//------------------------------// // Chapter 14 // Story: Another Story where a human enters Equestria // by insert uncreative name //------------------------------// “No.” Responded Fluttershy. “But I’m feeling much better.” I argued. “I still want to wait a few days to make sure your alright.” Fluttershy countered. “Fine, I'll stay in town a few days, so you can make sure I'm alright.” I surrendered. “Thank you.” Chimed Fluttershy. Fluttershy had just gotten through telling me that I was not going back home to my house in the forest. A real bummer for me because there's absolutely nothing to do at Fluttershy's house. I spent the bulk of my morning board out of my wits. It was a little after lunch that Applejack came by for a visit. Knock knock knock “Oh hello Applejack. Come in.” Said Fluttershy. “Thank ya kindly. Well howdy Martian.” said Applejack. “Sup.” I responded halfheartedly. “Umm... Applejack may I ask you for a favor?” asked Fluttershy. “Well sure thing Fluttershy. What can I do ya for?” Asked Applejack. “Well,” Fluttershy began. “Martian got injured recently, and If you would. Could you keep an eye on him. He has been rather anxious to get out back home, but I think it would be best if he takes it easy for a while before he heads back to his house. I wouldn't need you to keep an eye on him for long. Just an hour or two while I shop for the animals I'm taking care of, so if it's not to much trouble I would be really appreciative if you could do that for me.” “Come on Fluttershy. I don't need a constant eye on me.” I whined “Well I don't mind at all.” Said Applejack. “Now you get along and take care of your shoppin' and I'll make sure Martian stays out of trouble. “Oh Thank you so much Applejack I really appreciate this!” Fluttershy said as she walked out of the door. “No problem.” Replied Applejack. Fluttershy suddenly came back though the door. “No really, I cant thank you enough. I really mean it!” she said. As soon as she did this, Angel got down from whatever hiding place he was in and waited at the door. As soon as Fluttershy left again Angel shut and locked the door. Just a few seconds later we heard Fluttershy attempting to open the door. “Oh umm... right I'll just... umm...shopping.” Said Fluttershy as she finally left. “Does she always do that?” I asked. Because it seemed that Angel had this down. Angel replied with a nod, and hopped off to wherever he goes when Fluttershy isn't home. Applejack turned to me and said. “So what was it like?” “A little spicy, but overall I would give it an eight out of ten. Nine if they could find a way to get past that fryer issue” I replied. “That's not what I meant.” Said Applejack. “I meant what was it like being dead?” “... Who is telling you this?” I asked in shock. “Sorry but I still can't tell you.” Applejack replied. “Alright, so can't as in your sworn to secrecy, or can't as in physically incapable of relying that information?” I asked. Applejack paused for a second to contemplate before responding. “I'd have to say both. Now come on I'm curious. What was it like?” “Well it was an experience I can tell you that.” I said. “The hole dying part wasn't fun at all, but once I got past that part it was great. The reapers where cool guys, and the after life looked amazing. Although all I got was the fifteen second preview. I would have just accepted my fate however my fate was something else entirely. As to what my fate is, I have no idea. Whatever it was, it was enough to provoke death to cheat on me. Ironic I know. While he did bring me back to life. The jerk didn't bother to fix my injuries, so I was walking around with a broken neck. Thankfully Fluttershy and Zecora managed to fix most of the damage. I'll walk with a limp from here on out, but otherwise Fluttershy is just being a worry wort.” “Now how was it you died?” Asked Applejack. “Well that's a funny story.” I said. “Anyway, There I was at the library when none other than Twilight showed up... wait a minute you where supposed to keep an eye on her and warn me if she left the party.” “I let here out of my sight for one second and she disappeared.” Replied Applejack. “Fair enough. Anyway, so my worst fear was realized, and Twilight believed that I was the living incarnation of pure evil.” I said. “So what did you do?” Asked Applejack. “Well I didn't want to disappoint that poor girl so I pretended to summon my dark minions. Poor Twilight was so scared.” I rambled “Moving on, after that minions where a no show I made my escape through the nearest open door. After several shenanigans that transpired after my escape Rainbow Dash and I where inner locked in an epic battle of destiny. While I was busy Fleeing in sheer terror she attempted to give me the knockout blow. Unfortunately she way overestimated how powerful I was. She killed me near instantly. When they let me see what was going on around my dead body she was devastated that she had just committed man slaughter.” “Ah wounder how she doing now.” Said Applejack *************************************** “At the market Fluttershy was about to get an unexpected visit from a close and dear friend.” Said a deep voiced narrator. Like that narrator stated while Fluttershy was in the middle of her shopping. It was then that... “It would be none other than Rainbow Dash.” Continued the narrator. “A pegasus that our dear Fluttershy had known since her younger days in flight camp.” Okay first your interrupting me. Second the audience doesn't need an introduction. They should already know who Rainbow Dash is, and her relationship with Fluttershy from the show. We don't need to go into back story if it's already been provided. Also I'm supposed to be the one narrating the story. Who hired you? Was it the Grand Reaper? I told him to keep his nose (or lack thereof) out of my business. Anyway Rainbow Dash and Twilight had split up, Twilight was going to warn the Mayor of the situation. While Rianbow Dash was going to keep an eye out for any signs of me. “Hey Fluttershy over here!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “Oh hi Rainbow Dash.” Replied Fluttershy. “Umm... Can I help you with anything?” “No. I mean yes. Just... can we talk.” Asked Rainbow Dash. “Sure, What's going on?” Replied Fluttershy. “Well um... could we go somewhere more private?” Replied Rainbow Dash. “Sure, but... not my house it's... messy.” Fluttershy said with a smile hoping Rainbow dash wouldn't dig any deaper. She didn't. “Yea that's fine. Let's go to my house instead.” “Alright just let me finish my shopping first.” Replied Fluttershy. “Okay, here let me help.” Responded Rainbow dash. With the two of them working together Fluttershy's was finished in no time at all. Rainbow Dash wasted no time in ushering Fluttershy to her house. Fluttershy wondered what had her friend in such a rush. “Rainbow what's all this about?” asked Fluttershy. “Sorry Shy, but I really need to talk to someone.” Replied Rainbow Dash. “About what?” Asked Fluttershy. “Well. Okay It all started a few nights ago. Please don't freakout at what I'm about to tell you.” Said Rainbow Dash “Well I'll try.” Responded Fluttershy nervously. “Alright.” Continued Rainbow Dash. “Twilight thinks that a living incarnation of pure evil is here in Ponyville. And just a few nights ago I came across it.” “Umm... what did you do?” asked Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash froze at the question, mustering the courage to get the words out. It took her a while before she gave any kind of response. “Fluttershy please don't hate me for what I'm about to say.” Fluttershy only sat and listened. “I... I killed him. Twilight somehow managed to save him, but I can't help but feel like I'm some sort of monster for what I did.” “Rainbow Dash your not...” Rainbow Dash didn't let Flutershy finish. “I can't believe I let myself go that far, so I was a little mad that he left me to fend for myself against Big Hoof.” “What?” Asked a confused Fluttershy. “That's no reason to kill anypony over.” Continued an emotionally breaking down Rainbow Dash. “Sure Twilight said it was the living incarnation or pure evil, But it didn't do anything do deserve that. I mean what if twilight couldn't save it.” Rainbow Dash Suddenly got look of panicked realization “Than I really would me a murder.” Tear's started forming in her eyes. “Rainbow Dash it's alright. You didn't mean for any of that to happen. Your not a bad pony. You just made a mistake.” Comforted Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash pulled Fluttershy into a hug and preceded to cry her eyes out. **************************************** Back at Fluttershy's home base of operations I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine and a smile crept on my face. “What's all that about?” asked Applejack. “I do believe that Fluttershy just got a taste of her own medicine.” I said “How's that?” She asked. “I don't know, but I suddenly felt that she's getting payed back for all the emotional comfort I've had to give her.” I replied. “What emotional comfort?” Asked Applejack. “Ever since the event's of a few nights ago, Fluttershy has been rather clingy.” I replied “She said it was something about not handling death very well.” “Yep she'll get like that. I remember this one time when her rabbit got caught in a nasty storm. She wouldn't let the poor bunny out of her sight for weeks.” Replied Applejack. “Anyway distractions aside let's get back to the task at hand.” I said. “I say it was General Bigbeard on the rooftop with an oversized bagel.” “Oh sorry Martian, not even close.” Said Applejack as she showed me undeniable evidence that the man, place, and prank where not who dun it. For the record 'Who Dun It' is an Equestrian board game smiler to clue. “Lord Swimming telephone in the bookshelves with an endless paint supply.” I looked through my notes to find any expedience to disprove her accusation, and found none. “Dang it, you win.” “Well two out of seven isn't bad.” Said Applejack. “True, that's better than I usually do.” I replied. “Fluttershy sure is taking her sweet time. I wounder what's keeping her?” “Don't know.” Said Applejack. “ Well it's probably nothing to worry about.” Me and Applejack didn't do much of anything for the rest of the afternoon. Fluttershy still hadn't come back yet. Later that evening me and Applejack spotted Zecora walking out of the Everfree forest. “Yo teach, What's up.” I called. “I'm going to see Sweetie Bell my dear. I'll make sure that her sickness will be nothing to fear.” Zecora replied. “Martian if you would please come along. This trip should not take to long. I wish for you to learn how to make medicine in the field. The knowledge is a powerful tool to wield. Treating Sweetie Belle may give you a fine chance to help your skills advance.” I turned to Applejack and pleaded. “Oh please can we go. Please, please please! I need to get out of this house. I'm board to tears here there's nothing to do, and Fluttershy won't let me go home until she's convinced I've made a full recovery.” “I don't know Martian. You would need Fluttershy's permission before you can do anything.” Said Applejack. “Well she's coming this way at an alarming rate.” I said. “Hmm... Well look at that.” Said Applejack as she noticed Fluttershy flying back. “Not often does that pegasus move that fast. Wonder what's going on?” We didn't have to wait long. In a matter of second's Fluttershy had arrived at her cottage. “Martian we don't have much time. Twilight should be coming to my house any minute you need to hide.” “Hold on there sugar cube. Now what's this all about?” Asked Applejack. Fluttershy took a deep breath and said. “I ran into Rainbow Dash at the market. She told me that her and Twilight where chasing an incarnation of pure evil. In other words you. Rainbow Dash said that Twilight was going to inform the mayor about the situation first. Then she was going to my house to make sure that I was safe.” “How do you know that Twilight is coming here specificity?” I asked. “Rainbow Dash said that Twilight was worried that you would attack me since I lived so close to the ever free forest.” Replied Fluttershy. “She probably going to try and convince me to stay with her in town until the crisis has blown over.” “There's a crisis at hand? Wow I've been busy.” I said in awe. “Anyway Zecora had offered me the chance to watch a practical demonstration of medicine making, and I really want to attend. Can I please hide with Zecora?” “Martian I don't think it's a good idea to go walking through town after Twilight's informed the mayor.” Replied Fluttershy. “Don't worry I've thought ahead, so you have nothing to dread.” Said Zecora. “I have a potion to change his form. With it we can avoid an oncoming storm.” “And I'll go with them to make sure nothing goes wrong.” Applejack added. “So can I please go?” I said with as much hope I could put in my voice. “Alright, just be careful.” Fkuttershy said. “Oh thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!” I said as I grabbed a cane Fluttershy had made for me to walk with and started down the road with Applejack and Zecora. When we where a little ways down the road Zecora gave me the potion she told Fluttershy about and told me to drink it. After I drank it I turned into a zebra. No that's not what I was expecting, but it's better than being attacked on sight. The biggest problem was the lack of hands. “I don't understand how you pony's can live like this. This body is so inconvenient.” “Martian would you quite complaining. It's not that bad.” Said Applejack. “How long until that wares off?” I asked Zecora. “The potion does not leave much time to waste, so we should make haste.” She Replied “And would you quit walking on two legs. Your a zebra, so act like it.” Added Applejack. The rest of the trip to Rarity's boutique was rather uneventful. However Applejack and Zecora had to help me walk since using my cane was out of the question until I transformed back. “Oh, Hello Applejack and Zecora who's your friend?” Asked Rarity. “Hi, It's me, the human you made shoes for a few nights ago.” I said. “I'm using a transformation potion right now, but it should where off soon.” “Oh, well I suppose I could see the necessity if such measures.” said Rarity “Might I ask why your back?” “You may.” I said. “Well after seeing that you sister was sick with an unknown illness I suggested to my mentor in potion making that she should take a look at her. I'm tagging along to see if I can learn anything.” “Well that explains why you here with Zecora. Are you and Applejack acquainted as well?” Asked Rarity. “Oh yes. I've known the Apple family for seven years now.” I said. “It'll be eight years next month.” added Applejack. “Really, I've been stuck in Equestria for eight years.” I said. “Yep.” replied Applejack. “Is there anyone else that knows you?” asked Rarity. “Well there's also Fluttershy and Benedictus, but I think you only know one of those two. I'm also enemies with Twilight Spackle and Rainbow Dash, but that's more of a one sided relationship. The feelings just aren’t mutual.” “Well that is a surprise to say the least.” Replied Rarity. “Anyway Zecora if you think you can do anything to help Sweetie Belle then don't let me get in your way.” “Then I shall get started right away, She'll be fine by the end of the day.” Said Zecora. Without further delay we all migrated to the room that Sweetie Belle was in. I had transformed back not to long after that. Let me tell you it felt good to be back in my own skin. I watched as Zecora made several observations on Sweetie belle's condition. Every now and again she would quiz me about something she observed, and other times she pointed out something that I hadn't noticed myself. After Zecora had finished making observations she said something that would change my life forever. “Martian I think you should put your skills to the test. What do you suggest.” Zecora Asked before I could protest. “Umm... We should. um. Mix this and... Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked. “Your skills are better then you believe they are. Since you've started you've come far.” Zecora said. “Making a cure is within your skill. I believe your studying you can now fulfill.” “If you say so.” I replied nervously. “But stop me if I'm about to do something stupid.” “I shall stop you before anything dumb gets done. Just believe your skills are nothing to shun.” Replied Zecora. After she said this I just did what I felt was right. Zecora wasn't stopping me, so either she's waiting for the last minute to tell me everything I'm doing wrong at once, or I'm actually doing something right for a change. Whatever it was I decided that I was going to give this my all. After I finished making a cure I had Zecora inspect it. She only made a few minor changes, and told my what propose they served. After she was done we woke up Sweetie Belle and had her drink the cure. After a suspenseful scene where we all got closer to Sweetie Belle every time she made the slightest action. Followed by a round of relived sighs all around when she weekly opened her eye's. Then the something life changing happened. The sound of magic was suddenly heard in the room. We all quietly looked for the source of the sound. After a few seconds of searching Applejack said. “Martian what that on your back?” “I don't recall having anything on my back. Wait a minute is a spider? GET IT OFF. SOMEBODY HELP, BEFORE IT EATS ME” Applejack stopped me mid-panic. “Calm down it's not a spider. Now let take a look.” Applejack got behind me moved my shirt out of the way to get a better look. “What do you see?” I asked. “A cutie mark.” Replied Applejack. “It's a potion with two snakes curling around it. Like that medical symbol.” “Oh it that all... GET IT OFF. SOMEBODY HELP, BEFORE IT EATS ME” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Calm down Martian it's just a cutie mark. It ain't gonna eat ya.” Said Applejack. “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. HUMANS DON'T GET CUTIE MARKS.” I said clearly not stopping my panic any time soon. And why should I? This is clearly a sign of the end of the would. That's it I've just ended the world. Where all gonna die. Starting with me. “Martian calm down it's not the end of the world” Applejack said Says you, I thought. “You should be proud to have a cutie mark.” Said Applejack. “Well I'm not.” I replied. “And why not?”Applejack asked. “One because It's not a cutie mark in transdimensional travel. Two pride comes before the fall. And the fall of the world is at hand. we're all going to die. “Martian if there is anything that a cutie mark is not, it's the end of the world.” Said Applejack. “What's going on?” Asked Sweetie Belle. “Oh Sweetie Belle don't worry about it. You just get some rest.” Rarity said ushering us out of the room. Well I just got a cutie mark and it's not even what I want, Twilight starting an army, and I haven't even had lunch yet. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Please remember to rate and most importantly Comment. I love comments.