Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 18: Pranking Too Far

On spooky night, in the forest that is covered in fog, Fluttershy, Tiger Lily who is strolling Snowdrop, and some of the animals are walking back home. Earlier today, they had a picnic, but lost track of time so they had to walk in the night to get him. Luckily Tiger Lily has her horn lit up so they can see better.

I'm so sorry I lost track of time at our picnic. I didn't mean for us to get caught out here after dark. But there's really nothing to be afraid of," Fluttershy says.

"I agree. The forest at night is the same as the forest during the day," Tiger Lily agrees with a calm smile.

Just then, the wind begins to blow a bit, stopping them in their tracks. The first looks kinda creepy and spooky at night. Fluttershy starts to get a bit weary being in the forest at night.

"Only... darker," Fluttershy stutters, feeling scared of this place. Then tries to show a smile on her face.

The animals are starting to get scared of being here. Tiger Lily make sure Snowdrop stay close to her. Harry then get under Fluttershy and is shaking like a leaf.

Scared, Fluttershy says, "Still, maybe we should hurry back to the cottage."

"I agree. It's almost Snowdrops bedtime," Tiger Lily says, seeing that her baby is feeling tired and lets out a yawn.

Just then, they hear something from the trees, and something flies past it. This starts to make them more scared.

Tiger Lily hold Snowdrop with a gulp, and asks, "What was that?"

Fluttershy gets off of Harry and look to see that nothing is there. The animals are getting very worried and thing something maybe out here with them.

Fluttershy tries to be calm as she nervously says, "Nothing to worry about. No reason to…"

But Fluttershy is caught off, when something swupts right behind them. They then turn around at the sound of a eerie voice. They are stunned to see that some kind of creature is in the woods. Then it opens its eyes to reveal a magenta colored eyes.

Fluttershy screams at the top of their lungs, "Ruuuun!"

The grup then runs away as they hooves and paws can take them. Tiger Lily carries Snowdrop in fear. Just then, they are confronted by the same creature. The girls shivers and are paralyzed in fear. When that thing roars, the two mares screams in fear and jumps into Harry the bear's arms. The other animals thatcher around the bear's feet. Snowdrop doesn't seem to be scared at all.

Coming out of the shadows and laughing is none other than Rainbow Dash. The two mares in the bear's arms look to see their friend covered in clouds and wood. What making them unhappy is to see Rainbow laughing at them.

Rainbow shakes the stuff, and announces, "Gotcha!"

Then starts laughing as she floats back on the ground. Fluttershy and Tiger Lily are not happy about it.

Fluttershy takes deep breath as she upsetly says, "That wasn't funny! You really scared us!"

"You scared the cutie marks out of us!" Tiger Lily adds not very pleased.

"We hope you're happy," Fluttershy sternly adds.

Harry the Bear shakes her head with a stern look, and is not pleased with the prank eather.

Rainbow gets up, and says, "Nope. You're too easy. You're scared of everything."

"That's not true," Fluttershy protests.

Then Rainbow calmly says with a smile on her face, "Boo."

Fluttershy yelps and hangs on to the nearest tree branch.

Then Tiger Lily narrows her eyes, and says, "That is so not nice of you, Rainbow Dash."

The next day, Fluttershy calls the others including Rainbow Dash over for a important matter. The matter is that Rainbow's prank scared Fluttershy and Tiger Lily, and they both don't like it at all.

"I mean, how could you not appreciate that?" Rainbow asks, doesn't sees to think about her friends feelings.

"Because we don't think being scared is very fun!" Fluttershy sternly answers, and is still not pleased because of Rainbow's prank.

"It's mean," Tiger Lily adds with a stern look.

Pinkie jumps in with her happy smile, and says, "I do!"

"Your heart gets all racy…" Pinkie says, as a heart is pumping out of Pinkie's chest.

"Your hooves get all tingly…" Pinkie adds, shaking her front hooves.

"Your mouth gets all dry-ie!" Pinkie replies, making her lips dry like an old mare's

She then changes it back to her normal look, and replis."Actually, I don't like that part.

"But the rest is great!" Pinkie happily says.

"See? Everypony likes a good prank! They're just jokes!" Rainbow says, and not phased by what the meeting is about.

However, Rarity explains with a stern look, "Now, Rainbow Dash, I don't think Fluttershy and Tiger Lily would have called us all here to talk about this if they thought it was funny. Everypony has things they like and things they don't."

"And scarin' Fluttershy is just lazy," Applejack adds with a stern look.

Rainbow scoffs it and questionably replies, "Lazy?!"

"And scaring Tiger Lily is just mean. You're lucky Snowdrop didn't get scared," Starlight adds, glaring at Rainbow.

Rainbow rolls her eyes in response, and says, "I thought baby don't even know fea at the time."

"You know what I mean," Starlight bluntly replies.

"A prank isn't very good if you're the only pony laughing," Twilight calmly explains.

Then Pinkie hops over, and happily asks, "But what if it's really, really, really, really, really funny?"

"And I can do funny," Rainbow says, feeling proud of her pranks and relaxes on her throne.

"I know you can. I guess the trick is making sure that your idea of funny matches the pony you're pranking," Twilight calmly explains as she walks back to her throne.

Rainbow then stars to snicker as Twilight is about to take a seat,

"That way…" But before Twilight can finish as she takes her seat.

A loud farting sound surrounds all over the room. At the same time, Twilight feels like she is sitting on something. Rainbow tries her best not to laugh as tears are showing on in her eyes. Twilight lifts whatever she's sitting on to reveal a whoopee cushion. Everyone else excluding Pinkie is looking at with with straight looks.

The next thing everypony knows it, Rainbow and Pinkie starts laughing like crazy because of the prank

Still laughing Pinkie says, "Ha! ha! You have to admit! That was funny!

Twilight narrow her eyes, and firmly answers, "Not really."

Then throws the cushion away.

"Yeah. A whoopee cushion is like a joke shortcut," Applejack remarks.

"What?!" Rainbow and Pinkie shockley exclaims.

Then Rarity puts her hoof on the table and scolds, "Honestly, Rainbow Dash, if you are not willing to put forth the effort required to pull a prank that everypony can enjoy, you may as well not pull one at all."

Rainbow and Pinkie look at each other, and are not sure what Rarity means.

Then Rainbow sternly says, "Fine! If you ponies want effort, then that's just what you'll get."

With that, Rainbow flies out the window and leaving the friends behind.

Worried, Tiger Lily says, "I'm not sure she understood what we meant."

For the last few days Rainbow has been pulling one prank after another, and all of them are not very nice or funny to everypony else. She replaced Rarity's sewing machine with a cake replica. She moved Applejack's bed with her in it to the pig pen. Replace Cranky Doodle wig with a skunk, and it sprays at him. Make Spike belch a lot of scrolls to the princess, and Princess Celestia has a throne room full of them. She put a boulder on Big Mac's cart and ends up being dragged down the hill. Make Carrot Cake bite a brick in his burger. And draws Ms. Cheerilee in a funny way disrupting her class. Rainbow has done so many pranks, and nopony thinks it's funny at all.

Days later, Tiger Lily is helping Pinkie to decorate some cupcakes with frosting and sprinkles. After sprinkling one of the boxes, Pinkie is about to take one of them to another desk when she is confronted by the girls and many ponies of Ponyville.

"Pinkie! We need your help," Twilight asks, looking a bit upset.

"Okay! For what?" Pinkie asks.

"Are you honestly going to stand there and tell us you know nothing about all the pranking Rainbow Dash has been doing?" Rarity asks, sounding upset.

"Oh, no! She's been pranking up a storm!" Pinkie loudly answers with a smile.

Fluttershy worriedly asks, "Did she get you, too?"

Pinkie laughs and answers, "Oh, yeah! She and Gummy both!"

"How they do that?" Tiger Lily asks.

Pinkie flashes back to when the pranks happen. Pinkie opens up her closet to see Rainbow and Gummy hanging upside down on the rod.

Rainbow spreads her wings as she calmly says, "Boo!"

Pinkie Pie screams, "Aaah!"

Then starts giggling and is amused by the pranks.

Then flashes back to the present day at Sugarcube corner.

"They got me good," Pinkie adds.

But Applejack sternly says,, Well, she needs to stop.

"Stop? But pranks are so much fun!" Pinkie replies with a smile.

"Not for everypony. And it doesn't seem like Dash is taking the time to find out who enjoys them and who doesn't," Twilight explains the reason why Rainbow needs to stop.

Everypony else nods their heads, and agree that this pranking business is going too far.

Rarity walks over to Pinkie and calmly says, "Uh, since you and Dash share such an, uh, affinity for pranking, we thought you might be able to get her to, um, uh…"

"Quit it!" Rarity sternly adds.

Pinkie looks back to see that everypony want Rainbow to stop all these pranks. And can see that nopony enjoys Rainbow's pranks at all.

Tiger Lily walks over to Pinkie and suggests, "Maybe it will be a good idea to tell her to stop with these pranks."

Pinkie sighs sadly, and says, "I guess you're right. But it's not going to be easy telling her though.."

Pinkie walks over to Rainbow's cloud house to tell her about the pranking problem. Tiger Lily decides to come for support.

Pinkie calls out, "Hey, Rainbow Dash! I have something very important to tell you!"

Rainbow looks out the window as she says, "Pinkie, hey! I actually have something totally important to tell you!"

She then flies down to ground floor to see Pinkie and Tiger Lily.

"Hey Tiger Lily!" Rainbow says.

"Hi Rainbow," Tiger Lily calmly replies.

Then Pinkie remember what Rainbow says, and happily replies, "You do? Ooh! You go first!"

Okay, you know how I've been pranking everypony?" Rainbow asks with a grin on her face.

"Yeah! It's been pretty funny!" Pinkie replies with a giggle.

Just then Pinkie becomes a bit skeptic and remember what she coms here for, and says, "I… I… I mean, actually, that's what I have to talk to you about."

"Here. Have a cookie," Rainbow says presenting a box to the two mares.

Ooh! Thanks! Pinkie happily cheers.

Rainbow throws the cookie and Pinkie teats it. She then passes the cookie to Tiger Lily, and catches it with her magic. She then begin eating hers.

"So, I got to thinking… why waste my time pranking everypony one at a time when I could prank everypony at once?" Rainbow explains.

"Mmm, wow! Everypony at once?! That sounds amazing!" Pinkie happily says eating the cookie.

Tiger Lily becomes concern and asks, "Wait! What do you mean by that?

"Easy! This is gonna be the best prank ever! I special ordered these joke cookies so the colors would match my mane," Rainbow says sounding excited.

"And?" The two other mares asks.

And I'm gonna switch them with the Filly Guide cookies. When Scootaloo and her friends sell them, everypony in town's gonna get a rainbow mouth courtesy of Rainbow Dash! Ha-ha! It's gonna be so awesome!" Rainbow explains her pranke, and sounds very excited about her prank that she starts laughing.

Tiger Lily and Pinkie are starting to become worried about this. Not only that, they're thinking Rainbow is going way to far with the prank.

Pinkie reluctantly says, "Uh, I don't know. I mean, it doesn't really seem all that funny."

"Yeah. that doesn't sound very funny," Tiger Lily agrees.

"What?!" Rainbow shockley replies.

"Maybe this is a good time to stop pranking for a while. The other ponies in town really…"

Rainbow shocks in protests, "Stop?! No way!"

"This prank is happening, Pinkie! And it's gonna be hilarious!" She then sternly says, pressing the box to Pinkie.

Then Rainbow begins to flyaway. Not satisfied with this, Tiger Lily uses her magic to bring Rainbow Dash here and has something to say.

Having Rainbow here, Tiger Lily gets into Rainbow face, and angrily say, "You're the only one who's going to think it's funny! Everypony else will not!"

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asks, who doesn't seem to listen.

"Nopony is liking your pranks at all and everypony wants you to stop! We promised the Crusaders along with Applejack and Rarity sell the cookies and you're going to use them to prank everyone. Everypony is going to be mad at you when they find out! How would you like it if somepony pull a prank on you and you didn't like it at all?!" Tiger Lily explains in rage.

Tiger Lily lets go of Rainbow and leaves to head back home leaving the two friends behind.

Rainbow doesn't care and says, "What does she knows about pranking?"

Then flies away, leaving Pinkie behind and stunned to see what has happened. Pinkie the simply eats another cookie from the box that Rainbow has gave to her.