//------------------------------// // 4. An unexpected reaction from an unexpected new friend // Story: From somewhere, anywhere but here. // by Majorminor //------------------------------// “He’s a keeper. Definitely. I mean, he knows Magic and he’s a Pegasus, he’s an awesome pony-like alien race called a daemon! And he is nearly immortal to aging aspects and can open portals to ‘the abyss’! He even has that dark, mysterious persona about him! I would say bang him right now, but I don’t have my camera...” Rainbow seemingly thought-aloud, until I realised who she was talking to. Scootaloo looked up at her sister/mentor horrified at what she’d just heard, and the images scars she had just had deeply etched in her brain. She shrank back in embarrassment as she realised that I had realised what was going on and had been looking at her while smirking with one eyebrow raised. ‘Boy was this interesting!’ “Rainbow! Stop!” she almost squealed. But was ignored by her horny perverted idol. “Shut-it Rainbow!” “Please just stop embarrassing me!” “I’ll beat you to a pulp you feather-brained sex-addict!” “CRAM-IT YOU CHROMATIC PEA-BRAIN!” Finally, she paused to see Scootaloo fuming and red in the face, both from blushing and anger. “What?” “I want to kill you right now.” “Oh. Wellllllllll, okay then... anyway...” she backed away from the eerily motionless Scooatloo, then looking at me as if I would help her in this awkward situation. I laughed sinisterly inside. “What an amazing friend you have, Scootaloo!” I teased. Makes me sad that I couldn’t meet her sooner, extremely charming, great with words... wouldn’t you agree?!” She puked a little inside. “Well, i’ll leave you to get back to your ‘special dream’ then Rainbow Dash. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” And with that, I left to go back to the clubhouse. Scootaloo following suit short after. Rainbow, all the while, sat bewildered at my apparent mind reading abilities. “Wait... how did you know about that...” she comprehended slowly. “There’s many things that you don’t know about me, but I’ll be more than willing to teach you a thing or two... Of course, only for a couple lessons of flying from the fastest mare in Equestria!” I joked. I was sure that if I tried, I might not beat her in determination, but I’m sure I could easily keep up with her in speed and skill. If I were to relate her and myself to potential, she’d infinitely break her own limits, however, I never started with limits in the first place. That’s what makes her skill so formidable. Even to me. “Auf Wiedersein!” I laughed at her puzzled look and took of once more. “I guess I should explain?” I asked knowingly to Scootaloo. “Yes, please do.” “I can’t read minds, as such. However I can enter people’s dreams, and yes, I could purposely alter them.” “You mean ‘ponies’s dreams, right?” She scrunched up her face at the unfamiliar term. “Oh, I forgot. Sorry, before coming here, I was visiting Earth.” I explained. “Oh. Well, before you describe to me in full detail, this ‘Earth’, I just want to ask one question.” She looked expectantly at me, hoping for conformation to proceed. I nodded. “Could you, talk to my sub-conscious in my sleep? So, like, I knew you were there and we could, like, talk and stuff?” She inquired. I must admit, I was not expecting such and intelligible question from her... “I actually don’t know... Why? Would you like me to try tonight?” She eagerly exclaimed “Of course! That would be awesome! If it works, that’s what i want our next lesson to be!” She giggled. “You have no idea how much fun this would be with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle! Just appearing in their dreams and telling them that this is conversation is real and that I could change their dreams! That’s like a superpower ability! Sooo cooool!” She squealed. ‘Another lesson?’ Without thinking, my mouth answered before my brain could counter, “Only if you use it wisely and for good.” I smiled. As we finally reached the treehouse, we noticed that all lights were off, meaning that either AB and SB had left, or were sleeping. I knew which, so I gently tiptoed up the slope and through the door. Deciding I’d mess with their dreams another night. Tonight would be about testing if it was even possible. ”Night Scootaloo. See you in a minute or two hopefully.” I sighed as she slowly fell limp and her breathing evened from eratic excitement of this test, to the slow, calm, steady inhale and exhale of a peaceful dream. I turned back to face towards the ceiling, and closed my eyes gently. And the next thing I knew, I was forming myself in the dreamscape, and turning the knob to Scootaloo’s dreams. As soon I entered, I called out in anticipation. Waiting for her sub-conscious to react to me. Then, off to my left, a deep sea began to materialise, as well as a small inflatable raft, big enough for two, and a just as stunning Scootaloo as my eyes remembered. She called over, glad to see it worked. “Hey, hows it goin’?” She smiled, before raising the sun higher and summoning sunglasses that accentuated her features further. She then patted he side to the spacious room on her raft, inviting me to her enticing side. I thought to split the raft, or whizz up another, but then saw the look in face, and realised that it’s not everyday that this opportunity would come. So I took it. Quickly opening a portal at my feet (hooves) and slowly appearing in front of her with two pina coladas. “Smooth.” She complimented my actions, taking a drink and wishin up a floating table and umbrella, as well as some extra ice in a bucket. “So what do you want to do?” She turned to lol at me slowly and calmly. In return, the corners of my lips began to concave upwards, as I replied relaxingly, “I dunno. It’s your dream full of infinite possibilities” Spending no time to waste, “I want you to conjure up ‘Earth’ so we can explore it together!” “Sure.” I smiled in return as she gawked at the size of it. I also decided to make a Equus next to Earth, just to compare their size difference. It was big.