in unison. Twilight walked in as the doors closed behind her, Twilight was then greeted by the five mares in front of her. "Greetings, my faithful Twilight" Celestia said with a warm, welcoming, and calm tone as always but a hint of glee was also present in her voice. 'I just want to sweep Twilight off of her hooves and kiss her all over'. "Greetings, we welcome you Twilight" Luna said with a cheery attitude. 'I want to walk over there and plant a long kiss on those lips'. "Hello Twily, its always great to see you" Cadance said in her ever cheerful tone. 'Oh Twilight, I want you so badly'. "sup Twi, hows it been" Rainbow said looking as confidant as ever. 'I want to hold you and never let go, Twi'. "Hey hon, hope your getting out and using those wings" Spitfire said in her scratchy voice. 'I cant wait to preen those feathers of yours Twilight'. "Hello everypony its nice to see you too" Twilight walked forward and stopped making sure there was enough room for all of them. Twilight was nervous, well, nervous was an understatement, more like mentally panicking. Twilight took a deep breath trying her best to calm her self down and when she calmed down enough she spoke. "You all want to know who I have chosen to court me" Twilight looked at all them a few times before continuing "The one I have chosen is...."